Letters to Prince

By yourfuturegirl11

5.3K 317 178

A dying woman who loved Prince in life, has mourned his death quietly, alone and without anyone with whom to... More

Letters To Prince, Chapter I
Letters to Prince-Chapter 3
Letters to Prince, Chapter 4
Letters to Prince Chapter 5
Letters to Prince Chapter 6
Letters to Prince, Chapter 7
Letters to Prince, Chapter 8
Letters to Prince, Chapter 9
Letters to Prince-Chapter 10
Letters to Prince Chapter 11
Letters to Prince, Chapter 12
Letters To Prince, Chapter 13
Letters to Prince, Chapter 14
Letters to Prince, Chapter 15
Letters to Prince-Chapter 16
Letters to Prince, Chapter 17
Letters to Prince, Chapter 18
Letters to Prince, Chapter 19
Letters To Prince, Chapter 20
Letters To Prince Chapter 21
Letters To Prince-Chapter 22
Letters to Prince Chapter 23
Letters to Prince Chapter 24
Letters to Prince Chapter 25

Letters To Prince, Chapter 2

294 14 8
By yourfuturegirl11

My Desire, Only for You

My dearest Prince,

The last few days have been better than many of late.  I have experienced less pain and was actually able to go to work 3 days in a row.  After that I needed to stay at home for a couple of days.  The treatments for this horrible disease leave you so tired.  But at least I wasn't in pain like I have been.  I have been listening to some of your more provocative song lyrics lately.  Two of my favorites are When 2 R In Love, and I Love You In Me.  It is really strange that at this age and with the illness I have had, my sex drive still remains so high.  I sometimes wonder if that is normal.  I have a constant friend in my room, my vibrator.  Imagining you in my bed with me over the years has always gotten me wet...and nothing has changed. I wanted you then and I want you now...it is so hard to accept that I will never feel your arms around me in an embrace that I have always longed for.  

Prince I hope you don't mind me asking, but having been with so many different women, did you ever love any of them.  It was reported that you told several of them that you did, but if that was the case why did you never stay with any of them?  I ask, I guess because when I have fantasized about you, and reality finally took over, I have always felt that being with you would have only ended in pain anyway.  Did that ever bother you?  Did it ever bother you that you hurt some of those you professed to love very deeply?  If it did, why did you continue to do it?  Yes I realize that these are very invasive questions, but it is my fantasy, so I guess I can ask whatever I want.  Are you the same now that you have been in heaven for two years?  If you were to return to earth tomorrow, would you still want to run bunches of women, or has being in the presence of Jesus brought change within you.  I want to believe it has not only for you, but for me too.  There are several things I would like to feel differently about and act upon differently also.  

Prince what is heaven like?  Is it truly as peaceful and beautiful as it is described?  Is that really a tunnel of sorts that leads to the light of God.  Do our loved ones really wait there for us? If one is not a blood relative, can they greet a newcomer into heaven?  Is it too much to hope that you would be willing to greet me when I arrive?  

I have so many questions Prince and so much desire in my heart for you.  I sincerely hope you will be there when I move into the light.

I love you Prince, and I always will,


Marie was tired tonight and went into the kitchen for some juice.  She was too tired to eat.  As she had for many years, she climbed into bed, and cried herself to sleep.  

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