Vminkook Only You

By SoulefulJun

78.9K 2.3K 319

Vminkook Only You Taehyung and Jimin broke up and after someone time Jimin gets with someone new witch is Jun... More

Only You
Short Flim


2.5K 86 11
By SoulefulJun

  "Let's just work here in the class". "Why can't we just go back to my dorm, I cleaned up" Taehyubg complained not wanting to stay behind in school.
"Fine we'll go to your place to do the project" Jimin whined before leaving to his next class.

He finished his last class and made his was to Taehyubgs doorm. Taehyung opened the door and Jimin haded him the SB card before walking in.   Taehyung opened the laptop and they took a seat on the floor.
Taehyung read over the slids they already had but Jimin wasn't paying attention, he was on his phone texting. "Jimin?" There wasn't a response. "Jimin, the slide, what do you think?" He glared up at him "what?" Taehyung sighed trying to keep his cool. "Jimin, is everything ok? You haven't been helping much" Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up walking to bathroom.
Taehyubg rested his head back on the old brown sofa letting out a deep breath relaxing his shoulders. "Clam down TaeTae, he is just in one of his moods.. oh I know!" He stood up and rushed to the kitchen and began making pork soup something Jimin loved.

  "Jimin" Tae said slighting knocking on the door but Jimin must have not heard him. 
     "What do you mean you won't be home for another two weeks? It was supposed to be this weekend, why are you staying longer!?"  "Jimin you know I don't want to, but this is a really good opportunity and-" "Jungkook you promised to back home to me..what ever it's fine" "Jimin.." "it's fine! I gotta go, I have a protect do with Taehyung!" He said before hanging up.  Tae pressed his ear up agents the door and lessened to his phone conversation. "Jimin?" He knocked when he heard small sniffles. "Mm yeah?" "Are you ok..?" There was a slight pause before he opened the door reveling his puffy red eyes. "Jimin?" He went to hug him but Jimin pushed him away walking back to the living room. "Jungkook does make Jimin sad? So I am better for him" he gave Jimin a gentle smile before walking into the kitchen filling up their bowls.
  He brought it back to him and took a seat. "That's enough work for today, let's just watch a movie" he turned on the show as they always used to watch before taking a bit
  "Thanks Taehyung it's good" Jimin said eating
I'm glad you like it. They watched a bunch of movies and before he knew it Jimin was out. Taehyung smiled and picked him bringing him to his bed. He brushed back his hair and slowly bent down hesitating to kiss his forehead but eventually did. Just as he did Jimin mumbled out the words "Jungkook" "don't worry Jimin, Jungkook won't make you sad any more, I promise" he smiled and shut off the lights before leaving.
      Back in the living room Taehyubg grabbed his phone and called RMs number again. "I'd like to apologize for what I said yesterday, I don't know what cane over me" "ah I see your back in then" "yes, this time no backing out, I want Jeon gone" he hung up and laid on the couch letting Jimin have his bed.

Morning came and Jimin slowly sat up and opened his eyes letting them adjust to the light. He looked around the room and began to panic. Why was he curdled up in Taehyung bed!? He rushed out and saw Taehyung making breakfast. "Good morning" he said with a boxy smile. "Why am I.." "You feel asleep so I brought you to the bed, don't worry i slept on the couch" "right.. I need to go.." "have breakfast first". "I'm fine thank you" Jimin grabbed his back pack and rushed out the door to his own dorm.

He placed his stuff down and went into the bathroom filling up the tub. He slowly sunk in drowning everything out with the water. "Why is he everywhere I go? School, art, dreams, and now when I wake up! I love Jungkook so why does Taehyung keep showing up?" Just then Jimins phone rang and he saw it was Jungkook. He answered the face call only showing his shoulders up.
"Hey Jiminssi" "Yes?" "I got good news.. I talked to to the staff and they said I could home early if I work really hard" "really!? That makes me so happy to hear" "yeah, I promise to get back to you soon" "yay!" "Jimin..." "hmm?" "Are you in the bath..?" "Yeah" "ah, you have to stop doing this to me, I wish I was there with you right now" "Jimin smirked and then lowers the phone a little reveling his abs and Vline". "Ah, you got to stop being such a tease" Jimin giggles and responded with "if you want more you better hurry and get back".

The call ended and a person walked in. "You really just going to leave studying to get back a week early?" Jungkook looked over his shoulder and saw Jin, a boy studying on the trip with him. "I have to get back to Jimin, there is no telling what will happen if I leave him alone with Taehyung any longer". "Hmm, so you just going to give up on this opportunity? "There we'll be more opportunities in the future, right now all I care about is making sure Jimin is safe". "What ever, your loss" Jungkook shook his head before finishing packing to go back home. He lied to Jimin about still getting credit for it, he didn't want to make him feel bad.
Jimin got out of the bath now with a smile as Jungkook would be home late today. He decided to go to the store and buy a new outfit just for his Kookie.

"Jungkook should like this" Jimin said buying the clothes getting strange looks from the workers but he didn't care.
He got home and slipped on the fishnets tights, short ripped shorts and cropped black shirt with a heart choker. He stared at himself in the reflection blushing before taking a picture and posting it on Instagram where of course Taehyung saw.

Taehyung bit his lips starting at the pic of him, he looked so good and honestly he wanted him so bad, but he had to wait till Jungkook was out of the picture before he could sweep Jimin into his arms.

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