Kill me softly - Minsung

By reColored

46.3K 2.1K 805

"They kissed. Messily, but so desperate to feel something." Minho is a corrupt secret agent. There is nothin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 part 2
Chapter 27 Part 1
Chapter 27 Part 2

Chapter 12

1.6K 66 64
By reColored

The night was darker than usual and it was wet and cold. Minho was crouching on the top of a building and looked down at the streets of Seoul. A gust of wind hit him and tugged on his black clothes. Minho was used to it. Another day, another mission. There were 4 of them on top of that building waiting for their 5. member who was inside the pompous building a few feet on their right. A gala event was going on but there was a person they needed. It was always the same. Find the person. Wait until they are alone, head them off and get them to the arranged place. And most important – do all of that without getting noticed.

Vir aicha was standing a few feet next to Minho. He hated her. It wasn't that she was bad at her job, she was actually really good but she was loud and liked to stand in the center of attention. But the thing that angered Minho probably the most was, that she actually seemed to enjoy what they were doing.

Minho wasn't bad at what he was doing either. Vir aicha was at the same age as him - as far as the age that she told them was her real one – and Jung-ho once complimented them both and referred to them as his best people.

Whereas Vir aicha was beaming with pride and happiness, Minho wasn't happy at all. He was afraid that it meant that Jung-ho would recruit him for longer – maybe even for forever.

"You are driver Lee K. You know your way?", Minho frowned as he glanced over to Vir aicha. "Of course.", he wasn't in the mood of talking. He was here to get over with this mission. "Oh come on Lee K, stop being so tense. We have done stuff like that over and over again I am bored by this already.", she jumped up on the maybe 8 inches broad railing and balanced on it. Minho who was crouching on the same railing hoped she'd fall off.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and he won't obey. Then you can hurt him a little bit.", another guy, MG, said. He was kind of a laid back guy but he wasn't scared of using violence if he had to. Minho liked him. They "Hung out" once or twice while they were waiting for instructions. MG was quite different outside the job than he was during the mission but that probably counted for Minho as well.

Vir aicha stopped balancing and turned around to their troop who were all standing on the roof a few feet apart. "I wished I could hurt the person more than just a little bit. Maybe cut off some limbs, stab out some eyes, slice open some organs-"

"Shut up already won't you? Just do your fucking job properly and you will soon be able to slice open as much people as you want.", Ysang cut her off. Minho smiled to himself as he probably spoke the words everyone was thinking, Vir aicha just pulled a face as she saw Minho.

Ysang had a slender frame and even though you could only see his eyes you immediately knew that he was no one to fuck around with. He was trained in kenjutsu and two opal shimmering handles from katanas snuck out behind his shoulders. He was wearing all black as almost all of them, a leather coat that reached down to his ankles and was tied together around his waist. Silver details shimmered on it as well as on his face mask and he was wearing a fedora. It gave off a demon-cowboy vibe and Minho was here for it.

Minho had seen him a few times, only short glimpses though as Ysang always seemed to be in movement. Only now he was standing steadily and didn't move an inch. He was very good looking but so unbelievable cold. He looked like the temperature around him obeyed different laws. He looked like no one could be able to melt his frozen shell.

Minho's thought wandered to Jisung. He didn't have a cold aura at all. He spread that fuzzy feeling and his hugs where even fuzzier, you felt warm and secure. Maybe it was this that attracted Minho that much. Everyone in this business and around him was so cold, so harsh – you needed to be so cold and so harsh - otherwise, you wouldn't survive. Minho stroked over his lip, the cut was gone it was only slightly bruised anymore. He felt Jisung's touch on it, a shiver ran down his neck.

"Yo, I am sick of waiting, how long has it been already? Over an hour? He probably fucked up in there.", Vir aicha sat on the barricade by now with her feet dangling over the edge and was making a scene. Nothing new. Minho sighed.

"It's RM. He knows what he is doing.", RM was the oldest of their troop and the longest in the business. He was quite talented especially when it came to stuff like social events and not letting his cover blow.

"I still don't get how he can do this and be in a band."; Minho's head darted to Vir aicha. That RM was in the widely popular band BTS was a secret known to very few. RM – or also known as Namjoon- always made sure to cover up his face as much as possible while doing any work for Jung-ho.

"He's in a band? Like as an idol?", MG asked and stepped a few feet forward. Minho was quick to answer.

"No he is not, don't be stupid, how could someone do our job and stand in such an available-to-all-society position like being an Idol at the same time? Vir aicha is just talking shit again.", he shot her a look to not tell anyone and stared down at the street again. Minho only knew about Namjoon's secret because he met him once in the company where Minho dances and Namjoon greeted him with his assassin name. It wasn't hard to put one and one together after that. Minho didn't even want to know why Vir aicha knew about that but there was a rumour that she slept with quite a lot people of the business. Seeing him naked would have probably given her some hints to who he really was but Minho didn't know and didn't even want to know with whom Vir aicha shared her bed and with whom not.

Their in-ears cracked twice and RM's voice appeared. "Target traced. He's on the way out to the back. Ready in two minutes.", it cracked again and then was silent. Minho took one last deep breath.

"Daddy's calling.", Vir aicha mumbled and let herself fall backwards down the building. Minho glanced over his shoulder. Ysang took a run up to the railing, MG simply stepped up on it. Minho hated heights but took a step forward nevertheless.

They all made their way down the building through the fire ladders and balconies. Down at the street, they parted. Minho and MG made their way to the prepared van and Vir aicha and Ysang went to help RM with the target.

The Van was parked a few streets away but they quickly arrived it and Minho placed himself behind the steering wheel and was about to drive to the gala event as his in-ear cracked once again.

"Don't come here, stay where you are! Things kinda blew up, we'll come to you!", Vir aicha was with them, of course things would blow up. "Marked.", Minho said back and started the Van.

"Drive out to the street already, I can only fathom how bad things got with her.", MG said, an arm resting on Minho's seat the other hand on the seat next to him.

"Fucking go already!", they heard a scream behind them. MG turned around, Minho looked into the rearview mirror. "Dammit Vir aicha.", he mumbled as he took in the scene.

Ysang was holding the target hostage with his katana and shoved him to the van but at the same time, RM had to drag Vir aicha with him. She was fighting against his grip around her waist with her feet and hands and Minho assumed that you shouldn't come too near to her teeth either. As they reached the Van RM basically threw her into it and then tore Minho's door open.

"Move over we can't go the planned way.", Minho quickly cleared the seat and slipped into the back of the van. He almost tripped as RM went full speed immediately.

"Fuck you Ysang! And you RM! I wasn't finished! All these stupid rich semi-happy people! Why didn't you let me finish!", Vir aicha's ponytail was disheveled and the makeup on her right side seemed smudged. There was blood on her nose and lip but it was hard to say if it was hers and if so, where it came from.

"Pull yourself together, would you?", Minho was annoyed by her but then again, he was annoyed by almost everyone. Minho crouched down next to MG who tied the targets hands together as Ysang still held his katanas to his throat. The guy was in his 40s but his face didn't give away anything about how he was feeling.

Vir aicha still screamed around how she wanted to punch, slice and stab more things and people but Minho decided to ignore her. At least until they suddenly took a sharp curve to the right and Minho and the others got thrown across the van and hit hard against the side of it. Minho managed to catch most of the fall with his arm tough, but it sent a sharp pain through it. He stood up and quickly stepped forward to the front of the Van in which Vir aicha was standing, hands on the steering wheel. She must have pulled it over causing them to take the turn.

The dark haired boy grabbed the back of her jacket and ripped her away from the wheel. A slap to her face followed shortly after.

"You psychic bitch, do you want us all dead?!", she looked startled for a minute but caught herself shortly after. Minho saw her punch coming long before she even raised her hand so he easily caught her hand and twisted them, pressing her to the side of the van. "I swear to god I will shove one of Ysang's katanas so far up your ass that you can scratch your throat with it if you don't behave.", she breathed heavily out of anger and frustration.

"The only thing my katanas scratched where that guys throat as you decided to take that brilliant turn Vir aicha.", Minho let go of her and twirled around. There he was. Laying in his own puddle of blood. His expressions hadn't given away much before but now they gave away even less.

RM hit the brake. "You did what?", he turned around and looked at them.

"No!", Vir aicha screamed out. It was heart tearing. Minho flinched. She fell down on her knees on Minho's left. "No, no, no. What are we going to tell Jung-ho? He will hate me. No, no he will hate you!", she mumbled her voice got so high that it hurt.

"What the fuck did you do?", RM asked, disbelief in his voice as he rose it to overtone Vir aicha's screeching. "We did nothing. That brilliant girl over there turned around our van so that he basically fell through my blade.", Ysang stood up, away from all the blood that was still seeped out his throat, Vir aicha was still screeching.

"Come on, come on. Wake up. You are not dead, come on!", Vir aicha cupped his face, straight on smeared the blood all over the guy's cheeks. Minho screwed his face up. He tapped her with his boot.

"Yo, stop that. That's disgusting.", immediately she turned to him. "You know how to do CPR, don't you? Save him, come on. Save him!", she grabbed onto his coat, almost ripped it, but Minho pushed her away.

"There's nothing you can save there. He is dead.", he demanded. Vir aicha ruffed her hair. Laughing, she fucking laughed. The blood looked dark black against the light purple of the hair. She also smeared it across her forehead.

"Aicha pull yourself together dammit. We need to get rid of the body. RM start driving again, the dumping ground outside the city. Clean your things. Aicha get that blood out of your hair and off your hands it's disgusting.", MG stepped over them all to give RM the instructions.

"I'm gonna step off somewhere around here. Buy gasoline and stuff we need.", Minho said. "Let me help you.", Ysang suggested.

"No, someone needs to take care of...that." Minho said and nodded to Vir aicha who was still kneeling next to the death guy holding his hand and rocking back and forth mumbling "It's gonna be alright. Hold on.", to the dead body. Ysang didn't look very happy but someone needed to do it.

As RM stopped in the line of a traffic light, Minho took off his coat and slipped out of the van and made his way to a store.

His phone lit up. It was a text from Jisung. They exchanged their numbers a few days ago and texted quite a lot, at least when Minho found the time to do so. Right now wasn't exactly the best time. They had a body in the back of a van that they had to get rid of. But actually, maybe it was quite convenient to have Jisung Minho thought.

"Hey?", Jisung sounded surprised.

"Good night Jisung.", Minho replied as he strolled through the store. He needed fuel.

"Uhm good night?", Jisung still sounded unsure. Minho chuckled.

"Why so surprised?", It couldn't be so hard to find that shit.

"Er... I don't know. I guess I didn't expect you to call me.", until now they had only texted.

"Well, I don't really have anything to do right now so I thought, why not call you? Am I disturbing you?", Minho found the fuel and shortly afterwards the bleach and made his way to the cashier.

"Uhm, kinda. But don't worry taking a break won't harm.", Minho heard dull voices in the background. Probably some of his trainee friends.

"Perfect. What were you doing?", the cashier shot him a worried look at why Minho would buy fuel and bleach at around 2 am. He held the phone to his chest and whispered a "My car died.", to him before he gave him 20 dollars and told him to keep the rest.

"Sorry Jisung. I was a little caught in something else, mind repeating yourself?", Minho held the bag with the goods closely to him as he stepped out of the store and looked for a taxi.

"I just said that we were writing and working on a choreography. Is everything alright?", Jisung sounded concerned. Minho sighed. Shut out your feelings.

"Of course it is. It's just sometimes you have these periods in the middle of the night during which you feel so energetic you know? I think I just had one of them.", a taxi drove over and Minho told him a street near the dumping ground.

"Yes! I know what you mean. I hate them. They appear in the middle of the night when you're actually chilling for once and-", to be honest, Minho didn't really pay attention to Jisung. The reason he called wasn't because he wanted to talk to him so badly but because so he would have an alibi. It wasn't the best but at least something.

They were near the place they'd meet again so Minho told the driver to let him out. He passed him some money and stepped out.

"Sorry to do it again Jisung, but I really need to go.", Minho looked around and once he found his direction he quickly walked there.

"Are you going to make more people in the city hate you?", Minho raised the corner of his lip. He wasn't able to react more to it.

"Probably.", with that, he hung up and stepped into the dumping ground. It was abandoned but the others still went to a corner in the very back.

"Finally.", Ysang greeted him as he arrived. "Let's just get over with it.", they already dug a hole in which they'd burn him. Minho reached Ysang the bleach and he started cleaning up as RM, Minho and MG carried the guy over to the hole.

"Burning a corpse isn't the best way of getting rid of it.", RM stated. "But the easiest.", Minho pushed out through gritted teeth. The guy was quite heavy. They dumped him into the hole and poured the fuel over him.

"Rot in the place you came from.", they mumbled in union as they lit the patch up. They stared into the bright flames. They stood there for quite a time, eventually, Ysang joined them too. Their faces were harsh, the only movements between the 4 of them were through the flames which's shadows danced across their cheeks and shoulders.

"Jung-ho won't be pleased.", MG broke the silence. "No, but it wasn't our fault.", the mission was to capture him and get information. It wasn't like the guy was someone very big tough, so Minho didn't really understand Vir aicha's breakdown. He looked around, she wasn't with them.

"She's tied up in the Van. Wouldn't stop screaming.", Ysang informed him as if he read his mind. Minho let his gaze lay on him for a while, he looked back at him, but Minho was too tired to care. The adrenaline had swept off.

Ysang had taken his mask off. He really was pretty. A sudden wave of sadness hit him. Only because of this stupid job he wasn't able to live his normal life. Who knows what would've happened if he and Ysang met outside of there? Would he still have this coldness to him? Would Minho then know his real name? Ysang was probably only a shortening of his real name. With most of the people, it was like that. Lee Know sounded similar to Minho, that's how he got his. Someone once said MG stood for Mingi but Minho wasn't sure if that was true.

They stood there for at least another 30 minutes until they dug the grave back up and went into the van to drive back. Vir aicha was sitting there. Hands and feet tied together and Ysang's mask between her teeth. She stared off into the distance.

Minho decided to drive back. Silence lingered between them until they reached the parking lot in which some of Jung-ho's sprinters stood. MG had untied Vir aicha during their drive and helped her out of the van and went off with her. RM was already gone so it was only Minho and Ysang.

Minho shut the door and locked the car. Ysang was leaning on its side, his hands in the pockets of his coat. Minho stood there for a moment, looking up at the stars.

"Guess we'll see each other tomorrow for the mission report.", Minho didn't stop looking at the stars but nodded. "I guess.", he mumbled and stepped back.

"Good night.", Minho said to Ysang and left.


It's not really hard but if you know the second Kpop band I stan than you get the names and know the people. And no it's not BTS cause I kind of explained that it's Namjoon. (The group I mean starts with A and ends with Z lmao how easy.)

Also, this has so much words again I am sorry but I really want to show Minho's job. 

But - as always - take care and I'm out. 

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