Into Oblivion

By ambrosaurus

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She's a nobleman's daughter who doesn't want to live the princess life planned out for her. He's a Daedric Kn... More

32 (Epilogue)


118 4 0
By ambrosaurus

he storm broke through the heavens and murdered any hopeful silver gleam of moonlight. The clouds fought within the darkened sky. The clouds' bodies clashing causing strident thunder and flashes of lightning to fall down and strike the earth. Rain seeped through the cracks of the sky and fell like nails upon Anvil. The guards could hardly see before them and quickly retreated to a haven until the storm had passed. It had been a silent and righteous night. Surely nothing too threatening would happen to the city.

How wrong they were.

Elizabeth sprinted down the damp cobblestone. The rain pierced her shoulders and felt like ice falling down upon her. Her body began to freeze and she could hardly feel her legs propelling her forward and away from the monster who quickly followed. Her eyes were wide and shone like a lighthouse. Her heart was the only thing that she could feel. It grew heavier which each step. Her feet slipped on the cobblestone and she quickly fell backwards and to a side. As she hit the ground she could feel her hip throb. She winced and her long silver hair clung onto her face with fear. She glanced behind her and all she saw was a black and grey haze.

What if that person was merely a Dark Elf? Yes... that was reasonable. Her shivering fingertips shoved the drenched locks of silver from her pale face as she looked behind her. Quickly, she had lifted herself and stood. Her body pushed and pulled with the gusting winds. She turned and quickly she began walking past the second dock that led out into the rippling pond on the north east side of Anvil. Just as Elizabeth began to walk past the pier she saw a sleek black figure from the corner of her eyes, it looked like it was upon the Fighter's Guild roof.

The water blurred her eyes and she surely thought it was just a delusion. The girl began walking across the sidewalk and when she took her next step, out of the blue, a gigantic ebony haze bounded off the fighter's guild roof and as it collided with the ground, which happened to be a foot from the maiden, it sprung right back up like a tightly bounded coil. It tackled Elizabeth into the air and soon her pale snow white body and the giant black haze appeared to be a yin-yang rolling down the damp verdant mound into the bitter grey embrace of the pond.

Elizabeth was shoved under the water and quickly her heart began to race. Water flooded inside her mouth and she screamed in fear as the phantom holding her down was utterly unmovable. His weight was causing her to be submerged in the soft sludge. Her hands reached from the watery graves and grasped onto the black monster. Its skin felt smooth like the blunt side of a sword's blade, yet firm and rigid like a boulder.

The girl clenched her teeth shut and with her last bit of strength she thrashed her body around and flipped the shadow over soon sending it hurtling into the pond. Water flew up in an artistic manner. Raindrops and pond water clashed in the air and soon fell back to the earth. The shadow and Elf wrestled in the water, swirling about and attempting to hold one another down. Just as the girl was to get a look, water rushed into her eyes and she was blinded momentarily.

Suddenly, from the waters she was lifted and her back was shoved harshly onto the base of the mermaid statuette. The breathe rushed from her lungs and she nearly choked on the water that was in her mouth at the time. The rain poured down like mad upon them and her silver dirtied hair pressed tightly across the form of her body. Her eyes ripped open and the phantom figure was as dark as could be. Unexpectedly, lightning streaked across the sky soon illuminating Anvil and causing the phantom's face to lighten like a prairie exposed to sunlight. Elizabeth felt herself fall out of her body as she saw the grand Master Slaver looming over her. His revered physique was completely noticeable in the heaven-light. His black and crimson hair was falling from the drenched hood that he wore upon his head. Those piercing crimson eyes locked down upon her as his hands grasped her tightly and held her onto the statuette.

Elizabeth's mouth fell agape and she wheezed, "B-Broga..."

He chuckled and leaned farther down so she could hear him over the wailing wind and the quarrelling rain. "So you remember me... I surely thought that after such a long time you would have forgotten all about Oblivion."

The maiden glanced around desperately hoping to catch the disappearing watery figure of a guard or possibly a beggar. Anvil seemed absolutely dead, and this is what the girl had feared. She thrashed about and made an effort to slacken his grip; however, it seemed like he had a good hold on her. Anger boiled within her and she snapped, "Let me go!"

He laughed and watched her futile attempt. How pitiful. His hands gripped tighter and he could feel the bones hidden beneath her skin. Her teeth clashed even tighter together and her brow furrowed as she could only watch this man attempt to shatter her bones. She squirmed and quickly blurted, "What do you want from me?!"

His hands loosened and he looked her over. Her ample eyes stared at him and hungered a response. He could feel her heart block itself every time he was near; protecting her soul. His lips pursed and he scoffed, "Why would I be here? Why would I be holding you back right now," his right hand released from her arm and lifted up to stroke back drenched silver strands of hair.

She cringed at his touch and turned her head away with a hardening glare. Her body was freezing in the wintry breeze and heaven's falling teardrops. The Daedric man clenched his jaw and all of a sudden he had remembered that he hadn't much time. Surely the guards or another mindless traveler would find the guard's dead body and report it. He needed to get out of Anvil as quickly as possible. He tossed his eyes around evasively making certain that no guards were coming. The wind and rain acting as a personal black cloak that he slithered through like a serpent.

His eyes turned back to the maiden and he spun her around soon pushing her into the base of the statue. His jagged nails ripped a piece of cloth from his wrapped wrist and he pulled off the dark leather like a second layer of skin. He quickly bounded the girl's hands causing her to gasp slightly as the skin of her wrists was pulled and pushed down harshly. Broga's nostrils flared as he knotted the textile tightly being assured it would be fall apart. As he spun her around his bloody eyes fell upon her and he snarled, "Let's go."

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and reluctantly pushed herself upon the statue. She was going to make this as hard as possible. Broga's muscles tensed and he bore his teeth at her in frustration. He crouched in the water and suddenly the maiden was lifted easily from the water and thrown over his shoulder with certain care. He made sure that her skin would not be pierced with his jagged ebon horns. Just as he was about to climb from the watery pit, he heard the screaming of an Anvil resident. The Dremora's ears perked and he listened as the calls were made from over the howling of the wind.

"Oblivion gate! There's an Oblivion gate outside Anvil!" screamed the Dunmer.

A guard rushed over to the man and tried to calm him down. The raging Dunmer continued to scream trying to run past the guard; however, this attempt was to no prevail. "Calm down, sir! What's this about a gate?"

The Dunmer grasped at his chainmail and boomed, "Did you not hear me?! There's an Oblivion Gate right outside of Anvil! We're next, I tell you! First Kvatch, now Lord Dagon wants Anvil!"

A few more guards entered the streets. They conversed beneath the wind's howls and quickly they ran off in different directions to alert the guards and countess in the Castle and to make sure that the doors were well guarded. Broga cursed and ducked lower into the water. His chances of being spotted were increasing and his mind began to revolve like clockwork. He glanced to the Benirus manor. If he could somehow sneak behind it and make it to the Chapel gate, he was certain that he could make his way around Anvil and back to his gate. He hauled the girl and himself out of the water with her struggling violently upon his shoulder. Broken limbs or deep slashes might be the result of one scream to the guards.

Elizabeth's heart pounded as she struggled even more knowing her chances of survival were better outside Anvil than within.

The Harbor Gate was bombarded by guard's shoulders as they quickly ran from the city and unto the rotting and damp docks of the harbor. Just as the door was to swing close, tangerine eyes appeared from the blackness and soon a sleek figure slithered into Anvil, disappearing behind the houses. The figure dashed through the raindrops trying to get somewhere. Just as Xilivicus was about to pass the next part of a house, he saw a door open and light gleamed and turned the raindrops to gold. The man stopped suddenly, his feet burrowing into the damp ground. The Churl nearly fell face first as he tried to remain hidden. His eyes widened as he saw a man walk outside and toss collected rain water out of a bucket onto the lawn. The old man turned and said back into the home, "... I do hope old Bromus had luck finding Elizabeth."

The Churl's ears perked at her name and he drew closer like a moth to a flame. The owner of the tavern closed the door but the harsh wind propped it open slightly. As the Dremora grew closer he heard more voices. Within the tavern, Daelon sat near the fire with bothered amber eyes. He bowed his head and ran his fingertips through his hair as he replied to the owner's comment, "It has been so long. Surely he has found her by now."

Caldwyn fumbled around with a piece of leek sitting on a table. His eyes were tossed up and he said, "We should look for her. The more the people the more the chance of finding her."

Jerald shook his head and said, "It's very late and with the Oblivion crisis it's still dangerous out on a night like this. If there is no news by tomorrow morning than we shall head off in search for her."

Xilivicus' eyes widened and he leaned closer to the door letting the golden light his left tangerine eye causing it to illuminate. The front door to the Count's Arms propped open and a few drenched weary guards sauntered in. Their shoulders drooped and they looked up with dreary eyes. "Jerald Asquerana?" They called out.

The High Elf Lord lifted his head with a faltering heart. "... That is I."

The guards walked over and removed their helmets from their dampened brows. "We have reason to believe that... your family might be in immediate danger." The residents of the tavern grew very silent as their attention turned to the guards whose lips sheltered the word of death. "An Oblivion gate has been spotted outside Anvil... your daughter... they say she was a captive in the planes of Oblivion. Is there a chance they might have returned for her?"

Jerald's worn and tired eyes shimmered in sadness and he stood from the battered chair soon ushering the guards into a concealed room to converse for surely he did not want to subject his sons to this matter. Daelon furrowed his brow as his anxiety grew larger and weighed down upon his shoulders even more. Caldwyn sighed deeply and bowed his head, "Talos be with us."

Orrick lifted his eyes and groaned, "My, what a world we live in."

Xilivicus stepped back from the door with a furrowed brow. Rain ran down his body completely encasing him in a second skin. His purple skin appeared as black on this darkened night. He turned away and knew that he needed to find Elizabeth. Her life was in danger, he was certain of that, and if Broga was searching the city as well, her life was farther into peril. But how precisely would he find—

"Hello?" a voice called out behind the Churl.

Xilivicus spun around his eyes wide as he saw Daelon standing at the door staring at him.

The guards rushed out the Chapelgate pushing the doors widely open. The coast was clear and the black Dremora sped out with the maiden still hunched over his back. He grasped onto her legs tightly with narrowed eyes. He sprinted through a shallow section of water soon dashing up a hill leading off into the wilderness. To assure his chances of arriving back in Oblivion safely, he needed to approach the portal from the back. This would allow the Dremora to keep out of the guard's way. The rain poured even heavier down upon his ripped burly body. His muscles tensed as he pulled his weight and the maiden's weight up over a small hill.

The screams of the maiden carried off over the wails of the roaring wind, "Put me down you barbaric fool! I demand to be put down at once!"

Broga's eyes had strained into the night as he attempted to plan out a route back to the Oblivion gate. He stopped in the middle of the wood with a furrowed brow. The complaints of the maiden fueled his anger and in a few moments he snarled and tossed to her to the damp cold floor. Her body crashed into the long grass and she gasped as the rain ran up her nostrils. She glared up at him seeing his looming figure standing over her. The lightning lit the sky and allowed her to see the details of his face. The Commander clashed his teeth together with a snarl, "Shut the hell up, you ghastly girl!"

Elizabeth stared up at him, her eyes narrowing with a burning hatred that not even the rain could distinguish. "How dare you demand silence of me! You are no Master of mine!"

He smirked and chuckled crazily soon leaning over and placing his hands upon his knees. His jagged crooked grin sent chills all along the girl's spine. The Dremora then informed her, "Do you have any idea why it was I who came and got you, hmm? I am not the most skilled of Daedra and clearly not the most timid or sneaky either. I chose to come for you, Elizabeth Asquerana, and do you have any idea why I—Broga Dremora Axeax—would ever want to come into Tamerial to find one pathetic little girl and bring her back to Lord Dagon?" His smile faded and he boomed out over the howling of the wind causing even the unruly lightning to fall before him in fear. "BECAUSE I OWN YOU!"

Elizabeth's eyes glazed over with confusion and utter horrification. Her lips fell agape and she snarled, "What... b-but... how?"

Broga laughed as his last nerves began to break. His mind unraveled and his conscious logical self had gone astray in a sea of frustration, stress, and lunacy. "Dagon has sworn you to me, scholar! After you tell him everything that he needs to know you shall become mine. Your body forfeit to my needs, your strength used for the errands I disperse to you, your talents used to amuse me. Don't fret, my dear, I won't be completely ruthless upon you." He smiled. That smile petrified her as she could imagine the life that was planned out before her. She came back to reality when she could feel his long jagged black nails caress past her cheek. She glanced to his hand and heard him hiss, "But do expect to feel pain."

"You sick bastard," she sneered.

The Commander chuckled and just as he was to force her back upon her feet his back muscles rolled and sent a tingle along his spine. His jagged ears perked and his senses seemed flustered. Suddenly, he heard a small twang and the Dremora swirled around and in a blink of an eye he had caught the stealthy iron arrow in midair. Elizabeth gasped in shock as he displayed such skills. The Commander narrowed his eyes and slowly he looked up into a tree. There hidden among the branches was an Imperial Forester. His black eyes widened in fear as he saw that his arrow, which normally struck true, had not harmed this Dremora!

Broga scowled and stood before the girl, lowering himself into a hunched pose. Ready for an attack or a quick retreat if needed. His black sturdy claws held at his sides to shield the girl from the forester. Was he protecting her? Elizabeth's eyes widened as she could hardly see through the streaked rain. The Imperial leapt from the treetops and in midair he had swung the bow upon his back and unleashed a silver dagger from his belt, gripping it in a hand. The Dremora crouched and just as the Imperial neared he jounced his legs and leapt into the air swiftly soon tackling the forester back and away from the maiden.

The Elf's eyes widened and she pushed herself up onto her frozen damp legs. She couldn't merely stand by and watch this man die! She needed to help! But she had no weapon and no magic that could make it through the stormy atmosphere. Just as she was to run forward, she had heard the forester boom over the screaming storm, "Run! Get away from here!"

Broga lifted the man into the air and tossed him a few yards away. His massive figure swiveled around and he snarled with barred jagged fangs, "Move and face the consequences, Altmer!"

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes and felt the power building within her. As the Princess she portrayed she was to obey the greater force, in this situation it was Broga. But as a free Altmer, she obeyed herself and her gods. The maiden shook her head and yelled, "You don't own me." With that, she turned and sprinted away.

The Dremora's eyes widened and the crimson became a fiery inferno that turned the frozen water droplets to steam. His body tensed and just as he was to run after her the Imperial man leapt upon his back digging the dagger deep into his middle back. The Commander howled and lifted his arms over his head soon grasping onto the Imperial's head. He tore him from his back and launched him into a tree. The man's body collided harshly and became lifeless for one moment. The Commander stormed forward soon ripping the lodged dagger from his back. The blood on the tip disappeared in the rain. The Dremora spun the dagger between his fingers with a glare, soon cooing, "You freed her, sir. Now what shall become of you?"

The forester spat out a glob of blood, soon wiping his lips. His tangled black hair falling into his face as he snarled, "The safety of the citizens of Tamerial is more important to me than my life."

Broga grinned and hunched over and with a cooing voice he purred, "Ah, how noble of you." With his unoccupied hand he grasped the Imperial by the throat and lifted him up the tree with ease. The man lifted a few feet from the ground with wide eyes as he saw Broga spin the dagger a few more times. The Dremora then took the dagger and placed it upon the Imperial's skin. The dagger acted as a paintbrush, and the canvas was the white skin of the forester. Broga's nostrils twitched as he carved fast designs into the man's skin. Blood was pouring out over his hand and trickling down to the woodland floor. The forester cringed with each piercing. His yells piercing the heavens and causing the thunder to answer back to his tortured calls. Broga grinned as he looked upon the crimson tattoos that bled. The Imperial was falling in and out of consciousness. The Dremora chuckled and nodded while glancing to the dagger, "I suppose... you would like you knife back now." He spun the dagger and suddenly he gripped the hilt and slammed the blade through the Imperial's head; lodging it deep inside brain matter and skull.

Broga released the man and watched him fall to the soil; lifeless. The Dremora turned and glared off in the direction that Elizabeth went. Her smell was faint in the air and began to vanish. He snarled and quickly sprinted after her. He was too close to be letting her escape now. He would capture his runaway slave, oh yes. He would.

Daelon's eyes sparkled as he saw this magnificent creature, for he had always wondered what a Dremora had looked like. His mind screamed for him to call the guards; yet, there was something awkwardly memorable about this Churl. Xilivicus narrowed his eyes as he could feel his muscles tense and his build bulk up as if he wished to frighten away this Altmer. Daelon slinked forward and just as his foot stepped down upon the soil, the Churl had disappeared in a haze of black. Daelon's eyes widened as he watched the Churl vanish around the corner of the Inn.

"Wait!" cried Daelon who soon sprinted off into the storm. "Wait! Please! I need your help!"

Xilivicus sprinted across the cobblestone street, hardly giving a glance anywhere else. The rain pushed him back as if allowing Daelon to catch up. The Altmer ran across the street; continuing to scream for the Dremora to come to a halt. Daelon's black hair fell from its bounding and coiled down around his face like springs. His brow furrowed and he ran even quicker. The Dremora leapt upon a fence soon bounding off and landing upon the abandoned shack's roof. He collided with the shingles in a catlike pose, he lifted himself and just as he was about to turn and leap onto the house of Silgor Brodus—

"Elizabeth!" screamed Daelon as he watched the fallen angel about to make his great escape from Anvil.

Xilivicus froze and his eyes fell down to Daelon. His brow furrowed and he snarled over the wind, "What did you say?"

Daelon blinked furiously as he had gotten this Dremora to speak! The Altmer pushed his jet black hair from his face as he called out, "My sister is Elizabeth Asquerana! She was the... the prisoner from Kvatch! Is that why you are here?! Do you wish to take her from us yet again?!"

Xilivicus stepped easily from the roof and as he plummeted to the ground he landed gracefully in front of Daelon. His tangerine eyes on fire as if they were struck by lightning. Daelon's muscles contracted and he wondered if it was safe for him to be out here with this Dremora? The Dremora stared at Daelon with wide alerted eyes. He shook his head and said, "I'm here to protect her. Surely you wouldn't understand this just like her father who-"

"Xilivicus," Daelon interrupted with wide eyes. "You're Xilivicus aren't you? Elizabeth spoke of you. Yes... you're him," he nodded and called out, "She said you were her friend from Oblivion."

The Churl's heart cringed at that word. Friend. Was he only that to her now? Was his absence a way to free her from adoring him? His eyes narrowed and he hissed, "Tell me, where is she?! I need to find her! She is in grave danger!"

Daelon shook his head and called back over the raging storm, "No one knows! Our butler had gone out looking for her... but that seemed like eons ago. What could have happened?"

Xilivicus bowed his head with a furrowed brow as he began to think. "Broga..." his head lifted and he snarled while turning and walking into the shadows to the Westgate, "We need to get to the Oblivion gate! That is our only hope in saving her."

"Saving her?" questioned Daelon while following him. "Saving her from what?"

Her hands lifted in front of her as she pushed away the branches creating a path for herself. The child-like heart in her chest raced faster than she had. Her muscles began to loosen as she could no longer run. For too long she had run without knowing where she was going. She had tripped and fallen over logs and hills. The rain began to lighten to a soft weeping. The clouds ran away and silver light fell through the treetops making it easier for the girl to run. Her eyes fluttered as her running slowed and her energy was completely drained. Elizabeth collapsed upon a boulder with little hope of escaping Broga.

He would be fast on her trail and possibly would punish her. Her eyes slowly opened and that little amount of hope soon turned into a burning star. Southward bound there was the Whitmond cottage whose chimney was alive with a puffing smoke. A small laugh came from her lips as a few joyful tears fell from her eyes. She pushed her weak body up from the boulder soon stumbling to the cottage. With each step she began to think less of Oblivion and more of an average life that she would be leading. She would go to the farm and ask to rest there for a while and when she had regained her strength she would sprint to Anvil and alert the guards of a Dremora attempting to get into the city.

Elizabeth placed her hand upon the side of the cottage as she breathed deeply. Her smile broadened and she walked to the front door. She could smell the firewood in the nearby fireplace and it reminded her much of her home. She lifted a hand and knocked upon the door; waiting.

Maeva the Buxom slowly opened the door with narrowed eyes. Her voice was trembling and seemed frightened, "H-Hello?"

Elizabeth sighed deeply and then said, "I...I would like to ask if I could take shelter here for a few minutes. I live in Anvil and I'm s-sure my family is missing me. Please... I really need to get out of the wilderness and into somewhere safe."

The Nordic woman quivered and she nodded frantically soon ushering the girl in. As she closed the door her weak fingertips pushed back the padlock making certain the door was locked. Maeva the Buxom turned around and looked to Elizabeth with sympathetic eyes. Why her? She's so young... Nines forgive me. She spoke sadly to herself. The Altmer sat down at a wobbly chair with a deep sigh. "Thank you very much, ma'am. I promise I won't be much of a bother. I just want..." she stopped. Her eyes were upon Maeva the Buxom now. The Nord carried a blunt in one of her shivering hands, her back against the door. "W-What are you doing?" questioned Elizabeth.

Maeva wept lightly, soon whispering, "P-Please forgive me." The Nordic woman leapt forward and raised Rockshatter high in the air. Before Elizabeth could even fall from her chair, the woman struck the Elf over the head.

The Elf's vision blurred as she fell from her chair and struck the cold hard ground. Her eyes fluttered open and closed and she could see Maeva the Buxom clench tightly onto Rockshatter; weeping in sadness. Behind the Nord, a black figure dropped from the ceiling. Maeva tilted her head slightly as Broga placed his hand upon her shoulder. The Dremora grinned and spoke the last words that Elizabeth would hear, "Don't worry..." he had purred to the Nord, "this is all for the greater good of Tamerial."

The Elf slipped off into darkness not knowing of what her fate was going to be.

Xilivicus and Daelon sped over grassy mounds and boulders. The Dremora ran up a boulder soon leaping off to another one. Daelon breathed heavily attempting to follow just as fast as the Churl was running. Xilivicus' eyes lifted to the horizon as he could see the towering Oblivion gate. His muscles tensed and he leapt down upon the grassy planes soon declaring, "We're almost there. There should be guards outside the gates—Clannfear, Daedroth, Spider Daedra. Unless... my commander left the gate unprotected."

Daelon caught up and leaned over pressing his palms onto his knees as he began to seize his lost breath, "What... what would be worst?" He wheezed.

Xilivicus narrowed his eyes with a glare, "Unprotected."

The Altmer lifted and inquired, "Why?"

The Churl turned and gave him a glance. He saw no sign of Elizabeth within him. Their skin color, their eyes or hair. But Xilivicus could certainly see Jerald in him. His facial structure and poise, his voice and even the way they shared the fatherly outlook over Elizabeth. Xilivicus frowned and said, "If the gate is unprotected it means that my commander knew he wasn't going to be gone long. We need to get there quickly. Go back to Anvil and tell the guards to keep in the city. We don't need any causalities."

Daelon shook his head and said, "I will go with you to the Oblivion Gate and even through it if that means getting my sister back here where she belongs."

Stubborn; this man was surely Jerald's son. The Churl nodded and began to journey forth. "Keep up then and if you see anything odd don't keep it to yourself. This is how he tricks you and finally delivers the fatal blow."

The two men sprinted to the gate with a fearless hope in their heart. Daelon promised the Nine that he would do whatever they bided if he could have the strength to overcome this Daedric Commander. Xilivicus swore to Dibella and Mara that all he wanted was to free Elizabeth; even if it was at his own life's disposal. Just as Xilivicus feared, the gate was unprotected. Daelon marveled at the sheer brilliance and horror of this gargantuan gate. Xilivicus walked to the base of the gate, glancing at the wayshrine that it had destroyed. His blood boiled as he saw it was that of Mara. His hands clenched and he snarled, "How dare him..."

Daelon walked over with frightened wide eyes, "W-Where is he?"

"Right... here," Broga purred while sitting upon a giant boulder. He smirked and stood up soon bounding off and landing a few feet behind the men.

Xilivicus turned to him with a deep glare. He stepped forward and snarled, "Where's Elizabeth?!"

Broga shrugged slightly and his crooked grin broadened, "You tell me, lover-boy."

"Stop playing games," Daelon snarled, "Where's my sister?"

The Commander glanced over with uninterested deep red eyes. He sneered and hissed, "She is no longer your concern... so leave."

The Altmer stepped forward, but the Churl held up his arm and snarled, "Do what he says."

Daelon narrowed his eyes and spat, "I'm not leaving here without my sister!"

"If you don't heed his warning you won't leave here with your life," Xilivicus hissed while giving him a corner glare. "I won't walk away unless I have your sister. I swore to her that under my protection she was never going to get in harm's way. As I live, I will always protect her. Now go... your service is needed in Anvil."

The Altmer pursed his lips and began to make his way for the path to Anvil. Broga watched him with attentive eyes a smirk pulling over his lips. "How easy do you think... it would be to chase him down... right now?" Lunacy sparked in his eyes.

Xilivicus bore his fangs as he spat, "Your dealings are with me, not that man."

"Mmm... how true you are," Broga purred while walking closer. "So, let me get this straight; you escaped Oblivion, slinked through Anvil, escaped from Anvil and chased me back here for... what? An exchange of words and strikes?"

"I came for Elizabeth. Now where is she?!" The Churl boomed as the two began to walk in circles; staring one another down.

A chuckle came from the black Dremora's lips as he crossed his arms and stood in front of the Oblivion gate, "Dear brother, she is under my authority and supervision now! Do not burden yourself with her. She will only cause you heartbreak and infidelity to Lord Dagon."

"Dagon can burn in the darkest of hells," Xilivicus snarled, "Elizabeth means more to me than anything."

Broga's eyes sparkled and he smirked, "So... you would do anything to get her?"

"Yes," Xilivicus hissed, "anything."

"Well, well, well," Broga chuckled while walking closer. "I believe I just may have a proposition for you, that is... if you're willing to listen."

The Churl lowered his brow; snapping, "What is it?"

The Commander cracked his dense neck with a profound sigh, "You know... more and likely that if we did battle that even if you won I would appear back in Oblivion fast enough to get Elizabeth. If you died, well, you would have to go through the whole trouble of finding her before me. This is a very forlorn corner you have put yourself into, brother. That is why... I believe that I have come to a solution that will benefit the both of us." Broga held out his hand near his head, rubbing his middle nail over his thumb. "Give me three months of loyal service... and I shall bestow upon you the right of Mastery over the Altmer girl. You can return her to Tamerial, keep her as a concubine—I do not care what your plans are for her. Three months of service is all I ask," he motioned the number with his middle, ring, and smallest finger.

Xilivicus cocked an eyebrow; hesitant, "... if I refuse?"

"Then the girl shall be ruled under me and I will not tolerate any commerce between the two of you. Your body will remain in the torture chambers and the maiden shall do services for me upon the Oblivions planes."

The Churl's eyes lit wit fury as he pondered the consequences of each decision. He could try and fight against his superior; however, he hadn't fought in such a while that he wasn't certain if he was even capable to fight. The inevitable began to loom over him and he knew that there were no other options than to give in. "If I promise to be your serf you must vow to me that you shall never harm Elizabeth."

Broga chuckled and rubbed his jaw harshly, "If I do than our contract is voided." The Dremora's crimson eyes lifted as he saw torchlight and horses riding towards the Oblivion gate. Surely these people were guards and other such mediocre heroes. "... Decide quickly, brother. It appears that we have company."

Xilivicus swirled around and glared down at the path. The wind began to pick up once again and it had appeared that the storm had returned from its grave among the stars. The Churl swiveled back around and furrowed his brow as he looked upon his commander. Broga waited with that same cocky grin spread across his lips. Xilivicus walked forward and as he approached the monster's black figure he fell down upon his knees and placed his hands upon the ground before Broga. His lips pursed as he hissed lightly, "What shall I do, master?"

The Commander chuckled and glanced back to the Oblivion gate with wide fiery eyes. He nodded and said, "Raise now, brother. Let us seal this deal."

The Churl rose with cagey eyes. Broga seized his hand and as he held it up he took his jagged jet black middle nail and sliced a cross in the back of his hand. Xilivicus cringed as he watched Broga lean down and spit upon the wound. As the saliva came in contact with the royal purple skin it steamed and almost seemed to burn away the blood droplets and severed skin.

Xilivicus grasped his wrist as he watched the skin burn away and vanish where the cross had been put. The cross now a light violet color. His eyes lifted and he scowled, "What if those guards follow us into Oblivion? We'll lead them right to Elizabeth."

Broga shook his head, "When I cross over through the gate, the portal shall shift and turn to another plane of Oblivion. Dagon and his realm shall be completely safe from these Cyrodiilic imbeciles. Now go... I must be the last to pass through the gate."

The Churl glanced once more back to the guards and swiftly he ran through the portal. Broga smirked and slowly backed up into the gate, watching the guards come forth. Right as the man's gigantic body disappeared. The portal had been redirected and a few Clannfear and Daedroth stepped out to protect the portal.

Through the wild hellfire and fiery blasts of the portal, Xilivicus tumbled through and soon landed back into Dagon's first realm. He nearly tumbled out landing on one knee. He grunted as he hit the ground and suddenly he glanced up and forgot about everything.

There before him laid the mistress in all her beautiful glory. She lay upon her side with her long waved silver hair as her pillow. Her once extravagant outfit now tattered and soiled by the earth and water of Anvil. The Churl felt his heart seize and he quickly stumbled forward. He fell besides her, grasping her shoulders and shaking her lightly, "Elizabeth! Elizabeth, wake up!" He cried out to her. His eyes fell upon the bloody trickle running from one of her temples and the worst of scenarios ran through his untamed mind.

Her brow creased and her eyes fluttered open. Her vision blurred for a few moments and with a battering of eyelashes she saw Xilivicus looming over her. His caring tangerine eyes warmed her and brought back the hope and life that she had seemed to forget in those last three weeks. A soft delicate smile pulled over her lips and the Churl fell back as she sat up quickly and glanced over to him, "X-Xilivicus? Is... is that really you?"

He grinned and nodded as his eyes became misty, "Yes, it is I, Elizabeth."

She lunged at him and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. They fell back upon the dusty red soil of Oblivion. Xilivicus sheltered her head and nuzzled her ear soon whispering into it, "Oh, how I have missed you."

The girl's heart swelled and she held him even tighter knowing there were no words that could illustrate how much she had missed him. A dark shadow overcame them and the maiden's crystal blue eyes opened and she could see Broga. Her fingertips gripped dreadfully into Xilivicus as she hissed, "Broga...!"

The Commander chuckled and as he approached this couple a few guards came forth. Xilivicus glanced around and he held tighter onto the girl knowing he would never willingly let her go. Broga nodded towards the guards and demanded, "Take her to court."

The guards pried Xilivicus' arms from the girl soon dragging him back. Two guards seized Elizabeth and lifted her to her feet. The Churl thrashed about angrily soon pulling from the guards' grasp. He shoulder blasted a few guards away while reaching his hand far out for the Elf. Elizabeth gasped and elbowed her guards soon reaching out. Their fingers entwined for a moment until Broga seized Xilivicus by the horns and jerked him backwards. The Churl spun backwards and hit the ground. Dust flew up and a few guards held him in place by taking two Daedric longswords and crossing them near the Churl's head. Xilivicus clenched his teeth and glared up at Broga who walked closer. The black Dremora leaned down and hissed, "In three months... Dagon should be ruling over Tamerial. There's no use in attempting to save her Cyrodiilic life, brother. I hope you enjoy being my servant," his eyes lifted to the guards and he snarled, "Take him to the dungeons. Give him another round of whipping."

Xilivicus' eyes widened and the swords near his head were ripped from the ground and the Daedric guards picked him up and dragged him away. Broga chuckled and started to the walk to the courtroom. Behind him, the Churl bellowed, "Broga! You lying son of a bitch! You vowed to me! YOU VOWED!"

Broga chuckled and glanced behind his back and with a soft whisper he said, "I'm a Daedra... not a saint, brother."

The commander pushed back the grand mansion's doors as he ventured further to attend the court hearing where Elizabeth would speak of all that she knew and then she would be his and his alone.

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