Insanity's Circulation

By Pastanerd23

13.5K 447 213

After putting up with everything for so long, America and Canada have finally reached their breaking point. T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (kinda long)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Notes and crap

Chapter 5

1.1K 45 24
By Pastanerd23

America's pov
"This was your fault..."
"You made me do this..." "Think I'm weak now..?" "You should've seen this coming..." "..." "Wake up"

God my dreams are the weirdest... I could hardly sleep last night, but when I did, I woke up at like eleven or something. I was about to freak out, but then I remembered that Canada said he would go to the world meeting in my place. He was just being concerned, so I didn't insist. It's weird though, Just because he's my brother doesn't mean he has to care so much. Nobody has to... At least I'm back in my own house now. Well me and Canada live like five steps away from each other but... Not the point!

One thing I like about being away while all the other nations are in one spot, is that I can do my weird hobby without any risk of interruptions. I could tell them, but it gives them one more thing to tease me about it. I finally stepped out of bed and grab a key from the nightstand drawer. I walk over to a door on the other end of the room and opened it. I smiled as I gazed upon the many knives that I have gathered over time. Yeah I collect knives, so what? Lots of people do this right? I don't even know why I have so many. Just like them I guess.

I didn't want to have them all sit in cupboards or drawers, so I put some metal things on the wall and stuck my knives on them. Although I never put any above my head. For obvious reasons... Don't want them to fall on me! I picked up one that had a slightly curved blade with extremely small teeth. Could definitely hurt someone. It was very clean and I could see my reflection in it perfectly. For some reason, I started remembering everything people have said to me. How I'm a terrible country, or how I'm weak. Even after the two world wars, that I helped them in by the way! they STILL underestimate me! That's what I really get sick of. I don't ask for much, I really don't, but a little damn respect would be nice. It's not like I HAD to help them out during their wars. To be honest, I probably shouldn't have. I was so blinded by rage that I raised my hand up and slammed it back down, slicing my arm in the process. I cursed loudly as the pain from my skin being ripped apart set in. I really didn't mean to do that... Sadly, this wasn't the first time accidents like this had happened.. And It may not be the last.

Canada's pov Even with America not here, I still have to listen to these fuckers talk shit about him. Multiple times today, countries have directed their insults at me. Mistaking me for him again, like always. I still try to brush it off and act like I don't care, but it's been getting harder lately.

"And he never helps us either! We were dying over here in Europe, and he just goes off to Japan!" France shouted, to which everyone in the room agreed on.

"Really? We're back to those two again? I mean America's dealt with other countries." I said softly to myself. Although what they said about him never helping anyone.,, Did they just forget the last hundred years or so?

"I agree. And damn is he a coward! He kept supplying me with weapons and ammunition, but not once did he send his armies over here!" England added on. This was getting old. Now the whole room was discussing how America apparently only thinks about himself, or how he NEVER joins in unless he gets something out of it. None of them are thinking about the sacrifices that he's made for people who treat him like trash! It wasn't long before I had enough.

"All of you need to shut up!! Think about it you idiots! Think about damn history! America's tried to help you ungrateful blockheads when he didn't even have to! He's suffered through so much, and just to end up being treated like this?! And besides, he's not perfect, none of you are! And if you ridicule him for that, you all have no fucking room to talk!!" I finished my rant and watched how everyone stared at me. Good they actually heard my voice for once.

"Once question though?" a voice from besides me asked. I turned my head to see Russia, looking at me confused.


"Why are you referring to yourself in third person point of view?"

It didn't take long for me to make sense of that.

"I'm Canada dammit!!!" with that, I punched Russia in the stomach and took in the horrified stares from everyone in the room. I loved them all. I heard Russia mutter out a small apology, I just smiled innocently and bent down to where he laid on the floor.

"Oh it's alright! Just try to remember next time okay?" I said in a over-exaggerated sweet voice before patting him on the head. Russia look... Scared, to be honest. Good, he should be.

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