His Touch- Mated to the Alpha...

By CherryPopWonder

7.1K 164 2

Taylor Marks has a past that haunts her family. Because of what she did, her pack is dead, her father include... More

1: Sixty-One
2: I'm Wide Awake
3: Blueberry Failure
4: Speed
5: First Date
6: Panic
7: Roxie and Zane
8: Flooded emotions
10: Reassurance
11: The Party
12: Ice Cream Sundae
13: House Fire
14: To the Mall and Back
15: Pile of Ashes
16: Enchantress

9: Marking What's Mine

364 8 0
By CherryPopWonder

BTW that's what Roxie looks like--->

And yes, that is the girl from twilightXD 


(Cameron's POV)

Will this guy ever just give up? We've been fighting for quite while and I'm starting to panic because I saw Taylor drag Sam behind some trees and she hasn't reappeared yet. Snapping my jaw shut, it encloses around his paw, and he yelps in pain. I can feel the blood drip from my teeth as I growl, as I admire the work I've done. His paw is now bleeding profusely, his face scratched up, and he lost a few teeth. Looking more determined then ever, he pounces forward, almost chomping down on my throat. Thank god I dodged, because that would have not been good. I swat at him a few times, standing on my hind legs to make sure he knows who's boss. I glance to the side quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of Taylor safe and sound, but quickly look back when I have no luck.

'Sam!' I call Sam through the pack link, but receive no answer. 'Sam! Is Taylor okay? Are you okay?' No answer. Shit! I think.

Distracted from trying to contact Sam, I don't notice when Zane backs up a few feet before it's too late. He slams his whole body into my stomach, sending me flying. I hit a tree with so much force, the wind gets knocked out of me.

My wolf is more furious than ever.

I let out a a growl that ripples throughout my body, and form, what seems to be a smirk, when the hair on Zane's back stands up from being frightened. I bare my teeth, telling not to mess with me anymore and then dash forward. Stretching my paws out in front of me, I crash into him, pinning him down. I attack his face and neck, biting down and taste his sour blood. I keep at it, a surely frightening sight, until his whimpers cease, and his body stops thrashing. 

Zane's dead.

'Cameron!' I tense at the sound of panic in Sam's voice. 

'Sam! Is everything okay?' I ask.

'Yeah, Taylor just beat up this girl, it was awesome!'

I laugh a little 'Oh really? Is she okay?'

'Yeah, Jordan's hear too, so you have nothing to worry about. Your father wants you, apparently there's a mass invasion down by the lake.' I give and 'okay' and start running in that direction, practically trusting Jordan and Sam with my life. Aka Taylor. I plan to mate her very soon, so the pack link is connected to her. I'll feel better that way, knowing she's safe. The other upside to mating is having my scent smothering her, letting all un-mated males know she's mine. Mine.

'Cameron! Get your ass down here! We need all the help we can get!' Rob, my future beta-to-be demanded. Picking up more speed, I bolted up a hill, and came to a halt at the very top. At the bottom by the lake, there were a bunch of rogues, about 50 or so, not a lot, but you can't under estimate their fierceness. Against the rogues, there were around 30 or so wolves. All seemed to be male, except for a few on the opposing side. We're out numbered, but don't think tht will stop us.

Suddenly, I heard faint movement behind me and turned around swiftly. Behind me, stood 15 or 20 wolves, all standing tall and ready, waiting for orders.

'Glad you guys could make it.' I said to them.

'Wouldn't miss it for the world!' Jordan, the front wolf said back. She brought all of out best female fighters, all ranging in skills that are crucial against rogues. 

Facing front once again, I let loose a howl, signally for everyone to continue forward. I ran at the front of the pack, leading them to the battle ahead. Bracing myself for impact, I pulled my ears back in a threatening manner, and then attacked the first rogue I came in contact to. 

Shredding and tearing my way through, I saw my dad and stood side-by-side with him. Together we were basically unstoppable. Though, pretty soon, he will need to stop fighting, at least in intense battles like these, because he's getting older. 

After I discard a dead wolf into the lake carelessly, I squint my eyes and see a black female wolf, similar to Taylor's.

'Father,' I begin through the mind link, 'I need to find Taylor.' He looks at me with a slightly worried look in his eyes, then nods and goes back to fighting. A giant brown wolf practically jumps on him, but I turn around, knowing he could handle it.

(Taylor's POV)

Zane's dead. That's all that kept repeating in my head and I couldn't believe it. A mix of relive, sadness, happiness, and pride flooded through me as my knees hit the cold ground, shoulders sinking. My brows furrow together in deep though. But of what?

It was silent, except for the slight swaying of trees now and then, when the sound of a running wolf echoed through the forest. I shot up, pushing the tangled hair out of my flushed face, preparing for anything that may come my way.

I close my eyes, only for a second to organize my thoughts, and when I open them Cameron stands only a foot in front of me. His eyes stare at the scratches on my face and arms. Without any words, I take a careful step towards him and cup my hand on his cheek, tracing a deep scratch along his jaw. I stand on my toes and lay a gentle kiss on the wound, and then look him in the eyes, shyly through my lashes.

For what seems like the millionth time, a tear escapes my eyes. "I'm so glad your okay." I whisper and place another shaky hand on his other cheek. I move closer, wanting to feel more of the warmth he has to offer. The serious look on his face softens, before quickly turning back into alpha-mate mode. 

"I'm taking you to the pack house." He says flatly before swiftly sliding an arm under my legs, and another behind my back, hoisting me up into his safe arms. 

I pinch his cheeks, not liking where this is heading. "No! I need to stay with you!" I say through clenched teeth. He ignores me, staring straight ahead. "Don't do this to me, Cameron! We need to stick together!" I say desperately, with a hint of determination. I trace the drop of blood moving down the side of his face, watching it drip off his jaw and onto my hand. "Cameron..."

He comes to a halt and sets me down, but he moves his grip to both of my arms. Releasing one hand, he flicks my hair off one shoulder and rests his hand on my neck. I search his eyes, wanting them to show some kind of emotion. Using the hand on my neck, he forces my head up further and stares intensely back into my eyes. He releases his other grip, moving that hand to the small of my back, pushing me closer. I let out a small gasp as my hands quickly grasp the back of his shoulders.

I know what he's about to do and I can tell he's been wanting it as much as I have. Letting my eyes flutter close, I listen to the sound of his warm breath, softly hitting my cheek.  "I'm sorry," I hear him whisper and my eyes open wide when I feel his canines sick into my neck. I whimper at the pain, but then instinctively do the same to him. I taste the sweetness of his blood as I carve my mark into his neck. Let's just say that was not what I was expecting.

I faintly hear someone off in the distance, but think nothing off it. Pleasure rushes through me as Cameron bites down harder into my neck.

All of a sudden Cameron is ripped off me and the pain is unbearable. A hand shoots up to my neck and I scream out in pain. I trace where my mark is supposed to be and find just two bloody holes. Whatever happened interrupted the marking process and the bond was never completed, thus causing immense pain as if your soul has been tared in half.

My eyes that have been shut tight, snap open and frantically search for Cameron. "Cameron!" I gasp out, my voice sounding a bit raspy. I stumble around in a circle, but it seems like I lost him. I sniff the air and manage to start walking in the direction where his scent still lingers. 

For what seems like forever, I wonder hopelessly through the woods, following his sweet scent that is now fortunately becoming stronger. I can hear the noise of battle, not far from here, and a lump forms in my throat. I glance at the sky to see the sun setting, creating a purplish-pink color. Shaking my head, I focus on my mission to find Cameron and start walking faster, my energy returning.

A few minutes later, I finally stumble upon someone. Well, two someones. My eyes light up when I see one of those someones is Cameron, but he's in the middle of fighting someone. They're both in human form, but are moving so fast they look like a blur. Then, it hit me. He's fighting Roxie.

I watch as they fight back in forth, Cameron clearly having the upper hand. Roxie's fire-red hair whips around in the wind as she thrusts her right leg up, aiming for Cameron's side. He quickly lashes out his hand and catches her ankle, twisting her whole bod to fall face first on the ground. She tries to heave herself up, but Cameron grabs both arms and contorts them behind her back in a painful manner making her scream. 

I start to carefully walk over, but stop when Roxie gasps out something. "You ungrateful little bitch!" Cameron pulls on her arm making her howl in pain. 

I hold my hand out, "No, let her talk." He stops and her breaths become short pants. 

Her eyes meet mine, filled with hatred and shaky with sadness. "He's dead." She lets out a choked sob, saying something incoherent over and over again. I wait and listen. "My mate." My eyes widen in horror at her words. I gasp and snap my head to Cameron who's looking at me with same amount of confusion and surprise. "He was my mate and you killed him!" She screams and thrashes in Cameron's tight grip.

"I-I didn't know!" I whisper, eyes tearing up.

"Of course you didn't," She lets out a bitter laugh, "After all, he rejected my for you!" She sneers. I can't see to well in the dark, the only light source being the full moon, but I can tell she's crying, hard. Through the back ground noises, I can hear her choked sobs.

"I'm sorry!" I yell, and her cries suddenly stop. I open my eyes, that closed involentaraly, and understand why. She lays there lifeless, her head turn to the side so fortunately I can't see her pained expression. Cameron slowly rises, his sight still on her. He snapped her neck. Squinting my eyes, I can see the faint shape of a wolf, letters on the inside. Zane marked her. He marked her and he still didn't want her. 

I feel nauseous and quickly avert my gaze to the ground. Footsteps approach me and then warm arms embrace my shaky stature. "Let's go back to the house." He whispers and gently guides me in the direction of the house. I cling onto him and don't want to let him go. I understand how fragile a  mates bond can be and don't want to risk losing him. 

Without any words, I roughly pull him to a stop and make him face me. He starts to speak, but stutters when I grab the back of his neck and sink my teeth into his soft skin, marking what's mine.


I promise next chapter will be less depressing! But they did finally mark each other! Notice I said mark and not mate, that's a whole different story;)

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