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Drift was on a date with Brite Bomber. Everyone else was doing their own thing and Zoey was probably waiting for Lynx to fully recover after what happened the day before. Drift was able to book a cabin at Lonely Lodge for after they had dinner. They were heading to the cabin. Brite Bomber was getting little updates about Lynx from Zoey every once in awhile. Drift and Brite Bomber got to the cabin. Brite Bomber's mouth dropped side open at the sight of how big the cabin. "Oh my god. When you said you booked a cabin, I thought you meant a small cabin, not this big ass thing!" Brite Bomber yelled, impressed. Drift walked in and held the door open for Brite Bomber. Brite Bomber walked in and threw her bags in the couch in the first room of the cabin. Drift went to go take a shower. Brite Bomber started messing around with the cabin to see if it had anything special. Brite Bomber was able to dim the lights. She started to make the lights go from dim to bright over and over again. Dim, bright, dim, bright. Bright Bomber stared at the lights and then got an idea. Brite Bomber dimmed the lights. She went into the bathroom where Drift was taking a shower. "Drift, I need to tell you something." Brite Bomber said, descending into the bathroom. "Yea?" Drift called. Brite Bomber quickly pulled the curtains back and before Drift can respond, she kissed him. I love how you surprise me like this. Drift thought, slowly closing his eyes. Brite Bomber's hair soaked as more and more water poured on her. Brite Bomber got into the shower and closed the curtains behind her, making the shower dark. Brite Bomber went and turned off the lights in the bathroom for a moment. "What are you doing?" Drift asked in the dark. The moment the lights switched back on, Drift saw Brite Bomber. She was naked. Brite Bomber came back to Drift. "I can't get enough of you." Brite Bomber said. She went close to Drift to kiss him. Drift's mass was close to Brite Bomber's entrance. Drift thrusted into her. Brite Bomber moaned as loud as she could. Brite Bomber smiled at Drift. "Fuck me harder, Drift." Brite Bomber moaned.

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