Outer Space

By jucr23

1.7K 653 56

Escape. One word, just one word. This single word simply meant to break free from confinement or control. ... More

Chapter 1 - School's Not Important
Chapter 2 - New and Old Friends
Chapter 3 - Trying to Forget
Chapter 4 - Back to School
Chapter 5 - Talking It Out
Chapter 6 - What Used To Be (Flashback)
Chapter 7 - Avoiding More Questions
Chapter 8 - The Apology
Chapter 9 - Needing a Hug
Chapter 10 - Don't Want to Move
Chapter 11 - Watching Grey's Anatomy
Chapter 13 - She Deserves Better (Flashback)
Chapter 14 - Save Me
Chapter 15 - Telling Charlie
Chapter 16 - Thanks Dr. Kent
Chapter 17 - Sorry Charlie
Chapter 18 - Mommy No! (Flashback)
Chapter 19 - Don't Make the Call
Chapter 20 - Realizations
Chapter 21 - The Social Worker's Questions
Chapter 22 - Where's Your Father
Chapter 23 - Lunch Time
Chapter 24 - What She Knows
Chapter 25 - Asking For Help
Chapter 26 - The Great Escape
Chapter 27 - Looking at the Stars
Chapter 28 - Code Yellow
Chapter 29 - A Room Filled With People
Chapter 30 - Breakfast Chat
Chapter 31 - Setback Two
Chapter 32 - Wanting to Leave
Chapter 33 - Holding Hands
Chapter 34 - It's Over (Flashback)
Chapter 35 - I Left You

Chapter 12 - Finally Escaping

57 25 0
By jucr23

    Jemma hadn't turned her phone on for quite some time and she was starting to thank herself for that decision as she powered on her phone and a consistent string of alerts popped up on the screen. She saw pretty much every name she had in her contact list and even some unknown numbers as she scrolled down the screen, skimming the alerts as she went.

    Deciding that the easiest, of the million notifications that she had, to answer would be what Charlie had sent to her she directed herself to their text conversations. She ignored the ones her father and Emmie for now. Those would have to be dealt with at a later time. She read what Charlie had texted her. It was just three messages. One read, "Why the fuck did you bring Maddox to the diner when I wasn't there!! I would have loved to beat his ass up!!" Punctuation included. The rest of the messages sounded similar they just happened to use a lot more choice words than the first one, which was saying something.

    Jemma got the gist of what Charlie was thinking. Not one single message said anything regarding Jemma's whereabouts and that was why Jemma loved her so much. She was able to understand when Jemma needed space. She could fix everything with a joke and even when she couldn't, she tried.

    Sighing after she finished going through everything that Charlie sent her, Jemma figured that she was going to have to read everyone else's messages eventually. She had been gone for almost a week, hiding out in Hannah's apartment and refusing to leave the premises for anything but some fresh air here and there. Hannah was not amused and Jemma was pretty sure that the woman was probably starting to get annoyed with the girl that took over her couch and by extension her TV.

    Clicking on the text conversation between her and Emmie she was expecting a lot of messages. With what she received you would probably think that someone died or more than one someone died. With the over 100 messages Jemma expected mass casualties... wow... she realized that she had definitely been watching way too much Grey's Anatomy. Getting back on topic Jemma quickly came to the decision that she wasn't going to sit and read all of these very wordy and long messages. She read through the ones that she had received most recently and she was quick to discover that Emmie was clinically insane. There was a bunch of stuff asking if she was dead or kidnapped. There was a lot of rambling and also a great amount of repetition, seeing as though half of the questions were the same just worded differently.

    Jemma read some stuff that Emmie wrote about she understood what she was going through because she has had boy issues before and that the pain or whatever goes away. And after reading that Jemma instantly knew that Mrs. Jacobs had one hundred percent gone back on their promise, probably spilling everything they had talked about to Emmie the second the girl asked.

    Deciding that enough was enough, Jemma once again powered her phone down not wanting to see what else was going on. Shifting her body and stretching out her arm, she grabbed the remote that had been placed on the coffee table in front of the couch. She didn't waste time before turning the TV on and got back into binge-watching Grey's Anatomy.


    Looking out the window Jemma saw the stars litter the sky. That was a rarity for her seeing as though the city was so bright at night time, it blocked out all of the stars that may have been visible above. But there was less city light where Hannah lived, giving Jemma the perfect view of the black abyss above and everything that came along with it.

    Hannah had just retired to her room a little less than an hour ago with a simple good night and see you tomorrow. Jemma wasn't sure about the see you tomorrow part though. She was thinking about just leaving, disappearing in the night. She always did have a flair for dramatics, but that wasn't it, she had stuff to do and it wasn't going to get done if she stayed here. Plus she was tired of smooching off of someone else, especially since Hannah was so nice. Jemma just figured it would be easier for both of them if she didn't say goodbye.

    It didn't take long for Jemma to make her final decision and get to packing. She had like nothing with her, but she took what she did bring. She made a final stop in the bathroom grabbing something that she was going to need for later and disappeared into the night, closing the door slowly behind her so that it didn't squeak and alert the sleeping women inside.
Jemma had a specific destination in mind and nothing would derail her from getting there as fast as she possibly could. Walking along the familiar streets she had no trouble figuring out how to get there. She was even able to avoid most of the super sketchy places because especially at this time of night it was probably not a good idea to go anywhere near places like that. It probably wasn't a good idea for her to be outside at all.

    The abandoned train station. There it was, right in front of her. She had avoided this place like the plague after Maddox left, doing her best to not even come within a mile of it. She had eventually gone back to get some of the stuff that she had left, but she dipped after being there for barely five minutes, leaving half of the stuff that she had gone to get.

    Looking at the large eyesore that she had once loved and cherished so much, she only hesitated for a second before she walked around the back to get in. Maddox had found a large window that was easy to open and that became known as their easy access entrance. She walked through the building and when she came across the room that was her destination, this time she didn't hesitate to open it.

    Jemma flicked on the fairy lights that she loved so much the ones that remind her of a sky when it was filled with brightly shining stars. She had seen the real deal earlier in the night, but with the cloudy sky and polluted air, these were almost better for her to look at.

    She collapsed on the pillows that littered the ground, memories of the place that she was in began hitting her like a train. She was calm, calmer than she had been in a while. It was almost like she was in a limbo.

    She took a bottle out of her pocket. The same bottle that she had swiped from Hannah's medicine cabinet in her bathroom right before she left. Shaking the bottle to make sure there was enough, she was still in her state of limbo. Not a single tear was streaming down her face as so many had been within the past week.

    She unscrewed the cap and poured out the majority of the pills into her hand, a few falling out of her grip and onto the floor. Jemma looked up, she looked at the lights, the beautiful lights. She put her hand to her mouth and dropped the pills into it. This was her way to forget, her way to escape. This time however she wanted to forget forever, she wanted to escape forever. Jemma swallowed and leaned back on the pillows. She stared at the twinkling fairy lights above, not taking her eyes off of them.


Woah!!! What the hell is going on? Keep reading to find out.

Hope you enjoy! Thanks!


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