The Ophidian [James Potter] O...

By whataesthetic

29.7K 706 468

Everyone knew James Potter. He was the leader of the infamous pranking group, the Marauders. Him and his frie... More

Chapter 1 - Trains, Catch Ups, and Surprises
Chapter 2 - Jealousy, Announcements, and Pranks
Chapter 3 - Rumours, Reading, and Stare-offs
Chapter 5 - Interruptions, Tension, and Chapstick
Chapter 6 - Passwords, Glue, and Ancient Runes
Chapter 7 - Hypocrites, Rules, and Sleep
Chapter 8 - Hooligans, Milk, and Detention
Chapter 9 - Date requests, Homework, and Irritation.
Chapter 10 - Quidditch, Bobbles, and Banshees
Chapter 11 - Hair, Comments, and More Quidditch
Chapter 12 - Repercussions, Punishments, and Apologies
Chapter 13 - Apples, Laughter, and Letting Loose

Chapter 4 - Insults, Swimming, and Threats

1.9K 44 7
By whataesthetic

~Adelaide POV~

Severus and I sat under a tree by the Black Lake, reading in a comfortable silence. We were sat a distance away from the rest of the students who were outside on the sunny Saturday in February. Well, that was until the imbeciles that called themselves the Marauders showed up. I was completely aware of their presence, one would have to be deaf not to have heard them stomping and laughing as they made their way over, however, I chose to ignore them in hopes of them leaving us in peace. Sadly, this did not happen.

"Oi! Snape!" Potter hollered, which was quite unnecessary as he was only 10 meters away. Severus stood up and whipped out his wand only to get it knocked out of his hand by a spell sent by Black, who smirked as he caught Severus' wand. "What's wrong Snivellus, dog got your wand?" At this, Sirius, Peter, and James all laughed at their inside joke whilst Remus rolled his eyes with a small smile on his face. By now, a fairly large crowd had formed to watch the unfolding drama. I rolled my eyes, (I seem to be doing this a lot these days) and closed my book before standing up.

"Something you wanna say, Fawley?" Black all but spat at me, his face turning in to a sneer.

"Just get lost," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes at the people in front of me. James scoffed and Sirius barked out a laugh.

"That all you got, Fawley?" I gritted my teeth as Potter smirked.

"Do you really need your girlfriend to stick up for you, Snivelly?" Sirius sneered.

Before Severus could reply, I interjected, "You have your whole life  to be a jerk, why not take today off?" This earned a couple laughs and cheers from the Slytherins in the crowd. James scowled and was about to respond but Severus already spoke,

"She is not  my girlfriend." I didn't really mind this comment as mine and Severus' relationship was strictly platonic, and we were hardly friends anyway.

"Ooh, look, Fawley, rejected, again,  by the slimiest snake there is. What hope is there for you to date anyone now?" Severus went to punch James only to be lifted into the air. I whipped out my wand and aimed it at Potter only to get Black and Pettigrew's wands pointing directly at my chest. The crowd that had been slowly getting bigger cheered and whooped at the sight of Severus in the air.

"Put me down, Potter!" Severus yelled, thrashing about in the air.

"STOP! What do you think you're doing, Potter?!" a voice screeched shoving James, causing him to release the spell he had on Snape. Lily Evans stood there, staring at the Marauders like they were the scum of the earth. Her face was as red as her hair and her eyes blazed with annoyance and fury.

"Wow, Snape, you really can't stand up for yourself if you have to have your two girlfriends protect you," Potter said with a snicker. Black, Pettigrew and I still had yet to lower out wands.

"I don't need a filthy  mudblood  to help me!" Severus yelled glaring indignantly at Potter. Lily gasped, her eyes glossed over as she stared at her best friend (well, ex-best friend). Everybody gaped at the Slytherin boy, their jaws on the ground.

"Fine. If you don't want my help, you won't get it." She spat, the sadness in her eyes changing to anger. Evans turned to leave before she whisked round and punched Severus in the face, leaving him with a bloody nose. The crowd began to disperse following these events. Severus had quickly run off and the Marauders were laughing at what had happened. I took this moment to strike as they were all distracted, "Levicorpus," I said, sending Potter and Black, who were nearest, into the Lake. Hearing two girlish screams, I smirked and turned around, heading back towards the castle.

~Time Skip~

I sat at the Slytherin table, by myself as Severus was busy moping in his dormitory, filling my bowl of chicken-noodle-soup when I saw the four trouble makers enter the Great Hall. Black and Potter had scowls on their faces, their eyes flittering around the spacious room until they landed on me. 'Ah, fuck, they're heading over,'  I internally groaned.

As they arrived, my face contorted into one of sadness, "Oh, you're still alive."

"Don't sound so disappointed, someone might think you don't like us." Potter swiftly countered. Black and him 'discreetly' high-fived. By now, most of the chatter in the Hall had died down and many eyes were watching us. Placing his hands on the table, Potter leaned forward slightly, "I'd watch your back if I were you; revenge is a dish best served fresh."

"Cold." When I said this, Potter gave me a questioning look, "It's a dish best served cold, not fresh. Prick." The last part was muttered under my breath, however, due to the quietness of the Hall, I'm sure most people heard it, Potter and Black included. Despite rolling his eyes and sneering, I noticed the slight red tint at the end of his ears.

Standing up straight he announced, "Well, everyone, back to your meals!" Everybody swiftly picked up their conversations and the dynamic duo returned to the Gryffindor table. 'What is he planning?'

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