Open your eyes

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chapter 14 - open your eyes


Nobody dare move, no one made a sound, not a breath. The birds stopped singing. The wind died and so did his heart. It seemed an eternity.

'Elizabeth?' he ran forwards and grabbed her as she slumped to the floor.

He held her to him. 'Elizabeth?'


'Elizabeth! Please Elizabeth, open your eyes for me sweetie' he pleaded with her.

'Open your eyes'

Robbie restrained the bastard Baron as he dropped the gun to the floor.

'Elizabeth you're okay. Come on my love, open your eyes, for me'

She lay in his arms and did as he begged.

'Blake?' he nodded and studied her face and body, skimming looking for any serious injuries. Tears filled his eyes as he smoothed her hair back off her face.

'it's me. I'm hear' she smiled a peaceful smile and she peeked through her lashes up at him.

'I knew you would be here, in heaven' he smiled back.

He had never felt so relieved and so happy, so monumentally happy in his entire life than he did at this moment right now

'You're not in heaven my love. You're okay, you're here with me.'

She rubbed her hand along his cheek to feel him, to check if he was real.

Confusions clouded her mind further. She was okay, well she was not dead.

She peered round and saw her brother standing over the Baron clutching at the scruff of his coat, as he lay clutching his shoulder in agony, crimson stained his hands.

She hadn't been shot, She wasn't dead, The Baron had been shot?


HeR bottom lip began to wobble 'Oh Blake. I thought I would never see you again. I was sure'

She turned into his chest and sobbed, holding on for dear life. She inhaled deeply as she cried nuzzling in the safety of his neck, she had longed to touch him, smell him. It reminded her of the night they met, with the exception that they were not strangers anymore, anything but.

'Shhh my love, I'm here, You're safe.'

She continued to weep silently 'I thought I had lost you.'

He kissed the top of her head 'and I you.'

'You took your time' she looked up to see Captain Croft clasp Blake on the shoulder, in his other hand, a pistol.

'I had to wait, I had to be sure he really meant her harm. '

Blake shook his head and sighed in relief 'Thank you friend. I am in debt to you.'

Five rather rough looking men appeared as if out of nowhere and surrounded the Baron. They hauled him onto his feet, She wiggled in Blake's arms to get to her feet, he steadily helped her up and reluctantly let go. She looked at her feet in the gravel and noticed the blood staining her legs and dress. She hurt, a lot, her entire body ached, parts of her she didn't know could hurt, throbbed and burned.

She walked over to where the Baron slumped with a strong menacing looking man under each of his arms. She hugged her brother and squeezed him tight before standing in front of the man who had tried to murder her.

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