Queen of the Underworld

Por danaxramirez

676K 19.8K 7.5K

After the loss of her parents, Anastasia is entered into a world of gangs, mafia, drugs and violence. She has... Más



6.3K 192 34
Por danaxramirez

"Stop! Stop! You can't do this! Stop!" I ran over to Giovanni, who had come back from Sicily to ruin my life.

Have you ever felt like the universe is experimenting on you?

Like, they are trying new ways to challenge the earths population, but they need to see if they work first, so they try all the new things they came up with on you?

I feel that right now. Either that, or I'm just one big comedy show to the universe. They love seeing the reactions they get from me, so they keep throwing shit my way.

Just one big game of "How Can We Screw With Anastasia Today?"

Because, no matter how many times I am thrown down to the ground and smeared with shit, somehow...somehow, the gods above keep believing I can handle more.

Lorenzo stopped me in my tracks, blocking my path. When I tried to sidestep him, he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go. "Stop this."

But, the funny thing is, I don't think I can handle anymore.

Yanking my arm away from him, I ran behind Giovanni again.

"Gio, no! Please Gio! Non farlo! Per favore!" Veronica tried to free herself from Giovanni and make her way over to me. She pushed, pulled, yanked, stomped, but nothing made him let go.

Matter of fact, I think I am sick and tired of handling shit.

It was the last day before school went back into session after spring break. It was three in the afternoon and everything was going wrong.

When I saw Giovanni enter the house, I knew something was really bad.

Then, they told me that they thought it best if we were all separated indefinitely.

Giovanni said that he was responsible for the lives of Nicolas and Vee, so he wouldn't put them in danger like this. He came, told them to pack their bags and is now ushering them into an SUV that will take them to a plane back to Sicily, where they will be safer.

A few hours ago, Mateo and Gabriel were forced into a plane that took them straight to Colombia. Lorenzo said their clothes and belongings would be sent over later, and then they left. He supposedly talked to my brother and he said he would take them until Lorenzo wanted them back. Which, of course, was indefinitely.

I didn't get to say goodbye.

Now, Veronica and Nicolas were in the same situation. But, as opposed to Veronica, Nicolas seemed completely at ease with this situation. He didn't protest, or make any signs of defiance. He simply nodded and made his way to the car, not glancing back a single time.

Ever since we got attacked a week and a half ago, he had barely spoken to me. But since he has barely spoken to anyone, I didn't think much of it. We all need time to recover from that, especially me, who still has trouble walking down steps without wincing with every movement.


"Hey," I stepped into his room. He glanced up at me from his phone, when he saw who it was, he put it down and sat straighter.


I made my way over to him, sitting in front of him on his bed. "How's the head?" He was still a pretty shaky from the crash, getting headaches here and there.

"Getting better." He paused for a second, a whirl of emotions flashed through his eyes. "How are you? Are you feeling any better?"

I nodded and scooted a little closer to him, "better. Still a little painful in the side, but getting better."

He nodded, looking down at his hands. He seemed troubled with something, as if trying to get something out. "I'm sorry about your friend."

I grabbed his hand with both of mine and bit my lip. When I trusted myself to continue, I spoke, "yeah, thanks." But that conflicted expression didn't leave him. "Nick, you can say anything to me, you know that right? Whatever happened didn't change anything."

Something flickered in his expression and he looked up at me, "I know."

"I'm sorry you were brought into this. Angelo was always trying to come after me, and he used you as a way to control me. He knew what leverage he had over me by taking you, I'm so sorry."

That same emotion flickered through his eyes again and he spoke, "why did you give him back the gun? That could have been your only way out. Why didn't you take it?"

I knitted my eyebrows, confused. Wasn't it obvious? "And leave you to die? They would have killed you on the spot, Nick. Had I kept the gun, you would've received a bullet to the head."

He narrowed his eyes, "so?"

I had to do a double take. I was positive I didn't hear that right. "What do you mean 'so'? So you die. If they had to kill me to save you, I would have done that. But I would never leave you to die, Nick. I..."

His eyes widened and he cleared his throat, "you what?"

"I would never leave you. I'm with you always, remember? Cross my heart and beg to die."

He seemed to relax, "right."

Silence fell upon us as I looked at him and he looked down at his hands. It was probably only seconds, but if felt like hours.

When he finally looked at me, his lips formed a tight line, "I'll talk to you later." Patting my knee, he got up and left the room.

End of Flashback

"Gio, stop! Let me go! I don't want to leave, please!" Tears were streaming down Vee's face as she tried to pry herself away from Giovanni.

"Stop!" He yelled, "non sei al sicuro qui! Andiamo e questa è la fine!"

She looked at me for help and I lunged forward, grabbing Giovanni's sleeve. "Don't do this! Please don't!" I didn't want to cry, but I couldn't help the stream of tears from falling down my face.

They were nearly at the door now, and I was holding onto Veronica's hand, trying to keep them from taking her.

I felt two hands grab each of my arms pull me away, "come on. Let go. She's gotta go."

I turned to Lorenzo and grabbed onto his shirt, "please, please don't let him do this. Don't let him separate us! I'll do anything! I'll quit being an assassin! I'll hide in a basement! I'll do anything, but please...they're the only thing that keeps me sane, please!"

The look in his eyes let me know that it hurt him to see me like this. At that moment, however, I didn't care. I only cared about keeping the last person on this earth who I knew would help me keep my feet on the ground during this whole storm.

Yet, the amount of pain he was feeling didn't stop him from pulling me one last time. My arms let go at last and Giovanni took a screaming and crying Veronica away.

The sound of the door shutting allowed everything process in my mind. All the events that have been piling on my back nonstop.

When am I going to get a rest? When is all this damn pain going to stop?

I'm tired, so so tired.

I didn't bother asking for an explanation, I already knew what they were all thinking.

I'm danger. I'm bringing death with every step I take.

Five Days Later:

"Personally, I wouldn't want them to know anything and if I could scare them away I would, but they're your friends so you decide."

Apparently, Angelo mentioned me being an assassin, and everyone that was there heard it. Which means Lana, Briana, Brandon, Jack and Ash all heard.

The growing popularity of Lady Devil cannot be denied, as the aftermaths of some of my jobs have appeared on the news. The news hasn't exactly cracked the code and haven't said anything about an assassin, or anything mafia related. Still, the killings have been all anyone is talking about.

Especially recently, since the guys and Veronica left, I have done three jobs. For some reason, most of my killings happen with a slit throat or a bullet to the side of the head.

That means, seven total jobs since Jacob died. Which totals to thirty nine jobs in around five months.

With all the shit hitting the fan, I'm itching for the fortieth.

I haven't heard from anyone since they all left. I don't know where I stand with Nick, and I pray that it's in a good place. I can handle anything, but not breaking up.

The feelings I have for that boy are too much for me to handle, and to handle them alone would destroy me.

Of course, Giovanni hasn't let them try and contact me as has Martin with Mateo and Gabriel. I found that out after Veronica sneaked out and called me from a burner phone in Sicily. The security has gone tighter than ever and it took them no more than five minutes of conversation before they found her.

"Can't we do that. Like scare them or something?" I didn't want to involve them any more than I already did.

"Do you really want to do that?"

"No." They were outside right now, and I was deciding with Lorenzo whether to tell them the truth or not.

But, either way I would have to keep them very closely watched. It was easier if they knew what was going on, so any decisions made wouldn't appear insane.

"I'll tell them." Lorenzo nodded and stepped aside, opening the door to his office for me.

I stepped inside, making my way to the front of my fathers desk as five pairs of eyes watched me. Sitting on the edge, I made eye contact.

"I'm not in the mood to beat around the bush, so I'll just be straight up." Lorenzo's presence kept me at ease. Knowing he was here and ready to back me up if they decided to eat me alive.

"Straight up? Why are you saying it like it's not the craziest shit to ever happen!" I knew Briana would be the first one to freak out.

"Because it's not." I took a deep breath. "As you all know by now, Lorenzo is my real father. He is involved in some business that is dangerous. I am a part of said business and that is why I was taken. That man, the one that took me, he was after me and decided to take you all as a way to weaken me. I'm sorry you got thrown into this, if I could change what happened I would."

A moment of silence reigned over the room before Brandon spoke, "We know."

"You do?" My voice sounded more hopeful than I wanted to let on.

"Yeah," Jack surprised me by saying. "Whatever you're in, us being involved would never be a part of your plans. I know you enough to figure that out."

I let out a breath, "It would never. I would have never in a million years imagined that An-that man, would want to use you. I was never even aware that he knew about any of you."

"So what now?" Ash asked.

If anyone knew about what could go next, it was Ash. The way he asked it was genuine, though. He wasn't testing me, or taunting me. He was actually clueless.

Which made me realize, I don't know what happens now.

"What exactly did you hear him say?"

They all stayed quiet for a few moments, thinking back.

Lana was the first to speak, "he kept repeating that he would hurt you. Saying that he'll make you his or something like that."

I nodded, "yeah. That it?"

Her eyes nearly bulged, "you mind explaining?"

"Yes, I actually do. You're here to find out what happens next with you, not to play catch up with me. Anything else?"

"He kept on asking about your body count. Saying you took souls or whatever. What was that about?"

I bit my lip. I was afraid of this. I know it was hopeless, but I wish they didn't hear that.

I looked over my shoulder to Lorenzo, he nodded reassuringly. Taking a deep breath, I faced them again.

"Now, what I'm about to tell you stays between us." That immediately caught their full attention, being that they all simultaneously sat up straighter.

"You can't say anything to anyone. Not your mom, your friends, your dead grandma's grave, nothing."

"Yeah, we get it. What is it?" Ash narrowed his eyes at me, studying me. Daring me to lie to his face.

"You've all heard about the recent killings going around here and other parts of Cali." When they nodded, I continued. "Well, I'm responsible for them. I'm the one who killed some of those people."

Silence fell heavy and they all just stared at me for too long. I looked over to Lorenzo, only to realize he was no longer there. The door to the office was open and I was alone with them.

I was going to look for him, when Brandon spoke. "You're...what?"

"This is a joke right? Some sick, perverse form of a joke?" Briana paled and masked her horror with awkward laughter.

"No joke. I killed some of those people, which is why he was asking about my body count. I am an assassin for my fathers business."

"Anastasia," Lorenzo's stern voice made me whip my head in his direction.


"I said tell them, but not everything."

"I know. I won't." I turned back to them and could practically see the confusion radiating off of them.

"Wha—no, you can't possibly be..." Jack wasn't looking at me, he was staring at the wall, talking more to himself than me.

"I am, but be quiet and listen. I'm not telling you this because I feel a sudden obligation to be truthful to you. Not at all. There's a specific reason for me to say this to you."

"What is it?" Ash and Lorenzo said at the same time.

"Now that that man knows about you, and is likely to use you to get to me, it wouldn't strike me as strange if he did it again."

"Anastasia where are you going with this?" Lorenzo was right in front of me, confusion in his face with little hints of irritation.

Oh, you are so not gonna like this.

Hell, I'd be surprised if you don't kill me after I say it.

Facing them again, I took a deep breath. "I can't let him harm any of you again. Dad and I, already discussed going back  to Sicily after my school year is over. And now, with you bunch involved in it, I have to keep a close eye on you. So, I'd rather have you with me so I can do it myself. I need you to come to Sicily with us."

"What?" Lorenzo boomed, making all the chatter cease.

I turned to him with a calm expression. "They're coming with us. I won't let him hurt them, and you said it yourself, we need to keep a close eye on them."

He looked ready to challenge me and order me around, but seemed to decided against it. "Do you know what you're doing here?"

I hesitated for a fraction of a second. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just hoping it'll work.

"Yes. So please, back me up here." I whispered. "I can't do this without you."

"Of course. Always." He said it in a seconds notice.

"Then it's settled. Be ready by the last day of school. We're leaving that very same day."

I was just about ready to leave, but Lana stopped me. "Uh, Ana? Aren't you forgetting something?"


"We can't just drop everything and leave with you. We have parents and family who we need to answer to. Disappearing is not an option for us."

"Tell them you're taking a sabbatical. Say I needed some time with my friends after all that's happened and I'm taking you all to Sicily for around a year or so, I don't know yet."

Briana stood up, "I already got accepted to college, I can't take a sabbatical."

I took a step towards her, "what good is college if you're dead."

Taking a step back and meeting eyes with a of them, I crossed my arms. "I don't care what excuse you use, but you are coming with me. If you decide not to, just know I won't go helping you if you're door is knocked down. I offered and you denied, your blood won't be on my hands."

I walked towards the door and before stepping out, I took one last look at them. "Everything that was spoken here, stays here. If I find out anything was shared—and trust me, I will  find out—then that man won't be the only one hunting you down."

Stepping outside, Lorenzo faced me with a sympathetic look on his face. "We have a problem."

"What?" Something was wrong.

"Remember those leads we supposedly got from Berlin?"

"Uhuh." I walked beside him as he lead me down the stairs. "Wait...I didn't know this house had a basement."

"Well now you do. Anyways," he opened a door and stepped inside, "those turned out to be nothing. The gang leader was seemingly mistaken and he and I were talking about different things."

I quirked an eyebrow, "really? I heard you on that call. It was clear that you were talking about a trafficking ring. And didn't he call you? Didn't he mentioned the ring specifically?"

He nodded, "I see you're paying attention. But, yes, that is what happened. But when he said he didn't know, I took his word for it, or at least made him think that."

Where is he going with this?

"And yesterday, I got information that said he was in New York four weeks ago."

"Okay, but I don't understand what—wait! New York?" He nodded, "as in New York where Angelo was staying?"

"The one and literally only."

I rolled my eyes, "okay, and was he communicating with Angelo?"

He shook his head, "I don't know yet, I sent a few men to watch him in Berlin. They'll call me the second something even resembles fishy. But that's not our only problem."

"Jesus, we should really get a family shrink or something. What now?"

"Come in," he opened another door and motioned for me to step inside.

I did, and my jaw dropped.

He was smiling at me with that playboy smile worth a million dollars.

"Hey," I choked out, unable to believe my eyes.

Its been merely a few days, but I've missed him like hell.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head, "I've missed you, sunshine. How you been holding up?"

"I've missed you too. What are you doing here, Gaby?"

He eyed me before stepping away. "I found something out and had to call Uncle L, because its serious."

"How serious?"

He frowned, "its really bad."

I threw my head back, why is the world so fucking hell bent on making me want to die? "Just shoot me right now."

Walking back to his chair, he narrowed his eyes at me. "Not funny. Come here."

Gabriel started working his magic on the computer and Lorenzo turned to me. "Remember the three dead women with your traits that woman mentioned?"

Huh? Three dead women...three dead—oh yeah. The ones she said were a warning. To let me know Angelo was coming.


"Well," Gabriel cut in, "something about that has been irking me nonstop, so I decided to do some research and I found something. Something real bad."

"What?" I walked up behind him, looking at the screen.

There was some sort of report on the screen, "is this a police report?"

"Yeah, but listen—"

"How do you have access to a police report? Did you hack it? And why is it in Spanish?"

He faced me and took a deep breath, "yes, I hacked it. It's in Spanish because its a report from a precinct in Bogotá, Colombia. I do this a lot, for information and all that. But, just shut up and listen."

Okay then, bossy pants. "Okay."

"So it struck me as strange that she just mentioned that out of the blue, especially since it sounded like she was dropping a major bomb. So I did some digging and looked to see if it was true."

Highly intrigued, I waited for him to continue.

"I looked for three deaths of brown haired, green eyed girls in New York—since that was where they were—as far back as two weeks before the Sabotini job. But I found nothing."

I sighed, "you had me for like a second, and now I'm lost again."

He rolled his eyes, "just listen. I was ready to give up, but then I realized that it's Angelo we're talking about and he does everything over-the-top. So I searched for those deaths but all over the world."

My eyes widened, "that could be hundreds!"

"Thousands actually but, after a few hours and narrowing the search to places connected directly to you, I found something very, very strange."


"There were three deaths, all girls. They all had brown straight hair, green eyes and seventeen years of age."

I bit my lip, "I'm flattered you find me unique enough to see this as strange, but brown hair and green eyes isn't the Anastasia special."

"Right. But, get this, one was from Los Angeles, her name was Allison Reyes. The other one was from Sicily, her name was Adrianna Ranniero. The third was from Bogotá, and her name was Angelica Rojas."

Yep, that was strange.

"A and R? As in Anastasia Rios? That's downright creepy."

"Oh, it gets worse."


"They were all murdered a day before the Sabotini job, at exactly 1:36 pm in their time zone. All in front of their house, with perfect view to security cameras."

"Okay, so it did get worse."

"You're missing something, Tasia."

What could I possibly be missing?


"1:36 pm was Mariana's estimated time of death." I realized.

He nodded, "there's more."

He didn't wait for me to answer. "Just to make sure, I checked for murders a week before you got kidnapped."

"What did you find?"

He clicked something on the computer, another report popped up, in English this time.

"Same thing happened. A day before you got kidnapped at 1:36 pm, the three countries, in front of the houses with plain view to cameras. Except..."


"These three girls names were all kind of the same."


"The ones from LA and Colombia were named Anastasia Rios. The one from Sicily was Bianchi."

"Oh god," I couldn't believe this.

"And," he sighed, "the three of them were orphans who got adopted."

God oh God.

This can't be real.

"Angelo wasn't joking when he said he was going to warn you he was coming. These murders all tend to happen right before he decides to hurt you. This is no coincidence, Tasia. He did this and he wants you to know. Why else would he kill them right in front of the camera? He's smart, so that was definitely on purpose."

This is bad. Really really bad.

"You know what this means right?" Lorenzo looked at me with anger in his eyes.

Yes, I do.

"He's known about me all along."


I hope you enjoyed this part!

Sorry it took so long, but here it is now.

Be sure to vote if you like!!

And check out my other story Devil Wreaks Havoc!!

Until next time!!

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