His Mischievous Mate

By jlhen_23

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Berlyn is just a typical girl for a human coz she's hiding her true identity. And to cover up, she always g... More

Chapter 1 ( The Beginning)
Chapter 2 ( His Mate)
Chapter 3 ( Operation "Ignore Him".)
Chapter 4 (Getting to Know Her)
Chapter 6 ( Unwanted Guest, Undeniable Truth)
Chapter 7 ( The Hybrid )
Chapter 8 ( Berlyn Somer )
Chapter 9 ( His Decision )
Chapter 10 ( Runaway )
Chapter 11 ( Moving On )
Chapter 12 ( V - Bar Incident )
Chapter 13 ( Rewrite The Stars )
Chapter 14 ( The Attack )
Chapter 15 ( Falling Apart )
Chapter 16 ( Mistaken Identity )
Chapter 17 ( Double Date )
Chapter 18 ( Bitch on the Beach )
Chapter 19 ( Jealousy Part 1 )
Chapter 20 ( Jealousy Part 2 )
Chapter 21 ( Perfect Getaway )
Chapter 22 ( It's Just A Dream )
Chapter 23 ( Knight's In Shinning Armor )
Chapter 24 ( Meet Again )
Chapter 25 ( Eerie )
Chapter 26 ( Reversed )
Chapter 27 ( Hot and Cold )
Chapter 28 ( Revealed )
Chapter 29 ( Creepy )
Chapter 30 ( Teardrops )
Chapter 31 ( The Proposal )
Chapter 32 ( Bet )
Chapter 33 ( Missing Piece )
Chapter 34 ( Phenomenal Disaster )
Chapter 35 ( Lover's Quarell )
Chapter 36 ( Fight Song )
Chapter 37 ( The Hybrid Next Door )
Chapter 38 ( Heart to Heart Talk )
Chapter 39 ( First Time )
Chapter 40 ( Trust Issues )
Chapter 41 ( He Left )
Chapter 42 ( Chasing Vlad )
Chapter 43 ( Intruders )
Chapter 44 ( Pregnancy Issues )
Chapter 45 ( Changes )
Chapter 46 ( Sick and Tired )
Chapter 47 ( Atlast! )
Chapter 48 ( Fabulous and Pretty)
Chapter 49 ( Start of Something New )
Chapter 50 ( The Finale )
Sneak Peek Part 1
Sneak Peek Part 2

Chapter 5 ( Getting To Know Her Part 2)

134 12 0
By jlhen_23

Berlyn's Pov:

When I reach the kitchen, I hurriedly finish washing the dishes. It's already nine o'clock. I'am thankful that Cley and Andrei are the last customer I need to served with.

After doing my job, I take off my uniform and change some comfy clothes. I just wear black T-shirt and ripped jeans with matching rubber shoes.

Well, I'm comfortable with it. Who cares about my outfit? I'm just a simple girl here, you know. No need to dressed up well. Just be simple as I am.

Mrs. Halder already left and she said that I'm in charge to close the restaurant. The chef and other staff already left. After I close the restaurant, I searched for Cley.

Where the hell is he? I decided to find him on the parking lot but there's no car left over there. What the heck? Where did he go? Is he making fun of me again? Don't he dare!

"Hello? Is someone over there?"

I heard a familiar voice somewhere. Wait a minute. Is it Cley? And why I heard his voice inside my head? Am I crazy?

"Berlyn, where are you? Did you hear me?" Oh! I'am right. It's Cley's voice. How did he do that?

"I'm trying to link with you. Did you hear me?" He said again.

Oh right! That's what we called link. It is another way of communication with other wolves most specially if normal human beings surrounds us, and we didn't want them to hear what were talking to.

It's a secret conversation between werewolves only. And I think I can link also coz I've already heard him. Wow, strong will, huh?

"Hey Cley, where are you?" I said through link. I tried my best for me to communicate with him. I just hope that I've do it properly so that he can hear me.

"You can link?" He said, feeling amused.

"I think so. I just try it now, and I think it's working. Thanks be to God. By the way where are you?" I said.

"I'm still here inside the restaurant." He said through link.

"What! What are you still doing there? I'm already here outside, did you know that? I've already close the restaurant. Wait a minute, I'll open it again." I said.

"I was in a comfort room when Andrei told me that he's going home first. And then when I'm about to get out, it's already close." I laughed.

"Good thing is I can link now. Coz if I'm not, I guess you're going to sleep over there." I said.

When I open the door, I saw him standing on a front door. Wearing that perfect smile on his face. Oh! This man really know how to melt my foolish heart.

I can't help myself looking at him. As he walk towards me, I've started to examine his physique as if I am a scientist while he is my specimen I'm examining under my microscope.

Honestly, his perfect. His black hair was slightly in a mess when it's being blow by the midnight wind. His brown sparkling eyes which intensely looking at me.

His perfectly pointed nose. Reddish kissable lips where a sweet smile formed. Oh, how does it feel to be kiss by him?

His slow motion moves. I thought the world suddenly stop at this moment. And I think my heart also stop beating for a little while which makes me hold my breath away.

He really takes my breath away. And that's what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid for what I'll be able to do just for him. Most of all, i'am afraid of myself coz I don't know how to handle this kind of feelings...

Cley's Pov:

As I walk towards her, I can't take off my eyes out of her face. I don't know why, but it feels like I'am under her spell that's why I can't resist her.

She's beautiful, no doubt about it. She has a perfect face I've ever seen in my entire life. She's the only one that makes me feel this way.

Makes me feel happy when she's around. Makes me feel sad when she's out of my sight. Makes me feel complete by just looking at her. And makes me feel incomplete when she's trying to ignore me.

And now that she's looking at me, the same way as how I look at her, I think I can't control myself this time.

I want to hold her, touch her delicate skin. Hug her. Kiss her.

"Don't you dare do that!"

She said with a dangerous look in her eyes.

"What?" I said, clueless.

"That silly thing you were thinking? Don't you dare if you don't want to get slap." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do I need to spell it out? You said that you want to hold me, touch me, hug and kiss me? What are you, a maniac?" She said.

"Did I said that out loud?"

I asked in confusion.i know I didn't. But how did she know about it?

"No. You didn't. But I heard it through out your mind. Wait a minute? How did I know what was your thinking?" She said.

What? Does it mean she can read my mind? Wow! That's impressive. No wolves can do that. Not even in our pack as far as I know.

"Oh my gosh! I can read your mind? But how?" She said.

She really does! She really know what I'm thinking.

"Berlyn, listen to me. I don't know either. This is the first time I've known about it. Even my dad and mom didn't have an ability like that." I said.

"Really? Wow, it looks like I'm extraordinary/supernatural huh? A psychic? Fortune teller? What else?" She said in disbelief.

"As far as I know, I'm just an omega. Nothing special about me just like what mom and dad said." She continued.

"Did you ask about that before? About which pack did you belong or about your ability?" I asked.

"Nope. I'm so young to ask about it. I'm just six years old when they passed away. Were being attacked by rogues. They both died, living me alone." She said with a doldrums in her eyes.

"I'm sorry about that." I said.

Seeing her like that, as if the heaven and earth was in her shoulder makes me feel bleak.

"It's okay. I'm used to it. I'm odd, you know." She said.

"Yeah, I know." We laughed in chorus.

She's really something. She makes me feel like I'm in a roller coaster ride. I know that this is the start of everything about us. And one thing is for sure. Even in our ups and down, I'll be there for her. No matter what...

Author's Note:

Well, well, well. Getting to know each other, huh? That's nice. It's the first based in every relationship, right? Of course you want to know him or her first before you go to the next level. Wow, expert lang si author sa ganyan? Well, slight lang. Hahaha.

Don't forget to vote, guys. Just click below and press vote and it's done. That simple. Haha..

Thank you so much, guys...

It's me,


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