Hit Me With Your Best Shot

By CenasGirlForever44

120K 2.1K 266

John is the most wanted guy in the WWE and that's how he gets away with dating any girl he wants but what hap... More

Welcome To WWE
You Dont Say !
Tape ❤️
Dont Go Breaking My ❤️
What Happens Tonight ❤️
Morning After ❤️
Sneaking Around ❤️
You & Only You ❤️
You And Me ❤️
Beautiful Soul ! ❤️
Never Cared
Might Be In Love ❤️
Could I Be In Love Too ? ❤️
I Love You
When You Were My Man ❤️
Last Night ❤️
Broken Heart ❤️
Leave Me Alone
Wait For Me ❤️
My Everything ! ❤️
Pleasant Surprise ❤️
Cheating ❤️
Now You ?
Old Flames ❤️
This Means War ❤️
Nikki Fights Back ❤️
I Wish I Could Forget
Surprise Her ❤️
Wrong Place Wrong Time ❤️ !
Let The Rain Fall !
Goodbye ❤️
You Two Dated ? ❤️
Always Have Always Will ❤️
Champions ❤️
Remember ❤️
Key To My Heart ❤️
The Nightmare ! ❤️
Whats Wrong With Me
Without Thinking ❤️
I Know You ? ❤️
Kiss Me You Fool ❤️
Just A Dream ❤️

May Never Know ❤️

1.6K 38 6
By CenasGirlForever44

Johns Pov

I know that Nicole probably hates me right now especially after what I said to her but as much as I hated seeing her happy with another man I hates even more that fact that she was sad over one ! So when she left the restaurant I knew she needed me so I got up and followed her I drove around thinking maybe I could find her but no I didn't so I decided to pull over and call her maybe she will answer the phone and tell me where she is I just have to remember to stay calms and be kind to her !

Nikki: Hello

John: Hey where are you ?

Nikki: Why do you care ?

John: I just want to be able to help you are you okay ?

There was silence then all John could hear was Nikki crying and this sound of the ocean !

John: Nicole please answer me !

Nikki: I'm not okay I need help...... I need......

John: Where are you ?

Nikki: I'm at the pier !

John: I'll be right there !

Nikki: Okay

They hung up and Nikki just starts to cry and look out into the ocean !

20 minutes later John arrives and finds Nicole sitting at the very end with her legs dangling over the pier

John: Hi !

Nikki turned around smiles weakly then turned back to watch the ocean !

John: So I know this may not help right now but that move you did tonight it was amazing !

Nikki: Thank you !

John: You know of you just want to sit here in silence I can do that I mean I can put my phone on vibrate and play candy crush !

Nikki couldn't help but laugh at that he alway did know how to make her smile !

Nikki: It's just that I don't know........

John: What is it

Nikki: I just want of know why !

John: Why what ?

Nikki: Why does it still hurt ? Why am I still suffering from pain of a man that lied to me who kept secrets from me who probably cheated on me since we were in 9th grade ! And most importantly why does my heart still skip a beat when I hear his name

She said crying into her hands ! And John just gets closer to her and hugs her !

John: You have said so yourself a woman's heart is a complex son of a bitch ! Haha but to better quote our favorite movie !

A woman's heart is as deep as the ocean ! Many secrets lie beneath !

Nikki looks up at him and smiles then looks back out to the water !

Nikki: I just wish I didn't feel this way I wish I could just move on from this I mean it's been what 4 ,5 years why is it so hard to accept the fact that what's done is done there's nothing I could possibly do about it !

John: I can honestly say I don't know ! I'm sorry Nicole but I don't know you tried to make peace with it but that obviously didn't work so maybe you need to stay mad maybe you need to hate him for a while because you never were really mad at what you discovered yes you were mean to his family well the ones who were being mean to you but you never just sat there and said you hate him maybe that's what you need !

Nikki just looked at him and then began to cry he wrapped he arms around her while she just cuddled closer to him ! He then feels something next to her and he grabs it and just looks at her !!

Nikki: This is why I needed help when he died I use to drink way past the point where I wouldn't remember the night before and I didn't like the person I was becoming I didn't like the person I saw when I would looked in the mirror I promised that I would never drink when I was sad and when I got here I somehow realized that before getting here I bought this bottle and it's so tempting but I can't be that person again I can't loose my self again !

John: Here give me the bottle !

Nikki hands it to him !

John: If you don't mind I'm going to dump it ?

Nikki: Go for it !

She watches as he dumps it all then gets up !

Nikki: John ?

John: Yeah ?

Nikki: Why did you come help me I mean you left Kelly with David, Brie, and Randy alone at the restaurant just to come help the woman who is just as bad as your ex wife ?

John: I'm sorry I said that and because as much as I hate seeing you happy ! It kills me to see you dying inside over someone who isn't even worth it well in my eyes !

Nikki: Well thank you for coming it means a lot to me

John: Anytime !

Nikki: Now are you going to be nice and give me a ride back to the hotel or a jerk and make me call a cab ?

John: If I can get a kiss I'll give you a ride !

Nikki: I rather call a cab

She said as she started to walk away but he pulled her back and pulled her up against his body ! While their faces met

John: You sure about that ?

Nikki: No

She said as she smiled and crashed her lips into his as he warped his arms around her waist and hers around his neck !

John: So I guess this means.......

Nikki: Means I kissed you now you have to give me a ride back !

She said as she walked away and he followed !

At the hotel

Nikki: Can you go in first I don't feel like explaining anything right now !

John: Yeah

He walks in and sees that Randy and Brie are asleep she signal Nikki that it's okay to come in and she does

John: So that kiss...

Nikki: What about it ?

John: I know you didn't kiss me because you needed a ride

Nikki: Have you ever seen the tootsie roll commercial you know the the kid and the owl ?

John: Yeah ?

Nikki: Well Mr. Cena I may have kissed you because I needed a ride or maybe I just gave into desire and lust

She said as she got closer to him John then pulls her in wrapping his arms around her

John: Is that so ?

Nikki: Yes ! No ! Maybe ! The world may never know

She whispered into his ear while blowing it a little then pulled away and walks away ! When she came back into the room John pulled her in for a kiss and she quickly gave in and started kissing back he pushed her on the bed and made love through the night !

Johns Pov

I woke up the next morning and I was expecting to see Nicole but she was gone and so were her things.......

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