Into Oblivion

By ambrosaurus

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She's a nobleman's daughter who doesn't want to live the princess life planned out for her. He's a Daedric Kn... More

32 (Epilogue)


232 8 0
By ambrosaurus

The Kvatch camp was a dreary scene to see. Families wandered aimlessly around hoping that from the winding path upon the mountain their children and lovers would run down and greet them with wide arms. They feared that they were the only ones left. Heavy hearts loomed upon the cliffs of abyss and they saw no hope as they looked up to a darkened sky. A Redguard and his son sat inside a tent looking up to the sky by prodding the flap slightly open. The father's tired and sorrowful eyes grew even more hopeless as he feared that his wife was not going to be coming home.

There was a sound down the trail and a few people tossed their gaze to see a great white horse ride up into the camp. An armored man tilted back his mage's hood to look up onto the mountain where the great Kvatch used to stand but now lay in its own ruins. His eyes hardened and he quickly demounted the horse. The creature snorted and watched as he walked up to a local and called out, "Are you all that are left of Kvatch?"

The High Elf bowed her head and replied, "Yes, we are. There are; however, a few people within the chapel. The guards are up there trying to get them out. But it won't be long before they attack us again." Her voice... so bleak.

The Hero nodded and glanced up to the mountain once more. "The guards," said he, "how many are there?"

The High elf shook her head and replied, "I... I don't know... possibly three... maybe four."

He shook his head and walked back to his horse and mounted it. He clicked his heels into the creature's sides and he quickly rode up the mountain side. The High Elf watched him and yelled after him, "Fool! You're going to get yourself killed!"

The Hero narrowed his eyes and ignored her useless shouting. He was given a quest. Never had he turned from a quest and he wasn't going to start now.

Xilivicus wrapped his arm around Elizabeth as he walked her back to the tower. She still sniffled and wiped her pinked eyes as she attempted to push down the awful feeling she had. The Dremora glanced over to her and frowned, "... are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah," she sniffled, "I'll be fine."

His brow furrowed and he nodded soon walking her around a bend. When his eyes rose he suddenly stopped to see half a quadrant of Kynmarchers and Kynval standing near the portal. They wielded weapons and brandished great armor. A few turned to Xilivicus and called him out. The Dremora removed his arm from the girl and told her to stay put and not move. She nodded and watched him jog over to his superiors.

"What's going on?" Xilivicus questioned while glancing to the portal seeing a few mages smirk and chuckle as they summoned scamp after scamp.

A Kynval glanced over and nodded to the portal with his head. "We forgot to kill a few guards and now they're trying to fight back. They stand before Kvatch killing anything that we send out," he chuckled and smiled brightly with a mouth of jagged teeth, "Funny thing is, we're sending out summoned scamps. So we kill the guards... and lose no men whatsoever. It's great fun to watch them. They act like they're really fighting for Tamerial. What a shame they're fighting and dying to the lesser Daedra who are nothing compared to us, aye?"

Xilivicus nodded, "Aye."

A Kynmarcher chuckled and slapped a mage upon the back, "Let's confuse them... send out a Clannfear. They'll be scared to death! Probably piss their greaves when they see it!"

The mage chuckled, "Clannfear? Why not a Daedroth? That will really make them run in fear."

Another Kynval called out, "Why don't we just go out there? Imagine their faces when a whole army of Daedra walk out and just stand there watching them. They'd die at the sight of us!"

All the men chuckled and a Clannfear was sent out. They watched the portal and could hardly see the guards leap out of their skins as they all rushed forward to kill it. The Daedra were rolling in laughter as they watched. Xilivicus furrowed his brow and watched as the Clannfear leap upon a soldier and shredded him into pieces. Blood burst into the air and stained the ground and the Clannfear itself who was quickly slaughtered by another guard.

The Kynmarchers and Kynval quickly dissipated as they became bored and knew if they didn't return to their duties then it would be them who were shredded to pieces. Xilivicus walked back to Elizabeth and looked up. "... Kvatch guards are attempting to protect Tamerial..." he told her before she even got to ask. "There are only five or so left."

Elizabeth's shoulders slumped as she stood before him in disbelief. All that was left of her city was a few guards? ... No, it couldn't be true. She glanced off and looked up to her tower where they were headed. She nodded and quietly began walking down the path. Xilivicus's shoulders slumped as he watched her. How awful it must have been to see her beautiful and marvelous world burn to ashes. He wished she never had to see this. As they walked across the bridge, calls echoed out behind them.

These calls... they weren't Daedric.

"... By the Nine Divines!" A guard exclaimed.

"Look—the Tower!" another guard called out while pointing his sword up to the massive Black Death chamber that loomed within the bloody sky.

Elizabeth swirled around and she called out the guards, "Donovan... Barkus...!"

The guards looked forward and saw the High Elf. They nearly dropped their swords as they called out, "Miss Asquerana?!"

Xilivicus cursed and grabbed Elizabeth's hand, "Hurry, into the tower!"

Elizabeth glared up at him, "My friends! I want to-"

Before she could even say another word Clannfear ran around the corner and attacked them. Elizabeth gasped and tried running to them to help but Xilivicus wrapped his arms around her stomach and lifted her into the air, "No! You go over there and the Clannfear will kill you too!"

Elizabeth's eyes swelled with tears as she watched the gates slowly begin to close upon what was left of her townspeople, " no, please! S-Stop!"

Xilivicus swirled her around and picked her up into his arms, taking her to the tower. His eyes came to a few Kynval and he boomed out to them, "Go into the west tower! Make sure that gate remains closed! In the astounding chance that they can fight off those Daedra, make sure that Kynmarcher are at each inch of this tower, do you understand?!" His voice demanding and harsh like it had been such a long time ago when he was a Prince.

The Kynval saluted to him and quickly rushed off. The Churl turned back to his tower and quickly rushed inside. His heart began beating as he thought to himself; how did the guards get in here? I thought we had enough scamps and Clannfear out there to preoccupy them. They won't last long out there. But precautions must be taken in case anything happens.

Elizabeth wrapped her arms even tighter around Xilivicus's neck. She was angered at him for taking her away from her people; yet, she was grateful that he stopped her. Gods know what could have happened to her! She sniffled even more and looked up to the Dremora as he carried her quickly up the ramps. As they came to the top he walked over to her pallet and placed her down gently. "Are you alright?" He questioned. "Understand that what I did was for the best interests of you."

"I-I know..." she stammered while wiping her eyes.

Xilivicus put his index finger under her chin and his thumb under her lips. He tilted her head up and looked into her eyes. "I promise I won't let anything happened to you."

The High Elf gazed up into his eyes. That feeling... it had returned within her. Her chest seemed like a swirling fire that consumed her soul. Her heart fluttered and her cheeks became inflamed. The Dremora stood fully up and nodded, "... I promise." He then turned and walked over to his armor which lay idly by the ramps. He quickly placed it upon him and as he picked up his helmet a voice down the ramps called out to him. It was a Kynval, "Xilivicus! W-We have a problem!"

The Churl came to a halt and tossed his fiery eyes down, "What is it?"

The Kynval eyes were wide as he said, "The Clannfear and Scamps... they're all—"


The Hero stood over all the bodies of these monsters. Blood dripped from his once virgin blade. His eyes narrowed as he looked up to the tower. So this was Oblivion? He thought. A trembling guard came up behind him and said, "T-This place... so cold... s-so horrible... I'm getting out of here!"

The Hero tossed his head to a side and looked back at the guard, "Go... Savlian shall need you more than I do."

The guard nodded and tried calming his breaking nerves, "Y-You're right... thank you." He sheathed his sword and quickly ran out to the Oblivion gate.

The Hero nodded and looked around examining the area. It seemed like there was another route to the towers. Surely, there was. He turned and quickly made his way down a path knowing that Clannfear and Scamps weren't going to be the only thing he would see here.

Xilivicus's face twisted in anger, "Get Daedroth and mages out there. Send out anything to kill him! I want him dead before he comes in a hundred foot radius of the towers.... Well... get to it, Kynval!"

The Dremora nearly leapt from his skin as his inferior possessed more bark and bite than Broga had! The Kynval ran out of the tower and disappeared into the planes of Oblivion. Xilivicus bowed his head and just as he was about to place the helmet upon his head, he felt Elizabeth's hand grab his wrist. He glanced over and she looked up at him with saddened eyes. "... Be careful," she whispered to him.

He kept his grave face and then looked forward. He felt his heart ripping itself apart as this feeling came back. "... I will."

Elizabeth opened her mouth but she couldn't conjure the words to herself. She knew she just couldn't say those three words she was dying to say to him. The Dremora reached inside his pocket and pulled out the necklace. He furrowed his brow and handed it to her, "Take this... I want you to have it."

The High Elf glanced down to the necklace with a shocked face. She took it in her hands and before she could thank him, he had traveled down the ramps and was headed out to the planes of Oblivion. She glanced up and slowly her hands fell as she felt her heart beginning to tear itself apart.

She lifted the necklace up and linked it around her neck. The pendant tinkled across the golden rope and made a delightful noise. A sensation overcame the girl and she felt completely safe and warm... like Dibella and Mara were holding onto her and helping her heart heal from its sorrow.

"Dibella... Mara," she called out to the Goddesses, "... don't let him die."

She bowed her head and gripped the necklace tightly not knowing the worst was to come.

Xilivicus stood outside the tower with shifty eyes. His hand trembling as it lay upon the hilt of his blade. He tried focusing upon his surroundings but there was a block between his mind and reality. He saw Elizabeth and him walking through the moonlit woods. Her beautiful silver hair was down around her like cascading snow. The great crystal pools in her eyes lifted up to him as she laughed and took his hand without fear... without hesitation. He closed his eyes and could see her leaping into his arms again for protection. His heart lit up and suddenly he was pulled from his dreams and saw a Kynmarcher standing before him, "You there, Churl..."

"Yes, sir?" questioned the confused Xilivicus.

"Get into the tower and protect the stone. Out of all the Daedra here you are possibly the strongest and most fit to protect it."

The Churl blinked and inquired, "Who will look after... the prisoner?"

The Kynmarcher scoffed, "The human is here for the stone not some girl! Now get into the tower! I'll find a mage to block this door if you're going to throw such a fit over it!"

"... yes, sir." The Churl snarled while running into the grand tower with a heavy heart. Elizabeth... what if the human took her? Or even worse... what if he killed her? He would never forgive himself if that happened to her. But humans were civil... surely he wouldn't kill her. Xilivicus stormed up through the citadel doors and came back upon the ramps that led him to the sigil keep. The guard gave him a glance than nodded to the sigil stone, "Right there for you... don't screw this up Churl."

Xilivicus stormed up the stairs and watched the sigil stone with interested eyes. For fifteen years he had been in this realm and never had he seen the sigil stone up close. He kept close and watched it as if by itself it would turn and roll down the ramps to become free. Slowly, after a while, he closed his eyes and could see his dream which seemed to taint the walls of his mind.

He wrapped his arms tightly around Elizabeth as he leaned down and kissed her sweetly. Her lips tasted even better than strawberries. Their lips exploded into sparks as he pulled away and gazed deeply into her eyes, "Elizabeth," he had called out to her, "... I..."

He opened his eyes with a deep frown. No, he couldn't even say it then. There was no way that she could ever return that to him. He was a Daedra. She was a High Elf. How could she ever learn to love a beast? With a shake of his head he groaned deeply. What if this knight found out Elizabeth was here? What if...

He found the gate tower. His eyes rose to the great tops as he approached it. His armor was stained with the foulest of blood; however, it did not bother the Hero. It acted like water towards him meaning nothing at all. His eyes fell down to the door and he saw a mage standing guard. How pathetic. The Hero approached directly without any use of stealth or anything else. He had heard that these creatures were a champion's greatest battle... sadly, he was disappointed.

The Mage looked up and quickly pulled his staff from his back, swirling it in his hands. He aimed rapidly and bolts of lightning flew from the wooden shaft swirling through the air towards its target. The Hero tossed his sword up and moved it with the bolts. He acted as a conductor, directing and guiding its orchestra. He twirled about and threw the blade out at the Mage. The bolts swirled back and thrusted itself through his chest. The man stumbled back and as he was caught off guard, the Hero dashed forward with a raised blade. He grunted as he tossed the blade like a javelin.

The blade twisted through the air and ripped through the Mage's robes and soon tore through flesh and bone letting out a sickening strike. The Mage spat up blood as his head fell. His energy slowly drained out through the abrasion as he glanced down to see blood flowing from him like water. He clenched his jagged rotting teeth together and he looked up to see the Hero stalk forward with a grave face. The Hero's grasp coiled around the hilt as he twisted the blade and began using all his strength to pull the blade up.

The Mage snarled and cried out in pain as his rips were snapped into parts and more blood gushed out. The Hero's nostrils flared as he tore out the blade and watched the mage fall into the pool of his own blood. Blood curled down the doors and the Hero soon pushed them open and watched them slide into the walls. "... how strange." He muttered under his breathe.

He examined the body-smasher and when he pulled a lever it began to rise to the next level. He quickly leapt on with his sword still drawn. His cerulean mage's hood fell and now his sweat drenched golden curls were shown. His armor insulated his body so he could not feel the phenomenal coldness that surrounded him. He almost saw puffs of mist shoot from his mouth as he rose to the next level. His eyes shifted up to the ramps and he wandered what treasure that the Daedra stored within this tower. He quickly ran up the ramps with his sword by his side.

Huff-huff-huff, his heavy panting breathe rushed out before him. His boots padded across the limestone floor as he rounded the last bend and ran into the tower keep. His running slowed and he quickly came to a halt. His locks fell before him as he saw precisely what treasure they were hoarding in this tower.

Elizabeth smiled brightly as she closed her book and placed it down, "Oh, Xilivicus, I'm glad you returned! I almost thought-" she turned and her smile soon faded as she saw the Hero.

His lips came together and parted and his chest heaved as he still breathed rapidly. He looked her over with his dark eyes and he recognized her immediately. The High Elf's daughter! The one he had been promised to. She was indeed... beautiful. "Are... are you Elizabeth Asquerana?"

The maiden stepped back with a furrowed brow, "... I am. Who might you be?"

He chuckled and stuck out his arms so she could look fully upon him. A smug look spread across his face as he replied, "Your savior... I'm here to bring you back to your father. He's been worried sick ever since this mess happened. He sent me to return you to him... and return you I shall."

Elizabeth gasped lightly, "My father?! He's alive?"

The Hero nodded, "Come along with me, Ms. Asquerana. I shall close this gate and kill all these black hearted heathens so they shall never harm Tamerial again."

The maiden's heart fell in her chest as she wheezed, "Kill all the Daedra? B-But... what... what if some of them are... good hearted beings?"

The Hero shook his head with a scoff, "All Daedra are evil. They all plan to take over Tamerial for themselves and destroy us all. Look what they did to your city and your townspeople! They all must fall dead...I don't want this to happen to any other city. Now let us hurry!"

He held out his hand and Elizabeth glanced to it with chary eyes. Her father had sent him. This man must be the best there ever was or surely he would not be here to take her home to her father. She walked over and quickly took his hand. She nodded and followed him as he led her down the ramps and out onto the planes of Oblivion for the final strike upon this gate to close it forever.

Within the corridors of the dark salvation, the Spider Daedra walked with a few worries burdening her body. Her silver eyes narrowed to slits and just as she was about to walk through a door she heard someone call out behind her. She turned and saw a Kynval run at her. "What is the matter?" She questioned as he came near.

"T-The... prisoner..."

The Spider Daedra's eyes widened and she clenched her jagged teeth tightly as her muscles began to contract in a sudden anger. "What happened?" She snarled hatefully.

The Kynval bent over and attempted to catch his breathe. Dark sweat droplets troubled his brow and he tried to explain, "... the humanoid... w-who stormed the gate... found her," as the Kynval continued, the Spider Daedra slowly crossed her arms as a frustration and a vexation soon consumed her entire body, "... he... he's inside the tower right now... headed to the Sigil Keep. I... I don't think we'll be able to stop him. W-We're doomed!"

The woman snorted and looked him over for a moment. She then turned and nodded, "... so the prisoner is safe?"

The Kynval nodded frantically, "Not a scratch upon her body, that knight is protecting her!"

The woman smirked and bowed her head, "Good... make sure you keep it that way. Your attempts to kill the knight are futile, get to the sigil keep before them and tell Xilivicus to be ready for an encounter. Maybe if we can't kill the knight... he can."

The Kynval scowled and gave one short quick nod before running away down the corridor. The Spider Daedra watched him leave. She pursed her lips and chuckled, "... let the game begin." She lifted her hand into the air and a black orb appeared in her hand. It turned to a flower of darkness that fell down upon her like rain. As her body was consumed her appearance disappeared and she disappeared from Oblivion all together.

The Kynval ran up the ramp to the sigil keep and just as he was about to open the door there was a nauseating slice. The Kynval's eyes slowly rose and he fell over to his side with an arrow protruding through his chest; chunks of meat and heart lingering upon the sharpened barbed arrow. The Hero ran up the stairs and glanced around seeing no other Daedra. He turned and whistled.

Elizabeth ran up the ramps with a huffing breathe. Within her hand was a single dagger, in case the Hero failed to protect her during an attack. The blade was no longer virgin and Elizabeth's pure hands were now soiled with the blood of her first kill which happened to be a Kynmarcher that had attacked them from behind. Elizabeth looked over to the knight with large eyes, "Is... is this where they keep the stone?"

The Hero examined the door while kneeling down. He swiveled a lockpick within the odd lock. "... yes, I believe it is."

Suddenly, there was a chime and the doors came unloose. The man leapt up and pushed opened the doors with narrowed eyes. He placed the bow upon his back and pulled out the sword dangling from his belt. He slowly went in and called out softly, "Wait here."

Elizabeth nodded and leaned against the wall with a trembling body. She bowed her head and wondered if Xilivicus was still alive. She was certain that she hadn't seen him during their journey through the tower; however, she was not sure. Her chest began to ache as she thought of him lying on the floor trying to swallow a dying breathe. During her time here, Xilivicus became her friend. The first friend she had made in the longest time. Why did he have to be a Daedra? Enemy of all Tamerial? ... Why couldn't he live in Kvatch with me? She closed her eyes tightly and sighed.

The Hero walked up the incline with suspicious eyes. He gripped the sword as he snuck along the wall. As he edged near a door, he leaned over and glanced into the room. There were two ramps leading alongside the walls that led to the second floor. From there, it seemed like just a curve and another incline to the stone. He saw no Daedra, no traps, no surprises... it looked completely unguarded. The man stood and chuckled while walking into the room, "Here I thought it was actually going to be a challenge... what a disappointment." He walked up the ramps his eyes still scanning everything. As he rounded the curve he smiled. Oh, how easy this was going to be!

Before he could think of another word, a jagged barbed arrow flew out from the tower's abyss and struck the knight in the shoulder. He lunged forward and snarled with a glare. His eyes lifted to his shoulder to see the bloodied arrow protruding through muscle. His opposite hand lifted and he grasped it and as he ripped it from his shoulder he grunted and watched a spray of blood squirt out from his shoulder. He tossed the arrow aside and lifted his sword. He turned around and examined the room.

There was no movement.

There were no shadows.

His woodland eyes narrowed and he slowly began walking again. His entire mind was turned to his senses. His ears picked up any shuffling or breathing, his eyes picked up any movement at all and his touch was dedicated to anything touching him at all. He rounded another part of the curve and the hilt of his sword twisted in his hands. Where are you, monster? He hissed in his mind.

Xilivicus watched with narrowed eyes. Another arrow was lifted to his Daedric bow and he pointed it to the man. His heart pounded stridently in his chest as he attempted to stay as invisible as possible in the darkness that seemed to consume him. His fingertips pulled back the arrow with the easiest of simplicity and just as the Hero stopped walking he let the arrow go. It burst through the air at the target and just as it neared, the Hero swirled around and blocked it. He smiled as he saw the Dremora looming in the shadows. Xilivicus's eyes widened behind his helmet and he quickly tossed the bow aside.

The knight chuckled and with his free hand he summoned an inferno to himself and he threw the fireball at Xilivicus. The Dremora leapt from his hiding place just as the flames were let off. He dashed across the crimson colored third floor and as he ran he removed his sword from its sheath. He grabbed onto a spike and spun around it and when he let go he fell and landed on the second floor, the sword gripped in both his hands. His eyes narrowed as he saw the knight standing before him. The man smiled and gripped his own silver sword, "How stealthy of you to hide in the shadows. You must be the first person to actually strike me." His grin faded and he snarled, "It won't happen again."

The Churl narrowed his eyes and soon darted forward lifting his sword into the air and swinging the blade down at the human. The Hero grunted as he lifted his sword and blocked the attack soon side swinging it at Xilivicus who leapt back and readied himself. The two engaged in deep and rapid combat. Their swords like black and white blurs as they were swung and each attack was deflected. Their sturdy bodies were graceful as they moved to counter each attack. Both seemed immortal to each and every blow for neither of them were hurt at all during the swordfight. Xilivicus backed up on the ramps and soon they were upon the third story again. As both came together and clashed their swords, the Hero glanced over to the stone with a chuckle, "This is what you are guarding? A mere black orb... you should be guarding castle or princesses... if you even have that here. Why don't you just..." he shoved Xilivicus back and smiled, "let me take that from you, just like how I'm going to take your life and your precious prisoner."

Xilivicus's eyes widened as he muttered, "Elizabeth..."

The Hero grinned, "Ah! So you do know her! It seems that I happened to hear a few of your brethren talking about you and your... attraction to Ms. Asquerana. Actually, in the beginning I suspected that you, being the great monstrosity that you are who gets everything he desires, were her Master."

The Churl snarled and swung his sword at the human, "You know nothing about me," he snapped with a thunderous voice as they once again engaged in combat.

Elizabeth sat upon the floor with a bowed head. He had been gone for such a long time! Was there the possibility that the Sigil Keeper had defeated him? Her heart began to ache as she saw the last bit of hope for leaving this realm flutter out into a dark frigid breeze. With anxiety pulsing throughout her very veins, she could not resist but to push herself up upon her own feet and storm into the Sigil Keep. The path seemed jugged like a mountain and upon entering she stood in awe of an astounding room where the spiraling inferno flew through a crimson flower blossom with a steel pistil in the center. The girl trembled at the sight but quickly the courage of the gods overcame her and she sprinted up the stairs not being winded once.

The Hero chuckled as it seemed the Xilivicus was losing his edge, "Did I hit a soft spot, sweetheart?"

Xilivicus bit into his dark purple lips drawing an even darker swirl of blood. He swung harder and nearly knocked the sword from his opponent's hand, "No... you merely fueled my anger."

"Your Anger?" questioned the Hero with a cocked eyebrow as he blocked a few more attacks from his rival, "Are you embarrassed of being associated with a mortal? How selfish you are!"

As the Hero swung his blade down and pinned his rival's blade, Xilivicus glared up and swiftly head butted him. The spikes on his helmet tore into his skin and the Hero jerked back with a snarl. His blade became wobbly in his grasp and Xilivicus stepped forward and kicked his foot up and the sword flew out of his hand and twirled upon the ground. The Hero gasped and glanced over at his sword. Xilivicus stood erect and grinned behind his helmet as he held the blade to the Hero's throat, "You're beginning to unravel. Is Elizabeth some interest to you, too?"

The Hero spat out a glob of blood and saliva then he answered, "Yea... she's gonna to be my wife."

Xilivicus's eyes widened and he froze. The Hero saw his hesitation and quickly darted forward, knocking the sword from the Churl's hand. Xilivicus glanced over to it and his vision became blurred and all he could hear was Elizabeth's voice echo into his head. Then an image was painted onto the white canvas which was his mind. He saw Elizabeth running from the Tower when he first met her. She wanted to become free so badly. You are a terrible, hideous monstrosity to this world and even my own! ... I HATE YOU! Do you hear me? I hate you! He heard her scream in his mind. He could even see the gleam in her eyes as she thought of Cyrodiil. Who was he to hold her back from all that she knew and loved? Especially to take her away from her soon-to-be husband.

The Hero grabbed his sword and swung it around, "Looks like I did hit a weak spot... perfect..."

Elizabeth ran up to the third floor breathing out huffs of hot air. She saw the Hero standing before an unarmed Daedra. The girl narrowed her eyes as she tried to see who it was. There was dimness swirling in the shadows which made it even harder to see anything. Xilivicus snapped back to reality just in time to see the Hero swinging the blade at his head. The Churl gasped and ducked just in time for the blade to pierce the top of the helmet. The helmet itself was ripped from his head and went spiraling down to the first story. He grunted as a chip of it pierced his lip and made a blood droplet roll down his chin. His long orange hair fell in waves across his armor as he looked upon the Hero with condemned eyes. His broken body about to rip at the seams as all his dreams and hopes cascaded into the blackest of abysses. The eyes of his mothers', Mara and Dibella, could not be seen through the blackness that had drowned him and took his soul.

The Hero lifted his sword one final time and just before he was going to make the final blow, Elizabeth screamed out, "Xilivicus!"

The Churl's eyes were lit on fire and he lifted his neck to see the High Elf standing at the entrance of the balcony. He furrowed his brow and called back to her, "...Elizabeth?"

A revolting hack sounded off like a gun and the Churl's glowing eyes widened. Between his feet, a few blood droplets fell and splattered across the ground. Elizabeth attempted to move forward but her feet seemed nailed to the floor. The Hero placed his hand firmly on Xilivicus's shoulder and he smiled as the hand upon his shoulder pushed down and the other hand brought up the sword in the Churl's gut.

Xilivicus's face twisted in pain as the sharpened blade cut through his innards and more blood flowed out and down his broken armor. His body finally began to feel coldness and with the loss of blood his mind no longer functioned perfectly. The image of Elizabeth that lingered in the halls of his mind slowly was overcome by pain and he could not see her face. His head fell down and the Hero grasped his rival's shoulder tightly and shoved him off his blade leaving it stained with blood and pieces of organs. Xilivicus's broken body hit the floor and the knight sheathed his blade and walked away to the Sigil stone.

The trembling Elven maiden sprinted to her friend's body. Tears swelled in her ocean eyes as she fell down beside him and leaned over him, to make sure he was still alive. She bit her quaking lips to hold back a sorrowful moan. The events seemed to happen so quickly that she could barely remember them happening at all. Right when the sword had pierced his flesh it was a catalyst to her own heartbreak. The Churl moaned and his watering eyes fluttered open, "E-Elizabeth," he muttered gently.

"Ssh-ssh-ssh..." she hushed him while moving a lock of bloodied and sweaty hair behind his jagged ear, "Y-You... don't have t... to." She shook her head and gritted her teeth as more tears began to develop in her eyes.

Xilivicus groaned and leaned his head up. His eyes fully opened and he saw her crying over him. He furrowed his dark brow and lifted his hand soon cupping her cheek. She leaned her head upon it and nuzzled it sweetie. She could smell his beautiful fresh air aroma that came from his soft lavender skin. She closed her eyes and tears trickled down. Her own hand rose and was placed over his making Xilivicus's dying heart to give off a giant pound. He smiled as he could feel that sensation once more consume him. As he closed his eyes he could no longer feel all the pain or see that he was heading towards the inevitable; instead, he saw Elizabeth's beautiful face and felt her presence all around him. As he opened his eyes he saw his necklace hanging down around her neck. His smile faded and his vision began to blur as he lost sight and his senses began to fail.

The Hero wrapped his fingertips around the stone and ripped it from its perch. The spiraling inferno rose now up into the skies were the clouds began to make cyclones and dark disasters. The Hero lifted his eyes in amazement, and soon, the whole Tower began to burst into flames. The chains supporting the third story began to give away and the sigil stand tilted to a side as it was about to lose complete balance. Elizabeth glanced back with a gasp. What was happening?! She tossed her head back to Xilivicus and before he opened his mouth she snarled, "I... won't leave you here... to die."

He closed his eyes and shook his head, "E-Either... way... I'll be dead."

Elizabeth's brow furrowed and she sighed unknowingly. The Hero slowly backed up while tucking the sigil stone into a pack on his greaves. Xilivicus was falling fast. His breathe slowed immensely and softly he whispered, "Go now, Elizabeth.... Tamerial... waits for you."

Elizabeth's eyes glossed over with full sadness as he died in her arms like a memory lost. His life began to whither away, she could see it. Quickly, she lowered herself and kissed his cheek. As she pulled her lips away she whispered, "I'll miss you."

His eyes fluttered closed and his hand caressed her cheek. With his dying breathe he had muttered, "... miss you... too." His fingertips hindered and slowly rolled down her cheek.

She watched as his hand fell limp to the floor and the essence of life within him had completely disappeared. Her mouth fell agape and slowly she began to sob over his corpse. The Hero glanced over the edge of the balcony and saw a white explosion burst through the tower floor. He turned and ran over to Elizabeth, soon shielding her from the blinding white light that surrounded them and soon transported them back to the front gate of Kvatch.

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