The Assassination Classroom i...


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A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... Еще

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

Part of the truth revealed

2K 65 12

As many must remember, Im currently being held hostage by a certain guard dog and his demon butler.

I glare at the Ciel as he stare into my eyes, not breaking contact. I try moving my arms any way I can to at least have enough room to make an attempt to escape! But that damn butlers grip is pretty tight.

"You should stop resisting m'lady, I don't want to hurt you." Sebastian whispers into my ear with his deep voice.

I glanced back at him."Tch damn you Sebastian...Ciel please you need to let me go! I have to get back! I need to be there when the fight happens or else I wont get my answers!" I yell; part of it is true. I do need to be at the fight with Itona and Koro-sensei; I have to be near Shiro in order to find out what he knows!?

"It looks like we both want answers here {Y/n}. So the quicker you tell me the quicker I'll let you go" Ciel grinned, knowing of course that's the easy way out. He always expects things to go his way but frankly this isn't going to happen that way.

"Listen Ciel, you don't understand. If I tell you it can affect time and space itself?! Let alone your existence! Just me being in that classroom is dangerous enough...I shouldn't even be here or even exist talking to you right now." I let out frustrated sigh, I can Ciel looked confused which made him more curious.

"What do you mean by that? Surely you know that I have seen things that no ordinary human have. So try me" Ciel got up from his chair and walked towards me.

"Ciel please... you really don't understand. You shouldn't even exist?!" I gave a small pause, my voice becoming shaky, Ciel eyes widen but he kept quiet. Sebastian even noticed my heart beating faster and my breathing unsteady.

"You, Sebastian....Kyoya...Tamaki..Hikaru and Kaoru..The host club!! Even that classroom! all were just a figment of someone imagination that they put onto paper and a tv screen." It was so hard to speak. The actual reality of everything right now is driving me crazy?! So many things don't make sense.

"I watched you through a tv screen! That's how I know so many things. Like your parents were murdered in a fire, and that those people who kidnapped you branded you with their symbol. And that you made a contract with Sebastian; that's why you wear that eye patch, that's where your contract sign is hidden. The more visible it is the stronger the contract will become. That's how I know also know about that Alios brat and his creepy ass Butler Claude!! And that's how I know about Koro-Sensei!" Why is this only happening to me?!

"That's how I know about who destroyed the moon, that's how I know what's going to happen in that classroom; from each of the assassination attempts all the way to who actually kills him..." A tear falls down my face. So many things going though my mind.

"H-How'd you know all that?! That's impossible! Don't give me that bloody bullshit!!" Ciel held a menacing look in his eyes as he looked at me, trying to read my face to see if I'm lying. "Sebastian!" He yells, I could tell he hesitated slightly "Yes, my lord" Sebastian spoke quietly while tightening his grip. I slightly flinched. Damn he's a lot stronger than he looks!!

"Ciel please you got to believe me!! I don't know why I am the only one who knows about everything I don't know why you guys are real!!?! But every since it happened I'm not the same anymore...I was taken away from my family! Being forced to take a damn drug that god knows what's in it!!! The only thing that kept me going was knowing that I had them but now I don't..I've lost everything.." I sniffed slightly, turning my head so he won't be able to see my tears that fall from my eyes.

"Ciel Sebastian Listen. I'm somehow apart of everything. Why? I don't know but I am. I'm supposed to know EVERYTHING but things changed no things are changing and doing the complete opposite of what's supposed to happen."

"What the hell do you mean by that? Are you saying that you being there has affected the story?" Of course he didn't fully understand.

"Yes. I went to a school trip with them to Kyoto. My group went down the ally and got ambushed my a group of males, I and along with two other class mates got kidnapped. The guys was supposed to show up 30 minutes from when we woke up but the NEVER did. I had to come up with a plan so that the girls wouldn't get hurt, I underestimated what they were capable of. The guys came longer than expected; if they would've would've arrived a minute later than they did I would've been...gang raped or even worse. That wasn't suppose to happen!!" I bit the inside of my cheeks from yelling out in frustration. Giving a shaky sigh I closed my eyes to try and calm myself down.

Suddenly I felt Sebastian's release me from his grip. Glancing up quickly at Ciel I gave him a questioned look. "Why..?" My voice still shaking

Ciel sighed as he clenched the bridge of his nose. "I've seen countless people lie and manipulate the truth. I don't know exactly what's going on but you seem like you're telling the truth. Am I right Sebastian."
"Yes indeed my lord" Sebastian bows while holding a hand to his chest. He glances at me and helps me up.
"Thank you Ciel. Just as your allowing Sebastian to help me I'll do whatever I can to figure everything out" I bowed at the earl.
"Seems like a fair trade. But speaking of that; tell me what you know about me" he sits on his chair as Sebastian stands behind him.
"Heh well for one thing everything I said did happen but the only thing that's different is the era you were born in. Instead of the 21st century you were born in the 1800's. So noooo technology at all" I slightly grin, his eye widen slightly
"No technology?!"
"Oh come on Ciel me and you BOTH know that you don't use it anyway. You were perfectly fine without it. You do paper work or work for the queen and or your little fiancée girly up your mansion" Giggling slightly over the fact of Elizabeth placing pink all over the place was always amusing to watch since it always got Ciel mad.

"Tch so she does do that whenever she gets the chance too." Ciel sighed slightly. I glanced at the clock and realized that I was going to miss the fight!

"Ciel you need to take me back soon. I need to be there when it happens."

"Yes I understand that but while you're here, we can discuss about your case; Sebastian told me that this one guy stood out among the rest?" Ciel motioned me to sit down across his desk, pulling out the paper of that fat bastard. I glared at the photo while scanning over his whereabouts.

"It says that he quit the military? It shows he has a past of abuse and manipulation?"

"Yes, he tried to do the same to the students but I stepped in and stopped him. However, I wasn't the only one who did it. I only kicked his ass when he was trying to put his hands on them; I warned him after all. He freaked and left." I shrugged. It was the truth, it drove him crazy that the first time he had lost to a kid but now he lost to two kids.

"But its impossible for him to come up with the technology to be able to erase my family memory? My records are highly classified. Only Karasuma and the general are able to access them. Plus that's not how we'll meet again."

"If I may intrude, but miss {y/n} you did mention previously that you some how change the story line. Maybe with you also being the one to be the one who defeated the man maybe he is capable of doing such." Sebastian cut in.

Wait a minute!? That can be true...But how will he know where my family lives? I'm considered dead if anyone tries to look me up. Not to mention its like I never existed to anyone since they had erased my whole being from America. But how would he have that kind of information? Wait who else he'll go after?!

"Sebastian you do have a keep a close eye on him. But if it is him I cant stop him now. That will totally screw everything over. I need him to be alive and untouched until Finals...." I spoke to the males, but there are many other people on the list that could have done this. It can literally be anyone at this point.

I let out a frustrated sigh, Ciel also seems that he hasn't got anywhere within this case either. But we need more evidence than he not liking me. Man this is killing me. Who knows if this stuff is reversal able. He is looking like a high suspect...Wait?!

"Sebastian!! I need you look go look up this guy names 'Shiro' he's not going to fully be in the system since he hidden from society. But he can be another, he does posses the technology in doing so..."

"Why would a man names white be after you that way? What could his motive be?" Ciel looked father confused as he sipped tea. When did that get here??

"Because I know his plan and I know who he is. He knows I am more powerful than Itona and he got worried. He could have access to the database of the military of defense but I wouldn't know how he would've gotten that technology and so quickly? Or have the time to do so since he is always working on Itona for perfection" At first it went from me having an idea on who else it could be too me just ranting on again.

"Yes m'lady" Sebastian bowed as he left in two seconds.

Sitting back in the chair I sipped the tea, which helped out tremendously. The warmth of the drink soothing my headache. "You know I have always wondered what drinking your tea would be like, or tasting Sebastian cooking. Or even seeing your contract symbol up close in person. Man, I wouldn't have ever imagine that I am actually doing such like I am right now." Ciel was busy doing some paper work on a case from the queen, but he glanced up at me as I spoke about him.

"Heh I guess you've accomplished the dream. Although I wouldn't ever imagine someone wanting to do all those things." Ciel places his pen down while sitting back. It looks like I have his full attention; which was very gentleman like.

"Oh Ciel Phantomhive you have a bigger name than and reputation than you realized. Back before things change millions of girls would just die if they would see you in person, let alone be in your presence and talking to you so casually." Grinning at the fact that it was true, even me at some point. Ahh aren't fangirls just lovely?

"That's rather hard to believe that my whole life can be used as someone entertainment." I guess it is hard to think that, Ill be damned if that was the case with me.

"Ciel there was so many things that I wanted answers for, wishing I can ask them but knowing I never really would ever have the opportunity to do so. But now that I major question I have been dying to figure out." I gave a slight pause to see if he was focused on me and what I was going to say, and he was. He seem rather interested in the topic.

"Well, when you called upon Sebastian. You knew that once your revenge was fulfilled he would eat your soul...but why haven't you ever told Elizabeth? She has the right to know what her fiancé is doing and if she will spend the rest of her life with him."

I clearly see that this question was something that he knew he had on the back if his mind, his eyes held a far away look, it seems that he thought about it before, the idea crossing his mind. But in the sense that he will deal with it when the time comes.

He gave a small sigh. "Yes I know that one day I won't be able to fulfill Elizabeth wish in me being her husband. This was something that I had made on my own and no one else. She doesn't need to concern herself with this" Ciel glances at me with a hint of sadness?
"I don't want her mixed up in this kind of mess; it's better that she doesn't know; sometimes saying the truth isn't always the right thing to do. The less she knows the safer she'll be; plus she's happy and that's all that matters"

Wow Ciel Phantomhive just gave the response that any girl would want to hear?! I couldn't help but stare at the boy with wide eyes. I mean it made perfect sense but actually hearing it made it much more understanding.

I was about to say something when Sebastian came I with a small smirk on his face; most likely due to the fact that he hard listened in on our little conversation. And of course my phone wants to ring?!

"Hello?" I picked up without looking at the caller.
"{Y/N}?! Where the hell are you?! You're missing the fight between Sensei and that weirdo Itona." Was That Karma?
"Sorry but something came up. A surprise visit I shall say?" I can't tell him that I was taken by the demon butler?!
"Well tell them you need to go. You're missing it and some serious crazy information" I can hear the class in the background; along with Nagisa who seem to be also on the phone. I placed the phone on the table and put it on speaker
"Sorry guys I won't be able too. It's taking longer than expected. Plus I already know what's going to happen. I don't need to see it even though it would've been soooo cool"
"What's that suppose to mean-" I cut them off
"Are you standing by a window?"
"Yes? What's the point in that?" I heard Nagisa ask
"Well I know that Sensei already took your anti-Sensei knife out of your hand so I recommend you step away from the window"

I could tell they were so confused; but they knew to trust me on certain things. I hear their feet hit the floor as they walked. I looked over at Ciel and Sebastian -who were looking at me with confusion written all over their face. I held up my fingers and counted from 3.


A sound of breaking glass can be heard on the line as students gasped signifying that they were shocked with the outcome.

"I'll see you on Monday!! Or anything else Karma will just meet me at my house. Ja nē!!"

With that I hanged up the phone and sipped my tea more. They looked at me like I was crazy or some kind of wild anime. Rude much.

"You you not going to explain what just happened?!" Ciel yelled slightly. Not with anger but more like surprise
"Ciel what part of me knowing everything done you understand? I told you I know every little detail when comes to the assassination attempts from this classroom." I shrugged my shoulder and placed the tea cup down.

Jeez I wish people would just listen and take me seriously already!!

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