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Hybrid stood inside of a temple at Sunny Steps. He was greeted by Ruin who stood in the middle, staring at an Aztec fountain. "So, why did you call me here, master?" Hybrid asked, kneeling. Ruin stared down at Hybrid. "Well Hybrid, there's been a change in plans. Call all of your little friends that we will organize a raid against Polar Peak tonight, but before you do that, there is something I need to tell you." Ruin began. "I know why Fire King has been absent from the island. He is dead." Hybrid stood up with haste, shaking. "What do you mean!? How!?" Hybrid yelled. "I did it." Ruin looked at the ground. Hybrid's eyes were wide and he was speechless. Ruin put his hand on Hybrid's shoulder. "I learned that I needed to do more than just help Fire King defeat Ice King. When I searched for things to do. I realized, I can take his place, but do a whole lot more than kill some Ice King. I tested my full potential and I learned that I was stronger than him. Once Ice Queen killed his daughter I learned that I could now take over since he was weak, overwhelmed with emotion. He was in a temple similar to the one we're in now. He was grieving Ember's death. I didn't have any second thoughts. He was in front of me and I had my weapon. So with one slash to the back, he was dead." Hybrid stared up at Ruin. "Don't tell anyone. If you do, you die, and so does everyone else."


It was nighttime. Everyone except Redline were awake. She was sitting at a table, eating some cereal. She stared at her phone. She was staring at her text messages. She received a notification from Hybrid that read:
Hybrid: Redline, I need to tell you something. I haven't told anyone else.
Redline's screen got dimmer and her Wi-Fi bars went down to one and then vanished shortly after. "What the?" Redline stared at her phone. Redline heard a giant slam. The noise was followed by a loud screech. Redline held onto the table as the ground shook. Drift jolted out of the bed. "What the hell was that!?" Her yelled. Redline shrugged. She was still confused and shaking. Drift got out of bed and headed upstairs to the surface. He slightly opened the door and rushed outside. He looked around and finally focused his gaze upon Polar Peak. "Holy shit." Drift said. The main tower of Polar Peak was gone. Giant chunks of ice lay on the ground a half of Polar Peak was destroyed. Everyone else followed Drift outside. "Woah." Zoey said, taking a picture. Redline was shaking. "I couldn't have been the only one who heard a shriek, r-right?" Redline looked up at Drift. Drift stared down at Redline. She was still shaking. "Hey, what's that over there?" Brite Bomber pointed to a white object in the sky. "It looks like an ice block." DJ Bop said, squinting. "Well whatever it is, it's coming this way." Brite Bomber covered herself. "Get down!" Zoey yelled. The piece of ice crashed into the ground. It started melting slightly and even glowing. Ice King and Ice Queen burst out of it. "Stay back!" Brite Bomber aimed a gun at them. Ice Queen looked at Brite Bomber, discombobulated. "Put your gun down! We mean no harm!" Ice King yelled. "Should've told that to Ember." Brite Bomber loaded her Assault Rifle. "I need to tell you something important! Without me, you are all screwed!" Drift walked up to Ice King. "What do you need to tell us that's so important." Drift scowled. "I don't really know how to put this." Ice King began. He
Looked down. "Hybrid told me something earlier. He told me that Ruin killed Fire King." Brite Bomber's eyes widened. She shook her head. Ice King walked passed Drift and put his hand on Brite Bomber's shoulder. "He figured out that Hybrid told me. Hybrid escaped with Lockjaw somewhere. Ruin thought of me as an easy target an tried to kill me too by destroying my castle." Rust Lord looked at Ice King, skeptical. "That still doesn't explain what ever the hell that shriek came from." Rust Lord said. "Yea, and nothing will. All I will tell you is that what destroyed my home is in excellent swimmer and it's highly dangerous. Do not swim anywhere beyond this island." Ice King informed. "Looks like Sidewinder is gonna be staying her longer than she intended to." Crackshot joked. "I just need to tell you guys one more thing. I highly suspect Ruin to be finishing off the rest of Polar Peak, so gather everyone you know and bring them to Polar Peak. This is war."

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