One Last Time (KotoUmi)(AU)(F...

By Kaitamaki

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Kotori and Umi were childhood friends, and when they were younger they both promised to get married with one... More

Prologue: The Promise
Chapter 1: A New Day
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Meet My Friends!
Chapter 4: The Tojo Siblings (1)
Chapter 5: The Tojo Siblings (2)
Chapter 6: The Aftermath
Chapter 7: Haru and Kirane
Very Short Author's Note (Please Read)
Chapter 8: I'll Fight For You
Chapter 9: Umi and Nozomi
Next Chapter's Preview
Chapter 10: Minami Kotori
Please Read to Understand The Story Better
Chapter 11: Minami Kaoru
Chapter 12: Minami and Yazawa
Chapter 13: Accident
Chapter 14: Shopping With Eli
Chapter 15: If I Were To Kiss You
Chapter 16: Familiarity
Chapter 17: Party
Chapter 18: To Be In Love
Chapter 19: Consequence
Chapter 20: Their Past
your dead author
Chapter 21: Operation KotoUmi (1)
Chapter 23: The Final Operation
Chapter 24: In Love With Sonoda Umi
Chapter 25: Willing To

Chapter 22: Operation KotoUmi (2)

947 40 40
By Kaitamaki

Nozomi, Eli, Nico - Third years (17yr)

Umi, Honoka, Kotori, Kanan, Mari, Dia - Second years (16yr)

Hanayo, Rin, Maki, Chika, Riko, You - First years (15yr)

Hanamaru, Yoshiko, Ruby - Middle school (14yr)

Just wanted to clarify that. Though, some sunshine characters won't be relevant. Some might even not appear.

Okay, to start I apologize sincerely for the one-month hiatus, a lot of personal stuff is going on. I was going to update this on monday but my charger broke and my laptop died while adjusting some stuff (FFN and Wattpad was being glitchy at the time orz).

I'm going to say some stuff at the end of the chapter so please read it.

Other than that I hope you enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Love Live! characters nor do I own the series itself.


Chapter 22: Operation KotoUmi (2)

"Not surprised that you came up with something like this," Nozomi commented amusedly. The three third years were currently at the clubroom, with an amused Eli, smirking Nozomi, and a prideful looking Nico. The raven-haired girl had just finished telling her plans to the other two, surprising them but at the same time, amusing them.

"What did you expect from our cute impure Nico, but quick question though," Eli added. "How are we going to find the people to help us, I mean we could hire someone... but I don't think it'll be cheap." The blonde mused while Nozomi did the same. Fortunately, Nico had a plan, a very clever plan.

"You know... we can use that." Nico smirked mischievously. It seemed that Nozomi and Eli knew what the girl is saying as they gaped surprisingly at the girl.

"No, Nico. We are not using Maki's money." Eli deadpanned. She knew not to anger the redhead as she had already experienced that event. Though Umi had defeated Maki in a fist fight, Eli can guarantee that there's a fifty percent chance she could lose against the fellow first year.

Nico exaggerated her groan as she frowned at Eli's comment. Though she was just joking, half of her actually thought that using Maki's money was smart. "What do you expect us to do then, huh?" Nico grumbled through her gritted teeth. The two third years had a little glaring battle before being stopped by a purple-haired girl who cleared her throat loudly.

"Ahem," she feigned. "I think I may have a plan." Nozomi grinned when the other two looked at each other than at her, urging the girl to continue. "I think I know someone who might willingly help us without charging us." She continued.

Eli frowned in confusion before asking a simple question. "Who?" Nozomi only grinned at the question. "You'll see, now follow me."


"Shiny!" A blonde girl exclaimed with stars practically evident in her eyes. Another girl was beside her with blue hair styled in a high ponytail. The said girl looked like she was in deep thought, with her index finger and thumb underneath her chin and eyebrows furrowed.

"So you want me to help you with your 'operation'?" The girl asked cautiously. But that feigned caution soon turned into an amused and seemingly interested smile. Nico, Eli, and Nozomi were in front of the two waiting for an answer.

"You should do it, Kanan! It'll be fun!" With her wide grin, Mari shook Kanan by the shoulders excitedly and rather forcefully. The blue-haired girl sighed and groaned at the rough contact of her girlfriend. She felt guilty of doing this plan, but judging from her girlfriend's excitement she knew it wouldn't be a problem. But Kanan needed to be sure.

"So let me get this straight," Kanan started. "You want me to pretend I'm Minami-san's girlfriend in front of Umi?" She questioned incredulously. "Mari... are you sure you're okay with this?" Kanan added desperately, after all, she didn't want to be disloyal to her lover.

The blonde-haired girl gave her a confirming and sweet smile, it was so out of character that the three third years almost wanted to gape in disbelief. But they knew that Ohara Mari can go soft when it comes to a certain Matsuura Kanan.

The blue-haired girl smiled at her lover before giving her peck on the cheek and turning towards the other three. She gave them her popular charming smile and nodded.

"I'll do it."


Eli swiftly walked through the hallways with a stack of papers. Her teacher had asked her if she could bring those papers to the student council room as she was the class representative and former student council president. And being the good kid she was, she accepted.

Eli sighed as she remembers her first year when she would ignore and refuse anything the teacher will ask or say. What a memory... Eli frowned at the thought of her behaviour when she was younger. The blonde sighed once more before adjusting the stack so it wouldn't drop and turning the next corner.


Eli immediately stopped at the sudden voice of a girl and Umi. Hiding in the corner, Eli began to eavesdrop the conversation they were currently having. It's not that Eli wanted to eavesdrop, it's just that the path the two were currently occupying is the fastest way to get to the student council room.

"Why haven't you been doing it, Sonoda-sama?" The girl in front of Umi asked with a desperate voice. She then walked seductively towards the unfazed blue-haired girl. "Is it because you haven't found the right person? If that's the case then you could do me." She giggled in Umi's ears before slowly tracing her finger downwards from Umi's chest to... that part.

Before the girl could reach Umi's pants, the blue-haired girl took her wrist and pushed her away gently. "I'm sorry but I'm not having sex with you or anyone." She phrased sternly, making the girl flinch a bit.

"But why?" The girl gritted her teeth as she glared at Umi. "Ever since that... Minami Kotori came to our school, you've been distant and different!" She spat at Umi. The blue-haired girl was nonchalant at the whole thing but felt a tinge of anger surface when she heard the girl say Kotori's name with such disgust.

"I'll tell you why." Umi frowned, letting her slight anger get to her. "It's because that Minami Kotori you're talking about made me different. Now please leave and don't ever show your face to me ever again." Umi's glare and hard voice made it clear that the girl definitely needs to leave. And she did.

Umi sighed tiredly, it was probably the third time that day that people were pursuing her to do her daily... chore. "Well, that was harsh." A familiar voice rang out from behind her. Umi turned around and greeted her cousin with a 'why are you here' look.

Eli chuckled and adjusted the papers before speaking. "I was just going to the student council room when I passed by this conversation, mind helping me?" Eli gave Umi a questioning smile before grinning when the blue-haired girl took half of the stack and started walking beside her.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what was that?" Eli started.

"It was... something?" Umi replied unsurely. Eli turned to her incredulously before laughing wholeheartedly.

"Something? Really? Is that all you can say?" The blonde had never encountered a baffled Umi before unless it was about Kotori.

"Yeah, pretty much. The author doesn't even know what I should say." Umi deadpanned-



Why the heck is everyone breaking the fourth wall?!

"Haha, sorry about that author-san. It was Nico's idea."

Ah, I see... but I seriously have no idea what Umi should say.

"Don't worry, author-san! I'll help nya!"


"Nyaa! Let's begin!"

Wait a minute-

An energetic orange-haired girl came from the corner looking like she was in a hurry. She almost bumped into Eli who just stumbles backward in surprise. The cat-like girl took a quick breath before taking Umi's shoulder and shaking her.

"Umi-chan nya! Big trouble nyeh!!" Rin yelled right at Umi's face. The blue-haired girl faintly smells ramen from Rin's breath. ("Ramen is good nya! But it's better with rice if ya know what I mean nya!" -Rin with a lenny face)

"Okay, first of all, please get away from me. Second of all, 'nyeh'? And third of all, what trouble?" Umi questioned so quickly that Rin had to take a few seconds to process things before giving the blue-haired girl her bright grin.

"First, okay nya!" Rin stepped back to give Umi her space. "Second, I said nya too fast that it turned into nyeh! And third..." Rin's grin abruptly turned into a frown, which was unusual for someone like her. Meaning whatever 'trouble' she's talking about is serious.

"I was walking by the second year's classroom and saw that someone had stolen something from Kotori-chan nya!" Rin exclaimed with a panicked look. Umi and Eli gave each other a glance before the blonde spoke out to them.

"I see... well, first things first... Rin!" Eli pointed at the orange-haired girl who just gave a surprised 'nya' to her. "Stop having two exclamation points, it's grammatically incorrect!" She yelled.

"But it doesn't matter nya! Author-san doesn't mind it!"

Oi. Stop dragging me into your problems and continue the story!!!

"Author-san! You can't have three exclamation point!"

Whatever Eli! Just hurry up and continue!

"Tch. Fine." Eli grumbled as she -once again- adjusted the papers she was holding. "Okay, Umi you can go find out what's going on. Rin, take Umi's stack and help me carry the papers to the student council room." The blonde them around which they both agreed attentively.

Rin took the half stack Umi was holding and urged her to go. The blue-haired girl said a quick 'goodbye' and wave before running off the distance. When she was out of earshot, Eli turned her head to Rin and gave her an approving grin.

"Good job, Rin!" Eli said, giving Rin a troubled thumbs up as she was holding something.

"Nya!" Rin said as a reply.

Turning to where Umi had tan off too, Eli had a mischievous smirk as she chuckled evilly. And with a joking voice, she spoke to no one in particular.

"Let the plan begin..."


Plan Two - Jealousy by Nico & Kanan

Umi ran, or to be more exact, jogged down the hallway and stopping right in front of her and Kotori's classroom. She looked inside and saw some of her classmates chatting and eating their lunch. The blue-haired girl mentally scolded herself for not asking Rin enough details. Luckily she overheard some girls that were in a good distance away from her.

"Do you really think this'll get Sonoda-sama's attention?"

"I know it will! Sonoda-sama has been hanging around that whore a bit too much. It's okay if she hanged out with that orange hair dumbass, but that Minami is a dangerous one."

Umi felt her anger rising once more, both at the insult they used on Kotori and Honoka. No one messes with her friends. But unfortunately, she had to keep her anger in check and kept quiet. She was already extremely lucky that she hadn't been caught yet, at the same time though, Umi just wanted to show herself and beat the crap out of these girls.

"I know, but... was stealing Minami Kotori's phone really a good thing?"

"Yes, idiot! And with this phone, we can expose that bitch to everyone."

The two girls chuckled evilly and continued on attempting to unlock Kotori's phone. At this point, Umi was about to lose it. She made her way in the classroom and glared harshly at the culprits. The two didn't seem to notice Umi standing right in front of them as they were too busy solving the puzzle of unlocking Kotori's phone.

"Ahem." Umi cleared her throat harshly. The two gremlins looked up and lost the colour on their faces as they saw the sight of Umi. The said girl sneered at them, an expression she rarely -and almost never- makes. The troublemakers gulped hard and got ready for the greatest beating of their entire lifetime.


"Well, that was easy..." Umi mumbled to herself in a joking manner as she walked down the hallway, proceeding to find the owner of the phone she was currently holding. The blue-haired girl then suddenly sighed at the memory of the event that had happened previously, it wasn't really that important but let's just say the two girls were now in the Nishikino hospital and suspended from school.

Just thinking of the end result made Umi smirk nefariously. But her good mood turned sour when she saw an unbelievable scene happening in front of her. Umi almost wanted to pinch herself to see if she was still sleeping and currently in a dream, but she knew it was not a dream as she had fell not too long ago and gained a painful bruise on her back.

But nevermind that! Umi still gaped idiotically at the fact Kanan, K-A-N-A-N, was flirting with... Kotori?! Umi didn't know if Kotori didn't seem to get the hint, was too kind to reject the other blue-haired girl or was playing along with her.

But what the hell is Kanan doing?! Umi questioned to herself angrily. She gritted her teeth before taking a deep breath to calm herself. Patting off the imaginary dust on her shoulder, she carefully approached the other two laughing second years and cleared her throat. And the first person to look was none other than Umi's fellow blue-haired gal.

"Oh! Umi! Sup, didn't see you there," Kanan gave a light chuckle and grinned even more as she heard her companion, Kotori, giggle along with her. Umi didn't show it but she's currently frowning and growling in the inside. In outside though, the blue-haired girl is forcing herself to smile so she wouldn't scare Kotori away.

"Yeah, sure. I'm just here to give this to Kotori..." Umi managed to say with little to no trace of menace. At the sound of her name, Kotori looked up at Umi with a confused hum. Then the sight of her green phone made her eyes widen.

"Ah! I was just looking for that, where did you find it?" The ash-haired girl questioned as she took the phone from Umi. But when she did, her fingers slightly touched Umi's. The two felt the others warmth like a jolt of electricity, making them quickly back their hands away.

Both Kotori and Umi blushed lightly as they stared at each other's eyes. They were in their own world until Kanan decided to intervene. "Um... what just happened?" She questioned confusedly, but in the inside, she clearly knows what happened. It was quite obvious, really.

"N-Nothing! Nothing happened," Umi stuttered. But the thing is, Umi rarely stutters. Kanan made a sly grin, but to the other second years, it was just a normal grin. And from a far distance, two blondes were snickering as they watched the whole scene with binoculars.

"Well, if it's nothing then Kotori and I will be going now." Kanan then wrapped her arms around Kotori's waist and proceeded to pull her closer. Umi froze at the scene as her mind began to scream at her, telling her to stop them. But her heart seems to say to leave them when Kotori made no effort on escaping or struggling, in fact, the said girl continued to smile with a small blush.

So basically, Umi's mind says to stop them, but her heart says no.

The two then started to walk away, but before they did, Kotori gave Umi a small and quick goodbye. And that's when Umi made up her mind. After approximately five steps, Umi gritted her teeth and finally let one of her feelings take over... and that feeling was her mind.

Umi stomped forward and gently yanked Kotori's wrist towards her. But since it was a yank, Kotori landed on Umi's chest with a surprised look. Umi didn't seem to mind as the only thing she was thinking of was Kanan, who also had a shocked look on.

"I'll be the one taking her back. Now if you'll excuse us." Umi deadpanned and pulled Kotori away from Kanan.

"Well... that worked perfectly..." Kanan chuckled nervously. She then took her phone and contacted her girlfriend. But when the phone answered a loud noise of laughter came after it.

"HAHAHAHA OH MY GOD KANAN, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN YOUR FACE." A voice of who seemed to be Eli erupted from the phone, along with loud waves of laughter from her girlfriend coming afterward. This made her sigh in distress, and that's when Kanan knew she'll be having a very long day with these excessive blondes.


When they were out of Kanan's sight, Kotori gulped a bit but continued to let the blue-haired girl pull her wrist. She didn't mind it, especially with the warmth emitting from Umi's hand to her wrist, she didn't mind at all. Unfortunately, though, the tight grip Umi had on her was starting to take place on her wrist, so she decided to speak up.

"Uhm... Umi-chan...?" Kotori managed to squeak out in pain. Noticing this immediately, Umi snapped out of her reverie and abruptly moved her hands away from Kotori. As Umi watch Kotori rub her now red wrist, she gave the shorter girl an apologetic look.

Feeling that this was not enough, the blue-haired girl carefully walked towards Kotori and gently took her hand to inspect her wrist. "I... I'm sorry for hurting you," Umi then unconsciously kissed Kotori's wrist, making the latter blush unconditionally and splutter idiotically.

"I-It's fine, Umi-chan! I know you didn't mean too..." Kotori couldn't help but look away when Umi backed her hand away and looked her in the eye. Umi didn't say anything and continued to stare at Kotori, making the girl heat up. "C-Come on, Umi-chan, class is about to start." And with that Kotori pulled her hands away and speed walked in front of Umi, not daring to look back.

But if she had looked at Umi at least once, she would have noticed the dark shade of red currently plastered on her face. Umi covered her mouth area with her hand and watched Kotori walk away in a distance. The blue-haired girl mentally scolded herself for doing something so shameless as that. Umi was only fortunate because Kotori was also too embarrassed to look at her.

The blue-haired girl shook her head while she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. That girl seriously has me around her fingers, Umi sighed, how troublesome of her...



When I write, I enjoy it a lot, but the thing is, I don't enjoy it as much when I know I have to update it soon. It pressures me to make more quantity than quality. Like my grandma used to say creativity in writing takes patience and hard work. So pressuring yourself to write is nothing but a story you wish to finish, when you should be making a story you want to create.

Having said that, I decided that I will update around the first week of every month, preferably the first three days. If I feel inspired then maybe twice a month, but who knows?

Anyways guys, thank you so much for the support! I appreciate all your reviews, comments, etc. I'm really sorry for making you guys wait too long, but I'll try my best to make this story the greatest!

And, no, this story is not close to done! I still have a few more questions to answers such as...

1. Where the hell is Haru?!

2. What is Kirane and Umi's history together?

3. Who gave Hanamaru the letter, and was Nozomi actually involved with it?





And many more.

As you can tell a lot of these are (not questions...) about ships. And the next chapter I'll try to fit them all at once!

Furthermore, hope you guys have an amazing March! See you in the next chapter!

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