Paranoia // Third Book To The...

By DeathInspiresMe_

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After Archie got arrested the town of Riverdale went to shit. Pasts are dug up. Relationships tore apart. And... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Ask The Characters!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 25

4.7K 106 79
By DeathInspiresMe_

  Jug and I hope down into the bunker to see Sweet Pea and Fangs pacing nervously. Since we had been there last it had been scrubbed down and that blood could no longer be seen on the ground. "Sweet Pea, Fangs, why'd you guys bring me down here?" Jug asks getting annoyed, "You know I'm on a case."

"I heard the Gargoyle Gang is riled up," Fangs says harshly, "They're looking for Tall Boy. And as long as his body's down here, it's a ticking time bomb!"

"Yeah, well, it's too hot to move him right now," Jug says shutting him down. Sweet Pea sighs loudly.  "Hey! Let's not lose our heads, okay? Fangs, I need you to stay here with Tall Boy, and I need you to lock this place up. I'm serious."

"But Sweet Pea we need a favour from you," I say to him, "so we need you to tail someone. Hermione Lodge. Keep your eye on her, but keep your distance. The Lodges have a habit of shooting first asking questions later."

"Fine," Sweet Pea says as he looks to Jug, "But there is nothing else we can do with the body?"

"Nothing for now," Jug says, "the forest is crawling with people as of late. Any move with it will draw lots of unwanted attention and plenty of people who want to shift some blame."

"Lets go Jug," I say to him, "we have to meet someone." He nods and we both head out. If for nothing than to compare investigations we invited Betty to check this lady out. She was looking into Claudius Blossom's suspicious death. Since he and Hiram worked so closely we have a hunch that maybe the blonde might now something about Claudius.

We meet her at the five seasons. Jug places him self between her and I as if to state 'she's mine'. His fingers lace with mine and I sigh.

"So, who's this blonde bombshell that you're tracking?" Betty asks us.

"Hiram's mistress," Jug says, "He broke things off with her, so she may want revenge."

"But i think it's deeper than that," I tell her, "pinning it on the mistress is so pointless."

"Well The concierge tipped me off about this floor," Jug says as we aimlessly circle the halls, "but I wish they'd given me a room number." I see a door a little down the hall and make my way towards it. The peep hole had red over it to separate it from the other doors along with a weird design. A room number seems to be missing.

"Well, maybe there was no room number to give," I say to Jug, "I think this is it."

"Perfect," He says chuckling slightly. I lean against the door and feel Betty's heavy look on me. Jug steps between us again, he knocks then looks to Betty.

"You are only here cause we think it will help you too," Jug says, "But I'd hold off on any flirting with my girlfriend. Got it?"

"Jug," I say carefully, "this isn't the time."

"Listen I'm only here for the investigation," She says to both of us, "i didn't mean to mess anything up between you whether you believe it or not."

"How is your investigation?" I ask changing the subject. She sighs loudly.

"My investigation's on hold until I hear back from Dr. Curdle Jr," she informs us, "Turns out there was no autopsy on Claudius. Penelope had him cremated before be could perform one. But I'm hoping that there's something in Clifford Blossom's autopsy report."

"Sounds about right for Penelope," I sigh.

"No one's home," Betty says, "Let's move on."

"Would Bogart move on?" Jug asks us. We smirk. "Let's just give it a try." He moves to open the door and it opens with ease. No lock no real block against anything.

"What kind of hotel room is unlocked?" Betty asks.

"The one that isn't a actual room," I say as we walk inside. Soft sultry French music fills the room. Women in lingerie with whips surround us. "This is something I didn't expect to see."

"And now, apparently, there's a not-so-secret sex club in Riverdale," Betty says. I shut the door behind us. Jug's grip on my hand tightens. I see a man with a woman as feeds him grapes in the room beside us. I lead us in as he moans loudly.

"Ew what the fuck?" I ask.

"Excuse me," Jug says harshly. The man stands and runs off while the girl groans looking over at us.  "What is this place?"

"It's the Maple Club," She says, "A safe place, as long as you know the safe word."

"Yeah no im not dealing with this any longer," I say cutting the interaction short. I grab the pictures and show the blonde to this woman. "Have you seen this woman? She ever come in here?" She scoffs loudly.

"You just scared off one of my clients," she says harshly.

"Jug," I growl. Threatening violent action with my anger. He hands he some cash as I push the picture closer to her.

"She doesn't work here, but I see her around," the woman says, "Try room 311."

"Laura, why did Mr. Arklight leave in such a rush?" We hear a woman say as she rushes towards us. Low and behold it's god damn Penelope Blossom. "What are you three doing here? You know this is a private club. Get out."

"You mean a brothel?" I ask slightly amused, "i mean damn Penelope get that side hustle tho."

"Does the new Sheriff know that there's a red light district in Riverdale?" Jug asks her. She sighs and pulls us to her desk and sits us down.

"My time is costly, children, so what do you want?" Penelope says. I sigh loudly.

"I knew you were an escort, Auntie, but now you're exploiting other women?" Betty asks slightly harshly.

"These women aren't victims, Betty," Penelope says smirking lightly, "At the Maple Club, it is the men who suffer. We specialize in domination." She looks to Jug, who looks over at me in a nervous 'help me' kind of way.

"Kinky," I say, "But i can't help to wonder how volunteer it actually is for these ladies."

"These ladies are making enough to start new lives," Penelope says.

"Oh, please, you are only helping yourself," Betty says obviously getting annoyed.

"And why shouldn't I?" She asks us, "No one else ever has. When I was eight years old, I was plucked from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy by the Blossom family."

"Is that why you poisoned the Sisters, because they sold you to the Blossoms?" Jug asks her.

"I didn't kill those nuns, and anyway, it was the so-called Monsignor who sold me, not the Sisters," Penelope says.

"Fine, you didn't kill the fake nuns," I say to her, "but Did you kill Claudius?"

"He committed suicide, so I was told," She says looking away slightly.

"It's pretty convenient, don't you think?" Jug asks.

"Either way, I was right here when the poor man died," Penelope says, "Ask any of my girls."

"We'll let you get back to- that- common on you two," I say standing up, "we don't want to beat a dead horse." They follow me out the door and I can't help but laugh. "What the actual fuck is this town?"

"Fun fact of the day, Penelope's the Madam of a kink club," Jug says soho toy taken back.

"Yeah, her sob story doesn't change the fact that she's a stone-cold murderer," Betty says as her phone goes off. "It's Curdle. Maybe he tracked down Clifford's autopsy report? Well I guess I'll head out. See you two."

"Bye Betty," I say to her. She walks off leaving Jug and I alone. "Let's try 311. It's been a while since I broke into anything."

"Well then let's go," Jug says. His fingers lace with mine as we make our way through the halls to the room. I catch sight of 311 and pull us towards it. I use a card from my wallet to pick the lock. I push open the door to see it was empty. We skim through everything along. Papers, brief cases, anything in the room was fair gain. Giving us everything we could hope for and more. I see Jug pick up a fancy ugly jewel encrusted fake egg.

"What are you doing in my room?" We hear someone ask. We look over to see the girl from the photos holding a gun. I reach for my pocket and pull my knife out.

"That's a good question," Jug asks, "Here's another one. Why's a water inspector carrying a gun?" She cocks the gun.

"Cute Of you to think I can't hold my own in this," I say to her.

"No no, we only want to talk, Ms. Mulwray," Jug says using the name off of the documents.

"Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?" She asks harshly.

"It's a Glamerge egg, right?" Jug says holding it up. Hoping to use it as a pawn. "If you shoot me or her. I'll drop it." The two of us lower our weapons but keep them out.

"I've seen these before," I say to her, "pretty pricey.  Hiram Lodge likes to give them out as gifts, or maybe, in your case, payment?"

"And it costs more than you two will make in a lifetime," she says harshly raising the gun back up, "So, put it down before you break it."

"Based on the things we've found in your room, here's what We know about you," Jug says as he carefully juggles the egg, "You're a Health and Sanitation Inspector. That must pay quite a bit if you can afford a place at the Five Seasons."

"Unless Hiram put you up," I say to her, "seems he's doing that a lot lately."

"But I'm no kept woman," She says, "I do a job, I get paid for it."

"The report says that you were sent to investigate Riverdale's water supply," Jug says to her, "specifically Sweetwater River and the reservoir."

"Why?" I ask her, "and we better like your answer."

"Young women in town were having seizures," She tells us, "I was sent in to help."

"Brought in by Hiram Lodge. He also make you write that letter to Governor Dooley, advising him to support a town-wide quarantine?" Jug asks.

"You Can probably see the confusion here," I say to her, "Because the letter says that the water is dirty but the report says the water is clean. So which time did you lie?"

"You know what? Break the egg if you want, I don't care," She says to us, "Just get out of my room before I call hotel security."

"Fine Fine," I say to her as he tosses her the egg back, "lets leave her be." He looks over at me then reluctantly leaves the room with me. Once the door shuts behind us he looks over at me in disbelief.

"Why was Hiram faking water test reports? What was he hiding?" He asks me, "And what did any of this have to do with who shot him?"

"Maybe the water has something to do with the drugs," I tell him, "maybe there was something there. A line that we aren't connecting." His phone rings loudly. He answers is and sigh.

"Yeah?" Jug asks the person on the other line.

"Who is it?" I ask him. He mouths 'Sweet Pea' curiously I move towards him to hear the other line.

"I followed Hermione Lodge like you asked," I hear Sweet Pea say, "You better get out here." He tells Jug the address and immediately we switch our course over to the location. Sweet Pea meets us a little bit away from the spot.

"Stay down and keep quiet," Sweet Pea tells us. We comply and lay low to not call attention to us sneaking around the cabin. He takes us to a window not covered in a curtain.

We see a man with Hermione. Dark, fit, slender. Something about him is so familiar.

"Is that..." Jug starts. The man with closed eyes tilts his head to the window giving us a clearer view of him. My eyes go wide. "That can't be-"

"Minetta?" I ask completely confused now, "seems like Hiram's not the one having the affair."

"Sheriff Minetta's alive?" Jug asks looking back to Sweet Pea Who nods. "I thought he was decapitated."

"And with nothing left to identify the body," I say, "well at least with out an autopsy. He's supposed to be dead."

"He's very much alive," Sweet Pea says, "From the sounds of it, he and Hermione Lodge have been having an affair for months."

"Wait, listen!" Jug says as Hermione starts to talk. The three of us go silent. Through the thin walls we can hear her words.

"There's too many people asking questions, which means our little outstanding problem, you need to take care of tonight," Hermione says, "I've cleared the decks. And use your old Sheriff's gun. Then all signs will point to FP." He looks back to us.

"They're talking about framing my dad," Jug whispers.

"For what?" Sweet Pea asks.

"I'll have to figure it out and warn him," Jug says, "come on Y/n."

"Thanks for helping us Sweet Pea," I say as I hang back for a second. He smiles weakly. I send one back before I rush off with Jug. We have to warn FP, and we have to do it know. Our first stop tho is the corners office. We rush in slamming doors.

"Junior we have a bone to pick!" I yell as we rush in.

"A week ago, the torso of a Michael Minetta was found, without its head and hands," Jug says as he shoves cash into Curdle's hands. "Except it wasn't Sheriff Minetta, because I just saw him. He's very much alive."

"Oh, my," Curdle says trying to pretend that he's not guilty here, "Someone must've made a grave mistake."

"Oh fuck off with that bullshit," I say harshly, "cut to the chase and tell us already.  Who asked you to fake Minetta's death?"

"Hermione Lodge," He says hesitantly. And with those words we rush off to warn FP.

"Dad, we need to talk to you," Jug says as he and I run into the dark Sheriff's office.

"There's something at the hospital," He says moving past us. I stand in front of the door blocking his path.

"No, you can't go there," I tell him, "It's a trap. A set-up! Do you wanna be framed for murder again?" He looks to his son for an explanation.

"Hermione and Minetta Dad," Jug says, "he's alive. The two of them plotted together to kill Hiram Lodge."

"What?" FP asks taking a step away from me and the door.

"Yes," Jug says, "They're going to finish the job tonight and pin it on you."

"Minetta's alive?" FP asks.

"Dad, there's a lot that you need to know. We just got back from the coroner's office," Jug informs his father, "After we saw Minetta with Hermione up at some secret love shack up north. He confirmed he was paid to say it was Minetta."

"FP we heard them talking about setting you up," I tell his father, "they sounded pretty dead set on doing so."

"She's going to try and put Hiram's shooting on you," Jug says, "You need to arrest them."

"I can't do that," FP says as he rubs his temples.

"Yeah, you can, you're the Sheriff," Jug says.

"That is literally your job," I say to FP, "you have that power."

"Yeah And They've clearly been trying to murder Hiram Lodge," Jug says.

"Not that I blame them myself," I say, "But for your safety you need to do something now. They attempted murder."

"No No, they didn't," FP says. He scoffs as Jug and I are left in desperate silence. "I shot Hiram."

"What?" Jug asks as my eyes go wide.

"Hermione came to me," He spills, "She wanted it done, and I I wanted revenge. Do you really think I forgot about Riot Night, when that son of a bitch came this close to getting you killed? I've been biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity."

"But if you and Hermione tried to kill Hiram, why would she appoint you Sheriff?" Jug asks.

"Payment," I say for FP, "is that right?"

"Yeah. It was my payment," FP says, "And I was naive enough to think the office of the sheriff would protect me in case Hermione got an itch to double-cross me. Guess I was wrong."

"Well, I guess it's lucky that you have us in your corner," Jug says, "I have a confession to make about Tall Boy." FP scoffs loudly, "Maybe there's a way that I can solve both of our problems. But we'll need Miss Cooper's help."

FP takes the step to get Alice here while we set everything else out. Attempting to work everything out. It's extremely high stakes but I The end we get her here. Jug and I leave to set up our next play.

Which in this case is right here in the Blue and Gold. As more information floods in we finally seal our case. Now Jug stares out the window as I paint. Hermione stands before us slightly angry, slightly impressed.

"You think you're really smart, don't you?" She asks him, "You have all the answers."

"I know Hiram's mistress works for the Sanitation Department and doctored false water reports for your husband," He says as she walks towards him.

"I see," She says, "Is that all?" He turns to face her and i chuckle.

"No," I say to her, "not even close to it. See dear Betty told me about the runoff with the Fizzle Rocks manufactured in the Blossom Maple factory and how it poisoned Sweetwater River, gave everyone seizures. Pretty disgusting as a parent for him to allow that to keep going."

"But He didn't care about that. Hiram just had  those reports made up to cover his ass," Jug says, "It's also why he moved his drug lab to the prison, away from the water supply. Now, my guess is that you were pissed about his drug lab and what it was doing to all the girls in the town. Soon after, you hired my father to shoot Hiram Lodge. And when that didn't work, you tried to finish the job in the hospital, with Minetta and a Sheriff-issued pistol, so that you could pin it all on my dad."

"Oh, and we also know why you did it," I say as I stand from the ground, "the ever so classic mother hen protecting her youth. You did it cause of Veronica, You knew that Hiram was responsible for her seizure."

"Very good kids," she says, "Except you're forgetting one thing. Last year, Hiram hired Tall Boy to take shots at me during the mayoral debate, nearly killing me."

"So, that's what this is about? Revenge?" Jug asks her, "So that you could run off with Minetta and live a happy little life together?"

"You can't tell anyone about this," She tells us, "Not Veronica, no one. Because if I go down, your father goes down. And that's a promise. So, I think we should agree to keep each other's secrets, don't you think?"

In the issue of Us versus Hermione Lodge. It was a deadlock. A stalemate. As she leaves us I resume my work. Upon this investigation and so many others I realised my real deepest fear. Not anything simple like blood or loss. But truly I was so afraid of being another forgotten victim to the town of Riverdale. I finish my painting, it's of the sign to Riverdale. Except over the black numbers of the population there are new numbers in red. Each time they are added the number gets smaller and smaller.

"I'll be heading home," i say to Jug. He pulls me towards him and smirks.

"How about we have a little fun," he offers to me, "Veronica will be here eventually. But we should have plenty of time till then." I sit on the desk scooting away papers as I push his beanie off his raven locks.

"I'm all yours," I say to him. He smirks moving the things off the desk and making his mark. His moments fast and lustful creating the perfect moment. A moment for us in this twisted storyline called our lives. Who knows if we'd get another moment as sweet as this.

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