A Bad Past, With a Promising...

By demonicinsomnia

7.1K 241 172

Lapis is in a dark place, PTSD, an abusive ex who will stop at nothing to get her back, and a hell of a lot o... More

1. Just Another Fucking Day
2. A Loving Hand
3. Sinister Sister
4. Confessions
5. Understanding
6. It's Not What You Think!
8. Emergency
9. A Truth Long Overdue
10. Can't Heal What's Been Shattered

7. Why'd You Do It?

520 17 4
By demonicinsomnia

(Peridot POV)

Lapis had been discharged from the hospital only a few days ago, she seemed better, but her nightmares were worse. Every night she woke up screaming, sweating, and crying. It didn't last long when I helped her though...which was good. But it brought me to another reoccurring question. Why did Jasper do what she did in the first place? What were her motives? She was my sister, and I knew she was violent, but this was entirely new level of cruel. I've never even heard of her doing anything THIS bad. I still hate her, don't get me wrong, but I want to know if she at LEAST had a reason for hurting someone so perfect.

"Hey Laz?" I asked as she looked up from her phone at me.


"I'm gonna head out, okay? I'll be home in about an hour." I explained.

"Uh, okay, love you!" She said before looking back at what I assumed was a CPH fanfiction. I kissed her head and left.

<Time Skip>

I parked toward the front of the prison and got out, taking a moment to look at my surroundings. It looked from the outside like an office building...with bared windows. I couldn't see the yard from where I was, but I assumed it was heavily guarded.

I walked in and was met with a rather edgy looking man with a beard.

"What you here for?" He asked in a deep and scratchy voice. I swallowed.

"I, uhmm, I'm here to visit m-my sister...J-Jasper." I hated the way that sounded out loud. Jasper. My sister. It made me sick to think that we're blood. I think it made him sick too.

"Jasper? Wow. Okay. Didn't except a visitor for that one. Y'all know what she did right?" He asked, for the first time actually looking at me.

"I'm aware. What she did was directed toward MY girlfriend. And the death threat was toward ME." I stated, feeling my blood boil as I rattled off only part of what she did.
He nodded slowly, still looking kind of confused.

"Alright. Wait at window 275. She'll be there." He spat her pronoun when he spoke the directions. I nodded and found the window, and taking a seat.

It was about twenty minutes before I saw the tan scarred face sit across from me.

"What are you here for, runt?" She growled through the glass, glaring daggers into me. I held her amber gaze with my green.

"I want to know why you did it." I said, in a calm but furious tone.

"Did what?" She spat.

"Why did you abuse Lapis when you were together? Why did you abduct her? Why did you threaten to kill me? And why did you treat her like some SLAVE?!" I said angrily, my voice rising slightly with every word.

She swallowed, dropping her gaze down to her now folded hands guiltily. "I do feel bad about it, Peridot." She mumbled. I noticed she actually used my name, causing me to wonder if she was telling the truth.

"I was so happy with Lappy...I really was. I helped her through PTSD, through loosing her first girlfriend. I was so happy when she decided she was ready to be with me. I treated her like everything, because she was everything to me... I ended up becoming terrible to her, truthfully I had no excuse. The first time I hit her was when she refused to...um...well yeah. She locked herself in our bathroom and started screaming at me. What she said was true, I was hurting her when I'd PROMISED to protect her." She said clenching her fists and her jaw. "I felt so terrible, but I didn't get better, I started using her as an outlet when I was angry...but then she started pushing back, but mentally. She made me feel disgusting. She used what I was doing against me in the worst way...but it's my fault. I hurt her. She needed to protect herself...now that I wasn't. But that's not how I saw it at the time, it made me more violent...so violent I almost killed her, that's when she broke up with me. I felt like my world was falling apart as she left." She explained tearing up lightly.

"But go figure I didn't do anything to get better. I went back after her, I needed her back, but I had forgotten how to go about it. Then she met you. I was so pissed. She'd fallen for my fucking sister. So that's when I took her. I threatened to kill you because I knew she loved you. And I knew Lapis...she would put you before her, and she did. For months. She put up with me...my abusive ways. For you. When you came and got her I realized something, you loved her and treated her right. When I came here I accepted that fact. The fact that you love Lapis. And she loves you. And you take care of her and protect her in ways I never did. And I know that now. I know she deserves you, sis, and you deserve her." She sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Just... don't make that same mistakes I did. It'll haunt you forever. I love Lapis, and I hate seeing what I did to her, I don't want you to live with that feeling, and I certainly don't want her going through that again. Not with you." Jasper finished, looking me in the eyes. I felt my own heart ache, she was definitely sincere.

"I won't Jasper. Trust me. And I appreciate you telling me..." I said, unsure of what else I should say.

"Good. Take care of her for me, runt." She said, only half joking. I nodded and walked back to the bearded man.

"I'm finished." I stated, leaving the building.

<Time Skip>

I arrived back at the dorms forty minutes after I'd left them.

"Hey Laz?" I asked, looking around for the bluenette.

"Oh hey Peri!" She said, poking her head out from the kitchen. "I made some ramen noodles...you want some?"

I nodded and sat down, "Thanks hun."

"You're welcome." She said, sitting across from me.

Hey my dudes! Sorry for the wait! Love y'all!

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