An Earls lie or a scoundrels...

By ArabellaLewis

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Historical romance full of scandalous liaisons. Mature content Id love to hear any comments! When Elizabeth W... More

And he had returned
A spirited ride
The delectable Miss Walker
A proposition & a wager or three
An Earls lie or a Scoundrels promise
A Dangerous game
The She-Devil
God, it felt extraordinary
Let us mourn the men we were and welcome the men we are
And not just in mens clothing.
And she was lost.
she let herself fall for him on a promise he would catch her
a beautiful angel stood in his doorway
She closed her eyes and listened
Open your eyes
We are afterall, only human
First she had to decide
His deepest fear and his biggest dream had come at once
He gave her one last smile.

She was most definitely in over her head.

3.5K 206 2
By ArabellaLewis

Chapter 17 – She was definitely in over her head

The following week, Elizabeth awoke as normal. She made passionate love to her husband before reluctantly letting him go out on business. She took breakfast and hot chocolate in her room, met with the house keeper and had Mary help her with the finishing touches to Blake's surprise before making her way to the stable early afternoon, mounting Misty and riding across the land as normal. But this time. She would be sure to be back slightly earlier than normal.

Melissa watched her ride in the same direction she a;ways did and disappear out of site. She huffed to herself 'predictable'. She made her way through the gardens and using the side door at the west side of the house, she had been able to slip in undetected. She donned a simple Grey gown that allowed her to blend in with the house and its staff. This time she had no gift to leave the happy couple. She simply wanted to nose through their belongings. There had to be another way of getting to her, of unsettling their perfect life. A life that should have been hers.

She had been through the study and library several times with nothing of interest to her. She crossed the foyer and studied the family portraits that lined its walls. She could have been on these walls. She looked to the newest and more recently commissioned of portraits. A few years old at least, but the golden eyes bore into her. He was so handsome. And he didn't want her. Everybody wanted her. He had wanted her at one time. How could he not want her now?

She made her way upstairs, keeping her head low and her face hidden. She picked up a pile of clean linen that lay folded neatly outside a chamber door and made her way toward the Masters room. She clicked the door shut and dropped the linen to a crumpled mass. When had things got so bad? She dusted off her hands and sauntered around the large bed. The room was cold and lonely, like it wasn't used often. She crossed the large expanse of wooden floor to the next door that led to the dressing room, she could smell him, his scent clung to the air.

She reached the adjoining room, What could have been her room. She opened the door wide and sashayed through as if it really was her own and over to the massive bed where she had been leaving special gifts for the Countess on discovering her secret. She noticed a small note atop the bed covers, she lay across the bed and plucked the note to read.

'My Love,

I shall count the seconds until I can hold you once more.

Your Husband

She crumpled the paper in her hand. Disgusting. She had thought him in love with herself once. Yet he had never shown so much affection to herself. He had never sent her a note of declaration and never of love. Nothing so personal, she stood and threw the crumpled letter to the floor. She turned and was caught quite by surprise by the last person she expected to see. The woman who had taken her place here.

Lizzie watched the woman lie across her bed, watched her read the note she had deliberately left to be found, when she stood she braced herself. Fight Lizzie, fight for you future. Fight for you family. This is the woman who had conspired with the devil himself to keep her and Blake apart.


She could see the shock on Lady Bovingdons face as she froze, before composing herself and giving a sadistic smile, crossing her arms over her large chest.

'Well done Elizabeth. I'm impressed'

'It's Countess to you, or Lady Arrington if your prefer.'

Her face dropped. Her plan had worked wonderfully. Who knew she could be so cunning. She had guessed that Melissa would be watching to see her leave. And when she did she would make her move, she had circled back on herself and watched the woman slip in her home. She would be sure to check all keys and how many copies of each existed.

Despite the fact this woman had been caught red handed trespassing, Melissa didn't seem worried in the slightest. She made her way across the room over to Lizzie's vanity and sat upon the stool, she brushed her hand across her cheek and tucked an errant hair behind her ear. She looked at her in the mirror as she spoke. It was eerily familiar

'I hope you received my gifts.' She turned on the stool to face her.

'I did.' Melissa smiled 'and?'

Lizzie wouldn't let her know just how much her 'gifts' had affected her.

She spoke again 'what, no thanks? I put a lot of thought into them and they were very, very expensive' She stood from the stool and moved closer to her

'I cannot see how they are appropriate to me.'

Melissa laughed. 'So you mean to tell me you are not increasing? Good god woman your huge. '

Lizzie eyes flicked to the mirror and her hand flinched defensively to her stomach. She didn't think it was that obvious. She had even changed the cut of her dress so that it sat in high under her tender breasts and hung over her swelling belly.

In doing this small act she had just confirmed what Melissa knew to be true. She scolded herself.

Melissa wore a smug look on her face. 'You are a terrible liar. If Blake has not yet figured it out...perhaps he just thinks you've gotten fat'

She shrugged her shoulders 'He used to be so perceptive. A little slow but he always noticed everything about me.'

She hated to hear her husband's name leave this woman's lips. She didn't deserve to say his name.

'My husband is of no concern of yours.'

Melissa laughed. She continued 'Every look I gave him, every laugh we shared, even every freckle upon my body, he knew every single one'

He chose you Lizzie. You're his wife. She just trying to hurt you, don't listen.

'Yes, I'm sure he did. Then, him being so perceptive saw what was beneath all of that, and left you alone in your web of lies and deceit, freckles and all'

The woman was playing with her, enraging her. The thought of this woman and her husband made her stomach clench but it gave her a boost on confidence she didn't really feel. She couldn't afford for the sickness to come now. She had to be strong and in control, if she lost control she wasn't sure what would happen.

Lady Bovingdons eyes were harsh and dark. She had thought this woman beautiful at first, but now they were face to face, poison spouting from her mouth, she could really see her for the ugly snake she was. She was pale and lacking life, she was not old, but older than her. She had ways thought she looked so young yet the dark circles under her eyes combined with the crows feet forming at the corner of each eye made her look for the first time her age. Her hair, was dark and dull. It was time to find out what she wanted, why she had come back.

'Enough games. Why are you here?'

Melissa almost looked insulted, as if Lizzie should already know

'This should be mine, this house, this bed'

Elizabeth didn't say a word but watched

'This is my home. With my husband' she watched the delusional woman as she spoke aloud, more to herself that to Lizzie.

'Lady Bovingdon I..' She was cut off by her

'That is not my name.' She looked furious and Elizabeth knew, she was most definitely in over her head.

She should never have tried to deal with this alone 'What should you call yourself then?'

Melissa moved to the door and turned the key with a firm and final click

'Well, You may call me, Lady Arrington of course.'


'I will return next week, I know my wife will be elated to hear of your news and no doubt would love to meet him. Congratulations on the birth of your son Mr Picker'

He shook the young man's hand as a smile broadened his face

'Bless ya sir, Thank ya sir! For everythin.'

Blake left the small house he had been visiting regularly with a smile on his face. He had discovered the dire situation in which Mr and Mrs Picker were suffering silently, the roof leaked and a draft blew endlessly through the small cottage. On discovering that the babe was fast approaching he had made it a priority to see that their home was ready for the arrival of their first son. The work had been carried out over the weeks and had finished just in time. He had seen the small bundle Mrs Picker had cradled, and was amazed at how tiny he was. He had watched the couple smiling at one another when they thought he was not looking, the looks they shared as they watched their baby boy sleep in her arms.

He very much wanted to return to his wife. The sinking sun to the West spurred him on. He missed her. He jumped up onto his curricle and headed straight for home where his loving wife would be waiting for him to join her for supper. His thoughts drifted as he made his way home. After everything they have been through, it almost seemed too good to be true. And when something seemed too good to be true, it normally was.

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