Before I Forget || Bakugo X f...

By WhiskeyWhisperer

267K 8.6K 9K

(This story has been discontinued) (y/n) (l/n) is a young girl who aspires to become a hero. She is beyond ha... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
🎃Halloween One-shots🎃
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Author's Note
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Author's Note

Chapter 1

10.6K 316 1K
By WhiskeyWhisperer

On the first day of school I was really nervous, but also excited. As I walked through the hall on my way to the classroom, I saw a familiar figure ahead of me.

"Broccoli boy!", I called as I ran to catch up to him.

"Huh?", he said as he turned around. "Oh, it's you. Thank you for helping me out the other day."

"You made it into the hero course", I said with a smile. "I thought you didn't have any points though. How'd that go?"

"Apparently they also give you rescue points", the boy explained. "I got 60 points for saving Uraraka-chan."

"That's awesome!", I exclaimed. "I'm (y/n) by the way. (y/n) (l/n)."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya", the boy said.

"Well, Midoriya...", I started. "Are you in class 1-A?"

"I am", he answered.

"Then it looks like we made it", I said as I gestured to the huge door on our left.

"Whoa", Midoriya whispered. "You can call me Izuku, by the way."

"Cool, you can call me (y/n)."

Midoriya took another step forwards and the door opened. Multiple students turned to us and walked up to the green-haired boy excitedly.

My antisocial self decided to slip past them, leaving Izuku Midoriya to fend for himself. That might sound selfish, but I hated attention.

I sat down in the back of the class, in the seat next to some kid with white and red hair. I studied all my classmates, inspecting them one by one. There was one kid who irritated me already. He was sitting with his feet on one of the desks. A tall guy with blue hair and glasses was already yelling at him while making wild hand gestures. I couldn't be bothered to pay attention, so I kept looking around. Eventually I was staring out the window.

I looked up when I noticed that the entire class had gone quiet. I looked to the front to see a man that seemed like he hadn't slept or showered in days. I scrunched up my nose.

Weird lookin' fella, don't you think?

I was even more surprised when he introduced himself as our homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. He told us to put on our gym clothes and get out on the training fields. I obeyed and soon everyone from class 1-A was gathered there.

I noticed some of my classmates pointing and whispering at me. I kind of wondered if I had something on my face, but other than that I couldn't be bothered care. When Aizawa said what we were going to do my eyes widened.

A quirk-assessment test? What the fuck?

Multiple students objected, and Aizawa explained that the teachers at U.A. were free to give their lessons as they pleased. I didn't really care what we'd be doing until Aizawa suddenly pointed at me.

"You", he said. "You're (l/n), right?"

I gulped and nodded. Everyone was looking at me and their whispers from earlier returned. Aizawa turned around and pointed at the irritating blonde kid.


The blonde nodded with a small grunt.

"You two had the highest scores on the entrance exam", Aizawa explained.

"WHAT?! We tied?!", Bakugo loudly asked, turning to me threateningly.

"(l/n) got 41 villain points and 36 rescue points, a total of 77 points", Aizawa elaborated. "You got 77 villain points and 0 rescue points."

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Bakugo didn't seem happy to hear that he didn't exclusively win.

"I always let the person with the highest score go first, so who'll start?", Aizawa asked in a bored tone.

I turned to Bakugo, who grinned at me. Little explosions came out of his hands.

"He can start", I whispered, hating the way everyone's eyes were on me.

"There's room for two, isn't there?", Bakugo said as he gestured to the second circle for the ball throw. "Let's make it a competition."


"I don't care what you do, as long as you do the test", Aizawa indifferently said. "Just hurry up. I want to go back to sleep soon."

I gulped and walked over to the circle I was supposed to be standing in. Bakugo walked into the other and grinned.

"As long as you stay in the circle, it doesn't matter what you do", Aizawa said. "You can use your quirks freely."

I took a deep breath and picked up the ball. Bakugo picked up the other and scowled at me. I closed my eyes as I gathered strength. I could feel that I had enough and focused on emitting it as strongly as possible.

The only reason I wanted to become a hero was vengeance. I know that sounds bad. Years ago, my older brother Toyoda was killed by a villain. Although he was randomly picked, he wasn't killed without reason. It was a villain who wanted to get to All Might, which was why I didn't like the no. 1 hero. All Might couldn't help it and I never particularly blamed him for it, but I couldn't help but to associate him with my brothers death. Back then, I swore I would get the villain who did it.

I opened my eyes and moved my arm back, getting ready to throw. I channeled all my hate for the villain into the throw, emitting my power's natural sand-like form out of my hand.

"Die!", I yelled as I threw the ball, using my quirk to keep pushing it through the sky.

The entire class fell silent. Bakugo had thrown his ball at the same time and yelled the same thing. I looked at him and blinked a couple of times. He looked at me with a puzzled expression for a second. Then he turned to Aizawa.

"Bakugo, 750.2 meters. (l/n), 732.5 meters."

"Ha!", Bakugo immediately yelled as he turned to me. "I knew it! You're not better than me!"

I just shrugged and walked out of the circle, back to the rest of the class.

"Hey, wait up!", Bakugo yelled. "Don't you walk away from me like that, you fucking brat! I beat you!"

"I don't care, Bakugo", I said as I turned to him. "I'm not here to be the best. I'm here to become better than I used to be."

Bakugo scowled at me for a few seconds before abruptly turning around.

"Whatever", he muttered under his breath.

A group of students, Midoriya among them, was talking to Aizawa. The students seemed happy until Aizawa said something. Then he raised his voice to talk to the entire class.

"Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion."

"Huh?", I let out.

Expulsion?! It's only the first day.

The other students voiced my thoughts, but Aizawa dismissed their objections. We were soon lead towards the 50 meter dash.

I grinned when it was my turn. I had to go at the same time as a boy who introduced himself as Kaminari.

Pikachu boy...

"We can use our quirks any way we want, right?", I asked no one in particular.

"Yes, as long as you stay on the track", Kaminari answered as he got ready to start.

"Well then", I grinned. "Good luck, Kaminari-kun."

"On your mark", the robot said. "Get set..."

I heard the start signal and I activated my quirk, teleporting to the other side of the track.

"0.23 seconds", the robot stated.

I grinned and waited for Kaminari to finish.

"6.69 seconds", the robot said.

"Well done", I smiled.

"You can teleport?", Kaminari asked with what seemed to be admiration. "Or are you just that fast?"

"Err", I stammered, blushing at his tone. "I can teleport."

My voice barely came above a whisper, but Kaminari didn't seem to notice.

"That's awesome!", he said.

"Thanks", I said with a small smile.

Then Midoriya came running towards me.

"(y/n)-chan!", he said. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks", I mumbled, getting uncomfortable due to all the attention.

I walked away from the other students, happy to get some peace. It didn't take long until we had to take the next test. Grip strength.

Shit. I can't do this one so easily. I'm not that strong.

"Unless...", I mumbled to myself as I looked at the thing I was supposed to grab.

I gathered some power and let it come out of my hand in a solid form. Then I grabbed the thingy and pushed down on it with the energy. After about a second I released and looked at my score. I let out a small sigh. It was above average, all thanks to my quirk, but it wasn't that much.

After that, we made our way to the standing long jump. Teleporting wasn't really an option because you had to actually jump, but I used the other part of my quirk to boost myself from the ground. It gave me a better score than usual, but it didn't stand out. I was actually happy about that, because I didn't want all that attention again.

At the ball throw test Uraraka got an infinity score, which really impressed me. Also Aizawa revealed who he was.

"Woah", I whispered to myself as I stared at the underground hero. "Eraser Head."

Most of the students had no idea who he was, but I'd done my research. I knew nearly every single hero out there. By name, that is.

Our homeroom teacher used his quirk on Midoriya, who broke his finger afterwards while throwing the ball. And then Aizawa had to restrain Bakugo, which was quite amusing to me.

During the rest of the fitness test my quirk wasn't of much use, since it was really about physical strength. Thankfully I was fit, so I got a pretty good score either way.

At the end, Aizawa showed us the results. First was a girl named Momo Yaoyorozu. I looked around and spotted the girl with the black ponytail. Second was Shoto Todoroki.

Todoroki? Who's that?

"Yaoyorozu and Todoroki scored the best", Kaminari, who suddenly appeared behind me, mumbled. "As expected of students who got in through recommendations."

I didn't respond but looked at the scores instead. The high expectations were the reason I didn't want to get in through recommendations. In school, I didn't want to feel the same way I did back home, where my father expected me to somehow be the best at everything. Here, I could just be a normal student.

"Kaminari-kun, who's Todoroki?", I asked.

"It's the guy with the red and white hair", Kaminari said as he looked around. "There."

He pointed at the guy I sat next to in the classroom. I looked him over for a second.

Two different colored eyes. His hair is two colors, and split in the middle. Even his eyebrows are white and red. He's either one of those creepy cases of twins in one body, or it's quirk related.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I realized I was totally staring at the boy, and he was staring right back. He had a neutral expression on his face as he looked at me. I turned bright red and averted my eyes. When I looked at him again a few seconds later he was looking at the scores again with a small smirk on his lips.

I turned my attention to the scores as well. I was sixth, under Fumikage Tokoyami. I knew he was the bird dude, because I kind of paid attention to him. I thought his quirk was awesome in a weird way, but I heard him mutter something about darkness and running out of it. It reminded me of how I could store power in my body to release it later.

Bakugo was third and Tenya Iida was fourth. Of course I knew who Bakugo was by now, and I heard Iida introduce himself to Midoriya earlier that day.

"The expulsion part was a joke", Aizawa casually said.

"What?!", nearly the entire class let out.

A few students didn't seem to care, and Yaoyorozu said something about it obviously being a lie.

After Aizawa dismissed us it was finally lunchtime. I put my hand on my stomach, feeling it rumble.

"Oi, (l/n)!", a familiar voice yelled.

I let out an irritated sigh and turned around.

"Yes, Bakugo?", I asked in a bored tone when he caught up to me.

I continued on my way to the cafeteria, Bakugo walking next to me.

"What was the whole thing about you screaming 'die'?", the explosive blonde asked.

"I could ask you the same thing", I retorted as we reached the cafeteria.

"I don't have a reason", Bakugo muttered as I grabbed a tray to get food. "I want to know your reason."

"It's kind of personal", I mumbled while getting food. "I'm not telling you."

"What?!", Bakugo said, a little too loud for my taste. "I'm just asking you a question, you fucking bitch! What the hell is your problem, I just want to know!"

During his little rage I paid for my food and started walking to an empty table I spotted. When Bakugo fell silent I stopped walking and turned to him, getting really irritated.

"Listen here you shithead", I snapped. "It's personal so I'm not telling you and you're going to fucking deal with it or you can piss the fuck off."

I abruptly turned around and walked over to the empty table, where I sat down. I sighed in annoyance when Bakugo walked up to me again.

"Why can't you just fucking tell me?", he asked. "How personal can it be? If you-"

"(y/n)", a voice interrupted him.

I looked up to see Shoto Todoroki standing by the table with a tray of food in his hand.

"Can I sit here?", he asked.

First name basis already, are you?

"Of course you can, Todoroki", I answered, emphasizing his last name.

"You can call m-"

"Oi, what the hell do you think you're doing, you half 'n half bastard?!", Bakugo loudly interrupted him. "I was talking to her!"

"Bakugo!", I snapped before he could say anything else. "As I just said, it's fucking personal. I'm not telling you, so please leave."

Bakugo scowled at me and Todoroki for a second before turning and walking away. I let out a small sigh of relief and started eating my food.

"I noticed you looking at me earlier", Todoroki's then said.

I nearly choked and turned bright red as I remembered that. I swallowed my food before looking up at the composed boy. I let out a nervous laugh and averted my eyes.

"Yeah, sorry about that", I said. "I just noticed you have quite the look going on there, and I was wondering something."

"If this is about the burn sc-", Todoroki said.

"It's not about the scar", I interrupted him. "Although I imagine there's an interesting story behind that too."

A flash of hurt went through Todoroki's eyes, though only for a millisecond.

"Unless it's something personal!", I quickly added.

I averted my eyes.

"God, I'm so insensitive", I muttered as I facepalmed myself.

"It's fine", Todoroki softly said. "What were you wondering about?"

"Well...", I carefully started, afraid to sound rude as I did before. "Your hair, which is really pretty by the way, is two different colors and split in the middle. Even your eyebrows are white and red. Is it the same with your lashes?"


"Your eyelashes", I said. "Are they also white and red?"

"Uh, yeah they are", Todoroki answered.

"That's awesome", I smiled. "Is it quirk related?"

"Yes, my quirk is half-cold, half-hot", he explained. "I can use ice with my right side and fire with my left."

"That's such a cool quirk!"

"Thanks", he mumbled. "I saw you teleporting at the 50 meter dash. Is that your quirk?"

"Yeah, part of it", I answered.

"What's the other part?"

"Uh, I don't really like to talk about it", I awkwardly said. "People often think I'm weird because of it. My quirk is a little dark."

"I don't judge people based on their quirks", Todoroki shrugged. "Might as well tell me."

"Alright then", I hesitantly said. "My quirk is lending power from the dead. I can collect their strength inside my body and let it out in different forms."

"Different forms? What do you mean by that?"

"Well, in it's natural form the energy comes out as this sand-like substance. You know, like the boogeyman has in Rise of the Guardians", I explained.

"I have no idea what you're talking about", Todoroki frowned.

"It's a movie", I said. "But other than the sand stuff, I can emit the power like a blast, make it glow like a light, or let it come out as a liquid. It's a very flexible quirk when you look at it that way. I can also force it into a certain shape and then let it solidify. That way I can temporarily make simple things like a spear."

"Lending power from the dead, huh?", Todoroki mumbled to himself. "Does it have a name?"

"I don't know anyone else with the same quirk, so I don't know if it has a name. My parents called it Fatality", I answered. "Everyone always says it's the perfect quirk for a villain."

"Your quirk doesn't define that", Todoroki said. "You do with the way you use it."

"It even makes me look like a villain", I mumbled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"As you can see, I have really light (e/c) eyes", I started to explain. "But the more power I pull towards me the darker they get. When I'm at full power my entire eyes turn black."

"That sounds cool", Todoroki answered with a small smile, instantly making me feel a bit better. "So what about the teleporting?"

"It's a lot more draining than the other thing", I explained. "And I have to be able to see where I'm going or I need to have seen it before. I can't risk getting stuck in a wall or something. The range is also limited and it's more difficult to teleport with other people."

"You can bring other people with you?", Todoroki asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, but that makes it even more difficult. I definitely have a limit for the teleporting."

Todoroki looked like he was about to say something when the bell sounded, letting us know lunchtime was over.

"We should get going", I said as I got up.

"(y/n)", Todoroki then said. "Can I sit with you during lunch from now on?"

"Huh?", I asked, taken aback by his direct question.

Then I smiled.

"Of course you can, Todoroki-kun. I'll be looking forward to it."

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