Destiel One-shots

By LaurenABlack

417K 20.7K 11.8K

Funny Destiel one-shots!! Also Headcannons, Oneshots about Dean and Sam's brotherhood, and little rants about... More

Meet The Cast
Mood Rings, An Angel, and A Tease
The Moose Is Done
Avril Lavigne
Castiel and TV
Bees, Wasps, and Other Stinging Insects
Thank You Taylor Swift
Cameras See All
Possessed By Gwen Stefani
Secret Affair
Dean Winchester.
Rejected By The Moose
Donkey Kong Is An Assbutt
Bobby Singer
Sitting On The Dock
The Trickster Leads To Good Things
Missing Something?
Stupid Dean
Top or Bottom?
A Wedding Surprise
Your Mission
Viva Las Gaygas
Viva Las Gaygas Part 2
Who Randomly Did Who
Did You Just Han Solo Me?
Just Funny Pictures
The LAST Episode
S.O.B. No HoMo
Traveling Soldier Song Oneshot
Saving Dean
Destiel Rant.
Dean's Date. Cas's Date. No Relation.
Gabe and Cas and Their Humans
John Winchester
Cas and Crowley, the Teenage Girls
Morning, Cas
Stupid Pastries
1941 video
Six Months Old
G. I. Winchester
The Supernatural Club
The Supernatural Club Part 2
Winchesters Don't Say "I Love You"
The Winchesters are so gay......
Run Away
Supply Closets Can Be Fun
Wedding Plans
Charlie ex Machina
Stressed Out
My Headcannons
Headcanons I Found
Meet The Parents
Pen Pals
Say Anything
Winchester Initiation
Drunk Cas is Fun Cas
It's Season 16 and Somebody's Coming Out Of The Closet
Dean, the Mama Bear
Merry Christmas Sammy
We Know, Guys. We've Always Known.
Jimmy NO.
Breakfast Recipe For Disaster
Hey Jude
Christmas at the Bunker
Cas on the Left
Bo Burnham
Destiel Acting Out Imagine Your OTP Prompts
This is What Happens When Sabriel Robs a Candy Store
More Headcannons I Found (Plus Memes)
Family Dinner
Prank War
Angel Love Prevents Nightmares
Pestered By Families
Pestered By Families Part 2
Sharp Dressed Man
Cas's Secret Is Out
Torturing Balthazar
This Is What Happens When Team Free Will Is Left Alone
Just Do It
I'll Drive
Road Trip
Sam is Done Being Subtle
Boondock Baby
What's More Important? Your Mission, or Your Family?
What They Said vs. What It Means
Sariel's Paperwork
Happy Birthday Dean Winchester
Magic Mike
Tall Tales
Dear Cas
Different This Time
Never. Watch. SPN. With. Your. Parents.
A Kiss
Terms of Endearment
Game Night
We're So Screwed
Strippers, Sammy. We are on an actual case involving Strippers. Finally.
Band Geeks
This is Why Jack Shouldn't Go To Parties
Season 20
Lilo and Stitch Led To A Sobbing Moose
Punk and Nerd
Valentine's Day
Breaking Dr. Phil
Double Date
Jensen's Parents
Bartenders and Breakups
Vicki and Danneel
Don't Talk About It
The Ma'lak box
The Story of Gabriel
Just Answer The Question, Dean.
Lily Flowers
Mary Found Out
The New Shadow
Episodes I Really Want
Wanna Talk About It?
Sam Winchester's Lovers
That Night
Cas Does The Chores
A Smile And A Laugh
Three Dads
DEEEEEEAAAANN, That Kills People!
If The Pizza Man Truly Loves His Babysitter....
Cardigan Keep Away
Soulmates Are Key
Sabriel's Love Child
Supernatural, Meet Lucifer
Don't. Touch. The. Angel.
Domestic Destiel, Doing Normal Things
Family's There For You, Through Good And Bad
Random AU I Can't Stop Thinking About
Prisoners Part 2
Fatherly Advice
I Met Someone
I Met Someone Part 2
Castiel and Crowley
Break up
PTA Dads
It's Finally Broken
And They Were Soulmates
The Phone
He Prayed
The Pharmacy
"I love you"
"I love you" Part 2

In Honor of Lebanon

1.4K 79 59
By LaurenABlack

A/N: That moment when you realize that Supernatural's 300th episode, Lebanon, the one where John comes back to life, airs on Valentine's Day.

It was Valentine's Day.

The day where everyone was supposed to stop and be with the person they loved most.

Except that not everyone could be.

It was a strange holiday in the Winchester's world. Dean had announced that it was Unattached Drifter Christmas, and yet he had taken one look at Cas and hadn't gone out to look for a girl all day.

Sam had eaten breakfast, checked the date, and then promptly went back and locked himself in his room. Dean said it was best to leave him be.

Jack didn't see the significance of the holiday, and had taken to binge reading Harry Potter because Sam and Cas said he needed to read it.

And Mary had slipped out of the bunker by herself and gone for a drive.

Valentine's Day used to be her favorite holiday, but it wasn't the same now. 

Not without John.

Before she knew it, she was in Lawrence, paused outside the old house. 

It wasn't fair in Mary's eyes, even thought she knew it was her own fault. It wasn't fair that John had had to grieve for her, and that he had taken the horrible turn into the hunting life that he had. It wasn't fair that Sam and Dean had been through so much. It wasn't fair that nearly everyone they cared about was dead, that Dean was too afraid to be with the person he loved, that Sam didn't bother trying to love anymore because everyone he loved only got hurt. 

It wasn't fair that Mary was alive, and the rest of her family wasn't.

Sure, Sam and Dean were alive, but it wasn't the same. She remembered them, how they were when they were innocent. Back when they were children. They couldn't remember how peaceful that had been, when the only problem anyone had faced was a fight between Mary and John. The boys that Mary had known, the family that she had loved, was dead. They were gone, battle hardened, replaced with a set of soldiers that were more comfortable with pain then they were with love.

Mary ended up in the cemetery, because it seemed right to be there. If the rest of your family was dead, why not visit your own grave?

She got out of the car, and headed for the spot.

Sam and Dean had taken her once. She had asked where John was buried, and they had exchanged a glance and admitted that they had buried him next to her. It was strange to see your own grave, but Mary could handle it.

Her own tombstone marked the death of her whole family, she thought. The day Azazel destroyed them all.

But as Mary approached her own grave, she spotted someone else.

A tall man, with a graying beard and the posture of a soldier.

A man who looked like the world had beaten him down.

A man that Mary recognized all too well.

His face was unreadable as he spotted her, and the two simply stared.

"Mary?" He finally whispered, unsure.

"John." She whispered back.


It was Valentine's Day, dammit, and Dean was not going to let the easiest day of the year to get a date go by without him getting so much as a kiss.

But he just couldn't bring himself to go and pick up some chick at a bar. It wasn't what he wanted. 

He wanted a kiss from the socially awkward puppy-eyed angel who was watching cartoons with a smile and chuck-freaking dammit he was too adorable for this.

Dean knew he had to make a move. It was either now, or wait until Christmas and trap the angel under some mistletoe.

And Dean didn't feel like waiting until Christmas.

But Dean also had no idea how to approach Cas. Should he just walk up and kiss him? Should he ask? 

He didn't really want to have some long, drawn out conversations about their feelings or whatever but if that's what it took to get Cas to kiss him, then Dean would work with it.

"Screw it." He told himself. He was just going to walk up and admit it. It would be stupid, it would completely confuse the angel, but Dean knew that any other method then walking up and saying 'Hey angel, I'm freaking in love with you' would cause him to lose his nerve and mess things up.

So he was just going to say it and hopefully get a kiss in return. 

Or completely destroy a friendship he'd had for the last ten years and make everything very very awkward.

50/50 chance, and frankly, Dean liked his odds.

"Hey Cas," He started casually. Cas looked up from the TV and smiled at him.

"Hello Dean," He replied. And Dean had barely opened his mouth when-


Motherfucking son of a bitch, Chuckdammit you've gotta be fucking kidding me- what piece of shit asshole decided to- just son of a fucking bitch, REALLY?



Someone had to interrupt him NOW?

"...I think Mary requires your presence," Cas offered, trying not to laugh at the utterly pissed off expression on Dean's face.

"Son of a bitch, this better be important," Dean muttered, leaving. Cas followed him out of curiosity.

And then both boys stopped dead at the sight of a living, breathing, human John Winchester.

Eyes widened.

"Is that-" Dean started.

"....I need to make a call." Cas declared, turning on his heels and fleeing the room because Dammit Naomi, WE HAD A DEAL.

"It's really him." Mary confirmed. Dean stared at his father, then at his Mom, then back.

".....I'm gonna go get Sam." He said awkwardly, backing away.

"Sam's alive?" John questioned. "But the demon blood-"

Right. That little gem. The memory of John's last words to the boys popped up in Dean's mind and his bitchface went up to the max.

"One thing first," Dean offered before winding up and slamming his fist into John's face.

"Dean!" Mary cried out as John stumbled back, clutching his face.

"Oh, he deserved that one." Dean declared. "I'll be right back."

He hesitated outside Sam's door. It was still Valentine's Day. It was always a rough holiday for Sam. Dean wasn't sure which one of his brother's love interests was the focus of Sam's sad thoughts today, but he'd have to pull Sam out of it for a little while because, well, John was alive, and that could be an issue. Gently, he knocked on the door.

"Sammy?" He asked. There was no response. He knocked again. "Can I come in?"

There was a sigh, but Sam opened the door, looking generally saddened.

"What is it?" He asked. It hurt Dean's heart to see his brother upset, but he knew this was the one day a year he couldn't help. He was just grateful Valentine's Day only came once a year. 

Dean paused, unsure of how best to break this. After all, how were supposed to tell your brother that your father, who treated you awful and once told you to leave and never come back, was now alive again.

"It's uh...." Dean made a face, deciding to go with the blunt version. "It's Dad." Sam's eyes had widened, and he followed his brother out.


After a few more tests to make sure that yes, this was indeed John Winchester, the awkward family reunion ensued, and Sam and Dean caught John up to date, naturally leaving out a few details here and there because they didn't want John to murder them. (Like, it probably wasn't a good idea to tell him that Sam dated a demon, or that Dean was besties with the King of Hell) They introduced him to Cas and Jack, and explained how the hell Mary was alive.

It was late at night by the time they stopped, and John, Mary, Sam, and Jack surrendered for the day and went to bed.

Cas remained awake, flipping through one of the lore books on angels and smiling at the inaccuracies. 

"Hey," Dean offered, figuring he might as well try this again.

"Hello Dean," Cas replied, closing his book and looking up at the hunter, who was studying his face, unsure. "I got the impression you meant to tell me something earlier before we were interrupted."

"Uh, yeah," Dean admitted.

"What was it?"

"Well, I was thinking it would be better to show you," Dean offered. "Since I know I'd mess it up somehow if I used words."

"Judging by your track record of saying the wrong thing, I think I can agree to that." Cas smiled.

And so Dean took a deep breath and quickly leaned forward, kissing the angel, and then he shot back, slightly afraid of the reaction.

Cas blinked in surprise, but a slow smile spread across his face.

"Took you long enough," He commented. "Wait....You're not going to kill me now, are you?"

"What? No." Dean frowned.

"Sorry, it's just that the last time I got kissed, she stabbed me, so I had to check." Dean laughed.

"I promise I won't stab you."

"Good, then get back here. That was a very short kiss, and I would like another one, if you don't mind." 

So they kissed again, and Dean smiled.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Cas."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Dean."

They kept kissing, not even hearing the footsteps of another person until they stopped.

"WHAT THE FUCK," John Winchester yelled out.

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