Neon Nights

By lastinglazuli

5.9K 237 168

As the light of day finally sets, it lets free the chaos of the night, A 22 year old woman named Lapis Lazuli... More

First Round
Second Impression
All The Right Moves
A Change of Plans
Yee to the haw
An Experience
A Wild Night
(Not a chapter)


597 20 24
By lastinglazuli

Lapis POV

She then got off me, standing up , looking down on me. "You can look at me" she said, probably rolling her eyes. I still avoided her, trying to take my thoughts off of what just happened. I then looked down to her feet, a dark hue of red across my face. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck- she started to unwrap the rope from around me. "Are you... ok?" She said, putting the vest back over her shoulders. I slowly nodded. Stupid gay ass, respond to her already! I looked her in the eyes, quickly crossing my legs. I clasped my hand over my legs, trying not to look suspicious. Peridot's eyes dipped down to my hands before looking back up at me. "A-are you..." She then started to laugh. "Did it happen again?" She wheezed a little. How the fuck does she- "Oh my god!" She was now on the floor, clutching her sides in laughter. "You- You really- oh my god..." she wiped a tear from her eye, sitting up and looking towards me again. "Wooooww." Her hair was ruffled as so her vest was a bit out of place, showing a bit more skin. "Shut up." I quietly said. "So" she started. "What do you wanna do now?" I shrugged. "Dunno." She thought for a minute. "I mean, you know the club better than I do." I said, she nodded in response before coming up with a reply. "You like videogames?" She asked, I replied with a nod, as saying "yeah!" She smirked. "What do you have?" She looked down, "Nothing..." i then looked away. "Oh." I said softly. "...But the best!" She then quickly grabbed some games from a drawer, showing me them in her arms. The few games on the top I could see was Overwatch, Mario Cart, and Minecraft. I picked up Mario Cart from the top, grinning. "Hah, i was the best of the best at this game." She said, I grinned. "Yeah right. How about a contest?" I said as she put away the other games. "Your on, except the winner gets..." her voice trailed as she thought. "Winner gets a dessert that the loser makes for them." I said. She nodded in agreement. "Sounds fair, deal." She stuck her hand out. Taking it, I nodded. "Deal" we then shook hands before started to set up the game, getting up and turning on the small tv.  She handed me a controller. I sat down next to her, looking at the screen. "Rainbow Road..." I muttered. She chuckled as she then spoke. "Of course. It's the hardest one to win, plus it's gay." I smirked. "Alright Alright. I get it, your gay-" she then cocked an eyebrow at me. "Who said I was gay?" My body instantly hit a wave of regret, I took a gulp. "O-oh. You see- well when you- I... oh." She had a somber face. After she had selected her cart and Bowser, she looked at me with the same expression. "Just kidding! I am. Obviously, why do you think I gave you my nu- never mind." She hurriedly finished her statement. I eyes her suspiciously. "Y'know... even I know that giving someone your name and number after stripping for them AND giving them a lap dance at a gay bar is a huge form of being hit on." I then chuckled at her red face. She grumbled, "whatever...". I then picked my cart and Peach. The game then started, 3.. 2.. 1.. Peridot immediately taking the lead. She fell off after a NPC hit her with a blue shell, knocking her back. I got the lead with a missile. By the third round, she was in first again with me behind her. I quickly glanced at her, then to the screen. We had 1/4 of the map before the finish line. I took action, quickly pecking her on the cheek with my lips. She stopped for a minute to look at me. As I looked back at the screen it showed as I passed the finish line, her a split second behind. "Hah, I win. I am now the best Mario Cart player in this room." Is Todd up, hands placed on my hips as I grinned widely. "Cheater..." she said, bar hand now placed on her cheek. "Nope. There were never rules, only a deal." She slowly nodded. "Fine. I guess that gives me the rights to do thus then." She then sprung up, leaping onto me. As she tackled me to the floor she flipped us so that she was on the ground, looking up at me. She then booked my nose before laughing. I smirked. "You wanna go? Come on then snake, let's rattle!" I pushed her face to the side as she swatted her hand at me. I grinned, holding down her arms in order to stop her, but she had other plans. She used her feet to push me off of her so that she could use her arms again. She then shoved me completely off of her, grabbing me and pulling me upwards. We were facing opposite walls, our left arms out and holding the others hand. She led the dance, moving expertly. I did my best to follow her motions, watching her. She has definitely done this before. She then came up close to me so that her arms were caught in my arms in front of me, both looking in the same direction. Our bodies were pushed up against each other, making my face heat up a little. She then looked up at me, her blonde hair tickling my face. I laughed a little, hugging her a little tighter. She then kissed the left part of my lower jaw, making me tape a little. After that she dragged her tongue across that same area a bit, too. "Surprised much?" She chuckled, closing her eyes and resting the back of her head on my shoulder. I nodded. "Maybe one day you would make me say your name..." she said in a soft voice, next to my ear. I shivered. She half my hands in hers, starting to sway a little. "Would you, uh want that?" I awkwardly asked. "Depends. Would you?" I blushed, trying not to think about it. "U-uh..." my voice slightly cracked as I tried to speak. "M-maybe...?" She hummed in response. Would I want it? With her? "Your cute you know, like a small cinnamon bun." Peridot said with a smile on her face. "Oh really? Hmm. Well, your like a..." i then realized, I had no idea what I was going to say. "Eh... you're like a... I don't know. A sexy devil, I guess." She opened her eyes again, looking towards me. "Why's that?"
I thought about it for a moment before replying. "Because you try your best to make me flustered. Actually, you don't even try, your a natural already." She nodded, taking in what I had said. "So if I were to do this, you'd be flustered?" She asked, turning around so that she was facing me, hugging back. She nuzzled into my neck, humming. "Put your feet on mine." She commended. I did as she asked, resting my head on hers. She then waddled us over to the couch, sitting herself down with me on top of her. She put her hand on my cheek, bringing me in closer to her face. I held my breath, looking at her lips quickly before looking back to her face. She put her thumb over my bottom lip, pulling it down a little.  As she leaned close there was a knock at the door. "Now what...?" I muttered. She placed me to the side of the couch, glancing at me and smiling before getting up. She quickly looked down at her clothes before answering the door. "Hold on a sec!" She yelled as she  went to get her crop top. I smirked. She faced away from me, quickly switching the clothing and putting on the crop top. As I saw the quick glimpse of the ashen skin, my face had a small change in hue. Opening the door, her face instantly lit up. She leaned against the door frame, crossing her arms and legs with a smile on her face. "Hey, Obsidian." From the door I could see a dark woman with long puffy black hair and orange highlights throughout it. "Hey Per. Me and the girls were gonna go for a joy ride tonight. Want in?" She was wearing some baggy jeans and a grey flannel. Peridot looked down for a second before looking back up at the woman. "Look, I'd love to go, but not tonight. Sorry Obby." The woman calmly smiled. "It's fine. Maybe next time?" Peridot nodded. "If I'm free." She said. The woman left before Peridot closed the door, turning to me. She clasped her hands together, a grin on her face. "So did I succeed in flustering you again?" I rolled my eyes. "I guess. Hey, you still owe me that dessert though." She nodded. "What would you like?" I then thought. "I... don't really know..." I said. She nodded. Then proceeded to walk around a small bit before snapping her fingers. "I've got it!" she said looking at me. "What is it?" I questioned. She smiled before replying. "Chocolate mousse."
I stood up. "Ohh. That sounds great!" She put her hand son her hips, a small smirk decorating her face. "You want that?" I then nodded. "Lucky for you, I already made some thus morning. Follow me." She brought me to the small mini fridge in the corner, taking out two cups of the dessert. She handed me one before getting spoons. "Thanks." I smiled looking down at the food before she handed me a spoon and sat down on the couch. Looks good. I then sat next to her, enjoying the warmth she displayed onto me.
Taking a bite, I instantly fell in love with the sweet taste, eating it quickly. I heard her laugh as I licked the inside of the cup. "What else can that tongue do?" She muttered.  I looked at her, wiping my mouth. "Excuse me?" I set my cup down, looking at her. "N-Nothing!" She said hurriedly. I raised an eyebrow. I then poked her shoulder. "Mind repeating that?" Her years and face started to turn red. "I said what..." her voice trailed as she whispered the words. "Can't hear you hun~" I cooed, poking her shoulder again, making her look to my finger before up at me again. "Did you just call me-" I hummed yes before she finished her sentence. "Well then..." she said. I smirked as I slowly started to push her down into the couch. "So what did you say about me licking the cup again?" I said as I lied myself down on top of her, resting my head in my palms. I gently kicked my legs back and forth as I smiled upon her. "I..." she rubbed the back of her neck as she stuttered. "Um..." she sighed. "You asked me what else my tongue can do, hm." I said with a small boop to her nose. "W-Well.. yeah." She said, voice wavering. Not as confident as I thought now huh? "Maybe you could find out one day- or never know." I said with a smirk. "I..." She looked at me, biting her lip.

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