And she was lost.

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Chapter Eleven - And she was lost

Elizabeth couldn't rid the smile on her face as she got ready for bed. She longed for his touch and hoped he would come to her, but when the hours passed unbearably slowly, Elizabeth knew he wouldn't come, and she should respect that he isn't taking liberties and sneaking into her room in the dead of night when guests slept in every chamber, it was far too risky. But the thought of it made her heart flutter and her legs restless.

The magical momentous morning had set her mood all day. She had given herself to him, in every possible way. Body, heart and soul, and he had given himself in return. She couldn't deny her feelings for him even if she wanted too. She loved him. Loved him until she thought her heart would burst at the seams and it would come flooding out. It filled her body from head to toe and she felt invincible. She was sure of his feelings, they were the same. Not once had she thought of Baron Winters. Not once had she had one of her nightmares, and for the first time in a long time, Elizabeth felt things were changing, and changing for the better. She wanted Blake in her life always. She had parted from him reluctantly after the most perfect morning of her life. They had made love during sunrise and she had felt her spirits sore with the sun. She thought they would never come down. How was it possible for one man to make her feel this way?

All day she had watched him, as hard as she tried to keep her eyes from him, they would always find their way back to him, during the croquet match, in which they had been on opposing teams, Blake partnering her own mother and herself with Freya's father, Lord Mendham. A shorter, rather round man who had known her own father for years, a man whos heart was as big as his belly.

Then it had been almost beyond impossible not to show how happy she was over luncheon on the veranda, when all she wanted to do was touch him, feel him somehow, a small touch of their legs under the table, when he leaned in almost too close to speak to her, she could feel his breath on her ear and neck, it sent a frisson through her body that made her tremble with a need for him. Dinner had been even more torturous, she had dressed as quickly as acceptable so she may see him again, after spending the afternoon finalising wedding plans with Vic, mama and Aunt Lucy.

'I cannot believe I shall be married in a matter of days. Mrs Kendall, Doesn't it sound perfect?'

She smiled fondly at her baby sister. 'It does. I will be the only Miss Walker'

her sister stopped playing with the veil in her hands. 'Not for much longer, you and Lord Arrington have barely been apart'

she blushed lightly under the stare of all the 3 woman in her family.

'He will make a fine husband Lizzie, I knew it from the start'

She stared at her aunt thinking she'd lost all sense, she was very much against an association with the Earl because of his reputation, which ended up being her escape and her saviour.

'I think my aunt, you are right. He would make a fine husband.'

She smiled at her nieces confirming words. She directed the conversation back on the upcoming nuptials and let her mind wander. She longed to talk to him, to see him, and when she walked into the drawing room before dinner he was dressed to perfection, but it was his smile she noticed first, his smile for her.

They had spent most of the day in each other's company, as much as they could without arousing too much attention. She wasn't ready for anyone else to know of her feelings for him, when she had only just admitted them to herself.

Blake tried his best to remember a better day than he had had today, and nothing came to mind. He scolded himself for having taken her innocence before he had made her his wife but he didn't regret it. How could he when it had been so perfect, she was perfect. He had never felt so close to anyone before, like he had known her his whole life instead the month they had only really known each other for. She fitted into his life so quickly and so perfectly, to lose her now would leave a great big gaping hole which he hadn't realised was there before, but now that he did, how had he not known it before?

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