Danger Zone

By BellaLoveLola

245K 10.8K 5.2K

Imagine being so involved and invested in a relationship that nothing you your significant other did was wron... More

1 ' Time
2 ' Meet & Greet
3 ' Drama
4 ' Cute
5 ' Psychological
6 ' Strong
7 ' Friends
8 ' Feelings
9 'Fun
10 'Gaia
11 ' Pleased
12 ' Loved
13 ' Time
14 ' Goodbye
15 ' Honesty
16' Just friends
17' Lovers
18 'Wanted
19 ' Done
20 ' One
21 ' Trip
22 ' Love
23 ' Pray
24 ' Newest
25 ' Almost
26 ' Trusted
27 ' Babe
28 ' Real
29 ' Next
30 ' Growing
31 ' Rider
32 ' Three
33 ' Nazareth
34 ' Healing
35 ' Gender
36 ' Next
37 ' 7:27 am
38 ° 32
39 ° Houston
41 ° Dance
42 ° Friends
43 ° Baby
44. Sick

40 °Good

4.3K 205 69
By BellaLoveLola

Nazareth Pov

Home Saturday Noon

It's been two weeks since the babies been home. And when I say Sian is a cry baby, he is a damn cry baby. You look at him he crying, you stop looking at him he cries, picking him up putting him down.

Hell you breath around him he is crying. He defhget that shit from Mercury cry baby ass. Besides that, they sleep good. Mostly through the night. Which man babies dont do that shit.

Mercury took out another restraining order on Saqui and Rissa. Because she started coming by our house and talking shit. Which I just found out shes pregnant by him. He already has a baby by Merc ex friend Morocco or something I think.

Oh! Janell filed a police report on me or domestic abuse and so did Blue. Both of them crazy dumb bitches. Let's see if the police does somthing about this bullshit.

"Damn I'm fucking tired" I said as I made the shower water hotter

I have not masturbated in two weeks. I keep telling everyone that it's not an addiction. I been doing okay, I dont have to go to them sex addiction meetings. So! I'm cool.

"Naz? NAZARETH" the water suddenly got cold as fuck

"Oh shit...ahhhHhhh" I slipped and fell jumping away from the water

"Mercury what the fuck nigga" I was looking up at her holding Sian

"Getvoff the shower floor, your phone was ringing, and I answered but they hung up and your phone is on pornhub" she said tossing my phone in the shower

"Mercury what the actual fuck" I grabbed it out the water

"This mother....she gone...got damn" I said getting my naked, sore, wet ass out the shower

"Umm what the fuck is your problem?" I asked jumping infront of her

"You need to dry off and get dressed before you and your pussy catch a cold"

"Mercury why are you tripping right now?"

"Nothing I'm fine"

"Look, you just threw my phone in the water. What is wrong?"

"Because why you always looking at porn? Like its literally all the damn time. All the time. Like is it my body? Do I smell weird, because my stomach is still fat right now?"


"I can start working out, I can go back to work and start dancing again. I can diet...or the stretch Mark's on my thighs and ass. My boobs to big now? I can change..."

"Merc baby there is nothing wrong with your body. I promise, I love your body completely adore your belly. You know this"

"I just feel like you be watching porn and the girls looks alot better than I do, and ...."

"You want me to start watching pregnancy porn? That's kinda weird" I joked and he hid her smile

"Babyblisten to me, your body is fine, your allowed to look how ever you feel okay? You just gave birth to three babies, three Merc. You should have belly and them brown tiger stripes on your ass. I'm just large your titties not saggy" I smiled

"Shut up" she said

"I love you and your body. And I'll stop watching it. It dont mind"

"No it....."

"Mercury I wont watch it. But you getting me a new phone of mines dont work" I kissed her and Sian started crying

"Shut up little cry baby" I kissed his forehead

"But I need to go get dressed I have a meeting with the chef and all of that"

She just smiled and walked off with Sian.

I honestly do love her body.

Vegas Strip 3:18 pm

Okay, maybe I didnt tell all the truth. I needed to get out of the house. We been in the house for three weeks taking care of babies. Our babies nonetheless but shit I am tired and need a little bit of a breather.

"Man I'm glad you was able to come out Miya had been killing me lately" Mika said


"She wants to move in together and shit and I'm not sure"

"Why not?"

"I dont know why seems like alot. And half the time she dont even want to be bothered with my ass"

"Yall been dating for a while now, so just do it okay"

"I guess so, and dont look but here comes Kaley" i just shook my head

" Hey" she tapped me

"Go away" I told her

"I didnt follow you! I saw you and I wanted to speak"  she smiled

"We dont have shit to speak about hoe"

"Okay..I was coming over here as a women. Dont do that I love you okay"

"Mika you better get her" I stated turning back to my drink

"Kaley just go man"

"I honestly wanted to apologize to Mercury, your wife. I was wrong, dead wrong I was jealous as fuck. What I did and said about her was wrong. Now I know you wont forgive me but I would like to truly apologize to her" she said

"You so full of shit" I laughed

"Nazzie I'm serious, I want to apologize to her as a women, what I did was stupid"

"Because your stupid, you lucky I dont knock your fucking teeth down your throat" I smiled and moved away from them

I do not want to hear this shit from her, shes dead to me. Dead as fuck to me.

Home  Monday 6:11 pm

Mercury crazy ass left me with these babies. They all crying, and shitting all through these diapers. What the fuck is in her milk for them to be shitting crazy.

"Okay babies what do you guys want?" I asked

"Because yall little cute asses is bugging out" I smiled but I wanted to rip my hair out

"Okay we gone do this" I laid them all in Sian basket and pushed them in to the bathroom

I ran some nice bath water, put their little tub thing in the tub I got undressed and I sat them inside the tube with me and they stopped crying.

"Really?" I laughed looking at them, they all were holding little hands

"Is Mercury here?" Blue opened the bathroom door

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I ju ml ped out grabbing my towel

"Get the fuck out of my got damn house bitch" I started to let the water out the tub so I would have no incident with our babies

"Get out the way I want to see the babies" she smiled

"No get the fuck out of my house" I pushed her and she scratch me across the face

I want to beat the dog shit out of her. I grabbed my bathroom phone and call the police. I'm not dealing with this bullshit at all.

"You dont even love her" she shouted at me

"Get the fuck out Blue" I warned her

"No, I should have her life. I knew you before her. Shes overly pretty and so talented for what? Nothing i should have the kids"

"You got fucking issues and need to leave I called the cops already"  I didnt move from by the bathroom

"Fuck her and fuck you. Why dont I have this. These are my thing....." I heard a knock at the door

"Who is it?" I yelled

"Las Vegas Police department, we got a call about a break in?"

"No you can leave" Blue said she was now holding a knife

"Maam are you positive?" He asked

"No..she has a knife" I shouted and closed the bathroom door and they started crying

"The door is locked" the officer added

"Fucking BREAK THE DOOR" I yelled moving away from her as she moved closer to me

"I fucking hate you two" she charged at me but shes like one pound so I just knocked her to the ground

"Get her" I said touching my bleeding face as she tried to get up

"No maam" the cop said and grabbed her hand with the knife

"She tried to rape me" she started to cry

"Woah..hell no this is my house, she isnt suppoed to be here. My fucking babies are in here crying" I opened the bathroom door

"Okay maam. Dispatch I have a possible ten seventy three in progress, of an home" he said

"Just come outside with me sweetie" he told her

"Okay" she said and she snatched the knife out his hand again cutting him and swigging it to me and then she just dropped to the ground

"I was supposed to be off today" he said and I noticed he tased her ass

"You can go get your babies ma'am,  I have back up coming"

"I'm a nurse I'll get my kit for your hand" I went into the bathroom and Sian is sucking on Sophia fingers and she sucking on Silas arm and he just looking around

They'll be okay for a few more minutes. I threw on some clothes, and went to clean his hand up.

I really cant believe this bitch. Like when I first this little girl she was cool, she met Mercury her idol and shit, and went crazy.

Tuesday  1:48 am

Her phone will not stop fucking going off at all. How does she not here this shit. I looked over and she dead knocked out with Sian cry baby ass.

I get up and Silas wakes up who was laying next to me and Sophia like the basket thing, she all stretched out smiling in her sleep.

"Wassup baby boy" I picked Silas up and he smiled slyly

"Cute....hello?" I answered her phone

"Where the hell is my baby" Miya said

"She sleeping, it's the middle of the night cousin" I said

"Well I need to talk to her"

"Miya we got three babies...."

"Mika just broke up with me" she started crying

"For what?"

"I dont know she said she didnt want to move in with me and that she just needed some time alone"

"Really? I talked to her and she didnt say none of that to me..like I'll hit her up in the morning and see what's wrong okay"

"Yes, but can I please talk to Gaia?" She asked

"Sure, hold on"

"Merc?" I tapped her

"What?" She sat up

"Its Miya she needs to speak to you. Dont have no damn attitude"

"Well bitch I am extremely exhausted" she snatched her phone

"I know damn well you didnt just call me out my name!"

"Just leave me alone. Yes Miya?"

"No ain't no yess Miya shit" I walked over to her side of the bed and snatched her phone

"Shell call you back cousin. What did I just do to you? Your best friend really wanted to talk. Do I act like that when you wake me in the middle of the night?"

"No I do not. Mercury your attitude has been terrible to me lately again when I have done nothing to you" I snapped at her

"I dont feel like hearing none of this I am tired Naz what dont you get? I'm tired, all I do I feed babies, and eat. That's all I do"

"They have to eat what did you expect?"

"Not this"

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"Nothing, just give me Silas okay, I can tell hes hun..."

"No he is fine I gave him a bottle, hes not even crying hes chill. You regret everything, you didnt have to do none of this Mercury. And I mean none of this, I didnt force you to do anything" I added walking away from her and sitting her phone on the bed

"I didnt say I get anything, and I didnt say you made me do anything"

"I don't know what's wrong, I would consider it being post partum depression, but you was starting to be this way even before you had then. Maybe I should just go back where I was this is so shitty" I said sitting on my side of the bed

Like I'm a girl, I have feelings and emotions and a heart. And sometimes she just trips on me for nothing. Yeah I always feel some type of way about this.

I'm super sweet, to her I'll do anything for her. I have, but I dont know.

I felt some tears roll down my cheek she just laid back in bed like nothing.

Mercury'gaia Pov

Miya House  Friday 10:38 pm

It's been two weeks and Naz did leave. She comes over every morning and leave every night. She goes to a hotel, and sleep. I feel like since the babies something is missing. Like I cant get right. I dont know what it is.

I dont feel depressed or anything, but something is different with me and I dont know what it is.

I miss her, but I dont know.

"Can I finally hold them?" Miya asked me

"Yes they a month a week" I smiled and handed her Sophia

"God, she looks just like Naz, she is gorgeous"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure its Naz egg and not mines, but that's my baby still. And Mr. Silas here is Naz man " I smiled

"You sure you want to go meet Kaley?" She asked

"Sure why not? I'm being the bigger person. I do want to hear her out" I stated

"Lord okY, I dont think you should go because she sneaky always been"

"Well just to hear her apologize because I know she wants Naz back in her life"

"Okay Gaia fine" she shook her head

"Naz back at work?"

"Yes, but not today I dont know where she is. I should track her phone" Iaughed

"Have yal had sex yet?" She said

"No we havent, six weeks it's not six weeks" I old her

"Well your at five weeks give her some pussy you k ow she got an addiction to that shit. Plus you be mean to her. You know Naz is as sweet as a baby new born puppy to everyone, even you"

"I know I lov....look I love my wife that's my baby. Okay, can you take my picture?"

"Whatever you still ugly"

Naz is my baby.

Mercury'gaia ❤

Lyric lawd! sorry naz! @nazzaddy get wifey!
Badmia @beautybyjanell she supposed to be gang?
AsiaBarlas she bad she bad 💥🔥
Pussykillamik the snap nack after 3🤰🏾👶🏾🔥
Kaleybrookes ❤🔥🔥
Miyazaki Oooh weeeeee
Calltyrone teach is 🔥🔥🔥
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I felt pretty damn good right now, like I felt sexy. I havent felt this way in a long time. Years actually!

Voodoo Rooftop Night Club 11:28 pm

Kaley wanted to meet here and talk, but soon as I walked in I see Naz. I took an uber here, I been drinking a little bit by myself. Naz is sitting with Lyric and Mike an another guy. I look past them and I see Saqui and James ugh.

Saqui just looked at me staring. He makes me sick!

"Hey beautiful" Kaley tapped me

"Hi you" I said not smiling

"I'm glad you came I really wanted to speak to you. Plus you looking amazing. After three babies, lord I would be out all the time" she smiled

"Sure, but what did you need to speak about?" I asked

"Well beca... Hey Nazir" she said and I turned to see Naz behind me

"Dont speak to me and why you got your boobs all out and stuff?" She said standing infront of me

"She looks good" Kaley added

"Shes my wife, my body and my boobs so shut the fuck up" Naz said closing my jacket

"Naz stop" I smiled slapping her hands

"Noo, you need to put them up Merc"

"Can I speak to Kaley?" I asked

"Close your jacket, I dont want no one looking at you girl" she tried not to smile

"I love you too Naz now go"

"Ugh, okay close it a lit...."

"Okay Merc damn" she said and walked off with her drink

"So?" Kaley smiled and sat across from me at the table

"So?" I said

"So? I wanted to apologize what I did was wrong. It wasnt my place, nor was it even my business to start with. I should have left it alone. I was jealous and I didnt like you" she said

"I can tell" I smiled

"I miss having my friend around I really do"

"Aww sweet"

"So, that's why I'm apologizing" she smiled

"I get it"

"Do you accept?" She asked

"Nope bitch" I snatched her ass from across the table by her got damn body wave hair trying to break her neck

The fuck she talking about she apologized because she miss Naz? Bitch I didnt come here to accept shit I came her to whoop her ass. I tossed her stupid ass on the floor

"You dumb bitch" I started punching her

"Aye babe stop?" I heard Naz and felt her and Lyric grabbing me

"Fuck this slick hoe she started it"

"Get her the fuck off me?" Kaley said

"Bitch ass trick" I couldn't hit her no more but I damn sure was ripping her hair the fuck out her head

"Merc please let her go, you look good tonight let her go" Naz said in my ear

"Wack bitch" Mike pyres my hand out her hair

"Crazy bitch" she said sitting up

"Dont even fucking pretend this shit again, and dont even speak to my wife again" I warned her

"Really?" She added

"Yes you bird ass bitch" I fixed my jacked and grabbed my bag off the table

They all got me fucked up now.

Home Saturday 8:11 am

I walk out into the livingroom and Naz is sleeping on the couch, the kids are on the couch all over her. They looked cute.

Ring ring

"You keep contacting me. I'm gone have Naz fuck you up"

"Like you didnt shorty last night. You was looking in all that red"

"Saqui your a bitch it took me four years to realize your a bitch. I should and pretty sure my father would happily beat your ass"

"The same father that murdered your mother in front of you? The same nigga not around for like twenty years and shit? Same nigga who you hated and never wanted to see? You use to despise...you were damn near homophobic and now look at you" he laughed

"Not true..."

"You use to get drunk having homophobic rants and about church and shit. I got videos sucks if it came out" he said

"Go to hell, I've never been negative about them EVER. dont lie on me"

"Sure" he laughed

"Fuck you bitch" I hung up

"I hope he dies"


"Saqui, is saying I was homophobic and about church and all like I've never been homophobic at all. Talking he got videos and shit"

"I want a divorce"

"What?" I snapped my head at her

"I'm just fucking with you. But dont listen to him he miserable and lonely and shit, they way you use to eat my pussy no one you could be homophobic" she smiled

"Shut up"

"You know that I want you and that I dont regret nothing about you I promise I dont"

"I'm sorry if sometimes I dont tteat you like a women. I know your a women and I'm kind of bitchy to you"

"I love you also, and I dont think your bitchy I know your stressed out but I dont know why you dont talk to me like you did before. Because I dont like this fighting at all. I know we got a couple of weird things going on but Merc I'm here okay?"

"Yes, I know" I hugged her


"Yes" I was kissing her neck and playing with her curly's

"Your nipples are leaking"

"Ugh your kids tarning up my body" I joked holding my boobs

"Oh now they my kids? What happened to my babies this my babies that" she laughed

"Shut up them my babies, you my babied def..."

"Iam am?" She walked back over to the couch with the babies

"Yes, you are are they up?" I asked

"Silas is looking around. Wassup little man. You the cutest, but shhh" she whispered

"Miya think Sophia looks just like you"

"Yeah true so technically she the cutest" she joked

"No dont leave me with the uglies" I joked

"Girl my boys fine, as ever" she kissed me

"What are we doing today?"

"Well merc not much, ok tired from dealing with your drunk ass and you fighting with kaley because that bitch is a liar. I told you"

"Well Naz, I wanted to beat her ass really fast, she needed it"

"I agree, but stop fighting okay I got this" she said

Everytime i speak these bitches got something to say. None of these hoes know shit about me. They all have the same issue with me and its Naz. Like Naz moved the fuck on and got married. You miss your fucking shot sis not my problem that's yours. 

Ding dong

"I'll get it. You go put a shirt on" Naz added

"Have you heard anything about Blue?" I asked

"The lawyer told me she goes to court Monday. Im.pretty sure ahe got a mental issue. Because what she did was crazy. Where is your assistant?" She walked to the door

"Parker is visiting her mother in California. Oh and Raven said shes pissed still you never showe es up to the baby shower"


"Because she had to scrape all the filling out of the oreos for me" I started to laugh as I walked to the room

I dont want to lose Naz, so I have to be better. My attitude have been a little shitty. But honestly I feel like it was all the extra hormones and shit. I love my wife completely and willingly will do anything for her.

"Hey dad" I said coming back into the livingroom

"I rushed over here because I got a call from Naz in the middle of the night and I just got the voice mail"

"Yeah sorry she was kinda of drunk last night and she beat up a girl, then she tried to fight a waitress for looking at me as we left the club. I totally forgot that I even called you"

"Its okay I just wanted to make sure that you guys were okay"

"Yes dad we are okay" I smiled

"Yes we are okay, they sleeping but he is always up just chilling" Naz said still holding Silas

"Hes the big brother huh?" My dad stated

"I guess so" I laughed

"What are you guys getting into today?"

"Nothing just staying in the house with the babies. Maybe watch some movies and order some food and just chill" Naz said

"I'm tired so I'll be sleeping. You can stay over here" I told him

"Yeah, because when Merc sleep she sleeps, like a rock. It's like a bomb could go off and merc would not wake up at all" she laughed

"Its not my fault you sleep so light you hear ants walking" I kissed her cheek

"Your mother was a extremely light sleeper. I use to come in from work before I even pulled in the driveway she talking about how I woke her up and I was loud" he said and we all started laughing

I use to be angry at him for years. I didnt have my mother or my father. But I'm glad I got one of them back. He sees a therapist for what he has done to my mother. He expressed that he has nightmares about itevery night. I feel bad and I know my mother still loves him. I knew pure love when I saw them together as a child.

It was beautiful, it ended in heartbreak.


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