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Drift woke up to the sound of Rust Lord yelling. He rubbed his eyes and sat up in his bed. Rust Lord came tumbling down the stairs of the hideout. "Dad! Are you ok!?" Redline yelled, still tired. "I'm ok, just look outside." Rust Lord groaned. Drift, Brite Bomber, Redline, and Crackshot sprinted up the stairs, dodging Rust Lord in the floor. Drift pushed the hideout door open. Brite Bomber looked up to see a futuristic blimp. As the blimp passed by, they looked at what seemed to be the destination. "Holy shit." Crackshot said. Tilted Towers was rebuilt, but it was completely futuristic. Holograms were on top of buildings and blimps were floating above the new Tilted Towers displaying ads. "Lets go!" Brite Bomber suggested rushing to the new Tilted Towers. Neo Tilted. They stared at the buildings in awe. They were all speechless. A gunshot went off. They all jumped a little as a bullet screamed passed Brite Bomber's head. They all went for cover. They ran straight into a building. "Come out, come out, where ever you are!" The person said, reloading their gun. All of their hearts were racing. They heard another voice. "Hey!" Someone else yelled. Whoever it was sounded like a young woman. The yell was followed by a gunshot. Crackshot ran out of the building aiming his gun at whoever was standing. "Easy, pal. I'm on your side." The woman said. "My name is Rox, I'm like the guardian of this place-- just try to stay safe." Rox placed down a launch pad and launched over to another building. Crackshot put his deagle back in it's holster. Brite Bomber, Drift, and Redline put their guns away and continued searching Neo Tilted. Drift and Crackshot walked headed to a restaurant while Brite Bomber and Redline looked at other buildings. As Crackshot walked into the restaurant, Drift stopped and looked at the hologram sign. The sign read "Sticks!" There was a picture of Fishstick who was the shop owner holding a tray of fish sticks. Drift walked in. Drift sat down in a booth as Crackshot ordered some fish sticks. "Yea, I'll have as much fish sticks as I can have." Drift heard Crackshot say. Crackshot came over to the booth and slumped into the seat in front of Drift. "We'll get our food in about five minutes i'm guessing." Crackshot said, pulling out his phone. After waiting, Fishstick, the shop owner, came from the kitchen with a metal tray that carried their plates and fish sticks. He placed the tray onto Drift and Crackshot's table. Crackshot immediately started devouring the fish sticks. Drift stared at Crackshot. Crackshot looked up from his plate at Drift. "What?" Crackshot said. Stuffing a fish sticks into his mouth.

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