Pieces of Me

By CaptainSaint212

171K 8.3K 4.4K

Ae feels empty... Pete is bored... Are they the missing pieces that will complete their own puzzles called li... More

Ae's Hurtful Past
The First Date
Pete's Tragedy
Needs and Wants
Answers and Questions
Ae's Worries
Pete's Jealousy
Different Views
N'Yim's Wish
Can's Trap
Morning Kiss
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
A Gratitude Post from CaptainSaint212
Day 4
Into your Arms
A Different Night
Lovely Lazy Afternoon
Silhouette From The Past
Lost Chance and First Chance
Old Flame
Confirmations and Affirmations
Fateful Day
I'm yours, You're mine
Our Promises
One-sided Confrontation
The Surprise
Future In-laws
Limit Breaker
A Mother's Love and Wrath
Ruse to Retaliate
Memories and Decisions

The Delay

3.3K 169 137
By CaptainSaint212

Ae woke up early and started fixing his things. He was so excited to go back to Bangkok and see his adorable angel. While Pond was still sleeping soundly, the door of their room flung open.

"Ae, you're so excited to go back?"

"Yes, P'Top. I miss my adorable angel so much."

Ae was smiling sheepishly as Top rolled his eyes.

"But you have to hold your horses, Ae. We will still need to attend a lunch gala so I had our flights be moved in the evening."

Ae was dumbstrucked. He didn't know about the lunch gala.

"P'Top, can I not join the gala? I told Pete I'll be back after lunch."

"Ae, did you forget that your are the manager of the marketing department? You very well know why it is you and Pond that I brought with me here. There are so many potential clients in this convention. We need to do this."

Ae knew he can't argue with P'Top. He was disappointed but he needed to suck it in.

"Ae, I'm sorry. It's just a few hours. I think Pete will understand."

"It's okay, P'. I'll just message Pete. I'm just so eager to see him because I really miss him a lot."

"Thanks, Ae."

Top left the room. Ae got his suit out again but fixed everything else. He then sat down by the balcony and messaged Pete.

"Good Morning, my Adorable Angel. Our flight was moved in the evening due to a lunch gala. I think I'll be in Bangkok very late. I'm sorry, we can't have lunch. Maybe we could go out tomorrow for breakfast. I'll pick you up."


Pete was so excited for today. This is the day he was waiting for. The day that he would give his answer to his P'Ae. All he had was an interview for a talk show and the rest of his day was free in anticipation of spending it with his P'Ae. He had been sleepless the whole night, thinking of how he will say his feelings to his P'Ae.

He just got out of the bathroom when his phone vibrated. He immediately run to his bed to read the message but instead of a smile, a sad expression can be seen on his face.

He made his way to the kitchen where Noh was already preparing breakfast. Noh, sensing a gloomy aura around Pete, looked at him immediately and examined his expression.

"Did you have another bad dream about your P'Ae?"

"I did not."

"Then why do you look like all the bad things has happened to you in one swoop?"

"Noh, P'Ae's flight was moved in the evening. He said he will be back very late and that we will have breakfast tomorrow instead."

Pete looked so dejected as he pouted his lips and sat at the kitchen counter. Noh shook his head in disbelief.

"Did he say why it was moved, Pete?"

"He said because of a lunch gala or something."

"See, he didn't move it because he wanted to. It was moved because it has to. He has work, like you, and you need to understand it. It's just a few hours."

"But I only have one commitment for the day because I wanted to spend the rest of the day with him."

"But you also made me sure that your weekend is free, Pete. So don't be a spoiled dummy. He will be back soon and he will definitely see you first."

"I'm not being spoiled, Noh. I just badly want to see him."

Pete looked like a kid that was reprimanded by his parent. Noh sighed and placed the breakfast infront of him.

"I know you wanted to be with him. I know you planned a lot of things. I also know if Ae could fly now to be with you, he would have done it. You need to be more understanding of his work, his time. Just like how much he is trying to understand your world, Pete."

Pete looked at Noh, still with a sad expression but nodded nonetheless.

"Good! So eat or do you want me to tell your P'Ae that you are so down. So he will leave Chiang Mai and have problems with his boss?"

"Noh, Please! Don't call P'Ae. I don't want to cause any problems for him."

Noh smiled and placed another set of bacon on Pete's plate.


"Pete, we only have one appointment for you today with Tin and Tin has one tomorrow afternoon. A breather after a hectic week. Let's celebrate!"

Can was shouting in glee while working on Pete before the interview.

"Ohh! the party animal wanted to go loose again."

Tin said sarcastically while fiddling on his phone, playing his favorite game.

"I'm just not a stuck up guy unlike someone here."

Can retorted with poison on his tone.

"Shut up, Can! I am not like that!"

"Then prove it!"

Tin was glaring at Can. He can't believe how this small guy can provoke him in so many ways.

"Okay! I'm in. Where are we going?"

"The Nest Rooftop Lounge! I haven't been there since I came back. Are you going, Pete?"

Pete was quietly looking at the bracelet when Can popped the question. He seem to be out there somewhere, but definitely not with them.


"Ei, Can. Sorry what was it?"

Can looked at the guy he is working on through the mirror with a questioning look. Pete looked sad and confused at the same time.

"I said, would you go with me at Nest Rooftop Lounge? The stuck up guy is coming too."

"Sure. I have nothing to do this evening so I guess I'll just join you."

Can was sure that this guy was acting lost due to the fact the their P'Ae's flight back was delayed, he smirked and directed his attention to Noh.

"Are you coming with us, Noh?"

"I guess not. I have something important attend to. Just take care of that lost dummy, will you?"

"No worries. I'll make sure he has some fun."

Can was smiling meaningfully, Noh was actually contemplating on coming with them knowing how crazy their stylist can be.

Pete and Tin went with the interview. During that time, Can stepped out of the studio to make a phone call.

"P'Ae, want to surprise Pete tonight?"

"Ei Can, what are you saying? I'll be back so late. How can I do that?"

Can was smirking on the other line, knowing how to provoke his P' with simple words.

"Well, he is going out with me and Tin. We will be having fun at Nest Rooftop Lounge after this interview. So unless you want someone else to bring Pete home, better go there after the plane lands. Bye, P'Ae."

"Crazy Can!!!"

Can was laughing out loud as he hung up, imagining how red his P'Ae could have been. He had always been the protective and possessive type, so he must be going crazy with the idea of Pete being with someone else. Can was sure that his P'Ae knew the place. They spend their college nightlife in that bar with Pond, Jade and a few friends. He wanted to also know if his P'Ae will step foot on the place with all the memories the place hold for him. Yeah, his P'Ae is a sick romantic sentimental fool.


Can, Tin and Pete was now in Nest Rooftop Lounge. They took the cocooned lazeback bed at the farthest corner. The place was oozing with people as it is a Friday. Pete, who don't usually go out, actually enjoyed the busy vibe as today the sounds the DJs were playing are late 90s dance music he grew up with. It took his mind of the things he was thinking the whole day.

Can ordered their crystal signature bucket which has five cocktails and a seafood bucket for starters.

Pete was never good in handling his alcohol so he carefully choose among it and thought that the Spicy Mango Margarita looked safe for him.

Can was already drinking and dancing with people, leaving Tin and Pete alone.

"You look so sad the whole day, Pete? Did you and that Ae fight?"

Pete was surprised with the question. Looked at Tin and fervently shook his head.

"No, Tin. We didn't. He just got delayed coming back and it was my fault that I am sad about it. Just my selfishness."

"What is selfish in wanting to see your love?"

Tin teased Pete. Tin had accepted that this guy who was the prettiest and nicest person he had worked with is already inlove with someone else. Pete choked on his cocktail, leaving few drops of it on the side of his lips. Tin chuckled at the sight, giving Pete some tissue to wipe it off.

"Stop teasing me, Tin!"

Before Tin could answer back, someone was hugging him from behind playfully which startled him.

"Aren't you two going to dance with me?"

Can still snaking his hands on Tin's waist while Tin was trying to remove it.

"Let go, Can. Don't tell me you are already drunk?"

"I can handle my alcohol pretty well, Mr. Cold Guy!"

Can looked a bit hurt but removed his hands off Tin and went back to the dance floor. Tin looked at him as he walk away, not understanding why he felt a clenched on his chest as he saw the hurt expression on his face.

"You seem to have hurt Can, Tin?"

"That shameless guy can take it."

"But Can is a really nice guy. Crazy because he is straightforward. He knows what he wants. I envy him sometime."

"Why is that, Pete?"

"If I am not as complicated as I am, I guess life will be easier."

Tin was confused. He has no idea what Pete was talking about so he just continued to drink. Until a girl approached them.

"Tin, Pete! Nice to see you here."

"Mint!" Pete and Tin said in unison.

In the industry, everyone knew that Mint fancies Pete so much. She was very vocal about it and have mentioned it in a lot of her interviews. She sat beside Pete immediately.

"I didn't know you drink, Pete."

"Occasionally and with friends."

"I really like a guy who can handle his alcohol."

Tin rolled his eyes, as he saw Mint's hand slowly caressing Pete's arm. Pete looked so uncomfortable but can't do anything impolite, he just continue drinking his cocktail.

"We already have a shameless Can, now of all people, we have to see this shameless girl here."

Mint was literally all over Pete, creating conversation after conversation. Until Can came back to the table.

"I didn't know we have a guest?"

Can sounded a bit irritated. Looking from Pete to Tin. Both guys shrugged at him.

"And who might you be?"

Mint asked, not liking the tone Can used to her a bit.

"Can, their friend and stylist."

"Oohh you are the famous Can. The reason why these two are so handsome lately, especially my Pete."

"Your who?"

Can was now more than agitated. He wanted to pull the girl away from Pete at throw her from the rooftop. Tin sensing the tension, held Can's hand and invited everyone to dance.

"Now, now. Let's just have fun, shall we?"

The four of them went to the dance floor. Tin and Can was trying to maintain the circle so Mint would not monopolize Pete. Mint, on the other hand, keep shoving drinks to Pete. Pete, not knowing how to decline, kept drinking until his surroundings became fuzzy.

"Can, I think I need to sit down. I'm dizzy."

"Okay, Pete. No more drinks for you."

But before Can could assist Pete, Mint took over. Making Can looked like he was to breathe fire. Tin enjoying the agitated look on Can's face, curved his lips to smile as he followed.

"My Pete, sit down. Are you okay?"

"Just a bit dizzy, I am not a heavy drinker, Mint. Sorry to disappoint you but I guess I'm on my limit now."

"Look at you, so cute and honest. That's why I really like you, Pete. Here take this, it's just a juice to sober you up."

Pete took the juice Mint offered but instead sobering up, he became more dizzy and incoherent but did not mention anything and tried his best to look okay.

"I'll just go to the bathroom. Tin get Pete a glass of cold water."

Can commanded. Tin did not argue back looking at the bad state Pete was in. He was drunk, he was hesistant to leave the guy with Mint but seeing there was a lot of people around, he figured he will be safe for a while.

Pete had his eyes closed, everything was swirling, he was starting to loose control. He felt a hand stroking his face but he can't seem to move to remove it. He was feeling a warm breath closing into his lips, he knew it was Mint and he knew he was in trouble. Until heard a deep voice that made him want to open his eyes.

"What are you doing to Pete? Who are you?"

Ae was fuming but kept a straightface over the girl who was trying to kiss his adorable angel. He was holding her arm a bit tight, making Mint flinched. Realizing this, Ae let go of her and sat beside Pete.

"Pete, are you okay?"


"Yes it's me, why do you have to drink this much."

Can came back at the same time with Tin, holding a glass of water. Both were surprised to see Ae supporting Pete as he sat properly. Tin gave the glass of water to Ae.

"Aish, Can. Why did you leave him alone?"

"I just went to the bathroom and Tin took a glass of water, what's the problem?"

"That girl was trying to kiss Pete."

Ae said straightforwardly, still assisting Pete to drink the water. Mint turned red but was glaring to Ae. Can rolled his eyes in irritation.

"You were planning to take advantage of Pete, you little..."

"Can, watch you language."

"But Tin, this girl deserves it."

Tin was holding Can by the waist, as he literally wanted to flung himself to the girl infront of her. Then, Tin spoke with so much seriousness.

"None of this will come out, so please Mint, just leave quietly."

Mint left their table as quietly as possible, sensing the threat on Tin's tone.

"P'Ae, I'm sorry. I drunk a lot. Mint keep on giving me shots and I can't decline."

"Hsssssh, my angel. We will talk tomorrow. Can, I'll bring him home now? Are you coming?"

"I'm not done yet. And I'm so pissed I want to drink more."

"Tin, will you accompany my crazy cousin. I don't know what he will do if we leave him alone. Please."

Tin shrugged but nodded. Ae went back to Pete.

"Pete, can you stand?"

"Yes, P'Ae. But the whole building is swirling."

Ae bade his goodbye to Can and Tin and assisted Pete to the elevator. Once inside, Pete hugged Ae's neck, so tight.

"I missed you, P'Ae. I missed your voice. I missed your smile. I missed your smell. I missed your touch. I missed your kiss. Will you kiss me, P'Ae?"

Ae was dumbfounded with Pete's actions.

"No more drinking for you, Pete, if I am not with you. And please, heavens, don't test my limit this way."

"Why won't P'Ae kiss me? Am I not beautiful? Don't you love me anymore?"

Pete was pouting, still hugging Ae's neck. Looking drunk, dizzy, dejected. But to Ae's eyes, he look so damn sexy that he needed to stay quiet to control himself. As they make their way to the car, Pete was staggering. Ae decided to carry him, princess style, seeing that no one is around. He seated Pete at the passenger seat at placed the seatbelt on. But before Ae could go the driver seat, Pete hold his hand to bring him into another hug.

"P'Ae, kiss me please."

Ae looked at the begging eyes of Pete with lips slightly open. He decided against reasons, claimed Pete's lips. Ae always like the plump lips of Pete and tried to keep the kiss light as he could but to his surprise, it was Pete who was kissing him deep. Pete nibbled on his top lip, then bit his lower lip making him go crazy as he let his hands travel to Pete's waist to bring him closer. Pete pushed his tongue inside Ae, discovering his mouth and tasting everything. Ae let out a moan. Ae needed to control himself, Pete is obviously drunk. He cut the contact but making sure to kiss Pete's lips in a quick loving way before closing the car's door.

Pete was still looking at his P'Ae longingly. He wanted him so bad. He could feel that his whole body and soul was yearning for him. But knowing his P'Ae and the state he was in, his P'Ae won't do anything.

Ae made a quick phone call before he started the car.

"Noh, are you home? I'm bringing Pete home. He is quite drunk."

"Ae, you're back in Bangkok now. Can you take care of that dummy for me? He will have a terrible hangover tomorrow but I went out of the city earlier due to a urgent matter and won't be back until Sunday. Thanks."


Ae looked at his phone, Noh already hung up.

"Just great! My heavens, why do you have to do this to me? Is this a test?"

Ae sighed and shrugged. He will have to endure the night with his adorable angel in his room being all sensual and sexy like this.


Aish, why did Pete have to get drunk?

I'm working on a double update for today as my eyes got better. Yeah 2019 started with all sorts of sickness for me. Now I have Bacterial Conjunctivitis. But I'm much better now. ┐(´д`)┌

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