His deepest fear and his biggest dream had come at once

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Chapter 18 - his deepest fear, and biggest dream had come at once

Elizabeth stayed where she was. She feared to move. Lady Bovingdon had gone completely mad, and Lizzie being the strong head she was, had thought to deal with this herself, she had thought she could send this woman on her way, out of their lives forever.

She had wanted to keep her husband out of this. She knew he still held himself responsible for what had happened, and very slowly he was coming round, this would only put him back to square one. But now she realised it was one thing to risk herself, she would do anything for her husband, but was she risking the safety of their un born baby.

She edged toward the unlocked door to the dressing room, she could make her escape but she did not get far.

'Hold up missy' Lizzie darted through the door and Melissa had a hold of her wrist before she could make it to the next door that would give her the escape she sort.

'Let go of me!'

she turned ready to fight, she would do whatever she had to.

As she turned to push the woman off her, she was face to face with a shining blade. She stilled and let her arms fall to her tummy. Why had she not thought to bring protection.

Lizzie you fool, what have you done.

Melissa smiled as Lizzie gave up, she noticed the lavish style of the blade and recognition sparked in her eye.

'You have seen this before haven't you?'

Lizzie nodded. She knew who the Blade had belonged too. She had seen it before. She had very nearly used it against the very man to who it once belonged.

She had tried not to let her thoughts linger on that night since she had finally spoke the words aloud and told Blake what had happened. Why she had called off her sham of an engagement to the Baron. She had seen that dagger as he had attempted to rid his clothes and hers. Had Mary and Jones not found her when they did, she didn't want to think what might have happened.

'Fancied it for myself, thought it would be better used by a defenceless woman than that monster.' She watched Melissa shudder as she clearly had memories of her time with the Baron currently flicking through her mind. 'if that imbecile had just done what he was supposed to, this would not be happening '

The knife flicked carelessly through the air. 'Never trust a man Elizabeth, they are all useless. If you want a job done properly, you must do it yourself.

' She tried to swallow but her mouth was dry. She didn't dare take her eye off the blade threatening her.

It was dark when Blake made it back home. The wind had picked up and he was chilled to the bone. Winter was really setting in and he could think of nothing more than a burning fire in the grate whilst making slow love to his wife.

The Perfect end to a cold day spent in the saddle. He approached the house up the main drive way and let his horse and gig be taken to the stable. He could almost feel the warmth of the glowing rooms. He stretched out his frozen fingers as he stepped through the door and slowly warmth wrapped itself around him. He rid his coat and debated with himself, bathe and change before supper, or find his wife now. He had made a habit of coming in and finding her before doing anything else, perhaps this once he would make himself a little more presentable. He looked at the clock ticking in the hallway. He was back early, he had time. He was sure his wife would appreciate he follow some decorum every once in a while, even if it is just at the dinner table.

He sat in the tub of hot water, thinking over his successful day, the small happy family that was safely settled in for the winter, blissfully unaware that his wife was somewhere under the same roof in an all together opposite state of mind.

An Earls lie or a scoundrels promiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang