The Story Of Us

By sugarbear248

394K 13K 2K

Zara Coats is a hard working girl , take no bull shit from anybody type of girl and never have time to herse... More

THANK YOUβ€οΈπŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’—


5.7K 206 38
By sugarbear248

"Why do we dance?" I asked my class. "Because dancing is the hidden language that our body speaks. We dance because it's our passion" I said to them "It's our pleasure and our release."

"When we as dancers hit a thick ass wall we do we climb over it or dance on top of it" I asked them. "When dance"they said back to me.

"Exactly. So I don't ever want to hear that you can't do this move or can't do that move because that's only a wall trying to keep you from reaching to finish line. We as Queens will take our time perfecting our passion." I tell them.

Today I felt like preaching to my class cause throughout some sessions I overhear some girl saying they can't do a certain move and it breaks my heart cause I know for damn sure they can. "Okay ladies stand up and let do the damn thang."I said with laughter in my voice.

They all stood up and got in formation. "5..6..7..8..tingtingting...powpowpow drop" I Instructed to them. And they performed it perfectly. "THATS IT BITCHES. That was It. Now from the top"
A/n Zara's group is the first one

After my class was over Jordyn came in with Daenerys in her stroller. "Hey mommy's baby" I yelled out in my baby voice walking over to them. I see Dany huge smile as I get closer to her. "Did you have a good day with auntie?" I asked her as unbuckle her and start kissing her checks.

"Yes She did" Jordyn says for her. I walked back over to where I was sitting on the floor in front of the mirror. "You ready for tonight." Jordyn asks me. Tonight is my first date with Ja'morse. The feeling is a bit neural. On one hand I'm super excited and on the other hand I'm not ready to go out cause I still love Derek. "I guess so" I reply to her. "What do you mean guess so? Look I know you love Derek but he cheated on you and I hate seeing you all sad and pitiful. You deserve to have a good time" she said to me.

She's right I deserve to be happy even it it not with Derek. I lift Dany in front of my face "Do you think mama should start dating?" I asked her but instead she starts sucking on her hand. "Okay let's take it that as an answer" Jordyn said.
After we left the dance studio Jordyn, Dany and I went back to my house to get ready for my date. "What are you wearing?" Jordyn ask me coming out of the Dany's closet. "I order something from FashionNova and it came in yesterday so imma wear that." I told her while doing my hair. " I still can't believe you turned this room into a second closet" she said.

When we got the apartment it was just the three of us and Dany has a lot I mean A LOT of clothes from her baby shower. She won't need any clothes until she's five years old . And me personally I have a FashionNova addiction. I can't help it I love FashionNova so the closet in my room is so full of clothes and shoes that I don't have any more space to add more clothes. So I turned my extra room into a vanity and a walk in closet for me and Dany.

A/n instead of white it's rose gold color also the extra room is the walk in closet which has an walk in closet which is for Dany

"Well we do have a lot of clothes" I say to her. Now that I'm done with my hair I start doing my makeup. "You have to show me how you do that" she says admiring my hair. A month ago I started to learn how to make lace front wigs. At first it was kinda hard cause I don't usually wear wigs but at that time I didn't feel like doing my hair so I started wearing wigs and learning how to make them. Now it's really easy to me.

"I'll show you one of these days" I tell her as I spray on some setting spray.

Her hair and makeup

"How does mommy look sweet beanie"I ask Dany in her baby rocker bed.

I take that sweet beautiful smile as an approval. I lean down and kiss her forehead. "Jordyn watch her for sec. I'm finna go change" I ask her and got up from my chair and walked towards the back of my closet to my outfit
"Damn mama you looking good af" Jordyn praises me. I flip my hair "Thanks girl"

Her outfit
"Okay I'm finna drop Daenerys off at my moms and imma come back here before Ja'morse come pick me up" I tell her. She nods her heads and walks in my room.
"Let's go Lil beanie"I say to her as I buckle her up in her car seat and took her downstairs to my car.
I pull up to my moms new house.

Since my mom started working at the new hospital she's been so happy and stress free. She's even started dating again. He's a doctor. I got Dany out of my car and carried her to door. Since I got a key I don't have to wait outside with Dany in the chilly winds.

"Hey mama"I yelled out. I place Dany's car seat on my mama couch and unbuckled her. " whatcha doing here so early" she said coming down the stairs sounding flustered and covered herself with her robe.

"Mama! Is Mr. Doctor here?"
"So what if he is I'm grown"
"Ma if you don't wanna watch Dany tell me cause I don't wanna interrupt your time." I said
"No baby it's okay I barely see my baby enough as it is cause I'm working so much. So where's your date taking you tonight" she asks me taking Dany out of my arms.

"I don't know we been talking and he says it a surprise." But I do have a can of mace if home boy try some shit

"You don't think that you can give Derek a second chance or a chance to talk" she questions. My mama has always been a Derek fan. She loves him like her own son. So of course she wants us to get back together.

"Mama we talked and cried about this. He cheated. He betrayed what we have for a few minutes with a cheap slut. And I don't wanna be with someone who gives up so easily." I confess to her. She gives me a sympathetic look

"Let me tell you a story. Before I met yo daddy I was with a nice young man. Everyone in the neighborhood thought that we would get married,save lives together and have babies. But one day one stupid misunderstanding ruined everything we had."she said to me

"So your saying that Derek cheating on me was a misunderstanding"I say in a confused tone. "No I'm saying that because I didn't give him a chance to truly explain himself I gave up the life I could have had. But then I think about how I wouldn't have had you or your brother and I don't get sad anymore.You both gave me all the happiness I could've asked for and more." She says with happiness in her eyes.

I take mama words into thought maybe I should give Derek a chance to explain but right now I have a date to get to
When I left my Mama's house I went back home to wait for Ja'morse. "Okay teeth check"Jordyn says then I show her my teeth. "Breath check" Jordyn leans in to my mouth and I huffed. "Minty" She says. We hear my front door ring. "Okay lets go"  She says. We walked downstairs to the front door. I opened the door and a gorgeous chocolate man stand on the other side with a bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you." His voice is deeper in person. I'm so star struck that I can even form a coherent sentence. "I'll take these." Jordyn says taking the flowers  from him. "You look beautiful." He says undressing me with his eyes. "Umm th-thank you" I stutter. "Shall we go" he ask. "Yes you shall" Jordyn said pushing me out of the house. Let's see how this day ends

Luke James as Ja'morse

I'm back with another update the next one will be up soon so look out for that
Who else love FashionNova

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