I'm Sorry Alpha

By lilmc87

12.3K 313 65

Her entire world is turned upside down in the matter of days. Her parents are getting divorced, her mother ra... More

Sorry Alpha
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 27

304 9 1
By lilmc87

Chapter 27

Samantha's POV

When I woke up I realized my wolf still had control, but I was still cold, hungry and sore. Something had to change soon because I was too weak to do anything by lie there. I attempted to try and change back to my human form but Odella stopped me, telling me we were safer in wolf form even in our weakened state. I had no room to argue as she was completely right but I felt weird to be living as a wolf instead of a human.

I was so hungry that I was close to begging for food, I hadn't eaten anything in probably abut 3-4 days and they had only given me enough water to survive. It wasn't till later in the day Lucas made a surprise appearance I shuddered in fear when I saw him. My wolf on the other hand let out a low warning growl.

"Calm yourself wolfie, it must be your lucky day I just got off the phone with the Council....it seems they would like you returned...healthy. Since we both know you are far from healthy I bought myself a week so you are going to listen and listen well. I am going to move you to a room in the pack house, you are going to be locked in and guarded. You are going to shift to your human form and take a shower, eat the meals provided to you and let the pack doctor tend to your wounds like a good little girl. Do you understand?" he said and I just let out a growl, it sounds to good to be true and I would not return to human form unless Odella deemed it safe and there was a fat chance at that.

"Guards! Please escort Miss York here to her new room and if she refuses to shift before she leaves this cell then take her outside for a nice shower with the cold hose water then bring her to the room." He said to the guards and then turned to me, "You may think you are finally going to be free but you aren't leaving here without my pup in your belly so they have no choice but to return you to me. I will have my Alpha Heir and you will provide him."

I felt fear settle in my stomach, I knew this was too good to be true. I would not be getting back to Gavin as easily as it had sounded, the Council had no idea how twisted Lucas actually was. I would do whatever I had to find a way to get out of here and let them know just how disgusting and unworthy he was of his title if it was the last thing I did. I refused to die here, I needed to see Gavin again, Denver, my mom.... I needed to survive this.

After Lucas left the guards came and unlocked my cells and asked me to shift, thank god they were a lot nicer than Lucas they actually almost seemed to feel bad for how I was treated. When I refused to shift, they let out long sighs and put my on a leash which took a few minutes since I kept snapping at their hands trying to bite them. Once I was leashed, they led me upstairs and outside and turned on the hose, once the water hit my fur, I barked out in surprise with how cold it was but I really shouldn't have expected any less. They at least tried to keep it short since they knew the water and the air were both cold and then threw a towel over me and rubbed me till I was dry enough to enter the house. As we walked through the pack house I received looks of both shock and awe, shock from my deteriorating condition and awe because of my white wolf. I tried to ignore the other members of the pack because not one of them looked like they were willing to help me which in my eyes made them weak.

Once they reached the room I would now be staying in they pushed me inside and I could hear the key in the lock that would lock me in here.

'We need a game plan' I told Odella my wolf.

'We get a least a good night's rest and enough food to get up our strength and the moment we find an opening to escape we take it. I am not carrying that monsters' pup, I'd rather die.' She growled out.

'I'm with you on that one, so let's get some rest and then look for a way to escape.'

'Ok Sam, but first go take a warm human shower. I will let you shift back long enough to take one but if I hear anyone enter this room, I will take over again.'

'oh my god, that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while, a warm shower in my own body.' I said with a chuckle and she let me take my human form. I quickly rushed into the bathroom locking the door behind me to give Odella a chance to shift if she had to. I turned on the water and made it hot and steamy and got in and washed my hair and body quickly not wanting to take any chances. I had to be extra careful of the cuts on my back from the whips, they still weren't healing well, and I knew at this point they were going to leave some scars, at least the deep ones would.

As I got out of the shower, I dried off quickly and brushed my hair before unlocking the bathroom and opening it. One the door was open I let Odella shift and take control again, I was not taking a chance with Lucas's crazy idea that I would carry his heir. If I ever became pregnant with his pup I could never live with myself...

I heard a knock at the door and I hid behind the bed only peeking out enough to see who it was. I saw one of the guards step in and a woman walk in behind him.

"Samantha this is one of the pack doctors, she is going to tend to your wounds and give you medicine. I will stay and chaperone to make sure you do not harm her in an attempt to escape." The guard stated and I growled at him.

"Can you shift for me Samantha?" The pack doctor said as she stepped closer." I growled in response and she just shrugged and let out a long sigh. After a minute of her going through the back she had brought with her she patted the bed for me to jump up so she could take a look at me. She did a routine physical and sighed and shook her head in disgust every few minutes. She finally turned to look at the guard standing there watching.

"I need you to go get her food and water right away, I will be fine with her. You don't plan on attacking me do you Samantha?" She asked, and I shook my head no and the guard looked uneasy.

"Go ahead, lock the door when you leave, we'll be fine but if she doesn't get some nutrients soon she'll be dead and I'm pretty sure the Alpha said to make sure she is alive and well." She demanded forcefully and the guard took off like he had been scolded by his mother. She looked back at me sadly and whispered, "He's a monster for doing this to you, the moon goddess will never forgive him for hurting one of her precious white wolves. I'm sure no one has actually explained the importance of your white wolf?" I shook my head at her and was surprised there was actually a reason for my wolf besides being rare.

"White wolves are the moon goddess chosen, you are her most sacred and beloved wolves. You are stronger and live longer than most wolves. I'm pretty sure if you weren't a white wolf you would be dead by now. He wonders why his child is not an Alpha... you don't treat the moon goddess chosen like this and get away with it. She may be a loving and forgiving goddess but only to a point." The doctor explained, and she put creams and ointments on different cuts on my body. She whispered under her breath that there was no way she would be able to get me to be anywhere near healthy in a week, still living yes but not healthy...

The Doctor came back twice a day for the next two days right after Lucas came to see if I had shifted or not. He even asked the doctor if there was any medicine, she could give me that would force the shift. She told him no and even if there was the instant unnecessary medication entered my blood stream it would probably kill me in my condition. Once he left, she looked at me sadly and whispered just for me to here, "We have to get you out of here, he is trying to buy more time with the Council he insists he needs to impregnate you and wants me to test you to see if your fertile. Even if you were fertile right now your body would end the pregnancy due to your health, but it wouldn't stop him from trying..." She seemed thoughtful for a few minutes as she tended to my wounds which finally were starting to try and heal.

"I'm going to leave a few syringes with sedatives in the drawer next to the bed. Tonight at 11:00pm the guards change shifts everywhere in the pack, Before that time you need to shift into your human form call the guard in here and sedate him. Bring the other syringes with you somehow but change back into your wolf. The west perimeter is the weakest from 11:00pm-11:30pm, the guards over there like to chat and have a snack before they start their perimeter checks, head there first and don't stop. Do not stop till you enter the next territory and ask for Alpha Worth. I will call ahead and explain to him why a rouge is entering the territory. Once you're there the rest is up to you." She explained, and my wolf leaned forward and locked her hand in thanks even though we were both confused at why she was helping us.

"The moon goddess would never forgive me if I sat back and let this happen to you." She explained, she must have noticed I was confused about why she was helping me. She got up and quietly put the syringes in the drawer and then knocked for the guard to let her out, before she left, she turned and mouthed "good luck" and then left. The guard didn't even bother to glance at me and I went about pacing the room watching the clock, this would be my only chance at getting out. If I didn't succeed, he would probably rape or kill me, depending on how enraged his wolf became.

Once the clock struck 10:57pm I quickly shifted to my human form taped the additional syringes to a shirt with the heavy-duty medical tape she left behind and quickly threw on a loose t-shirt and then yelled out for help at exactly 11:00pm. The guard came huffing into the room in a panic, but I was waiting by the door and stuck the syringe right into his neck. He quickly dropped to the floor and I took off running. I knew I would have to stay in human form till I exited the house due to the doors I couldn't open with my paws. As soon as the fresh air greeted me, I instantly shifted and grabbed the shirt in my mouth with syringes and quickly made my way to the west border of the territory. She was right about the guards not being prepared during the shift change but I wasn't taking chances. I heard two guard walking and talking about video games, I knew I could make it past them without them catching me but I didn't want them alerting the rest of the pack, so I shifted behind a tree, uncovered two syringes and darted out and quickly stuck them both in the neck. As they dropped to the forest floor I shifted and ran. This time I didn't stop running.

I was exhausted, and my body wanted to just give up and pass out but my wolf and I knew this was our only chance and if we didn't take it we would never see Gavin, Denver or my mother again so we pushed on with everything we had. As soon as I felt myself cross the border of Lucas's territory, I let out a bark of victory. I knew I wasn't safe yet, I had to make it into Alpha Worth's territory before I could guarantee I was somewhat safe from Lucas. It was another 20minutes before I felt myself enter another territory and I prayed it was the right one because I didn't have the energy to keep running.

"Just keep going, don't fail me now Odella." I chanted to my wolf and she kept running but she was just as weak as I was so when I heard and smelled other wolves closing in on me, I almost smiled with relief. I halted my running as they approached, and I crouched down showing my neck to show the I was submissive, but I knew my rouge scent would make their wolves angry even if they were told to expect me.

"Is this Alpha Worth's Territory?" I mind linked to them hoping for a response before I passed out, black dots already clouding my vision.

"Yes, what is your name rouge?" One of them linked back with authority and I was pretty sure he was the Beta.

"Samantha York..." I whispered as I passed out, my face falling into the dirt ungracefully.

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