Joshaya- Ups and downs!

By JoshMayaLove

2.6K 98 140

Story about how Josh and Maya are living theyr life together after being in a relationship for 5 years More

part 1 (Life after ski lodge)
part 2 (wedding preperation begins)
part 3 (Christmas is here)
part 5 (family)
part 6 (back to school)
part 7 (are we fighting?)
part 8 (Choosing Love)
part 9 (wedding)
part 10 (Holidays together)
part 11 (something's wrong)
part 12 (save the baby)

part 4 (Christmas eve)

216 8 14
By JoshMayaLove

*24.December 2022.*


I woke up. It was 10AM.

-"Josh" I said as I rubbed my eyes...
-"mm?" He mumbled...
-"Wake up" I said and leaned down to kiss his back...
-"ok, ok" he said and turned to face me...

His eyes were so beautiful. He gave me a smile. He took my hand and pulled me closer to him. His lips touched mine. It felt so good and safe just to be in his arms. He started to take my shirt down when I suddenly pulled back...

-"I can't do it right now and right here" I said and stood up from tge bed...
-"Why not?" Josh asked...
-"Because this is your parents house. And by your moms reaction, she isn't too pleased that we are getting merried" I said and pulled on a pair of jeans...
-"What? Maya it's so not true!" He said and sat up...
-"Josh she said that she didn't expect it to be so soon. When you told her the date she almoust chocked on her food." I  said and looked at him...
-"Maya you know my mom and the rest of the family loves you" Josh said...
-"I know that. But maybe your mom doesn't love us together" I said...
-"That's rediculous. You're just making it up" he said and I got angry...
-"Why would I do that? You kniw what, I am not gonna stand here and fight with you at your parents house. There is something she isn't telling us. If you can't see it, well that's bot my foult" I said and startes walking...
-"Where are going" He asked...
-"To help your mom make todaya dinner" I said and closed the door behind me...

I walked downstairs. Josh's mom was already cooking.

-"Goodmorning" I said and walked in the kitchen...
-"Oh hello" She said...
-"How can I help?" I asked and put an apron on...
-"you don't really have to. I have done it all. Most of it was done yesterday. Don't worry about it" she smiled at me...

I took the apron off. I made me some cup of coffwle and went to the livingroom to sip on it. Few seconds later I heard someone coming from upstairs. It was Josh. He walked in the kitchen.

-"Goodmorning mom" he said... -"Hi darling" she said...
-"Do you need help?" He asked...
-"Yeah. That would be great" she answered...

I drank my coffee and walked to the kitchen to wash my cup. I looked up at Josh and showed him with my hands that I need to talk to him.

We walked outside to the backyard.

-"You need to talk to your mom" I said and looked at him...
-"Omg. Maya just let it go." He said...
-"I can't get merried when I know that she doesn't want me here" I said...
-"Well than maybe we shouldn't het merried" He said...
-"Are you serious right now? While you were upstair I asked her if she needed any help and she said no, that evwrything is done. Then you come and suddenly she need help" I said and started to walk to my car...
-"Wherw are you going?" He asked angry...
-"I need to drive to store. I didn't buy anything for Molly" I said and got in my car...

As soon as I got in the car I started crying. How could he say that?


I walked inside. I was so confused. I didn't mean to say that to Maya. I was just angry. So I decided thar I need to talk to mom. I walked in kitchen and started talking

-"Mom I need to talk to you" I said...
-"Oh yeah, sure!" she said and turned to face me...
-"I need to know what's going on" I aaked and looked at her...
-"What do you mean?" She asked...
-"Yesterday you being shocked about the wedding date, today telling Maya you don't need help, but the next second you do" I said and it got very tens...
-"I don't know what are you talking about" she said and started washing dishes...
-"Mom this right now is not helpng my future" I said and walked closer to her and turned the water off..
She stood therw and didn't say anything untill...

-"Few weeks agou I met Sally. She asked if you were single." She said...
-"And. What did you say?" I asked...
-"I said yes. I'm sorry. I just really liked her. She was the perfect girl for you amd I just wanted for yoy two to get back together" she said and put her head down...
-"Yeah. She is the perdect girl, if perfect girl means cheating girl" I said and started to get angry...
-"She said that she is really sorry" mom said but I cut her off...
-"I don't care. Maya is the perfect girl. Maya. I love her and she is the only one I want to share my life with. This, what you have done, hase caused us to fight." I said and walked to the livingroom....
-"I am sorry. I like Maya. I just... I don't kniw what got in to me. I will apologize to her as soob as she gets back" mom aaid and walked to kitchen.

Like an hour later Maya came back. Mom askes ger to go in the kitchen for them to talk. I took one look at kitchen and saw them hugging. After that Maya walked upstairs.

-"Can we talk?" I asked and walked in the room...
-"About what?" She asked...
-"About us" I said and sat next to her on the bed...
-"I tought you didn't want to merry me" she said and looked at me...
-"Maya. I love you. And I am sorry" I said and grabbed her hand...
-"Josh I need you to trust me. I love your family, why would I make sonething like that up?" She asked...
-"I don't know. I know that I don't want to lose you. Ever" I said and pulled her in for a kiss...
-"And you won't if you stop acting like that" she said and fell in my arms...

We laid in bed. Watched TV. It was 6PM. We had to go downstairs to help and set the table. About and hour later everyone had arrived. We sat down and ate dinner. There was  alot of people. Everyone had a great time.

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