Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

514K 18.1K 2.8K

[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.
Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.

7K 268 53
By spypuppy

Belle's P.O.V

My wings stretched out wide elegantly cutting into the wind as I dived through the high clouds. Feeling the wind against my body made me feel weightless. My eyes scanned the treetops below. Spotting a glimpse of an elf lady being carried on a stretcher towards the castle. I swear the breeze was stronger up here than before. There were grey clouds up ahead surrounding the distant mountains making them invisible to the eye.

A faint cry from a horse caught my attention. I flapped my wings, making me hover in the air. I turned my head into the direction the cry came from. Curious, I swooped down, until I was in-level with the tree tops. A distance flock of birds broke out of the trees, signalling a disturbance within the forest. I gain speed and flew towards the area of a small clearing.

Settling down on a nearby branch, I took on the amusing view before me. An old looking man was getting up from the ground, with the help of his staff of course. He was grumbling under his breath as he rubbed his sore behind while glaring at the old mare. He held a long dark wooden pipe in his slightly wrinkled hand. As he slowly mounted his horse, I moved in closer to get a better look. But half way through, I felt his gaze land on me. When I managed to get to a branch, I watch with my beady eyes as he looked straight at me, puffing his pipe, amusement sparkled in his eyes.

"Now why a beautiful creature of the night would be wandering out in the daylight, Hmm?" He wondered as smoked rings escaped his pipe. He reached out his cloaked arm up to me. I steered at it for a moment, unsure by his sudden gesture. The old man did seem awfully nice, so I spread my long wings out and flew towards his arm. My claws carefully clutched on his soft clothed arm and he pulled me up to where his eyes met mine. The man suddenly narrowed his eyes to examination me before a warm smile appeared on his scruffy mouth.

"Would you happen to know the way to Mirkwood? You see I'm in a slight pickle," he asked waiting for my reaction. Nothing. He hesitated then spoke, "Would it be more helpful if I said I was Gandalf the Grey?"

My eyes widen in disbelief. He must have been the wizard the queen sent for! I nodded my head and was given a pat on the head. I narrowed my eyes, receiving a heart-warming chuckle from the old man. I spread my snowy white wings out and gently lift off, gaining distance between Gandalf and myself. I heard the familiar sounds of hooves hitting the ground followed by the creaking sound of the old wagon that the horse was puling. Guilt hit my stomach, I left Daeron that night I met Wayland. I really hope he is okay.

As I continued to guide him, I took a look at my surroundings. The grey clouds above me were moving off into the distance, clearing a certain section in the far mountains. Snow still covered their tips, but as spring draws closer, you could see the sun touch the snow, making it look like diamonds.

I twirled through the air, loving the feeling the wind caress my wings, I heard the wizard start to mumble under his breath all the way until we reached the village. I then turn around and land on his shoulder again, I felt his hand gently pat my feathers as he said quietly, "My friend, why aren't you strange, last I heard your kind only wake at the moonlight. Even more, you help a stranger finds his way...Hmm, what a strange bird."

I felt his hand slide down to my left wing, slowly I felt him gently spread my wing out, showing the flower design inked into my feathers.

"Now isn't this fascinating?!" he said circling the floral pattern that's imprinted on my feathers. "Beauty of Nature," He mumbled before adding, "A rare sight to come by," he said, gently tracing the design before looking straight into my eyes.

"The ancient elves have set you a great task, and for having that symbol on an owl I have no clue." He let go of my wing and patted my small back once more.

He gave me a small smile, which you could hardly see because of his long beard. "Well I best be off my friend. I thank you for your kindness and I wish I could repay you, but I have a sleeping kingdom to wake."


Thranduil's P.O.V

I feel utterly weak. Weaker than I have ever felt in my entire existence. The injured part of my face felt as if it was slashed a thousand times with razor sharp daggers. I leaned against an old fallen tree as I watched the men prepare for a restless night to come. As they gathered more resources, the more my headache seemed to grow. It was not from the men, but from the annoying sound of children crying. I wished I left those rats to die and I hope they die of grief and sorrow.

What the hell are you thinking?! This isn't you! Wake up for heaven sake's! Be rid of this evil that has corrupted your mind, Thranduil!

A voice boomed in my head, causing me to wince in pain, earning a few stares from the men. I gave them a glare in return as I watched the pathetic young girl sulk in the corner with her useless sleeping brother in her arms. I pulled the woollen blanket up to my shoulders and closed my eyes. We'll be back home tomorrow noon, back home to my love, Neawilth.


Belle's P.O.V

I watch as I walk through the crowded ballroom, where the poisoned women lay. Some men and women were crouching beside them, healers most likely. I continued to pass them until I met a closed door, hearing whispers from behind it. Taking hold of the knob, I twisted it and was greeted with small startle eyes. Ollie and his two older sisters, among other children, were crowding around an old looking wardrobe. As I came near, there was a sudden jolt that came from the wardrobe, causing the children and I to jump. "What's in there?!" I asked out loud, taking a few steps forward until I was standing in front of it.

I lifted my hand to the handle only to hear Ollie mumble "Don't go in there Belle, the monster will eat you up" he warned followed by a lot of mumbles in agreement. "Don't open that do-" But it was already too late. As the door slowly open, my heart stopped. The wardrobe was empty, pitch black and cold, the faint scent of mould and mouth balls. But I wasn't paying attention to that. There, in the far corner of the wardrobe were two glowing red eyes, steering right back at me.

I felt myself choke on my own breath. Every time it blinked I was shown Raina's death, taking in her last breath until dying. Then I was shown my mother's death, how the blood covered my hands as she desperately tried to talk... as if her life depended on it.

"Stop...stop it!" my voice came out as a mere whisper as I was shown the images playing repeatedly in front of my face. "Please stop...stop, stop!...STOP IT PLEASE!" my voice broke into a yell, as I felt the tears flow down my cheeks.

But Suddenly I heard someone speaking in my mind, saying the words over and over again. Her voice croaky with age as she said the words:

"Within a moons time, a great battle will take place.

Two swords will fight, one dark, one bright.

One will lose, the other to earn the right.

Pure tears will fall, kingdoms reunite once more.

The banished will be restored or pledged into complete disappear.

If the purest is stabbed by a cursed blade

Middle Earth will not remain."

The words imprinted in my mind. My breathing was unstable as I started to go into shock. The flower on my wrist turned gold, burning my skin, as I brought it protectively to my chest. Strong arms suddenly took hold of me, causing me to scream. I tried to escape, but it was too strong. I felt myself being dragged, my legs kicking out in rage as I heard him grunt.

"Belle! Belle! Control yourself!" I heard Isaac's voice shout in my ear as the tears rained. My body uncontrollably shook as I felt myself being laid on the ground. Hands were on my arms and legs, trying to keep me down as I heard shouts and orders for help. Suddenly, I saw Gandalf crouch beside me, muttering strange words under his breath.

All of sudden, my left wrist felt as if it was on fire! My screams echoed across the hall. Gandalf words became louder as the pain in my wrist seemed to dull down until it was bare sting. I heard sighs of relief come from above me as I saw Gandalf's face above mine. A small smile grew on his face as he said, "I knew you were meant for greatness, my strange bird." My wrist was held gently in his hand as I felt my eyelids droop until I plummeted into a deep sleep.


I groaned in frustration as I felt someone gently shake my shoulder for me to awake. Slowly my eyelids fluttered open, only to see something unreal. "Dawn!?" I gasped out in disbelief. There crouching down beside me was the person I less expected to see. "H-how?" I stuttered, touching her hand to see if she was real or just another piece of my imagination. She gave me a fruity chuckle as she helped me sit up.

"Well..." She started talking her story of how she got there. Apparently, she was conscious the entire time, frustrated that she was unable to move or speak. She stated that every hour or so, she would hear a faint sound of a menacing laugh. She said that it would haunt her mind all the time except for when I was near her. I told her that it must have been the poison effecting her mind. But I knew it was entirely different. Ever since I came to Mirkwood, strange things have occurred. From the dreams to the hallucinations and then strange voices. But what topped those was the murdering red eyed heartless monster.

I was brought back to reality by Dawn snapping her finger in front of my face. I shook my head muttering an apology.

"That's alright, sweetie. You have had a hard night, from what I heard," she said with a small smile. "Anyway, the guards have just informed me that the troops have come back. A lot have been severely wounded and need as many hands as they can get, especially the Prince," she said, raising an eyebrow at me. "And Raina might have told me that you were the mystery healer behind the queen's attack. So, what do you say?" a cheeky smile was displayed on her face. I rolled my eyes and she pulled me up, helping me to be stable.

"Ollie and the twins are somewhere, but I suggest you better go and fine them before they break something," I warned. Dawn nodded, rubbing my back and getting me fired up.

"Go get them, tiger!" she yelled before vanishing around the corner. I laughed, but then it hit me, Thranduil.

I ran as fast as I could, passing many people, some with sad heart-breaking looks upon their faces. But as I came to the healer's door, what I heard horrified me. Screams of pain, yelling and crying hit my ears. As I opened the door, I was hit by a horrific sight. Injured men in white beds, some covered in blood, screaming while the healers tend to them. Others, bandaged up, sleeping senseless, probably drugged.

As I passed a bed, I saw a healer holding a saw, about to amputate the soldier's leg off. I quickly raced in front of him, slightly nudging him away as I gently placed my hands on the man's bleeding words. Carefully, I felt the warmth coming from my hands and travelled gently into his leg, slowly sealing up the deep wound. I heard gasps come from the healers, who were looking at me in wonder. Once the wound was completely healed, the man lay his head down on the pillow and sighed in relief.

He then looked at me, with grateful tears in his eyes and said "Thank you! Thank you." His voice was croaky form all the screaming. I gave him a small smile and nodded my head as I watch him slowly close his eyes and fall asleep.

I carried on, healing the very serious injured soldiers, all so grateful for my service. By the time I was finished, the room was silently, except for a few snores here and there. But as I got to a glass rounded glass doors, I knew who was inside, the Prince.

As I opened the door, I was faced by four people. Gandalf, who was crouch beside the Prince, the queen, who was sitting in a chair beside her son, holding his hand and Neawilth, who was standing at the end of the bed. Apparently no one heard me coming in so I listened in on what they were saying.

"I am sorry your Majesty, but something is interfering with my magic, I am unable to heal him until I know what it is," Gandalf said to the queen, who was looking at her sleeping son, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she gave him a small sad nod and squeezed her son's hand.

"I know what to do!" a very irritating voice filled the room. Neawilth, in her tight night gown turned to Gandalf and said "You old man, get me some bandages and water." Flicking her hair as she spoke in her famous whinny voice.

The Queen looked from her son to Neawilth, her eyes narrowed as she said "And what would that accomplish?"

Neawilth smiled with her inhuman white teeth and said "When I kiss it, the wound will heal" I rolled my eyes at her stupidity. This is not a fairy tale.

I knock on the glass door gently, breaking the awkwardness and said "I could heal him, your Majesty," giving her a small curtsy to her in respect. Before the queen could say anything, Neawilth came strutting over to me and squeaked "Who asked you, peasant?! I am healing my husband," pointing at herself.

"Princess, I think it is best if you leave it up to the healers," I said in my kindest voice, while on the inside I wanted to slap her. She gasped at me and pointed her many ringed finger at me.

"How dare you! I am the Queen of Mirkwood I shall not be in-" but was cut off by the actual queen.

"You are not Queen yet Neawilth! So I suggest that you leave this kind girl alone and go get some sleep," the queen growled at her. Neawilth was so stunned, that she went silent and stormed out the room, slamming the door in the process. Once the sounds of Neawilth's heel stamping the marble became distant, I heard the queen mutter, "She'll never be queen when I am alive."

I smiled and walked up to the Prince's side, seeing his face covered in bandages made my heart drop. Carefully, I started unwrapping the bandages, feeling the queen's gaze on me constantly.

As I unwrapped the last bandage, I gasped in surprise. Nearly half of Thranduil's face was severely burned, and needed medical attention immediately. I looked up to the queen and said, "My lady, I think it is best if you'll get some rest. I'll inform you the minute he wakes up." She nodded and gave me a small sad smile. "Thank you for helping my son."

Once the queen was gone, I looked back at Thranduil, feeling the tears escape my eyes as I said "You did not deserve this Thrandy, even though you have been cold lately, you still have a pure heart" I said, lightly stroking the non-wounded side of his face. But as my gaze moved down to his neck, I notice something odd. As I pulled on the chain, it slowly unravelled into a necklace, with a simple pendant. The pendant was silver with a big ruby in the middle.

As I slowly undid the necklace from his neck, I heard a voice scream in my mind "NOOOOO!" I cringed, dropping the necklace on the ground as I cradle my head in my hands.

When my head stopped buzzing I opened my eyes to see Thranduil's breathing increase. Then he started to turn his head from side to side, as if he was having a nightmare. His lips were moving as he muttered something under his breath. Slowly I put my ear near his mouth and heard him say "Bells, Belle, Bells...I am sorry."

I smiled as I gently laid my hands on his wounded cheek and felt the familiar warmth travel into Thranduil, seeing the white light surround my hands as I felt myself getting weaker. As the wound was nearly healed, I heard the words, "Stop Belle, stop sweetie! You'll kill yourself!" the urgent order in my mind. It was my mother voice.

"I can heal him Mom, just a little more-"

"NO Belle don't, you cannot heal him completely, you are too weak!"

"But he'll be scarred for life!" I yelled to the empty room.

"My dear, say these words in your mind 'hidden you shall stay, until you order me to show my true self' say the words Belle!" My mother ordered me.

"Hidden you shall stay, until you order me to show my true self," I repeated my mother's words inside my mind. Suddenly, skin started to cover the wound, like ivy growing on a wall. I removed my hands in shock, falling into an armchair behind me.

I raised my hand out to tuck back his elegant blonde stains behind his ear. Before I could pull my hand back, a hand clamped on my wrist, his fingers tightening by the second. I gasped in surprised as his eyes fluttered open revealing his sapphire blue eyes that I have missed. He looked at me, then at my wrist, releasing it slightly.

"Bells?!" He mumbled, looking straight into my eyes, that's when I realized something.

Looking into his eyes, instead of seeing cold hatred and heartless, I found kindness and something else I did not recognize.

"Thranduil?!" He nodded. I jumped, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug, crying. I felt him stiffen at first, but then relaxed and wrapped his arms around my waist, calming me down with his words.

When I pulled back, he didn't let go of my hand. "Bells I'm so-"

I cut him off by saying, "No don't, you don't hav-" But was interrupted by him putting his finger to my lips, silencing me. He looked at me and said "I am so sorry Bells, I never wanted to treat you like that in my entire life." He admitted before continuing, "But I couldn't stop it! I felt anger and hatred inside of me, but it wasn't me," he said pointing at himself.

I felt confused. What does he mean 'It wasn't me' he was there! He said those awful things, threw me to the ground for heaven's sake!

"I was being controlled" he said, putting his hands on his head and scrunching up his hair in frustration. "It wasn't me Belle, you got to believe me. It was-" before he could say anything more, he collapsed back down on the pillow, his eyes closed, unable to finish his sentence. I on the other hand, was eager to find out who was controlling him.

"Thranduil!" I said, shaking his shoulders, trying to wake him, but had no response. I sighed, pulling his blanket to his chest and headed to the door. As I was about to close the door, I looked at the Prince's sleeping figure and wondered.

"Who would have the power to control Thranduil?"

As I started to walk down the hallway, where it was dim and hard to see. I saw a hooded figure come the opposite direction, walking straight pass me and heading towards the Prince's ward. It is probably Gandalf, I thought to myself.

Oh boy was I wrong.


So so sorry guys! I know you don't like excuses but here it goes. I had two big assessments that were due on the same day! Plus I had a bad day of writer's block.

Please forgive me!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Who do you think the hooded person was?? Thank you all for putting up with this book, I am planning to write a sequel maybe soon. Don't worry! There are going to be allot more chapters of this book!

Please ask any question or just comment.Ill try and answer them without giving anything away. I hope it makes sense. (I know I say that all the time but I mean it!)

I on school holidays now,yaaaa! <(:

I write more soon.

Spypuppy o

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