I Thought You Loved Me...

By MrPurdy

940 72 5

*Trigger warning* Involves, rape, verbal and physical abuse, thoughts of suicide, and self-harm. Ashley and... More

I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 1
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 2
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 3
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 4
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 5
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 6
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 7
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 8
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 9
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 10
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 12
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 13
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 14
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 15
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 16
I Thought You Loved Me, pt 17
I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 18 (last chapter)

I Thought You Loved Me, pt. 11

49 3 0
By MrPurdy

Ashley's P.O.V

I gasped and looked down at the baby. I quickly but careful picked the baby up. She kept crying, well I think it's a she.

I held her closely to my chest. I looked down at the note. Jake picked it up.

"Please take care of my little Brooklyn... I know you guys have better things to do but if I don't leave her here then I'll be dead meat... Please oh please I need my little Brook taken care of.."

He read aloud. I looked at the baby.

"Brooklyn... My baby girl" I held her close to my chest as she stopped crying.

"Ashley..." CC looked at me. "We can't keep this baby"

"B-but she doesn't have a mom or a dad. She's hopeless CC. Please..." I got teary-eyed as I looked at him.

He sighed and looked at me and the baby "Fine. We can keep her"

"Oh baby thank you" I kissed his cheek then looked at the guys. "D-do you guys mind if we keep the baby?"

"Well you two do wanna start a family... Fuck it we're uncles now" Jake smiled.

Jinxx smiled also "Yeah we're gonna be uncles"

"Thank you... SO much" I smiled brightly. "Okay baby we need diapers, wipes, clothes, and a little crib for our little miracle"

CC nodded and wrote it down "I'll go get it right now" He got on his shoes then kissed my cheek "I love you gorgeous"

"I love you too muscle man"

"And I love you too baby girl" He kissed Brooklyn's head gently before leaving. I smiled to myself and went to my bunk. I laid down with Brook still in my arms then sang quietly.

I slowly fell asleep with Brook in my arms then heard a thump. I could hear Brook screaming making me jolt awake.

"My baby!" I cried as I picked her up. "Oh baby, daddy's sorry" I let a few tears fall as I held her close. "Shh shh sh" I soothed. She began calming down in my arms.

Brook opened her eyes and looked up at me. I smiled through my tears as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes. They were just like mine.

"Hi baby girl"

She smiled then giggled slightly as she looked at me. I put my hand by her finger, she gripped it tightly making me smile even more.

"I've only known you for about an hour and I already love you my little one" I kissed her head.

The bus door opened, it was CC with all the things we needed. He walked into the bunk as I was making Brook giggle.

"I've got everything baby" He kissed my cheek and put a few bags down. He walked back out but came right back in with a box that had the pieces of a crib in it.

He began to set it up "Baby you look like you were crying"


"What happened?"

I pulled Brook close "I-I fell asleep t-then d-dropped her.."

"Oh Ashes.." He kissed my head then went back to building the crib "We all make mistakes my love. Then we learn from them, it was just an accident okay?"

I nodded sadly and kissed Brook's head. "Baby girl I think you need your diaper changed" I said in a baby voices.

CC smiled and shook his head as he handed me the diapers and wipes. I laid Brook down onto the bunk then looked at the diapers in confusion.

"CC, I-uh... I don't know how to do this.."

He got up from building the crib. He began changing Brook, "I had to do this with my sister when she was a baby" He sighed.

"Awe baby.." Once he was done I wrapped my arms around him. "She lives on my love" I whispered.

He smiled weakly and nodded. I grabbed a pink onsie that said 'Daddy's girl'.

"Aww baby this is perfect!"

"Hehe I knew you'd like it"

I smiled and carefully changed her into the onsie. I looked at the white crib that CC was now done building. This was perfect. We have a baby girl, we're gonna get married, and we're gonna have an amazing life together.

"Oh shit, did you get any bottles?"

"Of course" CC smiled and grabbed one. He filled it with milk then warmed it up, he then handed it to me.

I moved more into the bunk to give CC some room to sit "Come here baby" I patted the empty space next to me.

CC sat next to me as I fed Brook her bottle. "She so beautiful Ashes"

"She really is and we're gonna let her know everyday that she's beautiful"

"I wonder how old she is"

"Well she's already holding her head up slightly so she's about 3 or 4 months"

He looked at me "Since when do you know stuff about babies?"

"Since I've wanted one.."

He kissed my cheek "Well I'm glad you did your research"

Once Brook was done and patted her back till she burped. I then felt something wet down my back..

"Dammit, here babe" I handed Brook to CC.

As I changed my shirt I could hear CC making Brook giggle, a lot. I looked at them, CC was playing peek-a-boo with Brooklyn.

I smiled "Baby, I think it's time for bed" I whispered and laid Brooklyn in her crib. CC pouted but nodded, he grabbed a fluffy pink blanket that he had bought and put it on top of Brook.

"Goodnight my baby girl" I whispered as her eyes began to close.

CC and I changed into our pajamas. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed me softly.

"I love you Mr. Coma" I whispered.

"I love you too Mr. Purdy"

"It's Mr. Coma to you" I giggled.

"Fine, I love you too Mr. Coma" He smiled.

We laid down in our bunk, CC held me close. I began thinking as I looked up at the ceiling.

"CC... What if she gets bullied?" I looked at him "Kids are so brutal... What if she gets made fun of for having two dads? What if-"

"Shh" He wiped away the tears that had slipped down my cheeks. "She is now OUR daughter. We are stronger than anything, my love, and that's what we're going to teach our daughter"

I nodded and cuddled up to him. I closed my eyes and kissed his cheek before slowly falling asleep. A few hours into the night I heard the bus door open then a loud gun shot...

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