Ice And Fire [Fortnite Fanfic...

Per EgglordAkuizma

15.3K 106 34

The story of Drift, Crackshot, Brite Bomber, Fate, Zoey, and DJ Bop's adventure continues in a match of Team... Més



1.1K 6 2
Per EgglordAkuizma

Malcore and Valor lead Fate to a building that was in the middle of nowhere. Malcore walked up to the door and held it open for Valor and Fate. "What's this?" Fate asked. "Our hangout." Valor replied. There was a flight of stairs in the small little building. When they all reached the bottom, there was a massive underground space with all sorts of things in it. "Welcome to the hangout!" Valor exclaimed. Her voice echoed. There was a couch in the left of the area. Someone was sleeping on it. It was a man in a brownish red jacket and he wore a helmet with small spikes in the top. That was the one and only, Rust Lord. He was snoring loudly. A couple meters away was a teenage girl. Her name was Redline. She was texting someone on her phone. Redline looked up at Malcore, Valor, and Fate to only look back down at her phone. "So we got a new member?" Redline asked, mentioning Fate. "Yea, her name is Fate." Malcore was quick to reply. Rust Lord got up from his sleep. He yawned and looked over at Fate. "Oh the newbie over here is hot." Rust Lord joked. "Dad!" Redline complained. Fate and Valor chuckled. Malcore threw his stuff in the corner of the room and went to sit next to Rust Lord. "What are you watching?" Malcore asked. "Some shitty romance movie." Rust Lord replied. Fate sat on the couch next to Malcore.


Fate was still watching the movie with Malcore and Rust Lord until her phone chimed. Fate looked at her phone. It was a text from Redline that read:

Redline: Hey, new girl, Valor said that Club Shotgun is having an event so she thought she would invite some friends. I'll invite my boyfriend and maybe you can invite some of your friends.

Fate looked at Redline who was standing across the room. Redline nodded. Fate nodded back. Fate looked at the time on her phone. It was almost 9:00 PM which is when Club Shotgun's event starts. "Well I got to go." Fate said. "Why?" Rust Lord asked. "I'm going to the Club Shotgun event tonight." Fate replied. "Isn't it an 18+ club?" "Yea." "Well then, Fate. I do not want my daughter to go. Even though she'll turn 18 in about 10 months, gotta follow the law." Fate nodded. Rust Lord turned back to watch the movie. Fate sneaked to the back of the room, keeping her eye on Rust Lord. "Come on!" Fate whispered. Redline looked at her dad. This is fucking crazy! Redline thought. Fate opened the door and pushed Redline out carefully. Once the were both out of the hideout, they ran up the stairs and put of the small entry building. "I brought this to help us get there!" Redline said, pulling something out of her backpack. It was a rift-to-go. It was glowing in the night. Redline popped off the glass cover off. The rift started to flash. VEW. The rift teleported Fate and Redline into the sky. They both were skydiving over to Club Shotgun which was right next to the block. Fate and Redline landed in front of the entrance. Lights were coming out from the class roof everywhere. Fate and Redline opened the door. The place seemed more crazy than usual. Redline looked over to one side of the club to see strippers. Some of them were men. Redline blushed behind her mask. Fate and Redline took a seat that was right in front of the dance floor. "Have you ever been to a club before? Like an under 18s club?" Fate asked. Redline couldn't stop looking at those men. "N-no." Redline stuttered. The door to the club swung open. In came a vampire soldier named Sanctum. He was Redline's boyfriend. Sanctum spotted Redline next to Fate. Sanctum headed over to Redline. Following Sanctum were Drift and Lynx. Fate gasped, seeing Drift. Drift looked at Fate. Fate immediately leaped out of her seat and ran to Drift and hugged him. "Where were you!?" Fate asked happily. "I was still at Tilted. I thought I wouldn't see you again!" Drift replied "Me too-" Fate was cut off by Drift pulling Fate aside. Fate was confused. "I need to tell you something. I already told Crackshot, Brite Bomber, and the others. Remember the people who told everyone about this Team Rumble event? Those bitches lied! They said we'd respawn but I already seen people just straight up die!" Drift said. It almost sounded like he was worried. Drift always had things under control. Not this time. Fate looked at Drift. There was straight up fear and worry in Fate's eyes.

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