Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2...

By TheClosetLibrarian

318K 15.1K 363

Completed Eve.... I had watched them from afar for years, beautiful boys becoming indescribable men, safe in... More

1. Eve
2. Gabriel
3. Angelo
4. Eve
5. Michael
6. Eve
7. Elijah, Jericho, Noah
8. Angelo
9. Eve
10. Gabriel
11. Jo, Charlie and Emme
12. Eve
13. Michael
14. Gabriel
15. Eve
16. Angelo
18. Michael
19. Eve
20. Angelo
21. Eve
22. Gabriel
23. Eve
24. Hades, Lucifer and Daemon
25. Eve
26. Epilogue
Feedback and Other Books

17. Mrs Rose

10.7K 534 8
By TheClosetLibrarian

The look on my boys faces as they get out of the car tears at my heart, they care so much about Eve and for this to happen, just as they start showing her how they feel, will either make or break the relationship.
"Her room is ready for her" I tell them and cut off Lo's argument, it's too soon for them to closet her away in their rooms.
I follow Gabe upstairs and help him get her settled into the bed, she was still wearing the hospital gown, so I changed her into one of Gabes t-shirts he grabbed for her, after sending him off with the monitor.
I settled down next to the bed and thought about how we could best help Eve, I had had wonderful support from Miss Josie when I had been attacked, and I knew I would need to call on that to help Eve now, I had seen the bruising when I changed her and knew how it would affect her mentally would be a bigger challenge than the physical.
A soft knock at the door showed Luc with a tray of tea for me "you okay" he asked kissing my forehead.
I smiled at him, knowing this had also brought back distant memories for my husbands.
"I'll be fine" I tell him reaching up and squeezing his hand, "are the children settled?"
Luc snorted "they're all in the kitchen, feeling guilty, the girls especially"
"It's not their fault" Eve whimpered from the bed, her eyes open watching us.
Luc stepped back to let me move closer to the bed.
"It's no ones fault, but they are just worried about you and until they have all spoken to you and hugged and told you how much they love you, they will continue to worry" I told her taking her hand in mine.
"It's my fault, I should have been more aware" she cried softly.
"Oh child no, you were told it was a problem, a fault with the alarm, is that right?"
"Yes" she whispered.
"You didn't know, now we just need to get you feeling better, can I do anything for you, get you anything?" I ask her.
"My parents, I don't want them to know" she whispered.
Luc shuffled behind me "why not Eve?" He asked softly.
"They're too busy, it would just inconvenience them"
My heart ached for Eve so set in her beliefs about her parents.
"The police may have already contacted them, I can speak to them for you, if you want me to?" Luc offered, his arm coming around me.
"Yes please.....can I see the girls" she asked quietly.
"I'll send them up to you" Luc agreed leaving the room.
I sat on the side of the bed and took Eve's hand, "I know you feel scared and don't want to think about what's happened but tomorrow the police will be back to take a statement, they will need to see evidence of the bruising"
I felt her tense and watched the tears form in her eyes as she shook her head.
"Do you know how I came to be here?" I asked softly, she shook her head.
"I was set up by my family and attacked, beaten, they left me for dead in the forest and Nona Josie found me and nursed me back to health, It too could have been a sexual assault but I hit out at them and they just beat me instead"
Eve's eyes were wide on my face, "what happened to them?"
"My Devils saved me" I told her squeezing her hand, "you have the girls and your angels that will do the same for you, if you want them to" her eyes had shot to mine when I said her angels, her cheeks blushing.
"What should I do?" She whispered and I smiled at her.
"Eve, I can only tell you what I did and how it helped me, miss Josie took the photos and was with me when I gave a statement to old Mrs Herrings, she was a magistrate and lived next door, it was evidence we used later when they came after me again and they were caught"
Eve tensed again "they came after you again?"
"It's a long story and I will tell you at some point but it all came down to money and greed, my situation was different to you in that case, yours is being in the wrong place, at the wrong time, you shouldn't fear them coming back"
Eve nodded and relaxed back just as the door opened and the girls tumbled in.

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