By bananasboutyou

740K 23.4K 10.5K

"I'm not a lesbian, I just appreciate the fact that girls can be as hot as guys" That's what I believed, un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 5

13.6K 431 349
By bananasboutyou

"THIS is your car?! ..." Dinah exclaimed pointing at Lauren's audi.

"Oh yeah.. I'm rich" Lauren shrugged as she make her way to open Lucy's door.

"Oh" Ally cooed "what a gentlewoman"

"Thanks Lauren" Lucy smiled as she steps out of Lauren's car.

"It's Lucy" Lauren shrugged while Dinah and Normani rolled their eyes.

"I saw that" Lucy hissed as she crosses her arms on her chest.

"Oh good" Dinah smirked.

"Chill you guys" Lauren smiled as she place her hand on Lucy's waist.

"Let's go?" Lucy smiled at Lauren who nodded.

"Wait!" Normani stopped them from walking.

"What?" Lucy asked

"Mila's not here yet.. we always walk in together"

"Oh yeah.. right" Ally nodded.

"S-she's coming?" Lauren felt Lucy's body tensed up.

"Don't worry.. I got you" Lauren whispered to Lucy. Dating a girl is all new to Lauren and so far she's liking the feeling of being protective and sweet to a girl. They're like princesses, Lauren thought.

"Well... where is she?" Lauren asked.

"She's on her way..." Ally answered while typing on her phone.

"Aye Lucy remember that time when Mila..."

"I'm here!"

Dinah was interupted and all the girls turned around and saw the brunette inside a white mustang.

"Mila!" Dinah, Ally and Normani called while waving their hands.

"Hey guys" The brunette chuckled as she closed the car door behind her.

Woah.. Lauren thought as she admire the view in front of her. The first thing that caught her attention was the cutest chuckle she had ever heard and how her plump lips form the cutest smile. Lauren's eye traveled from the brunnetes black Chuck Taylor up to her shiny and wavy locks then back down to her brown eyes. She felt her heart beating crazy in her chest while staring at the girl who was smiling at her.

Beautiful.. Lauren thought.

"Uhh.. thanks?" The brunette replied snapping Lauren out of her thoughts.

"Shit.. did I said that out loud?" Lauren whispered to Lucy.

"Yeah.. you did" Lucy answered before walking inside the house leaving Lauren and the rest of the group.

"Damn.. your first argument and  you two are not even together" Dinah chuckled.

"What were you saying?" Lauren asked ignoring Lucy as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Asking your name" Camila answered smiling.

"I'm Lauren" Lauren answered as she held her shaking hand up for a hand shake.

God why am I nervous. Lauren thought.

"Camila" Camila smiled while shaking Lauren's hand.

"So you dating Lucy huh?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"Well, good luck with that" Camila patted Lauren's shoulder before walking towards the door.

"PARTYY!" The girls yelled in unison leaving Lauren standing while she eyes the brunette in a white shirt and black leather jacket with black skinny jeans.



"Come on Lucy" Lauren followed Lucy at the backyard while Lucy continued to walk with a red cup in her hand.

"Do you like her?" Lucy asked as she sat by the pool.

"Wha..No!" Lauren answered " I just met her"

"I need to be alone" Lucy mumbled.

"Okay" Lauren sighed before walking back inside the house.

"Aye Lauren.. you're in a party! Drink!" Austin yelled as he hands Lauren a red cup.

Lauren being upset with what happened with Lucy took the drink and walked towards the living room and sat down in an empty couch.

"Hey gorgeous" A drunk teenage boy sat down beside Lauren.

"Fuck off" Lauren said glaring at the boy.

"Come on girl.. we can have some fun" The guy smirked.

"I said.."

"Leave" Lauren looked up and saw Camila standing in front of them.

"Don't make me say it again" Camila stared down at the guy who quickly stood up and walked away.

"Scary" Lauren chuckled before raising the red cup to her lips.

Camila slapped the cup away from Lauren's hand spilling it on Lauren's jeans.

"What the fuck!" Lauren exclaimed as she felt the cold liquid on her skin.

"Don't drink that" Camila said calmly like nothing happened.

"I'm fucking wet!" Lauren yelled along with the loud music.

"Oh really?" Camila smirked.

Lauren rolled her eyes and stood up "you're an ass"

"It's for your own good. Trust me" Camila smiled before drinking from her cup.

"Here.. you can drink this" Camila offered her drink to Lauren.

"I gotta go to the bathroom"

"I'll come with you" Camila stood up before following Lauren upstairs to the bathroom.

"Really?" Lauren gave Camila a look "you can wait outside"

"No thanks.. It's loud out there"

Lauren rolled her eyes before grabbing a towel and turning on the water while Camila watches her every move.

"I'm sorry" Camila blurted out. "I just can't let you drink that cup"

"Why?" Lauren looked at Camila through their reflection on the mirror.

"I saw Austin put something in it"

"You know.." Lauren turned around to face Camila "you can slap a drink without spilling it on me"

"Yeah I know.." Camila smiled as she walks closer to Lauren.

"Uhh..I..I" Lauren stuttered. Camila was already standing like 2 inches away from her.

"Talk" Camila whispered as she eyes Lauren's lips.

Lauren felt her breath hitched when she felt Camila's breath hit her lips.

"Or you can just kiss me" Camila licked her bottom lip.

"W-what?" Lauren whispered.

"Shhhh... just stop me. If you don't want to" Camila smirked as she leaned in capturing Lauren's lips.

Lauren felt Camila's warm lips pressed against her and she already loved the feeling of how Camila's lips can fit perfectly with hers. Camila sucked Lauren's bottom lip softly making Lauren kiss back. Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's waist pulling her closer 'til she felt Camila's body pressing against hers. Camila grabbed Lauren's bottom making the green eyed girl gasped at the sudden action and Camila took the opportunity to slid her tongue inside Lauren's mouth and moaned at Lauren's taste. When air is becoming a problem, they broke the kiss and stared at each other's eyes while panting.

"Shit.." Lauren whispered making Camila smile.

Camila tucked a lose hair behind Lauren's ear before walking towards the door.

"Now you know the reason why  the cup landed to your jeans" Camila smirked as she stepped out the door.

"What the fuck?" Lauren whispered when she realized what just happened.

"I need a drink" Lauren walked out the bathroom and went straight to the kitchen drinking 7 straight shots of tequila and made herself a full red cup of rum and coke.

"Woah.. slow down" Normani squeezed Lauren's shoulder.

"We've been looking everywhere for you..  have you seen Mila?" Ally asked grabbing a soda from the fridge.

"I.. uhh.. I haven't seen her" Lauren leaned on the kitchen before taking a sip of her drink.

"She'll be fine.. she's around here somewhere making out with someone" Dinah replied and Lauren started coughing at her drink.

"You okay?" Ally asked while rubbing Lauren's back.

"Yeah.. I'm fine" Laurem answered.

"You guys.. I've been looking everywhere for you" Camila walked in with a guy covered in tattoos following behind her.

"Ooohh what you got there?" Dinah pointed at the tall guy behind Camila.

"Oh uhhm this is Kelly" Camila introduced the guy before kissing him on the lips.

Lauren can't believe what she was seeing. 15 minutes ago she was making out with Camila and now Camila is already making out with someone else.

The fuck.

"Nice meeting you girls" Kelly smiled before Camila dragged him out of the kitchen.

"Get it girl!" Dinah yelled

"She hasn't changed" Ally sighed.

"She will" Normani added

"What's happening?" Lauren asked with confusion written on her face.

"Camila lost her mom 2 months ago.." Ally answered.

"And she's beeen doing this stuff lately which is not her.. the Camila I know will not use people for distraction" Dinah slurred while pouring another drink

That answers it. Lauren thought.

"Yeah and we don't treat her differently.. she hates it when we get all sad about her losing her mom" Normani jumped on the counter.


Lauren turned around and saw Lucy standing behind her.

"Yeah?" Lauren asked.

"Can we talk?" Lucy grabbed Lauren's hand.

"Yeah sure" Lauren grabbed her drink on the counter before Lucy pulled her out of the kitchen.

"Get it girl! " Dinah yelled as she stumbled and spilled her drink on the floor.

"Oh no" Dinah pouted while staring at the spilled rum and coke.

"Okay Mufasa.. Time to go home" Normani grabbed Dinah's hand and followed Ally.


"So what's up?" Lauren asked leaning on the bedroom wall.

"I like you" Lucy blurted out

"Yeah?" Lauren smiled

"A lot" Lucy smiled back

"Good. Cause I like you too" Lauren replied without thinking. She doesn't even know why she said that. She's not even sure if she likes Lucy.

"Can I kiss you?" Lucy asked and Lauren nodded.

Lucy licked her bottom lip before pressing her lips against Lauren. Lauren finds Lucy's lips soft, but they're not as soft as Camila's They fit well on Lauren's lips but they don't fit perfectly, like Camila.

Stop comparing and feel this moment. Lauren thought.

Before Lauren could deepen the kiss someone bursted at the door.

"Woah.." Camila stumbled inside the room. "I'm sorry guys.. my legs are a like jelly and I need to lay down" Camila slurred as she walks towards the bed and fell on it.

"Camila.. you can't sleep here" Lucy crossed her arms but Camila just layed there.

"Camila.. You okay?" Lauren asked walking towards a drunk Camila.

"Can't.. feel.. anything" Camila mumbled on the pillow.

"I think we should take her home" Lauren looked at Lucy.

"You take her home.. Keana will give me a ride home" Lucy replied.

"You sure?"

"Yes Lauren" Lucy smiled before pecking Lauren's lips.

Lauren carried Camila into her arms bridal style and followed Lucy out the room. They were walking down the stairs when someone grabbed Lauren's shirt.

"Dude what the fuck!" Lauren yelled with gritted teeth as she glare at the guy called Kelly.

"I've been looking everywhere for her.." Kelly replied

"Well she's drunk and I'm taking her home"

"I can take her home" Kelly smirked

Lauren let out a sarcastic laugh making Kelly frown "That's a no" Lauren glared at Kelly.

"Give her to me!" Kelly gripped Lauren's shoulder.

"Ow!" Lauren exclaimed as she felt Kelly's fingers dug deeper to her shoulder.

"Let go of her!" Lucy slapped Kelly's hand away.

"Don't you fucking follow us" Lucy warned Kelly before guiding Lauren out of the house.

"I think he did something to her" Lauren sighed as she fasten Camila's seatbelt.

"Yeah.. I think he drugged her" Lucy replied. "You guys gonna be okay?"

"Yeah" Lauren smiled "Keana's waiting for you.. I'll see you soon"

"What about her car?" Lucy shifted her gaze to Camila's white mustang.

"I'll come back for it" Lauren answered.

"Call me" Lucy whispered before pecking Lauren's lips.

"I will" Lauren chuckled

Lauren stepped inside her car and pulled out her phone to send a text on their groupchat.

Where are you guys?


You left us?!!


Dinah was so drunk. So we took her home. I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night 😊


Wait! Send me Camila's address


"Fuck" Lauren sighed

Chris.. U awake?


Need ur help. Get into your car and wait for me there.

What's in it for me?

I'll do your homework next week

Fine.. hurry up!

On my way

As soon as Lauren arrived home she called Chris to help her get Camila in her room.

"She's hot.. who's this?" Chris whispered as they walk up the stairs.

"None of your business" Lauren whispered back not wanting to wake their parents up.

"Can she sleep in my room instead?"

"No!" Lauren whisper-yelled

Lauren removed Camila's jacket and found Camila's car keys in the pocket. She left her alone in her room while she drives back to the party with Chris to get Camila's car.

"That's her car?!" Chris exclaimed

"Yeah" Lauren answered as she steps out of Chris' car.

"She's badass.. I like her already" Chris smirked at Lauren.

"I don't even know her and here I am taking care of her" Lauren said before opening Camila's car. She smiled when her nose met the fresh scent of cherry blossoms.

Lauren entered her room and threw Camila's keys on her night stand before examining Camila's body. She admired Camila's lips and smiled when she remembered how they felt and tasted. Lauren admired Camila's facial features and got lost on how Camila looked so peaceful and beautiful while sleeping.

"Why do I feel like you're gonna fuck me up" Lauren whispered.


My heart melted when Camila payed tribute to Selena Quintanilla by singing Dreaming Of You... She's such an angel. ❤❤❤

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