Friendship Love ❤️

By Mrscaylenc

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A 19 year old girl named Alexandra moves from New York to California and meets her two new best friends named... More

Friendship Love
New Friends
The fair and the date
Wait what?!
Love is in the air!
Party Time
Hanging with the couples
Authors Note
The Big Date
Truth or Dare
Dont panic
The baby
Its time!
No Way!
Jc how could you?!
Its good to have him...
Carnivals and troubles
Big news
Him again...
Something wrong...
Names and Hits
So sweet of you
You will get threw it
Axel sees Brittney
The lads come over
New friend and spills
Guys bring gifts
Talking bout it
Fighting over nothing
You idiots!!
Breakfast with Caylen
Mall with the lads!
Meeting up for the plan
authors note!!
The day
The Wedding
Time Flys


68 4 0
By Mrscaylenc

❤️Summer's POV❤️

"Hello ms Rain and what is the reason for tour visit today?" She sayed smileing at me "i have been throwing up a lot and craveing many stuff" "ok ms lay down and well see if you are pregnant or not" when i layed down the dr rased my shirt and put the cold gel on my belly.

"Well ms Rain i can confirm that you are pregnant congrats" she sayed handing me the pictures if my baby "Thank you dr" i sayed walking out of the room into the waiting room were Alexa and Alex are.

"So?" Alex sayed with an eyebrow raised "I am pregnant" i sayed handing Alex the pictures "aww my little niece or nephew" she sayed a tear running down her eye.

"Are you going to tell Kian?" Alex sayed showing the pictures to Alexa "I dont know im scared what if he leaves me?" i sayed "Nah i dought it he loves you K" Alex sayed giving me a hug and getting in the car "Yea but if he does leave you me and Alex are here to help you" she sayed giving me another hug and getting in the car.

At the house

"Look go talk to him it will all be fine i promise" Alexa sayed getting of the car and entering the house as Alex did also and winked at me as if saying "it will be alright "Omg im scared should i?" I sayed to my self grabing courage to tell Kian.

"Hey babe" Kian sayed giving me a kiss on the cheek "Hey cqn i talk to you?" i sayed "Yea babe wanna go to the room?" " Yea" i sayed.

"Ok this is not easy to say but..." i sayed grabing the pictures of the baby for proof from my pocket behind "Yea?" he sayed grabing my free hand "I.. Im pregnant Kian and it is yours" i sayed handing him the pictures. He examined the pictures then put the pictures in the desk next to him got closer to me and lifted my shirt "so you have my baby in there?" he sayed rubbing my belly "Yes ... umm are you gonna leave me?" i asked a bit scared "No! why whould i I love you and this baby is a rwadon to show i love you" he sayed giving me a kiss "you mean everything to me babe dont ever dought it oh and if u get weird craveings dont be scared to tell me ill go get them for you at any time" "got it babe " i sayed giving him a hug.

" Hey guys we need to talk to you" Kian screamed taking my hand and walking me to the living room "yea?" Alexa Sam Jc and Alex say walking in "In this little family there will be an addition" Kian sayed "OMG ARE WE GETTING A PUPPY?" Jc sayed in a little girl voice while juanping up and down "No we will not get a puppy Jc!" Alex sayed grabing his hand and interwining there fingers "now go on" she sayed "Ok so me and Summer are haveing a baby!" He sayed rubbing my belly.

"Awe that is so cute i wanna have a baby Jc" "Woah hold on we havent even started" Jc sayed putting his arm around Alex "Hey love birds get a room!" Sam sayed "Mabey we will Sam!" Jc screamed at him pulling Alex behind him and into the room "Wait whats gonna happen" i ask "I dont think you want to know" Alexa sayed "Ok!" i say and walk into the kitchen looking for a water.

❤️Jc's POV❤️

"Wait hold up im not redy Jc" Aprx sayed with a worried look "Dont worry babe i wont force you lets just wait until your redy" i say giving her a slight smile "how bout we do something else?" I say "ok like?" she sayed "how about ... we get a tatto?" "That sounds nice lets go" she sayed.

I got my car keys and out we went to the tatto shop where my friend did his work of art. "hey Jc what brings you here?" he sayed " well me and my lovely girlfriend whant yo get a tatto" i say putting my arm around Alex "oh ok then lets go" he sayed

"Here are soem examples of couple tattos if ud like to see them" he syaed handing us a sheet if paper "Jc we need to get this one or this one!" Alex sayed pointing at an infinity sign that sayed "infinit love" and another one with the mickey and minnie outline but the minnie had a little red bow "i like the minnie and mickey one" i tell her "and if u want u can get another one" i tell her "omg yes ive always wanted the three birds in my wrist and the word saying "Freedom" " she sayed with a big smile i like to see her like this it makes me feel some type of way.

~a week after~

"Babe i want yogurt!" i hear Alex say while shes comeing out of the shower dressed in sweat pants a tight crop top to sleep and a high bun " Ok lets go princess!" i say getting tge car keys "Wait did i hear frozen yogurt?" Summer sayed comeing in to the room "yea lets go" Alex sayed running out of the room. "Guys Alex Summer and me are gonna go get frozen yogurt wanna come?" "Yea" i hear Sam Ricky Connor Kian Trevor and Alexa say.

Once we got there and waited for our order i saw my ex brittney comeing towards our tabel. "Hey Jc how have you been sweety?" she sayed putting a hand on my chest "Go away Brittney cant u see were waiting for our order" i say swatting her hand away "Aww come on babe dont you remember those fun times we had she sayed placeing her hand right next to my crotch. "Look bitch if u dont back away from my boyfriend at this moment your gonna be in trouble!" Alex sayed standing up and walking over to Brittney. "If you didnt notice im not talkingg to you ... ok so wanna go to my place?" she sayed looking at me "Im done you just got a ticket to the pain!" Alex sayed grabbing Brittney by the hair and dragging her outside.

Summer and Alexa ran outside i guess to seperate them.

Alex's POV~

I grabbed Brittney by the hair and pulled her outside. "Mira yo se como peliar y si me buscas me encuentras!" (look i know how to fight and if u try me youll find out) i say "umm what did u say?" she sayed but i launched at her and started to punch her. "Stop please!" she kept begging while i kept hitting her. I soon felt strong hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me away from her. "Lets go and Brittney dont ever look for me ok" Jc sayed with me over his shoulder "stop i havent finished with her!" i scream lightly hitting his back.

Once at home i took a shower and put on a sports bra and some spendex on then got in bed to check twitter. "Babe i havent seen u fight like that your good" jc sayed comeing in the toom with popcorn and arizona. "Thanx babe but hey she was getting to close to ur crotch i wasnt gonna let that chick touch wats mine" i say putting a hand over my mouth relising what i had just sayed. Yea i wanted to have sex with him but im afraid. "Huh?" Jc sayed putting the arizona and popcorn down "What?" i say pretending i didnt know what was going on and getting up to get a can of arizona. "Babe i know ur scared that if we have sex ull get pregnant and i will leave you but no im not if u do get pregnant i will be glad i got the girl i always wanted and a family with that girl" he sayed giving me a hug. "But if ur still not redy ill wait "No Jc im redy!" i say


What do you think will she sleep with Jc??

Find out next chapter





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