Cody Fern's Characters (smutt...

By gaezawa

45.1K 517 147

All of these one-shots are either Michael Langdon, Jim Mason, or Duncan Shepherd. These one-shots are Tumblr... More

Identity Stricken (nsfw)
Such a pleasure, Ms. Underwood (nsfw)
The Blood Ritual (nsfw)
Attention (nsfw)
Some Unholy War (sfw)
Beautiful Stranger (nsfw)
Darling, Your Hands (nsfw)
The Morning After (nsfw)
Break Up Wih Your Girlfriend, I'm Bored. NSFW
Numb Like Novacane (nsfw)
Good Boys Don't Beg (nsfw)
Numb Like Novacane Part 2

Mr. Langdon (nsfw)

3.7K 50 61
By gaezawa

 Summary- It's the year 2021. You're in Outpost III after the nearly fatal nuclear attack hit. Little did you know, you were sent by your supreme, Cordelia, to wipe out the antichrist and save the already mutilated Earth. And little do you know, during your interview with Langdon, he has little intention of talking, and more of touching.

Warnings- smut, teasing, idk what else I wrote this months ago

Words- 2703

"What are you most afraid of?" Langdon slid his chair forward, closer to the desk. You couldn't help but watch the way his lips curled the sentence perfectly, hear the way the moist words danced from his tongue.

'If you hedge, I will know. If you lie, I will know,'

The words are fresh in your mind, but you wonder to yourself, 'how can he truly tell if I'm lying?' You avoid looking into his eyes, the coolness of the grey-blues aching to steal your soul. Honestly, at the moment, the one thing that scares you the most, is him.

"Not making it into The Sanctuary," You swallow out breathlessly, beads of sweat gathering in your brow. Everybody told you, once upon a time, that you were a horrid liar. You knew Langdon was different, that he could see right through your very soul with a flick of his intoxicating eyes. He knew you were lying, you could feel it.

"I repeat to you, Y/N, If you hedge I will know. If you lie, I will know. And if you try and trick me, I will know, and this interview will be over, and you will die here, painfully." He repeats, staring you in the eyes. You cower back, mentally cursing yourself for being such a fucking idiot. "I ask of you, what are you most afraid of?"

"I already told you, Mr. Langdon." You defy, watching as his top lip twitched with annoyance. He lifts his fist and brings it down onto Venable's desk, the sound bouncing off of the walls sickeningly. His eyes are burning, his lips twitching. You jump, staring up at the man with wide eyes as he stands and stalks toward you, the heels of his boots clicking deafeningly against the concrete floors.

"I told you not to fucking lie, Y/N."

He leans down to your level and pinches your chin within his fingers, roughly. You wince, trying to pull away. He holds tighter, forcing you to stare at him. He clicks his tongue before straightening himself back up and taking his seat back.

"You're scared of me, aren't you?" Langdon rests his head on his fist, his eyes following every slight movement you make, robotically. You swallow thickly, uncrossing and re-crossing your legs under your gaudy purple gown. "Tell me, love. What part of me truly frightens you?"

Your mouth goes dry and sticky at the nickname. You part your lips slowly before pushing a stubborn piece of hair behind your ear that somehow escaped your up-do. You watch as he slides the bulky black ring up and down his pinky finger. The little act catches his attention and he ceases, loving to tease you.

"Honestly, everything." You finally answer. He chuckles shortly, twisting a long lock of hair around his finger. He composes himself before scooting back in his chair and standing again. He makes his way to the sliding door and turns a lock, humming in delight when he hears the faint click.

"Narrow it down, love." He turns swiftly, his hair swaying behind him beautifully. He walks back over to the desk and slides himself onto the surface right next to you. He's so close, you can smell him. You take a timid breath in, inhaling the smell of sweet cinnamon and smoke. Cigarette smoke.

"Your ego, sir. If I'm being completely honest." Langdon glares down at you, the look sending shivers down your entire being. He purses his lips tightly, seemingly unimpressed by the answer.

"And what about my ego, Y/N?" He pushes. You can tell the offence he took to your statement. A part of you wants to take it back, but another is proud of making the man quake.

"That's not my prerogative to say, Langdon." You stand, scooting your chair back. He watches you, eyes never ceasing to leave your skull.

"Fuck the prerogative." He bites sharply. You wince at the tone, it forces you into complete submission. "Leave. I will finish this interview later." Langdon waves his hand, sending you scurrying out of the room.

You close the door to Venable's office behind you, before collapsing against it. You breathe out harshly, hating how the man made a submissive out of you by one glance. His smell still lingers in your sinuses. It falls deliciously on your taste buds. You can taste him.


It was after dinner, when Langdon found himself standing at the door to your private suite every purple was equipped with. He brought his fist up to the heavy wood of the carved door, and knocked rhythmically. He crossed his hands back behind him as he waited for you to answer, not-so-patiently.

"Langdon?" You asked, covering your body that was covered by the heavy underwear you were instructed to wear under your dresses. His eyes raked down your body discreetly before parting his lips. "Is this a part of my interview?"

"Isn't everything?" He hummed, pushing his way past you and into your large candlelit room. You close the door behind yourselves, following Langdon's every move. He glances down at your abandoned dress sprawled on the ground before bending over and picking it up. You clear your throat and let your arms fall around your corset.

"I came to continue your interrogation, Y/N. You left rather quickly earlier today," He draped the gown delicately across the bed and cocked his head to the left before making his way towards you.

"You told me to leave, Mr. Langdon," You murmur, just now noticing how constricting your corset is. Langdon circles around you, his hand dragging across your waist. You still your breathing as he completes his circle around you.

"Tell me, Y/N, are you sexually attracted to me?" His words come out hoarse, he's too close to you. Again, you still your breathing, fearing it would startle him.

You clear your throat and whisper out bravely, "Does the thought of that excite you?" He chuckles, and suddenly you want to disappear.

"Does the thought of that excite you?" His hands make their way up your torso and down your arms. Goosebumps erupt in their awakening.

"That depends," You continue speaking lowly, afraid somebody, god forbid Ms. Venable, hear. Michael drops his hands before wrapping his hand around your neck and pulling you forward, roughly.

"And so," His lips drug slowly over yours, sparks stabbing you from the inside out. "I can have you bent over this bed with as much effort as it takes me to take a fucking step forward. And yet, you dare still defy me?"

You swallow back the lump in your throat, and smirk. "You're so full of shit." Your heart pounds loudly in your chest from defying him further. He lets go of your throat, and you get your first full breath in, in a while. Langdon tucks a piece of hair behind his ear before flicking his wrist, sending you flying across the room. You land on the bed, mindfucked.

"Dear, Y/N, It would be so much easier if you'd listen." He pouted. Your eyes are wide, staring up at him. "I ask you again, are you sexually attracted to me?"

You sniffle before nodded wordlessly. He makes a noise of disapproval, and you speak up. "Yes," He smirks, seemingly pleased by your answer.

"As am I, pretty witch." He turns you over roughly before untying the straps on the corset, and loosening the garment. He slides it off your body and feels down your torso. His hands snow-like against your too heated skin.

"Excuse me?" Your voice is muffled by the sheets, so you figure he can't hear you. Instead you quiet, wanting to know what he'll do next to you. His nimble fingers unclasp your bra, sliding the delicate material down your arms. Next is your underwear.

They go quickly, and all too suddenly you're naked under a fully clothed, and a seemingly magical man. Your life hasn't ever been this exhilarating. His hands stroke your back heavenly, and you preen, arching your back.

"What should I do with you now, Y/N?" He moves his hands down in between your legs, and you can already feel the heat coiling mercilessly in the pit of your stomach as his large hand cups your pussy lightly. You bite back a moan, hating how the small touch elicited such a response from your defiant body. You were so close.

His fingers dance around your entrance, denying you the pleasure you craved by a mere millimetre. You whine in frustration, of course, Langdon is a fucking tease. "Beg for it, slut." His fingers still, hovering just above where you needed him.

"Please- Please, Langdon, I need it. So, so bad." You whine, rutting your hips back. He retracts his hand and delivers a sharp slap to your ass. You wince and buck forward. He chuckles and removes himself from the bed completely, leaving you naked and needy.

"Good night Ms. Y/L/N." He shuts the door softly behind himself as he exits, and you want to cry. You turn over in the bed, covering yourself up with one of the thin white blankets the room was equipped with.

2 days later

"I've made my decision," Langdon again, shut and locked the door to Venable's office. You sigh, taking your normal seat parallel to him. Langdon has been inviting you to his office every day since he arrived at the outpost. Some days he'd kiss you, and leave you on the brink. And others, he'd just talk to you, picking your mind.

"Shouldn't you be telling everyone? And not just me?" You cross your legs and watch from the corner of your eye as he stalks towards you, his hands gripped behind his back. He tsked, stopping behind you and curling his fingers under your dress. You gasp, his icy hands cruel on your skin.

"Oh, but I wanted to tell you privately, thought I'd be more... sensual." He whispers directly into your ear before starting to unzip the back of your Victorian style dress. You roll your eyes, no stranger to his teasing ways.

"You can get off of me if you think you're going to feel me up, and leave me strung up to dry." You bit. He was taken aback slightly at your tone, and you smile, knowing you did that to him. He wraps his hand around your throat and pulls your head back by your neck, cutting off your airways.

"Seems you've grown some balls these last couple days, Y/N, and I do not appreciate it." His eyes flicker down to your sun-deprived lips and back up to your annoyed eyes. You roll them, fed up with the teasing from Langdon. You wish he'd just fuck you and leave.

"Bite me,"

He lets up on your throat and allows you to look forward again. You huff, crossing your arms across your chest. Langdon continues to drag your zipper down, the only sound in the room is the fire crackle, and the drag of the zipper. "All in good time," He answered finally.

His hands snake under the fabric and down your arms before sliding it off completely. You swallow thickly as the dress lays limp against your lap. He orders you to stand, and you do so. Gravity allows the dress to fall completely from your body, and you sigh. The only thing showing is your undergarments Langdon knew oh, so well.

"Now, I've always thought women looked divine in a corset. Especially during sex." He wraps his arms around your torso and pulls you back roughly, his front pressing into your back. You gasp, feeling the prominent bulge in his pants against your white underwear-clad ass. "That's why I shall not remove it. Not this time."

"Who said I was going to let you fuck me? I'm not that easy, Langdon." You defy, feeling him shift against your back. He chuckles, the noise filling your ears like a melody. "Who said I wasn't?"

His fingers hook in the waistband of your underwear before he pulls them down, letting them gather at your ankles. "Shame. I'd fuck you nice and hard. Leave you limping by the end of the night." You lift your head, baring your neck. He lets you go, but you don't move.

"I didn't say you couldn't fuck me." You squeeze your eyes shut, hating yourself for being so needy. He chuckles, again, taking you by the throat and pressing his lips roughly into yours. You let him take complete dominance of the kiss, afraid you'd mess something up.

His teeth take your bottom lip hostage in a tight grip, He bites down harder, drawing a bead of blood. Langdon licks over the wound, humming at the warm taste. You whine, drawing your body forwards, just needing more. He understands you, almost as he can read your mind. He pulls away from you, blue eyes boring into your soul. "Help me with my belt? Sometimes it can be quite the pain in my ass,"

You roll your eyes before reaching down to unclasp his belt. He slaps your hands away and points to the ground, an expectant look in his eyes. "Kneel." You sigh before falling to your knees. The floor is cold against your naked legs, but you don't care. Your entire body is on fire. You lift your hands to unravel the smooth leather belt from his slacks. You undo the buckle quickly before unclasping the button and unzipping his fly. He smirks down at you fumbling with his pants.

He finds it amusing.

You reach your hand in his boxers and wrap it around his thick length. He slaps your hands away again before ordering you to stand. You pull your hands from his boxers, flustered. He turns you over and pushes you against Venable's desk roughly. Everything he does is quick as he lines himself up with your entrance. You bite back a moan, just wanting him already.

The sexual tension Langdon built up in these last couple of days were bursting at the seams, and it would finally be relieved. A long, breathy moan bubbles from your throat as you feel him push into you slowly before bottoming out, his hips flush against your bare ass.

"Mr Langdon? We must speak at once about your interviews!" Venable's voice penetrates the room from outside of the door, but Langdon doesn't still. In fact, he speeds up, his bony hips snapping up sickeningly.

"Not right now, Whillemena. I've told you not to interrupt while I am in an interview!" He grunts out, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling you back. You hiss, the pain erupting from your scalp all the way down your legs. You hear Ms Venable's cane tap once on the ground before she saunters off.

You let all your moans rip, not fearing getting caught anymore. Langdon drinks in the noises you make, loving how responsive he can get you. All too soon you feel the delightfully hot heat trickle throughout the pit of your stomach, and you whine, focusing on the delicious drag of Langdon's dick against your velvety walls.

"Can I cum? Please?" You have no idea why you're asking him. With any of your other partners, you would just cum on your own. If you even came at all, that is. Langdon was different, though. He spent nearly the whole week teasing you, and all that tension was being unravelled by an invisible string.

"No. Not until I finish," He grunted, gripping your hips tightly. The indent of his rings would surely bruise over by tomorrow, and he'd be marked his. You whined high in your throat, not knowing when Langdon was going to release. All you knew was that you were teetering on the edge of a steep cliff. And you needed him.

"Cum, love. Cum now," He stilled his hips, burying his fingers in your fleshy hips tightly as he emptied his load inside of you. The feeling of him trickling down your walls was all you needed before you came with a long drawn out cry of Langdon's name.

"Did I get in?" You asked breathlessly.


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