Stuck in The Moment with You...

By dreamcatcher88

10.4K 52 11

10 months after her fathers death, Michaela Casse is forced into a college photography program by her mom who... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight (Final Chapter)

Chapter Seventeen

275 1 0
By dreamcatcher88

Laura, Anna, and Sarah had gotten over 250 pictures already, so they were told they didn’t have to follow the boys around constantly, unless they wanted. Of course they took the time off to go shopping, while me and Emma had barely gotten over 150 pictures. I guess Emma had better things to do than take pictures when she was around Zayn. I just hadn’t bothered to take any pictures. I still wasn’t sure if I was trying to fail the first month or not. It’s not really a matter of how many pictures you get, it’s just a matter of how good they are. I hadn’t really looked back through my pictures, so I didn’t know if they were good or not. At the end of the month, all I had to do was load the pictures onto a hard-drive, and wait to be told I was out or still in. I had no idea which one I wanted to be. Of course, since I was forced by my Mom to come, I didn’t want to be here, but then again, I had made friends with Nicole, Em and Emma, but everyday Laura, Anna, and Sarah had a new drama to start and I was getting tired of it. Though getting cut from the program would mean going home to my Mom and Adam. I wasn’t sure I wanted that.

“I wanna see a Kangaroo!” Niall shouted, jumping about 10 feet in the air. 

“If you don’t stop acting like that, Paul’s gonna insist on coming with us,” Louis said and Niall straightened up. 

Since I was still under 200 photos, Marie told me I needed to get at least ten photos by the end of the day, which would make me have exactly 200. Emma got to 201 last night during the Rooftop performance, but she was using the need for pictures as an excuse to go shopping with Zayn and Liam today. Harry and Nicole were going out to eat and to the theater, while Louis and Niall were set to go to the Zoo. And so was I. Though, I wasn’t really complaining, Louis and Niall were like two energizer bunnies. “Ladies first,” Louis said opening the door of the cab for me as Niall got in on the other side. I slid in beside Niall. 

“I’m excited. Are you excited?” Niall asked looking down at me. 

I couldn’t help but smile. He had been jumping and talking about Kangaroos the whole time we had been trying to leave the hotel, though some of the fans thought it was funny that he was jumping about 10 feet in the air every five minutes. 

“Very,” I said and he smiled bigger. 

“Kangaroos are this way,” Niall said reading a sign while grabbing my arm and pulling me around the corner of a building. “Slow down, you’re gonna make me fall,” I said, stumbling over my feet. Louis was calling Niall from around the corner. “Niall, stop,” I said grabbing his arm as Louis came around the corner. 

“Harry just called me, he needs me to come back to the hotel,” he said.

“I thought he and Nicole went out,” Niall said.

“They did.. but they had to come back, and they need me.. for something,” Louis said. 

“Do you want us to go back with you?” Niall asked, a bit disappointed. 

“No, it’s fine, go see your Kangaroos,” Louis said waving his hand. Niall’s face brightened again.

“Alright, well call me if you need anything,” Niall said as Louis nodded and turned to leave.

I was sure I had imagined, as I barely saw it, but when Louis turned I saw the corners of his lips go up in a grin. He was lying. Harry and Nicole were still out together, he didn’t get a phone call. “Come on,” Niall said quickly linking his arm with mine and dragging me to the Kangaroos exhibit. Why did I not call Louis out on his lie?

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