The Story Of Us

By sugarbear248

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Zara Coats is a hard working girl , take no bull shit from anybody type of girl and never have time to herse... More



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By sugarbear248

Being wrapped up in each other arms has always been my favorite thing to do after sex."So what's the plan for today?" I asked her running my fingers up and down her thighs. "Well, at 8 we're having a dinner party with the family and at 11 I invited all your high school friends to come to a strip club for your nasty 19 party." She says.

"You're really taking me to a strip club full of naked women dancing for money." I asked her. Cause it feels like I walking into a trap.

"Yes, but, I will be the ONLY WOMAN your throwing money at." She says. Okay I see where's this is going. "So your gonna be my personal stripper."

"Yes" I start to laugh at the thought of her on pole dancing then the sudden jealousy rises up. "No other guys can look at you." I demanded. "Me and you will have our own private room."she reassures.

"Do I still have to pay?"

"Hell yeah. I'm not dancing for free."

"Wow. My own girlfriend won't give me a free lap dance." I laughed. I just remembered something. I reached over to my pant pockets and pulled out a box. "This is for you." I tell her. She sits up clutching the sheets to her chest. "Baby what's this?" She asks me. "Open it and find out." I tell her. She opens the small velvet box and gasp. "Baby, my someday engagement ring." She cries out. "No. This is your engagement ring. I don't wanna wait someday to get engage to you. I want to marry you. I want to be a whole family with you and Daenerys. So if you will have me. Will you become my wife?" I poured out to her.

"Yes"she answered then smashed her lips onto mine. "It's your mother, pick up the phone, you can hide from me" Zara's phone rung. We pulled away and laughed at her silly ringtone. Zara pick up and answered her phone.

"Hey mama....."
"Yea, it should be in her left fab on the outside of the baby bag..."
"What do you mean you don't see it?....."

"Derek did you pack Dany's teething medicine?" Zara asked me. "Yeah I did." I answered. "He said he did mama....."

"Is she still crying...."
"We're on the way... Okay bye." Zara says.

"We have to go to my mamas house. Dany's not feeling good." She says. Poor mi hija this teething is not treating my baby right. Zara and I got dressed and cleaned up the room.

After we was done we walked out the studios and got into our cars.
We both arrived at Lynn's house at the same time. Zara got her key out and unlocked the door. When we stepped inside we see Dany laying on her stomach on the couch.

"Hey mommy," Zara squeals going to pick her up. "Hey baby" Lynn says coming from the kitchen. "Mama I was taking to my baby"Zara says. "How did you get Dany to stop crying without her medicine?" I asked. That information would be very helpful. "Oh, I gave her a slip of whiskey."she says. Zara and I share a look of panic and confusion with each other.

"MAMA! You can't give a baby whiskey." Zara exclaimed. "Sure I can. The alcohol numbs the pain in her gums and beside I did it with you all the time." Lynn says.

"So what time does the dinner party start." She asks. "Umm, 8" Zara answers. "Well you have your baby now, so get out." Lynn says pushing us to the door. "Mama how you gon do yo grand baby like that." Zara says. "Now you know I love my grand baby but I got plans." She says. "Is my uncle Sebastian here?"I asked.

If I was this eager kick someone out of the house, someone else must be coming or already here. And on cue my uncle comes walking downstairs. "Is Baby Daenerys still crying?" He asks holding some soothing medication. And he is shirtless.

"Nephew, I didn't hear you come in." He says. "I'm sure you didn't." Zara says under her breath. "Yeah we just came to pick up the baby." I tell him. He come over to me and pull me into a tight hug.

Damn he is sweaty. I try not to think about why or how he is sweaty. "Happy birthday mi hijo." He says hitting my shoulder. "Thanks uncle."

"I have a gift for you but you have to wait till the dinner." He tells me. Now I don't wanna sound spoil or anything but Sebastian always gives the best gift. When I turned 13 he sent in a custom made Lamborghini. Of course my mom wouldn't let me drive but that was the coolest gift ever. I still have that car and it still have that new car smell.

"Thanks uncle. Well we should be heading out." I say pulling Zara along with me. When we was fully out the door Zara starts to giggle. "What's so funny?" I ask

"They finna get nasty." She laughed. I groaned. "I don't wanna hear about my uncle and your mom sex life." Zara laughed even louder at my comment.

Zara put Dany in her car seat in my car and put in her pacifier. "I'm finna go pick up the cake. I'll met you at the house." She says. "Okay babe" I say and peck her lips. I watched her walk to her car.

I hate watching her go but love to watch her leave. All the baby weight went straight into her ass. Zara got into her car and drove off. "Ok mi hija it just you and me for a few hours. What do you wanna do?" I say to her and in response her starts kicking her cute cubby legs. I plant a kiss on her forehead and hopped in the car and drove off.
"puta de mierda" I yelled in the microphone as the zombies devour my avatar . "Come on come on. Donte are you serious right now why aren't you covering my left flank." I asked Donte. "Nigga, I had the damn Russian zombies on my ass I couldn't get to you." He yelled back.

This is one of the reason why I don't play COD with Donte. He is never there when I need him. When Dany and I came back we ate and we both pooped and now we're playing video games. Well, I'm playing and she's sitting in my lap sucking on her fingers. "Are you sure Jordyn okay with you going to a strip club?" I asked him while shooting zombies. "Yeah but as long as I don't pay or touch them." He tells me. "Fuck man give me aid I've been bit." He yells. I move over to him and give him some aid. "Jordyn been kinda sad and mad lately." He says.


"Well, remember last week when my family had this retreat/ family reunion."

"Yeah" Ten more zombies dead. Fucking goat.

"Well I invited Jordyn to meet the rest of my family."

"That's great. Right?"

"Yeah I thought it was. It started great but then her and my mama got in to it by dinner time. And I kinda took my moms side." He explained. I paused the game and place Dany on the giant baby pillow Zara keeps on our bed. "What a minute you took your mom side over your girlfriend side." I repeated.

"Yeah, I didn't mean to. What was I supposed to do call my mom a liar or call the woman I love a gold digger. So I panicked. Now Jordyn won't talk to me." He said.

"Look here's what you do. First apologize, second give her and apology box."

"What the hell is a apology box?"

"It's a velvet box full of nice things that she like and an apology letter. Okay next tell her how much you love her and whatnot. Then you let things cool off for a lil but then the next day things are cool beans." I tell him

"Did this ever worked?"

"Yep, when Zara was pregnant I ate her food and she didn't talk to me for a week. But after I did this she forgot all about it." I tell him. I turn to see Dany leaning over. I watch her to see what she's doing and she just fall on her face on the pillow. I chuckled lightly at her and sit her upward.

"Derek!" Zara yells from downstairs. "Zara's here, I see you later."
"Aight" He says and we both disconnected from the headpiece. I pick Dany up and made my way downstairs.

Zara came in with tons of shopping bags. "Okay I bought Dany and I new shoes and outfit." She says putting the bags on the table. "Babe don't you think you have enough clothes and shoes." I tell her. I mean she had an entire bedroom turned into her personal closet. "Nope," She says.

Well okay then. Zara come over to me and take Dany out of my arms. "Okay mommy, lets give you a bath." She tells her. "Cause I'm pretty sure your daddy didn't do it." She says looking directly at me.

"We were busy." I tell her. "Busy doing what?" She ask with a smile on her face. "We was having father daughter time killing zombies together." I explained. Family that kills zombies together will alway stay together. Facts

"Hmm," She hums and starts to walk towards the staircase. Well I know they will take a while to get ready so I'm gonna continue killing zombies.
I was absolutely right. It's been two hours and Zara still not dressed yet. After she dressed Dany in a black and gold dress with a pair of black baby boots

she went to her vanity room shut the door and hasn't came out since. I check the time and it reads 7:30. "Zara hurry up or we gonna be late." I yelled out. "I'm coming." She yells back. "We'll see how long that lasts." I whispered to myself.

"Okay baby how to I look." Zara says coming down the stairs. I looked up at her and I'm speechless.

(Zara's outfit and hair)

"Wow, you look breathtakingly gorgeous." I gasped out. "Thanks handsome. Now let's go." She says grabbing her purse and heading out the door. "I hope you don't look like that when you get older. Then daddy will hurt a lot of boys."I say to Dany walking out the door with her in her stroller.
"And then I waked in to see him wearing my heals and my peach dress." My mother says. Zara thought it was a good idea for everyone to tell a fun memory of me that they shared. But instead of being fun it's totally embarrassing. "Mami, for the last time I just wanted to see the size so I could give Cecile a gift." I explained and the laugher just got louder.

"Who's Cecile?" Zara asked with laugher in her voice. "Cecile is the 7th grader he was madly in love with. He would follower her to her classes and give her tiny love notes." Gwen say teasingly. "Okay, let's get to the presents." Zara announces. Sebastian got up from his chair and walked outside. My mom past me be a vase with a tree in it. "Mom what's this?"I asked her

"You probably don't remember this but I do. It was your first trip to Columbia you were about 6 years old. And I took you to a park and we saw the tallest, fullest tree covered in flowers. You were so astounded by it that you sat under it for hours. And you carved your name into it and drew Darth Vader next to it."She says as tears coming down her eyes. I remember that day. Gwen and dad was eating finger sandwiches and me and mom just layer under the tree taking about the craziest things. "Well last week the tree was cut down but I found the bark with your name and the picture your drew still on it." She continued. I turned the the vase around and she was right. My name and a fuzzy picture of Darth Vader still on it. I wipe a fallen tear and lean in to hug my mother

"gracias mami"I say against my mothers ear

"feliz cumpleaños mi dulce chico" She says back. Sebastian came back with a large box. My mom and I pulled away from each other and look at the box Sebastian placed on the table. "Sebastian What is this?" My dad says "The is my gift to my nephew." He says. I looked at Pedro and he's laughing his ass off.

"Thank uncle," I say. I lifted up the lid and a pig pops out. A fucking pig. "Oh my god, what the hell" Zara squealed. "Yeah Sebastian, What the hell?" I asked cause I'm not sure why did he give me a pig. "Well, I was wondering and stressing on what to give you so Pedro said that you've always wanted a pet pig." He said.

I looked over to Pedro to see him laughing and giving me thumbs up. Asshole. "At first I was going to give you and Zara the beach house in Hawaii but Pedro said you wanted this so I gave it to him instead ."

Motherfucker. I looked at Zara and she has the same pissed off look as I do. "Okay, Thank you all for coming but I have to get Derek ready for his next festivities." Zara told everyone. As everyone starts to leave ,Pedro comes around to me "Enjoy the pet pig." He says then walks off. "That sneaky bitch." Zara says holding Dany. "I know right. I mean what the hell are we gonna do with a pig."

"We could take it to the butcher and get bacon." There was a moment of silence between us and then we both started to laugh

"Come on let's go" I tell her picking up to box with the pig. Great it has a collar
"Why did you park so far?" I asked her. "I have another surprise for you."She says. Then out of nowhere she starts laughing.


"Your walking a pig." She says still laughing. "Hey what do you want me to do hold it." I say

"No but it's still fun—"

"Turn around" I voice said from behind us. Zara and I turned around very slowly with Dany in her stroller. But once I turned around all I could see is the gun pointed at us. At that moment I was afraid not for my self but for my daughter and my fiancé.

"Carlos!" Zara said. "You know him"

"Yeah this bitch know me. She turned me down for a white nigga." This Carlos said pointing out the gun forcefully.

"Bitch please you just mad cause I didn't want yo ugly ass." She said back. "SHUT THE FUCK UP. Nobody wants you stank ass anyway. Give me your phones,wallet, jewelry." He demanded. "Fuck you Carlos." Zara yelled back. "Zara stop." I demanded. BY the looks of this guy I could easily disarm him but I have a child here and I can't risk anything happening to her. "But my ring." She pleaded. "I'll get you another one" I tell her.

We give him all the things he asks for. "There you have everything now would you leave." I said. He looks around us trying to find something. "Naw, I want that baby's bracelet." He demands. The bracelet he's talking about is the bracket Lynn gave to Zara at her baby shower.

"No"Zara says. "Bitch I got the gun"I see Carlos lower his gun a little. This is my opportunity. I rush up to him and move the gun away from Zara and Dany. Once the gun was away from them, I pull back to far enough to give him a right-hook. He stumbles a little and points his gun at me.

I quickly moved his arm in between us. And then BANG.

I felt a jolt in my chest. My legs go numb and I stumble back a little. I hear Zara scream, Dany cries and I see Carlos run off. I lose balance and collapse on the ground. "Oh my god!" Zara cries out. My breathing start to become jagged and my vision burry. I see Zara rush to my side putting her hands on the wound on my chest. "Baby baby keep your eyes open for me Okay." She says tearfully. "SOMEBODY CALL 911 PLEASE!" She screams out.  "Da-Dany- is Dany Okay." I breathe out. "Shhhhh baby try not to talk and keep your eyes open." She says. I hear Dany cries in the background. As long as she's safe. I'm good.

I need to close my eyes. "Baby keep your eyes open." Zara cries. I'm trying but instead of seeing the beautiful face on my love I see darkness.

Tears are in my eyes right now
Read my other stories
Love you guys

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