The Goonies// Brand Walsh

By Malyndah

212K 3.1K 695

A group of friends who call themselves "The Goonies" find a treasure map which leads to millions of dollars t... More

Important Notice
The Characters
1. Prologue
Author's Note
2. Last Cheer Practice?
3. The Encounter with the guys
Author's Note
4. Data's Crash Landing and the Broken Statue
5. Rosalita and the Miscommunication
6. Memory Lane and the Forbidden Attic
7. Treasure Map and the tale of One-Eyed Willy
8. Foreclosure Papers
9. Escape Plan and the Tied-up Brand
10. Bike rides and Troy the Jerk
11. Rough landings and Old Restaurants
12. The Encounter with the Fratelli's and Creepy Basements
13. A Furious Clary, New Additions, and Booboo kisses
Not an Update
14. Emotions and Best Friend Hugs
15. Thoughts and the Surprise Attack
Chapter Idea Poll
16. A worried gang and a confused Clary
Potential New Story?
18. Creature Discomfort and Secret Crushes
19. Confessions
20. Creature Fear and Nervousness
21. Creature Scares, the Couch Encounter, and Old Fireplaces
22. Money, The Fratelli's, and a dead body
23. The Fratelli's Return, Secret Passageways, and Chunk to the rescue
24. Bully Blinders and Chunk's not so hero plan
25. The discovery of the old lantern and sibling love
26. The Pipe Escapade and the boy who cried Daddy
27. Chunk's Motor Mouth, the Pitcher and the Flying Scrunchie
28. The Total Meltdown, the Dark Cave and the Skeletal Remains
29. Chester Copperpot, Booby Traps and the case of the Flying Bats

17. The Boys' Plan and a Suspicious Best Friend

4.5K 77 71
By Malyndah

Clarissa's POV

Everything seemed back on track, after the whole rake incident. I was glad that everyone was worried about me, it showed that they cared for me and I noticed genuine concern about my well being from everyone, especially from the little runt that I call my kid brother and from Brand. Most people wouldn't know it but my brother means more to me than anything else, despite the teasing because I'm supposed to watch over him and protect him. He is my family and family is everything. My friends are like my own little family to me too, for when I care for someone I truly care for them and it takes a really hard time for that to just go away. So, knowing that they care and were concerned makes my heart warm and smile.

My thoughts were interrupted as I glanced out of the corner of my eye, spotting a familiar head of brown hair dash towards the filthy restaurant with the rest of the boys.

"Mouth..." I groaned a bit for he was already way ahead of me to even possibly hear me.

"Where are those boys going?" remarks Stef as she grimaces at the thought of having to go back into there.

Brand lets out a sigh. "I know why. Mikey.."

Andi and Stef share a look of confusion before looking over at the two of us.

"Care to share what you two are thinking?" questions Andi as she raises an eyebrow and brings the Letterman jacket closer to grasp warmth.

"Mikey had this big plan to go after One-Eyed Willie to get the supposed lost treasure so we would have enough money and could prevent our homes from being foreclosed, and ultimately so we wouldn't have to move and could stay in Astoria." I explained and took a deep breath.

"That sounds ridiculous." Stef lets out with a light chuckle.  Seconds later, Andi pipes up. "Who's One-Eyed Willie?"

"Trust me, it's a long story," Brand and I reply in sync.

"Come on, let's go after them before they do anything stupid" Brand shakes his head and walks up a little to reach the restaurant. As I was about to catch up with him, Andi sees the opportunity to talk with him and speeds up before I can. Stef and I share a look of confusion so I stay back with my other blonde best friend.

"Do you have any idea what's going on with Andi? She's acting a little bit strange", I question as I brush my fingers through my long blonde hair, then quickly grabbing my white scrunchie and put my hair into a low messy-like bun, making sure to leave some of my hairs in the front out to add a cute aspect to it.

She glanced over at me and scrunched her eyebrows together. "Honestly, I have no clue but part of me feels like she might have developed feelings for Brand so I'd watch out if I were you."

"You think so?" I really hope that isn't the case because I really like Brand and she knows that. I guess I'm going to have to keep an eye out on her because last time I checked she liked Troy, well before he almost caused Brand and I to plummet down the hill like a pancake. And if she really likes him, I'd like to know when and how long cause you don't do that to your friend. You just don't.

"It seems that way, which I don't understand because she has never told me of ever having an interest in Brand." Stef replies before glancing over at Andi who had this look on her face as she was analyzing his face with this look on her face. A small frown etched its way onto my face. 

Stef noticed my look and stopped me. She grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face her. 

"Heyyy. I could very well be wrong. Don't let it get to you. You are one of my best friends and if she tries to steal your guy, then she isn't a true friend." I nod and she brings me into a hug. 

"Remember, I've always got your back. And if guys don't work out at our school, then screw it, we can check out that Riverdale High on the other side of town and see if they have any hotties", she remarked in my ear as we released. 

I let out a loud laugh before gently slapping her in the arm. "Stef!"

"What? I'm just saying you gotta broaden your options just in case anything is to happen. Buttt, I don't think that'll happen because I can tell he really likes you" she remarked with a smile. 

"Thanks Stef. I honestly love you and don't know what I would do without my blonde partner in crime" a smile coming to my lips. 

"Wait, but doesn't that normally imply that one friend is a blonde and the other is a brunette? We're both blondes."

"You're thinking way to much into it! You're my blonde bestie and it wouldn't be the same without you, my little butter cup!" A smile makes its way onto my face as I squeeze both of her cheeks before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Muah! A kiss from me to you!"

She lets out a laugh. "Butter cup? That's adorable and a lot better than I thought you were going to say" she remarked.

"What did you think I was going to say?" I ask as I give her a smile. 

"Oh, I don't know something silly like banana head or corn pop."

I shake my head before scrunching my face up. "Those sound terrible and very corny".

"Exactly! So butter cup was surprising and a cute nickname."

"Aww. Well I'm glad!" I glanced around to see that we were back aways from Brand and Andi. 

"Oops. We better catch up!" I say as we both scurry along to catch up smiling and giggling. 

Third Person POV

A good feet in front of the two blondes, Andi noticed the interactions going on between her two best friends and she wasn't happy about it. She didn't like the idea of them getting along so well and them being content without her. But the girls were unaware of the brunette's gazing eyes to notice as they were off in their own discussion. 

Clarissa's POV

Our conversation ended up drifting along back to Brand and Andi.

"Trust me though, everything will be okay no matter what happens and I'll always be there for you."

I glance towards the two. "I really hope so."

And the girls walked further along towards the restaurant, hope filling along in Clary's mind that Andi was a true friend, for it would break her heart otherwise.

Author's Note ~

A long awaited update for you all!! I apologize for it taking forever for sometimes I am busy or I just don't have the motivation at times to want to continue with this story.

However, I don't want to give up on this story! This is the best story that I have done so far and I am honestly in shock by all the lovely comments and unbelievable amount of votes and reads that I have received for this. It is insane because I never expected for it to reach as far as it has gotten. So, thank you so much and I appreciate you all so very much!!

Story related though, I really wanted to build her relations with her friends to give her more of a connection and bond with those that she cares about, so I really wanted to build that between Clary and Stef (cause the other best friend needs some attention too! It ain't just you Andi! lol) and also show some jealous aspects of Andi and how the girls are feeling about their best friend. 

All in all, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and as always please feel free to leave any comments below. I always love reading them! :)  

Thank you so much again!! 

PS. I made a reference to something, you'll probably find if you know of it.  Feel free to comment if you find it! :) ↓↓

I love you all! 

                     Xx Malyndah

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