An Unusual Mate

بواسطة TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... المزيد

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Fourteen

524 31 13
بواسطة TempestariiDragon

Edited - 05/01/2015

Chapter Fourteen

Later that day sometime in the evening and after I have grown bored of being in the library I finally make me and Loki emerge from it. I had been doing some fashion designing and Loki had been learning some more about Shifters.

As we pass a window I see a bright flash and I notice Loki immediately jumping in shock. I’m not too bothered about thunderstorms surprisingly unlike Thea who doesn’t particularly like them.

As I quicken my walking pace to head to the kitchen I notice Loki has frozen by the window.

I ask while turning to face him “You’re not scared of thunderstorms are you?”

Loki opens his mouth but whimpers slightly when the thunder sounds. Well that answers my question then.

Now being the nice person I truly am I grab Loki’s hand and pull him along the hallway not giving him a chance to be fearful of the storm and more fearful of where I’m dragging him.

After about five minutes of me dragging Loki around we end up in the kitchen. Not many people are in here which is surprising but the one person who I didn’t want to have in here with us is again in here. God dam Greta the God dam Cow! The others in here are Zoey, Gabriel, Jacob, Skye and Athena. Athena is currently cooking. If Athena is cooking then that means we’re having her infamous spicy chicken.

Loki flinches quite visibly as another thunderclap can be heard. I sigh and rub his back discretely as I try to calm him down. Loki jumps at my touch and looks at me with questioning eyes.

I roll my eyes at then leave him to claim a seat at the table. As I sit down Loki quickly sits beside me.

About half an hour later everyone piles in for dinner and Athena carefully dishes up the dinner of spicy chicken with potatoes and broccoli.

Just as I take a rather large bite out of the chicken Greta grumbles in question “Why is that thing allowed to sit at the table?”

Roxy replies in defence “I was asking myself the same thing. Why are you allowed to be sitting at the table Greta?”

I snort and have to cough to clear my airways of food as I begin to laugh.

Eventually I add on “Especially when you create such a mouldy smell Greta you should really have a shower or something the smell of death doesn’t suit you.”

Before Greta gets a chance to respond Morgan announces “Brooke have you made up the rota for when we leave for North Carolina on Thursday? Have you decided who’s coming along?”

I admit “I haven’t had a chance to make the rota up just yet what with me having to babysit sulky here but I know who I want to come with us.”

Loki grumbles “I do not sulk.”

I smile “Yes you do trouble.”

Loki huffs and goes back to eating.

Morgan asks “Who are you brining with us?”

I announce “Rocco, Jett and Raya.”

Greta huffs “I bet you don’t even have a reason for choosing them. Nora is stronger than Raya why not take her with you.”

Raya turns to Greta with her mouth open ready to argue but I beat her to it but explaining “No offense Raya but I agree that Nora is stronger which is why she needs to stay here. We can’t take all of the strongest Enforcers with us otherwise the clan territory would be at more of a risk while we are away. Jacob and Pierce work best as a team. I’ve chosen those who I’m taking very carefully. Each Enforcer is paired with another so that they cover their strengths and weaknesses.”

Greta asks “Then who pairs up within the people you’ve chosen?”

I admit “Rocco and Jett pair up and me and Raya pair up.”

That left Greta speechless for once. I smile and turn to look at Morgan.

I assure “I’ll make the rota when I’m next in my office.”

Morgan nods his head.

About half an hour later everyone has finished eating our food.

As people are slowly getting up to do stuff I take the chance to talk to Morgan, Roxy, Quinn and Aaron about the Loki joining the Clan situation.

I ask “Morgan, Roxy, Quinn and Aaron can I speak with you all about something in private please?”

Morgan nods and then announces “We’ll meet in my office in ten minutes so you have time to sort out Loki.”

I nod my head and watch as he and the others disappear out of the room. Isaac quickly comes over to me and begins to ask me about the Enforcer training.

Now because I wasn’t paying attention to both Greta and Loki, Greta decided that it was a brilliant time to start taunting Loki.

The next thing I hear is Loki yelling “GET OFF ME MORTAL HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!”

I quickly turn around to see what the fuck is going on. I see Loki has been pretty cornered in the corner of the room by Greta who is just lowering her hand. I look at Thea who is looking worried.

Greta snaps “You’re a worthless monster you poor excuse for a person. I’m surprised that you’re still alive but now that I’m here you better sleep with one eye open.”

Loki growls dangerously “You do not know who you speak to. I could end your pathetic excuse of a life in mere seconds and I’m betting no one here would even shed a single tear.”

Greta smirks cruelly “I know who I speak to. I speak to a heartless monster. How can you sleep at night knowing you killed so many innocent people? I bet that Odin person was glad to be rid of you. I bet he thinks you’re a disgrace to his name. I bet he thinks you’re a monster as well.”

Loki looks stunned and I notice that his eyes have begun to water slightly. Then I notice something else entirely. One of his hands has begun to change colour. It’s now turning blue. What the fuck!

I exclaim “Loki! Your hand!”

Loki looks over at me and I stare at him in confusion as his face begins to change as well. Loki then looks at his hand and his eyes widen. He pushes past Greta and runs out of the room before I can do anything about it.

I yell “LOKI!”

Loki doesn’t respond or come back. My Snow Leopard wants me to go after him. She feels rather protective of him at this second.

I order “Rocco trail him find out where he’s gone. I have to see Morgan.”

Rocco nods and quickly follows after Loki.

I turn to Greta who is looking proud of herself. My Snow Leopard protectiveness of Loki kicks into me and I feel like I must defend him.

I snap “How dare you Greta. I’ve never known you to steep so low.”

Greta rolls her eyes and retorts “I don’t see how it affects you.”

I growl “He is my responsibility Greta. Like it or not Greta, Loki is here and he is here to stay.”

Greta smirks “But he isn’t an official member of the clan.”

Not yet anyway. Stupid cow.

I snarl “It doesn’t matter Greta. He is here and therefore under the protection of the Clan. As a threat to his safety Greta I am well in my rights to order your removal from the Clan after all you aren’t an official member of this Clan either.”

Greta huffs and crosses her arms.

I announce “Now if anyone needs me I’ll be in Morgan’s office.”

About two minutes later I’m in Morgan’s office.

Morgan asks getting straight to the point “What is it that you wish to talk to us about?”

I admit “I want to propose that we induct Loki into the Clan fully.”

Morgan asks “How much does he know about us? Can he even change to an animal?”

I notify “He’s been learning about Shifters using the book in the Library as his guide as well as me. I’ve been allowing him to ask questions and I would answer them. Do not worry none of the questions he asked were in any way threatening. He is able to change into a black Leopard. I’ll be training him to change abit more smoothly so that he appears to be a Shifter.”

Roxy smiles “I agree with Brooke. It would be best for him to be inducted into the Clan fully.”

Quinn adds “Especially as he doesn’t seem to be plotting against us. It also might get him to open up abit.”

Aaron asks “Has he shown any interest in becoming a full member of the Clan?”

I admit “Yes he has.”

Aaron asks “Does he know what you’re asking now?”

I notify “No he has no idea. I would have told him but Greta was up to her tricks again. He ran out before I got the chance to talk to him. I sent Rocco after him though so he isn’t unattended.”

Roxy asks “What did that fucking cow do now?”

I notify “I don’t know exactly what started it because I was talking to Isaac but from what I saw Greta had him cornered and took her chance to be rather harsh. He has a thing with being called a monster. I haven’t been able to get any details on it but I don’t think it’s just to do with his attack on Manhattan.”

Roxy growls “Morgan you have to sort her out. It’s unacceptable.”

Morgan sighs “I’ll give her a warning that if I hear of her doing something like this again then she’s out.”

I admit “I’ve already given her a warning myself but since she doesn’t really respect my authority I doubt she’ll care about my warning.”

Morgan thinks for a moment then announces “We’ll see how he behaves over the time we’re in North Carolina and when we get back I’ll assess him. If he passes then he can be inducted into the Clan. Does everyone agree?”

I smile “I agree.”

Roxy smiles “Agreed but Greta must be dealt with.”

Quinn notifies “I agree as well. We should give Loki a chance to prove himself.”

Aaron notifies “Agreed.”

Morgan announces “Alright then we will wait until after our trip and then I’ll assess him. I’ll be keeping more of an eye on him over the trip Brooke.”

I nod my head while commenting “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I won’t tell him any of this I case he decides to act differently.”

Morgan nods then announces “Alright meeting adjourned until after the trip and assessment.”

I nod and head out of the office quickly while fishing my phone out of my pocket. I ring Rocco to get an update on Loki.

After a few rings Rocco picks up and notifies “He’s locked himself in his room and won’t let me in.”

I sigh then order “Wait there I’m on my way up.”

Rocco replies “Okay I’ll see you in a minute.”

I end the call and quickly walk up to Loki’s room. Rocco is lent up against the wall next to the door.

As Rocco see’s me he calls “Loki Brooke is here.”

I don’t hear a reply from Loki from inside the room.

I smile “Thank you Rocco I’ll take over from here.”

Rocco smiles as he walks away “Good luck.”

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