Risk Everything For Love (Nat...

By KK_315

1K 28 1

Adriana Sapphire Summers, very outgoing girl who's sweet yet can be that wild party girl, runs into Nathan Sy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 2

89 2 0
By KK_315

Nathan's POV

        "Hello who is this?" I heard a voice question. I know it isn't Adriana as the voice sounds masculine so it must be her brother. "ARCHIE GIVE ME MY PHONE!" Okay now that is Adriana, I only hear her voice in the background then a lot of yelling. I thought I should probably hang up when I hear Adriana again. "Nathan, Nathan is that you. Shit, Nathan you there?" I laugh a little because she sounds completely out of breath. "Yes Adri I'm here." I hear Archie's voice yelling again in the background. "Nathan, how about I call you in like five minutes." I nod, but then realize that she can't see me. "Yea that's fine. Then the line went dead.

        I sigh as I just sit there. I get up to make me tea, but I don't go back into my studio room. Instead I just walk outside. I think better outside. I notice that it is already dark, but it'll be okay it's only seven. I walk until I see a small bench like the only I sat on in the park with Adriana. I sat down and just started drinking my tea until it was finished. I took out my notepad and started to write lyrics that came to mind and how I wanted the music to be, when I felt my phone vibrate.

'Hey Nathan, this is a little weird since I just met you, but I need a place to stay and I thought since you know how to get around here that maybe you could help my find a place to stay in. I'm in really deep sh**. I could really use you're help Nath.'

        I smiled and checked the time to see it was almost midnight. 'How long was I out here.' I think to myself. I quickly started to text her because it looks like it's going to---- "Great" I mutter. It starts to rain and I sigh as I text Adri. I text her telling her that she could stay at my place until tomorrow when we can find her somewhere reasonable. She agreed, with a lot of persuading, and we agreed to meet up at a Starbucks near by.

        I pull my hood up and start to walk to Starbucks, I didn't really want to call a cab. I would waste my money and my house isn't far from here. I could use the walk to, as I reach the Starbucks I see Adriana by the door. She looked funny trying to dry her hair off and she looked like she had fallen in the mud. I shake my head and start to walk up to the door. I thought that maybe I would have some fun and scare her. I open the door and creep up behind her--- "I hear you Sykes don't try anything stupid." Adriana says. I start to laugh and she joins me.

        "Why are you out on the streets anyway, don't you live with your brother?" I question her. She sighs. "It's a long story and it's been a long night, I'll tell you another time okay." I hear the sadness in her voice and understand that her and Archer must have gotten in a fight or something. "Well shall we go my lady." I said kneeling and I saw her smile. She started laughing, but then looked around. "Nathan people are staring get up." I nod and stand as I grab one of her bags.  

        I wait for Adri as we just stand outside. I asked her if she wanted to call a cab or if she didn't mind me calling a friend. She looked as if she were thinking it through. I watched as she lent her head a little out of the covering that protected us from the rain. "Wanna race?" 

-------------------------Adriana's POV Before meeting up with Nathan------------------------

        When I arrived home with Archie and Miranda I saw that my aunt Sandra was already home to. She didn't live with us, but the many times she stays over you would think she did. I unbuckled Miranda from her car seat and she flew out of the car and into her mothers arms. I watched and frowned a little as I was already by the door at that time. I saw Archie look at me and frown. I know what he was thinking, the same thing I was. We wish we could still run into OUR mothers arms. I sigh and shrug at him as I open the door. I feel my aunt's hand on my shoulder. I groan as I was really just tired all the sudden.

        "Oh Sapphire was she good?" I nod. My aunt is the only one that calls me by my middle name now. My friends well don't seem like friends other than Emily who is always around. I think she saw the expression on my face and she gave my a look of empathy. I hate that look. "It's fine I promise." Then I just go inside. I close the door behind me and go to my room. I didn't want to be around them at the moment. 

        I looked out my window to see their car. My aunt and Miranda's car. I saw as Miranda was in her car and Archie was yelling at my aunt. He does that a lot. Let's just say that he is more open about his feelings. I go away from the window and sit down on the floor. I see an old picture of me, Archie and our parents. It isn't my favorite because I have that one in the living room. I feel tears fall down my face. 

        I love my brother. I mean other than my aunt, uncle, and Miranda, he's all I got. Archie is the odd-ball of the family. Blonde, British accent, blue eyes, and tall. While I'm here with red-brown hair, my American accent, my glasses that I use sometimes, and my dull brown eyes, not to mention that I am short. 

        I sat there and sighed as I looked at the frame containing one of the few pictures I have of my perfect family. I hear the door slam and Archie comes in the room. He watches where my gaze is at then he slams the picture onto the floor. "What the f*** Archie!" I say. "IS THIS YOU!" He yells at me. He swipes his phone various times so show the many pictures that shouldn't be me. Let me just say that they were very bad pictures including a naked picture and some drunk ones. I got mad, how could my own brother think that is me. "WHO DO YOU THINK I AM ARCHER SUMMERS!" I yell at him. I never yell at my brother. Never. It only happens at least once a year. He looks like he thinks about it, but then he blows. This side of him that I hate and wish it would just disappear. Someone calls me and I think it's Nathan, but Archie grabs my phone and answers it. "ARCHIE GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE." I see that it's Nathan. "Nathan, Nathan is that you, Shit Nathan are you there?" I see Archie glaring at me, but I don't care. I hear him laugh. "Yes Adri I'm here." 

        "YOU KNOW I DO THINK IT'S YOU AND I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE. THIS IS MY HOME AND MOM AND DAD WOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOU." Archie yells during my phone call with Nathan. "Nathan how about I call you in like five minutes." "Yea that's fine." Nathan says and I quickly hang up. Then get back to the argument with Archie, "YES ARCHIE YOU WOULD KNOW THEY LOVED YOU THE MOST ALWAYS." With that he started to throw my things in a big backpack luggage thing I had. I was boiling mad as I watched him throw all my stuff. All of it is either on the floor or in the backpack. He then left my room and I packed. Everything I could. Everything which I knew was mine I took. I only owned backpacks, no purses. I am not that kind of girl. I throw all my needs into one and all my clothes, shoes, and hats into the big one. 

        When I finish and put down the bags. Archie comes running he grabs my bags and items outside. I go to get my favorite picture of what I thought was our perfect family, to see that Archie already had it. "Archie please DON'T!" I yell don't a little too late as I watch him throw the picture outside. I watch the glass frame break into pieces like I am right now. I look up at Archie as he is dragging me out of the house. He throws me outside along with all my stuff as if I were some toy. I land in mud and I see Archie about to shut the door when I yell, "WHO WOULD MOM AND DAD BE ASHAMED OF NOW!" Then the door slams shut. 

        I sit there in the mud for what feels like hours. I don't know anyone here and I know I can't tell my aunt about this. I text the only person I know could help me right now. Nathan. I send the text and as I wait for a reply I don't expect/ Out of now where it starts to rain. I get a text back from Nathan surprisingly saying I could stay at his place. We meet up at a Starbucks. I got there first so I tried to clean up a little. Just so Nathan won't be suspicions that anything happened. I hear the door open and the little bell ring and I knew it must have been Nathan. 

        "I hear you Sykes don't try anything stupid." I tell him. I hear him laugh and I laugh along with him. We stay there for a bit until Nathan suggest that we leave in the weirdest way. When we get outside I was tired of being sad and I think Nathan noticed. I mean he did ask why I was out. I look out of the covering that was of course covering us from the rain. It wasn't raining too hard. 

        "Wanna race?" I ask him. I wanted to have fun even if it would only be for a moment. Nathan looks at me funny and I laugh. "Sure I guess." He says. I then remember he has asthma and make sure he looks alright enough to run in the rain. I had a cousin who had asthma, but he's gone now. "Adri are you okay?" I nod at him. "How about we hold hands since I don't think you want to know how it feels to lose." Actually I just wanted to make sure if he did have an attack at least I would know soon and have a hold of him. "Isn't this a race though?" Nathan questions with this smirk on his face. "Fine then have it your way Sykes."

        We count to one together, but I ruin it by yelling three too soon. Nathan laughs behind me as I race to his house.

-----------------Nathan's POV

        i see that the house is now in sight and so I pull Adri's backpack slightly enough that she actually almost fell and I hurried ahead. I actually got home first and started jumping up and down like a weirdo. "Hey no fair you cheated." Adri pouted and sat on a step. I laughed as she crossed her arms. "Come on love you'll get sick out here." I stuck my hand out and she took in. Her hand seemed small and fragile like if I were to grab to hard it would break. I pull her up and she almost falls again as I steady her balance. I grab her by the waist because if I hadn't she would have fallen backwards and hit her head. "Love look up pleaaaaase." I beg as Adri was looking down. She finally looked up and her eyes were green. I think they were brown before though. 

        "Adri your eyes are green." Her mouth forms an 'o' shape and she slips out of my grip. I watch her as she rubs her eyes and blinks rapidly. "Are they brown now?" I pull her close and move a strand of hair covering her face. I look in her eyes. "Yes they are." She smiles and slips out of my grip once more. "We should head inside, no one wants you sick to the point where you can't sing." I laugh and open the door as we both slip inside.


Yay finally updated. sorry for the wait for those who have been reading my fanfic. Been getting a ton of school work. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as I will try to update as fast as I can next time and make it better. Thanks for reading.

-Kayla :)

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