The Alphas Daughter

By iiqueen_beeii

44.8K 1.2K 165


Characters pt. 2
Playlist 🎶🎵
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Introducing New Characters
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
The Alphas Daughters

Chapter 17

1K 35 1
By iiqueen_beeii

If you love me you'll let me be great

Winters P.O.V.

But I'm weak!
And what's wrong with that?
Boy oh boy oh boy
I love it when you-

My phone starts to ring. I look at it and see it's a FaceTime from Jordan.

I answer the phone and I see a little gray wolf growling at him.

J-Winter, your brother is out of control. They asked if I could babysit for a while. Oh course I said yes, he was sleeping so I went to sleep too. I was woken up by a bite to my damn ankle and he's been like this every since. You need to help me man.

He says pleadingly in the phone. I look at the time and it's five thirty in the morning.

W-Turn the phone towards him so I can see him

He does at told and I still see his little gray self staring at him and growling.

W- Gray! Stop biting people and stop growling at Jordan. He is your cousin. Don't make me tell mama

He immediately lays on the floor with his belly up wagging his tale.

J- thank you so much Winter. I owe you one

W-Jordan, he's a pup, you could have said that yourself

J- I tried, he doesn't listen to me. He hates me for some reason.

W-Every pup hates you at first. Bye Jordan

I hang up the phone and stretch out in the bed. My body is sore if you know what I mean.

I look over and see Joshua sleeping with his head under the pillow like he's trying to ignore the fact that we have training in forty five minutes.

I roll over and lay on top of him, my back against his. He groans and turns his body moving me off. I get up from the bed and wrap myself in the blanket, "We have training in 30 minutes Joshua, get up" i said walking into the bathroom. My clothes that I was supposed to put on last night is still in there so I take a quick shower and put those on.

Once I leave the bathroom, I see he's still in the bed with the cover completely covering him.

I walk over to the bed and yank the covers off his head, "Get up" he just groans and puts my pillow over his head.

Nichole, how did you usually get Joshua out of bed in the mornings

I asked his mom through the pack link.

His weak spot is his ear. Hell all of my boys are like that. With Sybil, it's her left achilles tendon

Kay, thank you

I took the pillow off of his head and I grip his left ear pretty hard. "Ow ow ow ow let go let go please" he jumped out of the bed and grabbed my hand. "You gone get up when I call for you right?" I ask still holding on to his ear.

For a 6'2 man he's really sensitive on his ear and it makes me laugh. "Yes, I'll get up please let go" he begs. I let go and push him towards the bathroom, "Go shower and get ready. Training starts in 20 minutes" he mumbles something under his breath but goes to the bathroom and do as I said.

I put on a shirt over my sports bra and shorts then head down to the kitchen without shoes. I won't be needing them today.

Walking into the kitchen I see the boys and Rox all sitting and eating breakfast in their training gear. "Good morning" I say to them with a smile and they all great me back. I got to the island and get a bowl of fruit and some bacon and start to eat. Five minutes later Joshua comes into the kitchen with a frown on his face. "That was mean" he said coming up behind me wrapping his arm around my neck and kissing my forehead. "You wouldn't get up so I had to resort to something else"

He just rolls his eyes and grabs my bacon out my hand. I just shake my head and finish eating.

Minutes later we all finish eating and head out to the training yard and everyone is waiting for direction. "Ok so, you trained in human form now you will train in wolf form. Rox, start splitting everyone up. Give everyone a new person to fight. Once you are in your groups I want you to shift and wait for my go ahead" they all nod their heads and we start to put people in groups.

Once done I made a few changes and made sure everyone was with someone. I then walk to each group and nod my head then they start to fight then I stopped some groups, gave them pointers then told them to keep going.

I then went to Joshua's group and he was holding his own against 6 wolves. Even mama Nichole was doing good and she had five. Each member of the Alpha family has at least five people to fight. Only Joshua, Damien, and Alejandro have six people.

Five hours later, almost everyone has had to go against six people and I couldn't be more proud of them. Rox even started to train. I did two rounds.

Right now everyone is taking a brake. They all did so good so I guess I'll end training early today. "You all did so good today, I am very proud of everyone and just for that, training is over with. Go rest up, eat, and enjoy your day"

As Rox and I were walking back into the house we were suddenly picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder and they started running. I look up and see Joshua and Damien running after us. I turn my head a little and I see that I'm over Chris shoulder and Rox is over Jack's shoulder and their both laughing.

"They always keep you guys to themselves" Jack yelled.

"We want to spend time with y'all too" Chris also yelled.

"You drop me and I kill you!" Rox yelled while I just laugh. "You could have asked guys. Instead of kidnapping us" I say just hanging there as they run through the house. I don't see the point in fighting it.

"What fun would that be?" They both tell at the same time as we entered what looks like the game room. They sat us down on the couch then stood in front of us. "What now?" I ask looking between the two. "Honestly I have no idea. We didn't plan this far ahead" Chris said scratching the back of his head.

My phone starts to ring in my pocket. I look at it and see it's a FaceTime from Embry.

Yes Embry?

Hey what are you doing right now?, he asks

Nothing just finishe-, I stop mid sentence when I hear growling. He turns the camera and I see a little gray wolf growling at him.

I swear his little self is always challenging someone. I'm on my way, is all I say then hang up the phone.

"I'm going to my parents house, wana come?" I ask everyone in the room.

"Hell yea! They got good snacks over there" Luke says running towards the door. "Ahhhh!" I hear Luke scream like a little girl. We all just stare at the door and see Joshua and Damien walk in with Luke in the air. "Put him down" Rox and I say at the same time. They look at each other and then just drop him on his back. "Fuck!" He grunts. "That's not what we meant idiots" Rox says shaking her head.

"We're going over to my parents house. I need to handle a little something" I say walking over to Joshua and wrapping my arms around his waist kissing his chest which makes him shiver then looking up at him like I didn't do anything.

"Hell yea! They got good snacks over there" Damien says throwing Rox over his shoulder and running out the room.

"Yea, let's go" he says grabbing my hand. "Wait can I get on your back. Your just so freakishly tall" he looks at me and shakes his head with a chuckle but stands in front of me and I jump up on his back. "Yes!" I whisper yell to myself. He just shakes his head and kept walking till we got outside and I hopped off. "Thanks sweetness" I say slapping his butt. He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Don't be doing that shit" he says in a serious tone but it just makes me laugh.

Rox and Damien hopped in his car and Joshua and I hopped in mine. I didn't feel like driving so I told him to do it.


A few minutes later we get to the pack house and hop out the car. Joshua comes around the car and grabs my hand as we walk up the steps and into the house. Soon as we enter I call out to everyone. "Yeye!" Not even a second later all of my brothers except for Killian come running towards our direction from different parts of the house.

Then I hear little paws hitting the floor and gray (Ryan) comes sliding into the entrance area. Colliding with my leg.

"Where's mama, da, Kill and Sybil?" I ask picking gray up off the floor. "Hunting" they all say. I just nod my head and put gray back on the floor. As soon as I do that he starts to growl and bark at Damien.

"He's challenged all of us today. Including dad and uncle Roman hell he even challenged Killian. He loves Sybil though" Roland said looking down that gray.

I just nod my head and watch him as he tries to bite at Damien then walk off into the kitchen with everyone following me.

"I take it the twins and Quil filled everyone in on what's going down tomorrow with the Blue Crest Pack?" I ask hopping up on the counter.

"Yes, what do you advise we do?" Tristan said standing in front of me.

"I want to discuss this with Killian and Sybil as well so let's wait till they get back" he just nod his head in agreement.

"Ahh, Winter!?" Damien calls walking into the kitchen with gray attached to his pants leg. "He won't let go" he says looking down at my little brother.

I hop off the counter and walk over to them, couching down I take hold of his ear a squeeze just a little and he starts to yelp in pain and instantly turns back to his human form and starts to cry so I pick him up.

He's a pup so hit hurts a lot to even get a little tug by the ear.

And him being a pup he spends most of his first year in wolf form when he's not around mom or dad. You can't really control it. You can go to sleep in human form and wake up in wolf form or vice versa.

"He hasn't had that happen to him yet" Quil says walking to me with a warm battle. "I know" I say putting the bottle in his mouth and watch him calm down.

"Y'all to scared to do it. You know mama did it to all of us when we got out of hand. Hell she even did it to Rox and Jordan" I said rocking Ryan back and forth as he starts to go to sleep.

"We're home!" I hear Sybil yell through the house and we all walk to where we heard her. Once she she's us she runs and hugs her brothers and they gladly hug her back. "What are you doing here?" She asks coming to hug me. "They can't control Ryan when Gray has control. He challenged Damien when we got here. I put him in his place though" I said laughing a little. "You pinched his ear didn't you?" Mama asked me coming to take Ryan and put him to bed. "I did" she just nods her head and kisses my cheek then excuses herself to put him down.

"We need to talk with you all though. About the meeting tomorrow night" I say moving into the living room and everyone following behind me. "The twins and Quil filled me in on everything. What's the pan?"

"Once we get there. All I need is for you all to get me close to the Alpha before he signals for the attack to start. And once I have him I'll go into his mind and handle everything. Once done we will get someone to escort him and his beta back to our pack lands and down to the cells and await for trial. Then I will reassign someone I can trust as Alpha. Someone who will keep the peace" everyone just gave me a nod and my father was just smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"What dad?" I said smiling at him. "You have just grown up so much. I am so proud of you" he said getting up to hug me.

"Thank you dad" I say hugging him back.

"We should have all the kids and women in the safe rooms while were away Killian" Sybil voiced looking at him and he just nods his head in agreement.

"It's getting late. We should get going. Everyone be ready by five tomorrow alright?" Everyone nods their heads and we all take our leave to go.

Once we got back home we all went out separate ways for the night. "How are you?" Josh says as soon as we enter our room. "I'm good, why?" I ask taking my shoes off and walking into the closet. "You haven't talked about how you felt about everything that's happened"

"There isn't really anything to say about it. I just want to keep everyone safe" he just nods his head and stares at me. "What?" I ask grabbing a pair of spandex shorts and one of his shirts. "Nothing, your just beautiful as fuck" I just smile and shake my head. "Thank you" I say kissing his cheek. "I'm gana get in the shower real quick can you please go get me a cup crushed ice and some orange juice" he just nods his head and walks out the room as I walk into the shower.

I quickly wash myself and then get out. Throwing on my clothes I wrap a towel around my head and walk out of the bathroom to see Joshua sitting at the foot of the bed eating my ice and watching tv. "You know, I asked for that for me to eat. Not you" I say walking up to him grabbing my cup of ice.

"You took to long and it started to melt" he said kissing my head and walking off to the bathroom. I didn't say anything, I just got in the bed and sat there watching tv eating my ice and drinking my orange juice.

Moments later Josh comes out the bathroom and just stares at me. He says nothing. Just standing there in basketball shorts with no shirt, just staring at me as I'm crunching on my ice.

(R) Hey so ahh, is it weird that Damien is just staring at me. Like he's been doing it since I got out the shower. I ask him what's wrong but he won't say anything

Rox asks through the mind link.

(W) Joshua is doing it too and omg I know what it is. You and I are on the same heat cycle and our heat is literally like in the next two days. Do you know what that means?

I ask with my eyes wide just staring at Joshua who now has a smirk on his face once he sees that I've figured it out.

(R) Bitch we're hella fertile now. Endless sex for the next three days. Their going to try and get us pregnant in these three days. I love me some Damien but the way he lookin right now means I'm not leaving this damn room for a while.

(W) So what's the plan?

I ask pretending to ignore Joshua as I slowly get off the bed and head into the living area, "Have you seen my phone?" I ask out loud but still not giving eye contact. He just grunts which means Cole is fighting him for control.

(R) Run bitch!

And with that, I dash out of our room and run like hell. Bumping into Alejandro in the process. "Where are you going little one?" He asks laughing a little. "Sorry Ale but ahh, I'm ahh, looking for Rox. Have you seen her?" I ask trying to sound like I'm not really running from his son and he laughs. "She ran past me a few seconds before you did. Looks like she's headed to the movie room"

"Thank you" I say taking off to the movie room. Soon as I enter I see her hiding behind a chair. "Now you know damn well if I can see you he can too"

"Well shit. Where else am I going to hide?" She says standing up and hoping over some chairs to stand next to me.

"Let's go to Jacks room. I know he will expect me to go to Chris's room so he won't even think about me being with Jack" she nods her head and we take off again but stop as soon as we see Damien and Joshua a leaving Jacks room. They don't see us so we just go into the first room we see, lucky that it's a guest room. Rox runs into the bathroom and I run into the closet and hide behind one of the shelves.

Moment later I hear someone walk in then I hear Rox scream. "Damien, I found yours" I hear Joshua's voice boom through the room. "Where's Winter?"

"I have no idea. Maybe she went to Chris room" she says laughing a little. "Ahh! No put me down you gorilla. I have rights you know" she yells as she's been thrown over Damien's shoulder. "Not tonight you don't. You shouldn't have ran from me" he says slapping her on her ass which causes her to laugh. "Good luck" Damien says to Joshua.

I know your wondering how I can see all of this well I'm in Rox's head seeing what she's seeing.

Moments later Joshua walks into the closet, "You know I can see where you are right? You still have your mind open to me" he says grabbing my foot which causes me to scream and jump out from behind the shelf.

He grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. "Noo!! I'm to young" I scream through the hallway as he walks back to our room. "This is kidnapping you know that right! I have rights!" I hell hitting his back which was doing nothing to him. So I just gave up and hung there watching his butt move. Then I just slap both cheeks and he comes to a complete stop.

"I know damn well you didn't just do that" I just laugh and do it again. He then slaps the fuck out of my ass then starts to run towards our room. "See I was going to go easy on you but fuck it" he says as we enter our room and he kicks the door shut.

Sorry it took so long to update. Haven't been having a good few weeks but I'm ok again.

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