The Selection AU

By delbouab22

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I took a second to process the information, then it hit me I'm in the selection, I'm in Percy's selection. Oh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Not a chapter
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 8

1.4K 31 49
By delbouab22

I let out a sigh as Alicia did my dress up. Of course, she then smacked me over the head.

"Owww!" I yelled in pain.

"I told you not to move!" She said frustrated. We had been trying for about 20 minutes to do my dress up but the zipper wouldn't budge.

"How does it not fit you?" Amanda asked standing in front of me.

"She's got a little tum-tum." Hazel said patting my stomach. I had put on a little weight, mainly because I had to sit around all day in big dresses like that one. I didn't even know if I could have fit through the door that dress was so wide.

"Don't be rude!" Amanda scolded her.

"It's fine," I said. "I should probably work out with the guard's more anyway."  I used to train with the guards a lot but had to stop when well ya know...I STARTED DATING MY BEST FRIEND!

When the girls finally managed to do up my dress I headed to breakfast. I was glad it was a big dress with long sleeves and a high collar because some of the windows were open letting a cold air pass through. It was supposed to be warm but the wind killed it.

 I was very confused when I walked into the dining room to see that all the girls had some floral aspect to their dresses. When Hazel had shown me the dress that morning I thought that it was pretty, but I didn't think that we would all be matching! I took my seat next to Piper and gave her a questioning look she just shrugged her shoulders having no idea what was going on either. 

We had all woken up in the library that morning, slightly confused until we remembered the night before. Piper and I somehow ended up tangled together with various limbs in strange place's. I then had to repeat the whole night's story to my maid's.

"So I'm guessing you would all like an explanation?" Percy asked once he and his family had entered. We all nodded.

"Well for the next few days I will set a theme," He said. " today was... garden n' flower stuff." He sounded slightly confused.

"Floral!" Sally shouted from her table rolling her eyes at her son. Percy turned pink and went on.

"So after breakfast, you will have your first lesson with Juliet then you will all join us in the garden." Percy finished and went back to his table.

 I let the news roll around in my head a bit before it finally clicked. 'He wants to know how we would dress for certain occasions. Whether it be fancy or casual we need to know how to dress properly if we are going to be Queen.' I thought to myself. I also wondered if Percy came up with the idea himself or if Sally did? It was most likely Sally. At this point, it hadn't really settled in that we were all in a competition to get to Percy let alone the fact that one of us will be the next Queen. I started silently panicking as I realized that I liked Percy but I did not want the crown. I could never survive the pressure of a whole country counting on me, I couldn't even handle the step monster.

As I looked around the room again I noticed that the group was getting smaller, he would have to pick one of us, eventually. 

As breakfast started I turned to a very flustered Piper, she had makeup on and she looked deadly. I turned to Silena after to see she didn't have anything on her face, they both looked like they wanted to stab their butter knives into the table. Then piper actually started too so I grabbed the knife.

"Whoa calm down Pipes," I  said patting her back.

"I will murder Thalia!" She whisper-yelled, glaring at Thalia. Thalia just smiled innocently at her a few seats down. Piper already looked amazing but with the makeup, she looked flawless. Silena hadn't caked her but she hadn't gone easy on her either. Her darker eyeshadow worked well with her dark blue dress and the blush made her eyes pop. I was also surprised that Silena had the right colour of foundation since Silena was quite pale and Piper was Cherokee. I rolled my eyes at their antics.

"You'll survive," 'but Thalia probably won't.' I added in my head. Piper was practically foaming at the mouth.

"Come on we don't want to be late," I said dragging Piper out of her seat to follow Juliet after we had eaten. As we walked past Percy I couldn't help but notice he seemed very distracted, I followed his line of sight and saw he was taking great interest in Piper and Silena.

It felt like someone had punched me in the face, I didn't know if he was just taking in their change of appearance or if... the less logical side of me was yelling at myself. Of course, he was watching them because he was interested in them, but it still hurt to think that I could lose him. He probably liked that Silena looked less dolled up and more real and that piper Could be a girl for once. 

Even though the smart side of me was making so many good points as to why I shouldn't have felt jealous, like I'm the only one who has kissed him, but the less rational side of my brain just made better points like, he moved on and was no longer interested in me. But I still had to complete my dare, even if I didn't want to even think of Percy at the time I would not let Drew beat me at anything. 

We had a busy agenda that day;

1. Lessons 

2. Garden party

3. Meet Percy.

Yes, that's right, once we left the dining room a butler approached me, handed me a piece of paper and walked off again. I was completely bewildered so I opened it trying to understand what was so important.

DeAR WisEgiRl

MEet me in THe library at 4:00

frOM Seaweed brain

His dyslexic writing messed with my dyslexic brain so much it gave me a headache, but I followed behind the girls with a smile regardless. He still wanted me, maybe.

~ line break ~

The next 2 hours involved; straight backs, chins up and smiles on. Yes, Juliet was teaching us the Etiquette of being a princess, I basically fell asleep. She went on and on about how to talk, walk, sit, stand and literally sleep. They were long gruelling hours and I was more than happy when it was over. All the girls basically sprinted out of the room and headed for the women's room.

I hadn't been in the women's room since the selection started mainly because I wanted to avoid people but I figured I would go in any way, we had about half an hour to kill before we were needed in the gardens. When I walked in it looked exactly the same as it had before the comfy couches, the big open windows, and the books- oh the books, bookshelves lined the walls, all full and bursting with knowledge.

I walked over and pulled out a book at random then made my way to the other side of the room to sit in my usual chair. But before I could even look at my book I was interrupted.

"Ugh!" Reyna grunted as she plonked into the seat next to me, "What are you reading?" She asked looking over. I looked down at my book for the first time and it read "The Merchant of Venice" Shakespeare, gotta love it.

"Shakespeare," I answered casually as I opened it to a random page pretending that I had read that much. "But what's up with you?" I asked peeking over my book.

"Its nothing," She said looking away, I didn't want to pry -but well there was really no stopping me.

"It doesn't seem like nothing." I put my book down and asked, Reyna played with the fabric of her purple dress in thought.

"It's just this doesn't seem right," She said meeting my eyes.

"What doesn't?" I asked confused.

"The selection, I just don't feel anything," She said tiredly. I tried to process what she was saying but I still didn't understand, but before I could ask a girl I think named Faren Hollow burst through the door her bleached blond barbie hair flying around.

"The garrden parteh!" She yelled in a strong Scottish accent. She was one of Drews minions but genuinely seemed like a nice girl. After I had done my analysis I got up and pushed through the throng of screaming girls who too had forgotten the garden party.

Once I finally got through them, I ducked down a small corridor -it had a secret door that ended in the gardens-, which was much quicker and less crowded. (Let's just say I have been late before.) When I got outside I rushed over to Silena and stood next to her trying to act like I had been there the whole time.

"You're late." She whispered.

"Shhhhh!" I whispered back as I watched all the late girls pile out of the palace, dresses askew and hair messy.

"You are too smart." I whirled around to see Percy standing right behind me, I guess my secret entrance didn't go unnoticed.

"And you're to... seeing!" Well, that didn't come out right.

"Hah did the almighty Wise girl screw up basic English?" He mocked.

"I'd bite my tongue if I was you," I warned.

"And why is that?" He asked a playful glint in his eyes.

"Because if you don't I will tell Sally you were the one who ate all of Santas cookies last year," I whispered to him.

"I really thought you were above blackmail Annabeth Chase." He mocked being offended.

"Don't try your luck," I warned as he pouted.

"Hi," Thalia said shortly as she stepped next to Silena. Reyna behind her, but something looked off about her.

"Come on Thals try to at least act like you want to be here," Percy said.

"HI FRIENDS, WHO I CARE ABOUT SOO MUCH! HOW IS YOUR AFTERNOON GOING? ISNT IT A BEAUTIFUL DAY!" She all but screamed at us. "How was that?" She finished picking at her fingernail.

"Very well done, you sent us deaf." Piper said joining the 5 of us.

I wanted to ask Percy why he wanted to see me at four, but I couldn't with the others around. So the others continued their conversation while I thought of a way to get him alone.

"Come on Annabeth." Caly who had come from somewhere, nudged me in the direction we were all walking. We walked over to the massive pavilion that had enough seats for all of us and sat down. Lunch went as expected- boring. But I kept my back straight chin up and smile on. When it was finally over, we were dismissed and we started to walk back to the palace but I noticed Percy walked a little deeper into the garden. I followed taking the opportunity and caught up to him.

"Hey," I said.

"Oh hi, what are you doing here- are you turning into a stalker?" He asked.

"Please, don't flatter yourself," I retorted. "I just wanted to know why you wanted to see me in the library?" I asked.

"You'll have to find out at four!" He said, we were heading back to the pavilion now.

"You. Are. Mean!" I finished. He laughed and I noticed Drew watching us.

"Fine," I said and grabbed his collar. I kissed him softly, setting fireworks off in my stomach. "I'll see you at four." I smiled and left him there. I didn't kiss him for the dare, I kissed him because I wanted to, but Drews' face was a definite bonus.

I made my way back to my room and flopped onto my bed. It was 1:00 now and I couldn't wait 3 hours. I was getting restless I couldn't occupy my brain but I also couldn't focus it. So I resulted to either rolling on the floor or walking in and out of my closet changing my outfit every time. By the time Hazel interrupted me I had changed into a maroon jumper and leggings, I had moved from dresses to pants after I realized 13 dresses to late that rolling on the floor in a dress isn't great for the dress.

"What. Are. You doing?" She said and I sat up. She was in the usual maid attire of a white apron and a black top with her hair pulled back.

"TRYING to entertain myself," I said, frustrated that time was moving so slowly.

"Come on you have to be at the library in ten minutes, let's get you dressed." She helped me up and into the cupboard.

In the end, we settled for a comfy wite top, black shorts, an oversized jumper, and my fluffy socks. Hazel braided my hair and I quickly walked/ slid through the castle, taking shortcuts to avoid being seen and made it to the library just on time. I heaved open the huge wooden doors and slipped inside, closing them behind me I made my way over to Chiron who was putting books away at a nearby shelf.

"Afternoon Chiron," I said walking over to him.

"And to you too, I'm guessing you're the reason Percy has been disturbing me all afternoon?" He said and I felt my face heat up wondering if he was as anxious as I was. 

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Back shelves, you'll know when you see him," He said almost gravely, I stifled my laugh and headed to the back of the library. From a distance, I could see Percy's tall well-defined silhouette pacing the length of the lounging area. He was wearing a comfy looking hoodie, some grey track pants and as I got closer it was obvious he was oblivious to my presences.

"Hey seaweed brain," I said startling him.

"Ah -oh hi," He said nervously.

"Now will you tell me why I'm here?" I whined moving closer to him.

(Warning EXTREME fluff, you have been warned.)

"It's a movie date." He gestured to the blankets and pillows that were set up in front of the tv, all looking very comfortable. I couldn't help but smile- I wasn't expecting a date. He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the couch.

"What are we watching?" I asked skeptically. "and why are we in the library instead of the cinema room?" I question as we sat down and got comfortable.

"We are in the library because I know this is where you feel more comfortable," he said both of our cheeks tinted red. "And we are watching frozen." He finished 

"Nooo!" I groaned.

"Yeesss!" He cheered over me. "and you will enjoy it." He said while restraining me from standing. After I finished my grumbling, we started the movie around 4:30. The maids brought us popcorn and we laid down on opposite ends of the couch with our legs wrapping around the others. After the movie finished we ate dinner in the library.

"Okay, would you rather kiss a fish or frog?" Percy asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked still giggling.

"One that needs an answer!" He said pointing his fork at me.

"Mmh," I thought, "frog, cause then I would have a better chance at getting a prince."

"EXCUSE YOU!" He sassily snapped his fingers."I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND! IM THE BEST PRINCE YOU EVER GONNA GET!" I couldn't help it- I laughed. I laughed so hard I fell off the couch and rolled on the floor wetting myself. As I looked up at his face I could see he was processing the fact he just called himself my boyfriend.

"Your right seaweed brain, you are the best prince I'm ever gonna get." I got up and sat on the couch again. He was still processing what he said, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Let me help you there," I said and moved closer to him. "Yes, I am your girlfriend I guess I already was but now more officially-" I didn't get to finish since I was interrupted when he moved his lips on to mine effectively making me fall back onto the couch. I kissed him back after I got over my surprise and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on mine, his calloused hands holding my hips, his scruffy dark hair brushing against my forehead. It felt just like our first kiss- some-one blowing up my brain and everything else.

"I like being your boyfriend wise girl." He smiled crookedly at me. My heart fluttered, I smiled back.

We ended up putting on another movie and I laid on top of him, putting my head in his chest and wrapping my arms around him. But I didn't watch the movie, I watched him. The way his sea-green eyes lit up and his perfect face moved when he smiled. He was perfect and at that moment, we weren't the next king of Llea and one of his contestants - we were 2 teenagers being teenagers.


"Come on wise girl," Percy nudged me awake.

"Uh- wha?" I asked.

"You fell asleep," He explained, "now we are sneaking down to the kitchen to get food." Don't you just love it when you don't get a choice?

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About midnight?" He said as we got up.

"Shouldn't we be heading to bed?" I asked trying to put some reason into the situation.

"Nah, we won't get into trouble," He pointed to himself, "I mean look who you're with." He smiled his famous trouble maker smile which always leads to trouble.

We quickly left the library and snuck through the sleeping castle, the only people who were out of bed were some maids who were still up cleaning and the guards on their patrols. 

Due to our clothing situation- my short shorts and Percy's lack thereof a suit- we were stopped by a few guards who we didn't see rounding corners and startled a few maids who were coming out of rooms. When we finally made it to the kitchen Percy went straight to the fridge and I sat at a bench. A few seconds later Percy returned with ice-cream and choc chip cookies in hand.

"Yum," I groaned as I bit into the cookie, "These are still warm."

"Meh," I looked over at Percy who was watching the cookie as if it bit him, "They would be better if they were blue." I laughed at his childishness and kissed his cheek, he blushed and ate his cookie.

We then departed ways and I headed back to my room as quietly as possible, I quickly slid into my room and climbed straight under my covers. I was exhausted but still excited to tell hazel, Amanda and Alicia what had happened in the morning.

{Sorry, this literally took 2 months but I kinda gave up, don't worry I will be back full time now that exams are over. Also, don't get used to the fluff I have big plans for Percabeth and they are not the prettiest. Make sure you also leave a comment because updates will come sooner if you show interest!}

Angel xx

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