His Mischievous Mate

By jlhen_23

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Berlyn is just a typical girl for a human coz she's hiding her true identity. And to cover up, she always g... More

Chapter 1 ( The Beginning)
Chapter 2 ( His Mate)
Chapter 3 ( Operation "Ignore Him".)
Chapter 4 (Getting to Know Her)
Chapter 5 ( Getting To Know Her Part 2)
Chapter 6 ( Unwanted Guest, Undeniable Truth)
Chapter 7 ( The Hybrid )
Chapter 8 ( Berlyn Somer )
Chapter 9 ( His Decision )
Chapter 10 ( Runaway )
Chapter 11 ( Moving On )
Chapter 12 ( V - Bar Incident )
Chapter 13 ( Rewrite The Stars )
Chapter 14 ( The Attack )
Chapter 16 ( Mistaken Identity )
Chapter 17 ( Double Date )
Chapter 18 ( Bitch on the Beach )
Chapter 19 ( Jealousy Part 1 )
Chapter 20 ( Jealousy Part 2 )
Chapter 21 ( Perfect Getaway )
Chapter 22 ( It's Just A Dream )
Chapter 23 ( Knight's In Shinning Armor )
Chapter 24 ( Meet Again )
Chapter 25 ( Eerie )
Chapter 26 ( Reversed )
Chapter 27 ( Hot and Cold )
Chapter 28 ( Revealed )
Chapter 29 ( Creepy )
Chapter 30 ( Teardrops )
Chapter 31 ( The Proposal )
Chapter 32 ( Bet )
Chapter 33 ( Missing Piece )
Chapter 34 ( Phenomenal Disaster )
Chapter 35 ( Lover's Quarell )
Chapter 36 ( Fight Song )
Chapter 37 ( The Hybrid Next Door )
Chapter 38 ( Heart to Heart Talk )
Chapter 39 ( First Time )
Chapter 40 ( Trust Issues )
Chapter 41 ( He Left )
Chapter 42 ( Chasing Vlad )
Chapter 43 ( Intruders )
Chapter 44 ( Pregnancy Issues )
Chapter 45 ( Changes )
Chapter 46 ( Sick and Tired )
Chapter 47 ( Atlast! )
Chapter 48 ( Fabulous and Pretty)
Chapter 49 ( Start of Something New )
Chapter 50 ( The Finale )
Sneak Peek Part 1
Sneak Peek Part 2

Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )

78 4 0
By jlhen_23

Berlyn's Pov:

Days begin to past. Before I knew it, it's already Saturday. I woke up with a sweet smile on my face. Saturday and Sunday is my day off. I'am excited today coz I'm gonna see Cley again. I missed him already.

I know that two days is not enough to be with him but it's okay. We both have our responsibilities. Him, with his pack and me with my work.

I know it's kinda hard. But I know we can do this. I have so many plans for today. I'm gonna take him to the Central Park, watch a movie together, dinner date, watch along the skyscrapers.

I know he's gonna love it! And I'll make sure that he's going to enjoy this two days being with me. Seriously, Berlyn? Your the one whose gonna take him out on a date? It's his duty, you know.

But I don't care. As long as I love him, no one can stop me from showing how much he mean to me. Even if it means I'm the one who insist the date? I don't care at all.

I'm just so glad that he's by my side. Just the tought of making him so happy makes my heart fluttered and contented at all. And no one can hindered it. Period!

I've decided to take a shower and dressed up. Just a simple blue  dress length above the knee and simple flip flop. Any minute, Cley will be here. Maybe he's already in the airport by this time.

I've already texted him but he didn't reply. The last few days, he didn't contact me either. I know he's just busy in the pack house and I understand that. I'm also busy in my work, so it's okay.

My worries begun  to bother me when it's almost five pm but he's not here yet. I tried to call him but he is unattended. I tried to call Leslie but she's not answering too. And so as Andrei.

Cley was expected to be here in my condo this morning, but it's already afternoon and he didn't show up. He didn't even texted me if he can't make it today if there's an emergency in Forks.

Andrei and Leslie ignored my call also. Is there something wrong? Is there a problem in Forks? Or are they making fun of me again? Are they trying to surprise me? Or make a prank on me?

I tried to calm myself. Thinking too much isn't helping me at all. My plans for today already ruined. I decided to prepared  dinner.

Maybe Cley will be here before dinner. Maybe there's a problem in the pack house that's why he's late. Yeah, he's only late.  Or maybe there's a problem on his flight. Maybe it's being postponed for an hour?

Shit! What was happening? Okay, Berlyn. Relax. Chill out. It's okay. Everything will be alright. Cley will be here. Think positive. Cley miss you so much and he's eager to see you too. So, just wait for him and everything will be settled once he's here.

Even I'm so confused right now, I'm still able to prepared for dinner. I just prepared a steak that I know Cley's favorite. Vegetable salad, leche plan and pineapple juice. I also bake some cookies for him.

After I prepared the dinning table and the food, I've decided to take a shower again. It's already seven pm. After taking a shower, I've change my dress. I just wear pajamas and t-shirt. I think we're not going on a date today.

I've already finish all I need to do but still no trace of Cley. To ease my boredom, I decided to watch a movie. Maybe I'm so stress thinking about him and preparing for dinner so I can't help myself from falling asleep.

I suddenly woke up when the clock alarmed for twelve midnight. Shit! It's already twelve and Cley didn't show up. Still no text and calls from him. How dare him do this to me?

I started to panicked. I go to dinning table to eat, alone. Who else I'm gonna share this food?  When I'm done eating, I place the food in fridge. I sat on a sofa and begin to think again.

Did he change his mind? He didn't want to see me again?Did he choose to stay in the pack house than to be with me? He don't like me anymore? He don't love me that much?

Shucks! I don't have a clue. They didn't even contact me since they left a few days ago. What am I supposed to do?

In the middle of nowhere, someone press the buzzer. My heart skip for a moment. Maybe it's Cley.

I just hope it's him. Oh, gosh! I miss him terribly. I hurriedly open the door with matching smile on my face. Only to feel disappointed. It's Leslie and Andrei. Where is he?

"Bestie, I'm so sorry." Leslie begun to cry when they entered my condo unit. Andrei locked the door.

Sorry? For what? Why? What happened? Why she's crying, for pitty sake!

"Hey. What happened? Why are you crying?" I said in confusion.

"Everyone is gone, Berlyn. I'm so sorry. They all dead. Cley and Andrei's parents. The pack house was destroyed, and all the pack members was dead." Leslie said while crying non stop.

"W-what? What do you mean?" My tears begun to shred quickly. I can't help it. It's just like water flows down to my cheeks. 

"When we go back in Forks, when we reach the pack house, they are already dead. All of them. They are being attack by rogues and vampires. No one left behind. Just me, Andrei and Cley." She said.

"Oh my gosh! W-wheres Cley? Where is he? Is he okay? Why his not with you two?" I asked. My heart begun to ache. I felt so sorry about what happened.

"He's not with us. He sacrifice himself just to save me and Andrei." Leslie said.

"W- what do you mean by that? D- don't tell me he's gone? Oh no, please." I said.

I'm feeling weak right now. I grab the mono block chair beside me and sitted there coz I feel like any moment, my knees will gave up.

Just tell me I'm just dreaming. That I didn't hear all about this. That I'm just mistaken. That Leslie just kidding me. But when I saw her crying, so as Andrei, I know it's all true. That they are serious about this. Oh, shit! Leslie didn't answer that's why Andrei take over.

"In exchange of our freedom, Cley agreed to go with Vladimir. Vladimir wants him to be his allies. He's the king of vampire race. I don't know what happened next coz Cley order us to leave. He said that we need to go and be here with you. He also said that he love you so much." He said.

I can't speak after Andrei said that. Anger, rage and hatred started to form all over me the moment I heared that name. Vladimir! That bullshit! That asshole! That bastard! I can't help myself but to curse that creature.

I tried to calm myself. I feel so depressed right now. And hopeless. I feel like my world is falling apart. I can't take it anymore. Why everytime I want to be happy, something unexpectedly happen?

Am I not allowed to be happy? Am I destined to be miserable my whole life through? That's unfair. I don't get it. Cley is the only person that I love the most. He's the only reason why I wake up every day full of hope and positivity. He's the only reason why I choose to live even the whole world wants me to be gone forever.

He's my everything. Damn you, Vladimir! I hate you! I really- really hate you. I swear, zero percent is your chance of survival when I see you. You're nothing but a piece of crap!

Shit! I close my eyes and try to focus. I need to relax. I need to control my emotions. Being too much emotional is not helping me at all. It only worsen the situation. I need to think positive.

"Berlyn, I'm so sorry about what happened. We will help you. Andrei and I will help you to find
Cley and get rid of Vladimir." She said.

"Don't say sorry, Leslie. It's not your fault, okay. Did you eat already?"

I asked just to change the topic for a while. I need to think clearly so I can made up a plan.

"Not yet. What about you?" She said.

"I'm done, already. Just take your dinner. You too, Andrei. I'm sorry for your lost, Andrei. After you eat, both of you can sleep in the spare room beside mine. I just go to my room." I said.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay, bestie?" Leslie asked. Feeling worried. I just nodded and walk away towards my room.

I need to be alone. I need to think appropriately. Even my mind and inner wolf was telling me to start searching for Cley, I can't. Duh, it's already midnight. Tomorrow morning when I wake up, okay? Tss. I'm just trying to be cool here.

Co I know if I I'll take it seriously, maybe tomorrow I'm totally insane then. I know this kind of feeling. I've already experience it when my parents left me behind. Leave me on my own at the very young age. No one can be taken care of. No one can depend on.

I'm just lucky right now that Leslie and Andrei was there for me. But it still hurt that much. I thought being far away with him for five years is the worst case scenario. I'm wrong. Coz this is the worst.

Worst - coz I don't know where to start. I don't know where to find him. Should I start here in New York? What if he's not in New York? What if Vladimir take him to other part of the world that impossible for me to reach?

I don't even know if he's still alive. What if that bullshit killed him? I don't even know. And that makes feel worst. Feel useless. Feel dumb. Feel numb. And I hate this! I hate this kind of feeling.

I lay on my bed and open my music playlist on my phone. I need a perfect getaway. And music is my perfect bestfriend when it comes to a situation like this. Music makes me forget everything for a while. And I badly needed it right now.

Everybody needs inspiration

Everybody need a song

A beautiful melody

When the nights so long

Yeah. I badly needed a song right now. To ease the pain. To make up my mind. To forget for a while. To stood still even tough my heart was telling me to give up.

Cause there is no guarantee

That this life is easy.

Life is so hard. Who says that it's easy? Most specially mine? I think my life is the worst. My life sucks. My life is totally mess.

Yeah, when my world is falling apart

When there's no light

To break up the dark

That's when I , I , I look at you.

When there's no waves are flooding the shore

And I can't find my way home anymore

That's when I, I, I look at you...

He's the only one that makes me calm everytime I experience different kind of difficulties. By looking at him and even just his presence, it makes me at ease. It makes me control myself coz I know I'm not alone.

But right now? Whose I'm going to depend on? Whose gonna save me from this misery? From heartache? No one! Just all by myself. I close my eyes. I need to rest. As in now. At least if I'am asleep, no one can bother me.

Everything that I'm feeling right now will be forgotten for a while. Sleeping makes me getaway from all of this. Makes me relax. Makes me ease the pain that I'm feeling right now. I wish I can sleep forever.

Atleast if I'am asleep, I don't have to worry about. But I know I cant. Coz even my eyes already close, my heart still feel hurt. Feel broken. And it's eating me alive. I don't know how many songs I've already heard over night.

Each and every songs directly hit into my heart. And it's making me feel worst. Why does every songs have this great impact on me? Too much relate, Berlyn? I thought I will be able to sleep, but I'm not. I'm still awake this whole night through. I open my eyes and decided to get up.

It's already six o'clock in the morning. I need to find Cley. Even I feel so tired, I need to go on for me to find him. If I'll needed to search the whole place in New York, I will do it. I can't live every passing day knowing that Cley is in trouble.

I quickly took a shower and put on my dress. I just wear jeans and t-shirts. I don't even bother to eat breakfast. When I leave my apartment, I didn't saw Leslie and Andrei yet. Maybe they are still sleeping.

Exactly thirty minutes when I arrived in NYPD Headquarters. I need to take a leave from work so that I can focus on my plan.

I'm just glad that I can use my sick leave now. Yeah, I'm sick, okay. Sick from this heartache which killing me. And I'm sure that PCInsp. McDonell will allow me to take a leave. It's my first time to use it, okay.

"Why so abrupt, Officer Somer? I know your not that kind of person who leave from work without reason." He said when he gave me the authorization letter that saying he's giving me approval to render my sick leave.

"I'm getting married, sir. I want to be hands on for my wedding preparations. That's why I need to leave for a month."

I was just kidding, okay? How can I even get married if my groom was missing and no where to find?

"Really, Officer? Congratulations, then. Are we invited?" He asked. Don't tell me he take it seriously? Tss.

"I'm just kidding, sir. Don't take it seriously. The truth is I want to travel around the world. I need a vacation. I need to unwind. I'm broken hearted, you know." I said.

I said. I'm serious about my excuse coz I'm really broken hearted right now but I thought he didn't believe me coz hes now laughing.

"Now I know thats some kind of a quirk also, Officer Somer. How can you be broken hearted when you don't have a boyfriend at all?" He said.

Wow, sir. That's harsh. Am I that nasty? Of course I have a boyfriend. Even I'm not that pretty compare to everyone, I still have my rights to be in love, right?

I still have feelings, you know. Tss. I'm just a secretive type that's why you didn't know! That's what I wanted to say but I just keep it to myself. I choose to smile than to explain my side. I hate explaining in details, okay. I'm not food on that matter.

"Why, sir? Do we have a law saying that the only person who have the rights to be broken hearted are those in a serious relationship status only? What about those single but secretly falling or in its complicated status? Or a widow perhaps? That's unfair." I said. He laughed again

"Fine, officer Somer. Enough with your reasonings. You can take your leave now." He said.

"That's better, sir. I gotta go." I said and hurriedly leave his office. I'm afraid that he change his mind that's why I leave so suddenly. I'm just thankful that PCInsp. McDonell was a nice person....

Author's Note:

Whoah! That's kinda long, huh. Well, maybe this is the longest chapter I've made since from the start. Enjoy reading guys. The next chapter will be more exciting so just continue reading...

Don't forget to vote and share my story to your friends. Follow me also. I've change my username already. It's now @jlhen_23. Oh Diba, mas bongga. Hahaha.

Thank you so much guys. For reading my story and for the support.

Shout out to Lorena Ylagan/ Yrien. Thank you for  sharing my story to your friends. I'll appreciate it. Love lots...

It's me,


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