Into Oblivion

By ambrosaurus

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She's a nobleman's daughter who doesn't want to live the princess life planned out for her. He's a Daedric Kn... More

32 (Epilogue)


116 3 0
By ambrosaurus

She sobbed heavily as she lay upon the cold limestone floor. Her tears froze upon her pale cheeks and with trembling fingers she gripped the tattered blanket and pulled it tighter across herself.

He's going to die... he's going to die and it's all my fault. If... if only I would have succumbed to Broga when he had first demanded. If... if I just... By the Nine... what have I gotten myself into? Elizabeth's mind raced as she could feel all the blame piling down upon her shoulders. The consequences of her actions were finally catching up to her as she had realized precisely what she has done My innocence... my purity... given away to a Daedra. My Gods, what have I done? Is this my punishment... for loving someone who was constructed to cause harm upon your people? Have I forsaken my family and Tamerial? Her mind became clouded and she could feel her heart beginning to freeze like the tears upon her cheeks. Was she truly in love with Xilivicus or was it just an excuse to go against the plans of her father and mother?

As she was trapped within the confinement of her thoughts, she began to hear thunderous footsteps leading up the grand stairs. Her heart seized and her head pivoted to look at the grand door. Broga had returned. Had he returned to boast of his latest kill? Had he returned to finish what he had started? Possibly, he had returned to finish her off as well! Petrified she was in the spot she laid. Her heart racing like a thunderstorm upon a shattering sea. Her eyes shifting wildly in hopes to find an escape route if essential.

The door had been pushed open and that gargantuan figure stalked into the room—but wait... that was not the Dremora. Velthada entered slowly with pitiful eyes. Her nails caressed past the stone walls as she called out; unsure, "... Elizabeth...?"

The Altmer lifted her heavy head with tears lingering in her eyes. Her rounded nose was as red as her heated cheeks. No words were needed between her and the spider. As those wide sapphire gems lifted and shone upon Velthada, she could feel her heart fall into darkness. The Spider sheltered a grimace as she raced over on her slender long jagged legs with a soft whisper, "Oh, Elizabeth! Who had done this to you?"

The maiden whimpered in embarrassment and as she lifted the base of her hand to her eyes she hissed lightly, "...B...B..."

Velthada's silver eyes flashed with lightning and she shook her head with a light Daedric cruse falling from those pouted black lips. She hurriedly lifted herself and shifted her eyes all around the room. She dashed to a cupboard and pulled open the aged doors soon finding a few accessories. She pulled out a mammoth black tunic and quickly made her way back to the Elven girl. The Spider slipped the tunic over the girl's head and pulled it down around her body.

She discarded of the tattered blanket and quickly fetched her undergarments. The tunic had appeared to be a dress upon the Elf for it belonged to the great black Dremora, Broga. Velthada fit the tunic to the girl's body and as she was sewing the neckline with her thread and one of the spines upon her attire, Elizabeth questioned, "... do you know... w-what happened to Xilivicus?"

Velthada's eyes iced over with isolation as she replayed the moments of torture that Broga had inflicted upon the Churl's body. She had seen how harsh his blows were and how Xilivicus looked so lifeless. The Spider-Daedra bowed her head and before she could answer, a guard rushed into the watch room. His face masked behind a helmet. His voice was harsh as he exclaimed, "Velthada... you are needed in the dungeons. Xilivicus has lost a great amount of blood. You must aid him back to health; Broga's Orders."

Elizabeth's heart shattered and she turned into a statue as the world around her began to fade to black. Her head slowly fell as she began to fear the worse. Velthada quickly rose and rushed to the door with a pale and rather terrified face. The Altmer stumbled to her feet and just as she was about to follow; Velthada turned and demanded, "Stay here, Elizabeth! You would be useless in the dungeons."

"No," she cried out with tears rolling down her cheeks, "I will go! I have... I have to go! Xilivicus may die... and it's all my fault. P-Please," she whimpered as her tensed shoulders fell, "Let me go with you."

"...I'm so sorry, Elizabeth," Velthada whispered with sorrowful eyes. She turned to the guard and demanded, "Lock the door after me, make sure she doesn't leave here." Elizabeth cried out in protest and the guard promptly followed the orders.

The Spider-Daedra slipped through the threshold of the door and right after she had left the guard locked the door making sure nothing had gotten in as well as out. As Velthada descended the stairs she could hear Elizabeth tearful moans echoing behind her. Her head bowed and she knew that this was for the best.

The mountain skies were clouded with dark clouds and a thick sheet of snow began to cascade down upon the land in a never-ending cycle. The grand gates to Cloud Ruler Temple were frozen with beautiful icicles binding it shut. Within the temple, the Hero stalked the halls rather quickly. His silver longsword now replaced with the Daedric Claymore that was hidden behind his long dragging cape. His brow was dampened with sweat as he could feel two sides battle within him. On one side, he wished to rid the world of evil and give Elizabeth what she truly deserved; yet, the other side of him wanted nothing more than to please himself.

His tired woodland eyes closed as she stopped in the threshold of the main room. He heaved a sigh and as he opened his eyes he could see Martin still hunched over that damned book. Jerald was sitting before him; reading some of the text himself. Caldwyn and Orrick were sitting before the grand roaring fire, speaking matters with each other and...

The Hero shifted his glance and while walking into the room he inquired of one of the twins; which he hadn't known. "...where is your brother? The elder one..."

Orrick and Caldwyn lifted their eyes and turned towards the Hero. They frowned and together they had shrugged. The Hero glanced over to Lord Asquerana and he stalked over; repeating the question. The old Altmer lifted his sapphire eyes with a miniscule amount of uncertainty. Martin flipped another golden parchment over as he answered the question, "Grandmaster Jaufree has taken him to the training room. Daelon had been begging for lessons before we had headed off to our final battle."

The Hero narrowed his eyes while looking back to the Altmer, "You have decided to partake in this war?"

"Not, I," Jerald explained while leaning back in his worn chair. He glanced to his sons with frightened eyes as he purred, "... but my sons."

The Hero looked over his shoulder at the twins. His brow furrowed as he began to wonder just how young they were. They were; afterall, the youngest of all. Elizabeth was the middle child and Daelon was the eldest at twenty-three. Jerald could sense the doubt and as he looked back to his sons he had murmured, "... they'll be sixteen this spring. Old enough to decide if they want to fight for Tamerial, I suppose. I pray that they stay safe."

"... No one is safe," the Hero muttered while watching the boys before the fire. They were so young. He turned towards the doors with a scorned heart. His gloved hand caressed the designs upon the hilt of the claymore. His eyes narrowed and he purred lightly, "... if you need me I shall be in Bruma... I need to rest."

Martin lifted his head and with a scowl he questioned, "... are you sure you are alright? From the looks of it, I would say all this pressure is really piling down upon you."

"... It is," purred the knight as he lowered his head.

With a short head nod, Martin looked back to his books and proclaimed, "Rest then, dear friend... you are no good to us if you are completely worn down and deprived of energy."

The Hero nodded and just as he turned and walked to the door he heard Martin call off to him, "Dear friend... do what is best."

He stopped. His head bowed and as he wrapped his hands around the handles of the door he purred, "Do what is best... if only it were that simple." He hoisted the doors open and slipped out into the dreary day.

The guards eyed the spider as she moved easily through the dungeons with a few vials in one hand and a long folded wrap of bondages. The golden torches were the only thing that lit her way in all this shrouded darkness. She stepped into a torture room and found Xilivicus unconscious upon a long wooden table. One of the guards stood by his side in case matters had turned to the worse. Velthada dismissed him and watched as he left. The spider turned back to the mortal with pained eyes.

"... What have you done to yourself, dear brother?" She crawled near and quickly unclothed him to see how fatal the wounds might have been.

Her fingertips were careful as they danced across the wounds and pulled at them to see how deep and how extended they were. The Churl gave off a pained groan as he began to stir and come to life. Velthada's narrowed silver eyes lifted to his own and she hushed him as he attempted to speak. "... be silent... do not waste your energy in words."

Xilivicus leaned his head back and swallowed a dry lump in his throat. His mouth fell agape and all that he could do was lie there silently as she inspected his abrasions. He clenched his teeth and eyes shut as she pried into his wounds and removed chunks of dirt and rock that had been lodged in there during the fight. His fingertips dug into the wood of the table attempted to calm his broken nerves. Velthada wiped away the dried blood with a damp bondage and just as she was to move on to the next wound her eyes lifted and she purred, "That was a brave thing you did back there... very foolish and startling, but brave all the same."

"Brave?" he croaked while tossing his eyes to her. "What part... of being tortured... was brave?"

She smiled as with the same spine that she used to sew Elizabeth's tunic she began to sew together his mortal wounds, "The part where even in this mortal state you stood up to Broga and did not cry and moan like other mortal men would have."

Xilivicus closed his eyes and with a cottonmouth he inquired, "... w-where is Elizabeth?"

Velthada narrowed her eyes and sighed deeply, "... I did not want to subject her to this situation. I feared that matters might take a turn for the worse and that she would have to witness yet another death."

"Only for a while... I would—" He stopped and frowned. No, he wouldn't return. He had forgotten that he was mortal now and no longer was he burdened with immortality.

Velthada poured some of the potion into the deepest of his wounds and watched as it very leisurely began to heal. She continued sewing and quickly wrapped the black bondage around his shoulder. Her eyes lifted again to the man and she wondered aloud, "What are you to do now that Broga has returned and Elizabeth shall be his once again?"

There was silence and Velthada had taken this as his answer. She smoothed down the bondage and purred lightly, "... Xarovica had aided in this transformation, hadn't he?"

"Is it that obvious?" Xilivicus inquired.

Velthada laughed lightly and nodded, "Yes, it is."

Xilivicus closed his eyes and shook his head, "I thought that maybe this would bring Elizabeth and I closer together, but it seems like it's only driving us farther apart."

The Spider remained silent as she finished pouring the potion within his cuts. Her eyes lifted and she whispered lightly, "Maybe it is time to face the fact, Xilivicus. She... is an Altmer. You are... a Dremora. Your appearance might have changed; nonetheless, the blood flowing through those veins leading to that same old heart are still Daedric. You can't keep holding onto a fairytale forever."

"Do you think I don't know that?" He spat while pushing himself up; ignoring the throbbing pain within his abdomen and his splitting wounds which poured out fresh blood. "Do you think that I don't know? I have dreamed for a love like this ever since..." He faded off with eyes falling down to the floor.

"... ever since Anaxes?" Velthada whispered into the torch lit room.

Xilivicus closed his eyes and snarled, "... I loved Anaxes and she was taken from me. I won't let that happen... not again."

A warm porcelain hand fell upon Xilivicus' hand. His eyes fell to the Spider who looked at him with those grief-stricken eyes. She caressed his soft flesh upon the back of his hand as she whispered, "... you rather forfeit her to a greater and happier life... or you allow her to fall into misery as she must deal with a Daedra being her husband and the father of her children. Xilivicus, my dear, you must think of her happiness before your own. Imagine how exiled she shall feel when she walks down the streets with a Daedra by her side. She'll be a complete pariah to her own race."

Xilivicus bowed his head as he purred, "... the only way I would give her up, is if I gave up my life as well."

Velthada held strongly onto her brethren's hand. Her eyebrows fell over her eyes as she scolded him, "Do not say such things. There are other ways."

"I have taken a part of her that I can't return, Velthada," Xilivicus confessed with a glare, "How selfish and uncaring can I be to her? By lying with her I have vowed to be by her until death do we part."

Velthada opened her mouth in response; however, she felt a cold chill run down her spine and she knew they were not alone any longer. Her back tensed and she pursed her lips. With a melodious singsong voice she called out, "Privacy should be esteemed; not rejected," Her head turned and a scornful gleam twinkled in her eyes as she hissed, "Commander Broga."

The black Dremora chuckled as he stepped from the darkness and entered the room. "Authority should be cherished, Velthada, not loathed."

Velthada lifted up onto her legs and faced the Commander with folded arms. "Show me an authority worth cherishing and I shall see what I can do."

Broga grinned while stepping out of the path to the threshold. "If you don't mind, dear sister, I would like a word with Xilivicus."

The Spider glanced back to the Churl with saddened eyes, "... think of what I had said, Xilivicus. Your way isn't the only way; remember that." She gave one final glance to Broga as she rushed out and disappeared in the shadows.

Broga grinned as she left and he walked over to the table; overlooking his brethren. His face grew earnest and he sighed genuinely while surveying all the wounds he had brandished to the Churl. "Oh, Xilivicus," he heaved another sigh as he had leaned upon the table side, "look at the pain that I have caused you. Pardon me for being so impulsive earlier. I... I hadn't taken the surprise as well as others might have."

Xilivicus turned his head away as he questioned in a low snarl, "Why have you come here, Broga, to issue a halfhearted apology? You know that I won't accept that."

"Alas," he said with a furrowed brow, "I had expected as much. Oh well, there are other matters I wish to discuss that involve your bonny lass, Elizabeth."

"I don't wish to speak of her now," the Churl said while lowering his torso and lying back down upon the table.

Broga furrowed his brow and walked over to the head of the table, looking at his brother's face. His lips pursed and he exclaimed, "Do you not see what she is doing to us, brother? She is driving our realms apart! Ever since she appeared on these realms she has brought us to our knees and forced us to fight like common gladiators."

"Your lust and anger are causing us to fight, Broga." Xilivicus had said while opening his eyes and glaring up at the Dremora.

"Yes, I suppose that I'm not helping the situation." The Commander leaned his elbows down upon the table while overlooking the wounds. "What was the cause for these wounds, brother? I am the one who had delivered them; however, I didn't do this all on my own. I know how much you love her, brother. I would allow you two to be together, but it seems that I am stepping in as the father here when I tell you that she is no good for you."

"Stop your lies, Broga. I'm getting sick of hearing them all the time," spat the Churl.

"I am not lying," the Commander protested, "I am merely trying to prevent a great heartbreak. We all know that you can't be with Elizabeth, yet you are still attempting to be with her. If your love builds to great amounts you shall be welcoming your own misery when it comes to you letting her go."

There was silence and Broga knew that he had begun to open his brother and his words were now successfully entering his mind for comprehension. The black Dremora leaned further down as he hissed, "She has a lover back in Tamerial; a great and powerful man of nobility and wealth. He can provide her with everything she needs, Xilivicus. He can buy whatsoever her heart wishes and when they are pictured together people will be in awe, not remorse. She doesn't need you. Her feelings are merely an infatuation and in time she will realize what a mistake it was for making love with you and she will leave you here in Oblivion... forsaken with misery and desperation."

Xilivicus' hard body had melted as all these words caused his mind to flip over and his thoughts to be clouded with doubt and sadness. His eyes were misty as he could imagine the Altmer leaving him. The Hero could provide her with so much more than he could.

You must think of her happiness... before your own. He could hear Velthada's words echo in his ears and he knew what was the inevitable. He felt his heart beginning to tear and his stomach churned and twisted into knots. He glanced down to his torso and whispered, "... so this is how it feels... to be human?"

Broga nodded lightly and stood, "I shall leave you to rest and think of what I had said. It appears that the second vial has broken during our battle, the one that will make you Daedric. Xarovica is fixing one as we speak... in case you come to the conclusion of...." He stopped and turned towards the door and just as he was about to leave; he heard his brethren speak.

"... Broga..." the Churl croaked.

"Yes, brother?" The Dremora turned around with calmed crimson eyes.

There was silence for a moment and suddenly Xilivicus tilted his head towards the door and he said softly, "... find another guard for Elizabeth."

Broga's eyes widened considerably and without words he nodded softly and walked out soon disappearing from the dungeon's keep. Xilivicus looked up at the ceiling as a few tears rolled down over his cheeks and stained the table.

Just as Broga had left the dungeon, a great smirk pulled across his lips. He sighed heavily and lifted a claw soon pushing back a few loose strands of ruby and onyx that were falling from his bounded hair. The cool breeze rushed across his face as his eyes lifted into the air and he could see the Watch Tower which loomed into the crimson heavens. His eyes flashed as he quickly made his way there; plans storming his mind.

He ascended the stairs with long strides and as he came to the door he attempted to open it; however, it wouldn't budge. His eyes narrowed and his palm pressed firmly onto the door and a jolt of gold came from his hand and the door unlocked. He pushed it open and entered seeing Elizabeth sitting near the fireplace with one of his tunics pulled across her body. The guard lifted his eyes and looked over with a frown, "Commander... I didn't know you would be returning so quickly."

"You're dismissed," he purred and walked farther into the room. "You may leave now," he hunched over his desk and found a scroll of parchment and a quill.

The guard's helmet lowered and then pivoted to the girl as he whispered, "Will you be alright?"

She nodded softly and smiled weakly at him, "Thank you, Cerberus."

The guard bowed to her and left simply; closing the door behind him. As Elizabeth heard the latch in the door fall to place, her muscles tensed and she felt ever so uncomfortable. Her eyes were glued upon the dancing fire and her lips seemed sewn shut in fear of provoking the great warrior to rather take advantage of her or even harm her. She could hear the scribbling of the quill against the parchment and leisurely her interest in the matter elevated. She glanced over her shoulder and saw the Dremora's figure hunched over the desk with his unoccupied hand softly tapping at the tabletop. He stopped and tilted his head, soon seeing the girl looking at him.

Elizabeth whirled around and glared back at the fire with a tensed back. Her hands fiddled with one another as she pondered what would happen between her and this Dremora. Broga tapped his claw-like nails against the table as he was stumped. He inhaled deeply and lifted himself up soon turning and looking to the maiden. A smile pulled across his onyx lips as he cradled the scroll and quill in his hand as he walked over to her. "Elizabeth..."

His voice made her cringe; nonetheless, he was demanding her attention. He sat down upon one of the benches in front of the fire. He tapped the sharp point of the pin upon the scroll as he questioned, "May I see your hands..."

Her eyes narrowed and she hesitated. Broga was very patient and merely watched her with that same twinkle of lunacy in his eyes. She reached her hands forward and watched as he scanned them. He grinned as he saw the small golden signet ring on her finger. He gasped and grasped her hand soon examining the ring. "Beautiful band... may I?"

A glare was her answer and the Dremora slipped it slowly from her hand. He held it in his palm and quickly began writing again. The Altmer pursed her lips and then quietly demanded, "What are you doing?"

"You will see," he purred while twiddling the golden band on his thumb. He wrote a signature at the bottom and handed the parchment over to the girl. "Your father was a magistrate in a university, was he not? Surely he had thought you our language over the years."

"... I haven't deciphered Daedric writings in years," she purred while overlooking these jagged black symbols.

Broga bounded from the bench and quickly ran over to his desk. He grabbed a few more scrolls of parchment and walked over soon placing them in her lap. He leaned over her shoulder and grinned, "Then let this refresh you, I want you to read this and then write it back in your human tongue."

Elizabeth's cat-like sapphire eyes narrowed as she began to interpret. It was addressed... to the Champion? As she read further, tears were brought to her eyes and her head spun around as she glared up at Broga whose head was nearly pressed against hers. She shook her head and hissed, "... I won't write this for you."

The Commander hunched over her and picked up her hand soon digging his index and thumbnail into her flesh. She gasped and watched as he drew blood from her hand. His eyes were merciless as he snarled, "Then I will make you write."

The maiden bit her lip and soon leaned over and snatched the quill and a blank scroll. Her hands were trembling as she began to rewrite the scroll. Broga leaned down and kissed her long curved ear causing her to cringe and scribble slightly. He leaned down and whispered into her ear, "... thank you, Elizabeth."

"B-Burn in Hell," she snarled while glaring up to him.

"Only if you'll be there with me," he chuckled while glancing down to the scroll. He demanded that he read it back to her to make certain she had copied it exactly and did not append her own comments. He listened to the words and a grin came to his face.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and bowed her head for a moment to think. As she opened her eyes and lifted her gaze she pleaded, "Please... don't give him this."

Broga snatched the scroll from her grasp and rolled it up and sealed within it Elizabeth's signet ring. "I am afraid I must. Now, I am certain you won't understand, but believe me, this is for your greater good."

The grand Dremora walked to the door. Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and leapt to her feet with the quill clutched in hand. Broga slammed the door shut right after he had left and with a smirk he pulled from his pocket a jagged skeleton-like key and fitted it into the keyhole. He locked the door and sighed sweetly, "It's nothing personal, Elizabeth."

He walked down the stairs and knew that he would need the services of the Mythic Dawn, yet again.

The door closed to the Hero's home as he sauntered in with weary eyes. He unlatched his armor and quickly took it off and tossed it aside. It clashed with the ground and echoed as more armor was tossed upon it. Finally, he stood in nothing but a lengthy brown tunic and a pair of leather pants. His bare feet shuffled across the drafty floor as he stood at the top of the stairs with narrowed eyes. His hand was firm against the stair post as he thought to himself.

Elizabeth was deeply in love with this Daedra. Who was he to pry her away from him? His hand flew up to his golden curls and he pushed them from his face. His dark eyes and thick eyebrows were exposed to the dim candlelight of his Bruma house. Possibly, there was a way to save both Elizabeth and...

No, he was thinking nonsense now. Save a Daedra? Tamerial would think him a fool! He couldn't possibly allow Elizabeth to live peacefully with a monster from the realms of Oblivion! She was going to be his wife. She would bear him children and they would live in a beautiful home together and he would take care of her all his life. His eyes closed and he could see those magical sapphire eyes piercing through his soul. Her beautiful porcelain skin as pure as snow. He remembered her touch and how he unnerved him entirely.

His heart fluttered and a weak smile was brought to his lips. Suddenly, the images had changed and he remembered how hostile and hateful she was to him. She even went as far to wish his own death. That Daedra was no good for her. It had transformed her from a lady into a monster.

Within the confinements of his mind he was having a war. He couldn't decide any longer what was right or wrong. How could love be wrong? The once black and white of things were now fading into grey and he could hardly decide which side he was upon. He sauntered down the stairs and across the cobblestone floor. The candles were burning gold as he walked by them and just as he was to enter his room he saw that the door was ajar.

He stopped.

He never left his door open, no matter in what house he was in. Upon a nearby countertop he saw a silver dagger. He quickly picked it up and removed from it its sheath. With narrowed eyes he slowly hoisted the door open. A few melted candles burned within the room and from the first glance he had seen nothing out of place. Quickly, he bounded into the room and held the dagger up.

There was no one.

His eyes became slits as he was confused for a moment. Just as he was to turn around and shut the door he saw an Agent of the Mythic Dawn standing fully armored; hidden behind the shadow of the door. The agent pushed the door shut and laughed behind its mask. "Don't fret, I'm not here to kill you," she purred in a soft voice.

The Hero furrowed his brow and grasped the dagger tighter, "What other reason would you have to come here?!"

The agent's armor disappeared and the bright crimson robes replaced it. The Breton's face exposed. She was a young woman, a lot younger than Elizabeth; the Hero thought. She stepped forward and drew from her robes a scroll. She coughed and then announced, "I have come here from the planes of Oblivion to deliver to you this scroll written by Commander Broga. Within it is valuable and rather... devastating information." Her gloved hand reached forward; presenting the scroll.

Wavering; the Hero stepped forward and reached out for the scroll. Suddenly, he snatched her wrist and jerked her forward. She gasped and flew into his arms and in a moment he had her twirled around and pressed against the door of his bedroom. Her eyes were wide and he held the dagger to her neck with a glare, "Why should I trust you?"

She laughed inadequately and breathed heavily as she could feel his torso pressing against hers making certain she did move. Her voice was raspy as she replied frankly, "Y-You... shouldn't."

His woodland eyes narrowed and with one last thought he pulled away from the girl; dagger still held tightly in his hand. "... the scroll, please..."

The agent turned around and gave him the scroll. She bowed before him and as she lifted she said, "Don't expect me to be kind the next time we meet, goodnight Champion."

The Hero lifted his eyes and glared at her. She turned and quickly left the room disappearing in the dimness. His eyes fell back to the scroll and he unwrapped it and saw glittering of a golden band. His brow creased and as he lifted it he saw the Asquerana symbol that he had seen on Jerald's ring as well as Daelon. "... Elizabeth..." he whispered and picked it up soon examining it. He placed it down upon an empty shelf and he quickly began reading the scroll.

After the first few lines he began to feel very lightheaded. He fell upon the bed and continued reading with wide misty eyes. His heart skipped a beat as he began to read into the last paragraph:

... Upon my arrival back in the realms of Dagon I had entered the tower that Elizabeth was held in to find her completely nude and ravaged. It had appeared that while I was gone, Xilivicus and the maiden had committed the act of fornication. My friend, I am sorry to be the bearer of such atrocious news. What Xilivicus has done is a crime both against you and his entire race. The penalty for breaking such a forbidden law is death. Unfortunately, I am prohibited by the same law from killing him; however, you are not bound to our laws. Upon the day of the war you must strike down and slaughter this abomination. If word of this gets to our Lord Dagon then it shall be Elizabeth's life that will be taken next. I remain, Champion, your obedient ally.

Commander Broga

The scroll fell lifelessly from the Hero's trembling hands as only a few words from the letter had stuck out to him.

Elizabeth life was to be taken next? His trembling hands coiled into fists as he placed his elbows upon his legs soon leaning his head down in consideration. His nostrils flared and he closed his eyes tightly as he snarled aloud to himself, "... I'll make that bastard beg for mercy. I'll rip him apart... I'll mutilate him... I'll... I'll..." He trailed off and quickly remembered. His eyes fell down to his belt and he saw that long wicked Daedric Claymore.

Yes... he knew what he was to do.

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