Chapter 2

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My second day in U.A. High's hero course started out pretty normal. I chatted with Kaminari and a pink girl, who introduced herself as Mina Ashido. For some reason Todoroki barely acknowledged my presence during classes, but he came to sit with me during lunch.

"Hello, Todoroki-kun", I said when he sat down across from me.

"(y/n)", he said with a small nod.

"What's your opinion on the classes so far?", I asked. "Awfully normal, don't you think?"

"Yes, but they are necessary", Todoroki monotonously said.

"I suppose that's true", I shrugged before I started to eat.

"I thought about what you told me yesterday", Todoroki then said. "About your quirk."

I looked up into his heterochromic eyes, which seemed to glimmer with curiosity.

"What about it?", I asked.

"The power you collect", Todoroki started. "Do you have a name for it? To keep calling it 'power' seems a bit boring."

I blinked a couple of times.

"No, I...", I stammered. "I don't have a name for it. I mean what could I call it anyway? It's just power."

"How about darkness?", Todoroki then suggested.

"Darkness?", I hesitantly asked. "Don't you think that sounds..."

Like I'm totally copying Tokoyami-kun...

Then I realized something.

Tokoyami probably didn't even want me to hear that. He wasn't talking to me. I just happened to overhear him.

"Well it sounds better than death, doesn't it?", Todoroki shrugged. "To say you're using death sounds a bit weird. Darkness would be better."

I looked at the boy across from me as he continued eating. I had to admit darkness did sound better, but I didn't want to sound like an unoriginal copycat.

My parents always called it 'energy', but that doesn't sound very spectacular either.

"Darkness it is", I softly declared.

A few minutes later we had to get back to class.

"We have hero training!", I excitedly said as I jumped out of my chair. "Let's go, Todoroki-kun!"

I quickly put away my tray and waited for Todoroki to catch up to me before walking back to class. I was filled with excitement, but I managed to look composed. Sort of, at least.

My excitement was short-lived.

I slumped in my seat when I saw our teacher. All Might made a grand entrance and everyone got excited. I let out an irritated sigh, which Todoroki seemed to notice. He looked like he wanted to say something, but All Might interrupted him.

"In this subject you will learn the basics to becoming a hero", the big man started to explain. "Today we'll be doing combat training!"

Different reactions were heard throughout the class. Izuku Midoriya didn't seem too happy, whereas Katsuki Bakugo looked like he was excited to kill someone.

I did get excited when All Might said we would get to wear our costumes. I had no idea what mine would be like because I didn't tell them what I wanted, but I was very curious to see what they came up with.

I blushed as the entire class started to gather in Ground Beta, where we would be training. Uraraka didn't seem too happy with her bodysuit, which I understood.

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