Lo Siento (Hiatus)

By SilentAnemone

810 17 6

Violette Suzanne Delacroix never understood why most people would refer to themselves as people lost in time... More

Note before reading the story
Lo Siento.
Chapter 1: Painful Rejection
Chapter 2: Chasing Trouble
Chapter 3: New Addition
Chapter 4: Going Downhill
Chapter 5: Furious Dragon
Chapter 6: Starting A Fire
Chapter 7: Someday I'll be Lucky
Chapter 8: When Christmas Comes
Chapter 9: Not Filipino Enough
Chapter 10: Incoming Disaster
Chapter 11: Saved By An Enemy
Chapter 12: Uncertain Attraction

Chapter 13: Eyes

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By SilentAnemone

It seemed like an endless journey as they walked to their destination. They didn't even know where they were but they followed to road, hoping it would lead them back to Cielo Brillante.

Violette couldn't help but shiver. The night was rather chilly. They could barely see what's in front of them. The moon was the only illumination they have. Lucián, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. He was determined to get back home.

"Can't we just rest? We've been walking for hours! I can barely see what's in front me of me," she said while looking at him for a reply. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Hmm. No. I wouldn't want to sleep on the ground."

"Oh, come on! You're scared of getting your clothes dirty?" He stayed silent and continued walking. "Lucy, don't be such a drama queen. Nobody's going to shame you about it for looking like a dirty hobo."

"That's not the only thing I'm worried about. I don't want people to see me with someone who looked like a dirty servant."

"Dirty servant? Excuse me. I don't-"

"Let's be honest, Lady Violin. You look more like my servant than my lover." She couldn't help but feel irritated with these ridiculous statements. She stopped walking and crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"So? I don't care. Ya know what? I can take care of myself. You're on your own." Lucián stopped and turned his head to see her fuming. He let out a chuckle before saying, "Oh, Violin. I never asked you to follow me. I figured that I needed to help you since you are not from this time."

"Lucy, You have my dog. I didn't tag along because I wanted to spend time with you. You're so delusional."

"I am not delusional. You are just stubborn to admit-" Lucián stopped talking upon setting his eyes upon a small light in the distance. He squinted his eyes, trying to see what it was.

Violette followed his gaze and froze upon seeing it. Her mind suddenly told her to start running. She tapped his shoulder and said, "It's a...ghost?"

He shook his head and stared at her with a worried look. "No, Violette. It seemed like civil guards. We should probably ask them for help." His suggested didn't set well with her. She had a bad feeling in her stomach. She knew that something bad was about to happen.

Violette followed close behind as Lucian approached them. As they got closer, they noticed the familiar metallic smell that might be blood. One of the guards stopped walking upon noticing them. The other one seemed preoccupied as he carried a big sack.

Lucián decided to talk to them with caution upon noticing their blood stained uniforms. "Buenas tardes caballeros. Lo siento por perder su tiempo. Necesitamos ayuda." (Good evening, gentlemen. I'm sorry for wasting your time. We are in need of help.)

The men stared at them with doubts. One of them looked at Violette up and down as if examining her. A smirk went up to the guard's face. The one carrying a sack narrowed his eyes at them in suspicion before saying, "Parece familiar, señor." (You look familiar, Sir.)

The one who keep staring at Violette blurted out, "Él se ve familiar. ¿Eres el desaparecido señor Sánchez." (He does look familiar. Are you the missing Mr. Travieso?)

Lucián nodded his head and replied, "Sí. Estamos en nuestro camino a casa. ¿Nos acompañaría amablemente a Cielo Brillante?" (Yes. Yes. We are on our way home. Would you kindly escort us back to Cielo Brillante?)

The guards laughed at his statement, catching Lucián off guard. "Lucián, I don't think this is a good idea," Violette whispered as she tugged his coat. It was loud enough for the guards to hear. The one who kept staring at her nudged his companion.

They looked at each other as if having the same thought. With smirks on their faces, they started walking towards Lucian and Violette who were dumbfounded by their actions. It sent warning signs inside her mind. She couldn't hell but tightened her grip as she held Lucian by the arm.

"It seems like this little wench beside you cannot keep her mouth closed. And why would we help people like you who are given everything while we, on the other hand, get nothing but complaints and prejudice?" the guard carrying the sack said with an accent. As much as Lucián wanted to insult his accent, he wouldn't want to put Violette and himself into danger.

Lucián didn't replied as if he was thinking of what to do next. These guards seemed to despise people like me. I have no doubt that they would harm us. He glanced at Violette and gave her a look as if telling her to prepare for something.

"Mr. Travieso, it would be best to not go back to Cielo Brillante," the guard said with a small grin. Lucián quickly glanced at Violette who seemed to have the same thought as him. She nodded her head and mouthed, "One."

"And why not? You have no right to say such a thing," Lucián replied. His eyes went towards the sack the guard was carrying. It was full to the brim and smelled bad. It was leaking. He shivered at the thought of a dead body inside the sack.

"Two," Violette whispered to Lucián before he could even say anything. The guards stared at them with puzzlement. They were confused with her statement. The guard who was silent the whole time started reaching out his hand to grab her arm when Lucián screamed, "Three!"

He immediately grabbed Violette and started dragging her away from the guards. They ran off the road and into the dark forest. As they ran, they heard footsteps running after them. "Don't you dare look back, Lucy!"

"Oh, Violin. I have no desire to look at such irritating faces. I am far more concerned with how we are going to get back to town." It was so dark that it felt like they were going into a cave.

"You move as slow as a turtle. Care to move any faster?" he said, stilling having a hold of her arm. She rolled her eyes and replied, "It's not my fault that you have long legs."

Alexandero let out a gasp as he woke up from a dream. It was about Helena. There were tears running down his cheeks  as he remembered what he saw. He remembered her looking into the distance as if she was waiting for someone. Every time he called her name, she wouldn't answer.

(A/N: I redrew the old one so what you'll be seeing is the new one.)

She would stay still as if she was deaf. When he ran towards her, her figure vanished into thin air. He would soon find her far away from him doing the exact same thing. It was an endless cat and mouse chase. But no matter how fast he ran, he couldn't catch her. It was as if this dream was conveying a message.

He wiped off his tears and held his head. She has been driving him crazy. It felt like he hasn't seen her for years. He would often go to their meeting place but she would be absent. Her house was always empty. It was as if it was abandoned.

"I can't take this any longer," he said as he got off of his comfortable bed. As he grabbed a cloak from his closet, he had doubts running through his mind. He didn't want to find out that she was no longer present in the world. It is much worse than finding out that she left him for another man.

Sneaking out of the house was far too easy for him. The only problem is that he didn't know where to start searching for Helena. He had a plan in mind. The only time he could search for her was during the night. He didn't want to raise any suspicions of his sudden disappearances.

He hid behind a tree upon seeing guards patrolling around the area. The security was tight because of the recent disappearances that have been occurring. Less people have been going out at night for they were frightened of being the next victim.

He pulled up the hood of his cloak and quietly walked towards the dim part of the area. He hid behind the bushes as he kept his eye on a guard nearby his hiding place. Upon seeing that the guard wasn't looking at his direction, he slowly got out of the bushes and silently walked towards the path he intended to take.

He soon found himself in front of a large house that belonged to Helena's master. He hid behind a tree and scanned the area. It was awfully silent. At the very moment, he thought that it was the right time to get inside and take a look but he froze upon setting his eyes upon the front door.

It slowly opened and an unfamiliar man came out with his face hidden by a hat. He quietly ran away as if not wanting to get caught. Alexandero stayed silent. He didn't know what to do. He had a bad feeling in his stomach that he must take his leave now.

Before he could even take a step further away from the area, he heard footsteps behind him. He stole a glance from behind to find himself staring at a silhouette of what seemed to be a guard. He immediately ran away, going off track of the road.

He increased his pace upon hearing footsteps behind him. It took a while to for it to diminish. He stopped in his tracks upon realizing his stupidity of going into the forest. He scanned his surroundings in frustration, seeing that he was lost.

Instead of venturing further into the unknown place he was in, he stayed in his position. He looked up at the night sky to find stars twinkling and the moon's illumination brought him to a slight ease. The sounds of the crickets chirping were rather calming but he knew that it was only a mating call for the female crickets.

He let out a chuckle upon remembering the first time he found out about it. He couldn't believe such a thing. He sat down by a tree and leaned his back against it. I'm rather exhausted from these activities. It would be best to find my way home when the sun is up.

He pulled his cloak closer to him and slowly closed his eyes. He prayed that he would be safe from harm tonight. It took a while before sleep finally took over him.

Violette found herself trying to hide her laughter upon seeing Lucián struggling to start a fire. He scowled and threw the stones he was holding onto the ground. He seemed to have given up as he sat on the ground, not caring if dirt will get onto his clothes.

She looked at him in confusion upon remembering his whining about not wanting to sleep on the ground and yet, here he was, sitting on the dirty ground. "Violin? Since you're from the future, I would pass this awful task to you. I'm quite certain that you're far more capable of making a fire."

"I'm not really an outdoor kind of person. Plus, who makes fires from scratch anyway? Although I used to be a girl scout, I didn't really paid attention that much," she replied with a smug look on her face.

He looked at me in disbelief before saying, "People from the future seemed irresponsible and lazy." She opened her mouth to reply when a cold wind blew pass her. Shivering from the cold, she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Eh? Nani?" Violette said jokingly as he stared at her puzzled by her statement. She couldn't help hut feel like homesick. She missed her home. Her lovely room that became her safe haven. She missed those days where she would often stay inside her room like a caveman.

"Oh. Right," she added upon remembering that anime hasn't been created yet in this time. This made her wonder if there were any new anime worth watching. At this moment, she wished to bring herself back to her time.

"You are truly from the future. It's no wonder why you're out of your mind," he commented as he decided to try again in making a fire. After a few times of trying, he was able to make a fire. It was an achievement for him. He glanced at Violette for her reaction when he noticed how preoccupied she was with her thoughts.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the ground, thinking about something. "What's the matter?" he asked, inching himself closer to her. She shrugged and let out a deep sigh. m

"I don't think this is real. I think I've gone insane or I'm in some kind of coma. Who knows?" she replied, looking up at him. Lucián snorted and shook his head before saying, "I am real. If anything, I think I should be the one who has gone insane."

Violette chuckled and slapped his shoulder. "Nah. You're just saying that to make me feel better. I'm the one who's crazy. Crazy for you. Ayieeee. Hahaha."

"You speak rather strangely," he replied as he inched away from her while giving her a weirded out look. She only smiled, still shivering from the cold.

As she looked up at the night sky, she felt some kind of cloth covering her shoulders. She looked at Lucián as he gave her his coat. He avoided meeting eyes with her as his pale cheeks turned bright red.

No words were exchanged as they gazed into each other's eyes. A warm smile crept up onto her face with eyes. He returned her smile, still not uttering a word. It was a calming moment for him that he didn't want it to be ruined by words that might make her hate him.

He glanced up at the sky to find stars decorating the sky. A perfect setting for a romantic proposal. It was a perfect moment indeed. He couldn't help but feel somewhat gloomy upon remembering a certain woman who crushed his heart. He always wanted to have moments like this with her but she was the one who held back.

He looked back at Violette who only smiled before saying, "You have beautiful eyes. I wished mine were like that." He shook his head and playfully scoffed, "The color of my eyes are nothing compared to those who possess eyes as blue as the ocean."

"Mine are just plain and basic," Violette said as she averted her gaze and glance at the fire. There were times where she wished she had blue eyes or anything other than black.

"It might be plain and basic for you but for me, it reminds of the night sky. Even though it might be nothing out of the ordinary, I couldn't help myself from staring at your eyes as if there's something more than meets the eye."

"You don't have to make me feel better about myself," she whispered as she looked away. He opened his mouth to speak when they heard a sound of a twig snapping. Their heads turned to their right to find a silhouette of what seemed to be a man.

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