Insanity's Circulation

Oleh Pastanerd23

13.5K 447 213

After putting up with everything for so long, America and Canada have finally reached their breaking point. T... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (kinda long)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Notes and crap

Chapter 6

1K 31 12
Oleh Pastanerd23

America finished wrapping his arm up and laid back down in bed. Just looking out the window at the dark cloud rolling in.

"Looks like it's gonna rain soon..." he said to himself. America had developed a love for dark and rainy days. Of course he liked other weather, but rain he liked the most. Especially thunder storms. Just as he thought about it, he saw the sky light up for a split second followed by a low rumbling sound. A small smiled formed on his face at this. Just then, he heard the front door swing open and hit the wall. America assumed It was Canada, he's the only person who comes to his house. Although why walk in so aggressively? He sighed and walked downstairs to in fact, see Canada leaning up against a wall.

"Hey dude you alright? You look uh... A bit salty..."

"Just so you know, everyone still talks shit about you even when you're not there."

"I already guessed that." America replied dully. His arm was killing him, not just because it was still sore, but because the spot where it got cut itched really bad. So he just scratched the area around it to prevent further damage. Luckily he was wearing long sleeves so Canada didn't notice.

"Although I did get a reason to punch Russia! That felt nice." he said happily.

"That's epic. What was the reason?"

"Well I gave this whole speech to defend you, and Russia thought that I was you. So I punched him in the stomach." when Canada said this, America frowned and crossed his arms.

"You didn't have to stand up for me. People may just make fun of you too..." he said while looking at the floor.

"Just out of curiosity... What were they saying?"

"The big topic today was how you apparently never help them when they need it. And said how you basically should have just ignored Japan's attack in the second world war and went straight to Europe. They see it as you leaving them behind." as Canada explained, he could see America's eyes start to twitch slightly. This concerned him, for only one reason. He didn't want him to snap due to all this. Canada knew that he somehow had to make this stop, before somebody got hurt. America had also taken notice that Canada was started to act iffy in terms of sanity as well. He's tried to do something about it, but people either had no idea who he was talking about, or they just brush it off because it was coming out of his mouth.

"In case you wanna know. France and England said some stuff as well." when Canada announced this, the look on America's face was devastating. To him, France and England were close as family. They were the only people (besides Canada) who didn't slam him with insults and abuse him like the others did. Or so it seemed.

"T-They did huh?" he asked quietly with sadness and shame in his voice. Canada just nodded, feeling his heart shatter at the sight of America like this. He knew exactly what was going through his head as well.

America's pov
How could they do this to me...? Even though they never stepped in, I thought that they at least didn't have anything bad they wanted to say about me. Although something crossed my mind, why did Canada come to tell me this? When I ask, he said I had a right to know. I'm kinda glad he did actually. I'd rather hear the truth than be lied to. Be lied to? Could those two have been doing this when I wasn't around? This was the only day that Canada went instead of me, and they were some of the very few people who knew who he was. So it's not like they thought he was me... They could have been doing this for years. All while acting like they cared!

Overcome with emotions, I broke and fell to the floor sobbing. Canada sat down and wrapped his arms around me. I felt like I should push him off, but I didn't  want to. I must not have spoken for at least five minutes. It's just been crying and sounds of me trying to breath right. All of a sudden, a wave of rage wash over me, I reached my hand up and scratched the still healing scab on my head where it got cut a few day prior. I went completely silent when I saw the blood start to drip on the floor. I heard Canada mutter something, but I didn't listen. I loosely swung my arm at him and pushed him away.

"A-Alfred... What's wrong?" he asked nervously. I look at my now red fingers, and slowly licked the blood off them. It tasted bitter and metallic, but was oddly satisfying to do as well. I guess part of me knew how fucked up it was, but I didn't care. All I knew at the moment, was that I was going to end this myself. One way or another.

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